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Name: Ron (kanga) Roos
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 9.33 AM - 3/19 2002

When Ramon finishes his Oz experience there will be a big party in Sydney

We will invite all houseguest and sponsors.
He will go out with a BIG bang………

Dutch On-line promotions


I even heard that Ron is going to pay the entire bill, haha!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.11 AM - 3/19 2002

Hi all

Where do I start? Martin, thanks for the invite and the offer. It would be fun to meet up with you guys there in Netherlands, the backup team, and of course, the Board of Supporters from all over.

Martin, and Bret, if you are ever in SA, then you MUST look me up. Ramon, Gerben, Munk, and the Team can give you my details. If they are not too jealous... :-)

I've just bought a house, and moved in last week. There is more space than there was when Ramon was here.

Bret, thanx for your compliment. Also, your comments about Munk and his team are so true. We must support them too. The backup team are like the producers and backstage staff in a TV show, movie, or theatre production. They are absolutely crucial, but virtually never seen.

Anyone for a beer?

Sala kahle


Name: João Paglione
City, Country: Coral springs, Florida
Sent: 5.00 AM - 3/19 2002

Hi Ramon!

I began to follow your website just before I planned a cross-country car trip from Florida to California. We drove a 1961 Volkswagen Beetle. Your website helped inspire us in a wierd way. I continued to read it when I lived in LA and always thought about starting my own travel site. Finally, I moved to New York after 9/11 (not what most people would do!) and worked there for a few months. During that time, I became even more active in internet travel sites. Eventually, I founded a travel community with a friend in Ecuador. It's called UNUM and it is latin for ALL. We post links to your site there and many of our members are also fans!!

Take care and good luck in Oz!!

Don't forget to stay with us when you are in Florida.

Joao Paglione

Name: Martin
City, Country: Roden, Netherlands
Sent: 2.07 AM - 3/19 2002

Bret and Brian:

You know you are welcome at Ramon's place when his 'project' is over (i gues he could go on for ever).
If that time comes, please let me know, i'll buy you guys a beer. Maybe 2.
One day i will go to SA and the USA.
Maybe i need a place to sleep ;-)

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.31 PM - 3/18 2002

I'm coming to you if ever I need a mission statement. I support this mission statement 100%. :-) Maybe we should add. "We shall always support Ramons backup-team in good times as well as bad, and to send them kudos for their tremendous job."

Now if there is some way to buy the backup team a beer, or beverage of their choice. You know, just to smooth things out. We can't be upsetting the back up team. I'm open for suggestions.

As always, happy trails Ramon, always looking forward to your next report.

Brian, keep those good posts coming.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 12.24 PM - 3/18 2002

Hi all

Bret, I laughted at your description of us:- "Board Members"! Good one, Bret. Doesn't that seem odd, we know virtually nothing about each other, only that we all support Ramon and all he does.

Hail! The start of the Let-me-stay-for-a-day Board of Supporters. How about a mission statement? Mmmmmm, "Our mission is to support and encourage Ramon when it's needed, and even when it's not needed, and to defend his actions in the face of criticism." Sounds cool, hey! :-)

Keep going, Ramon, your reports are always facinating, always professional, and always entertaining.

Brian, members of my backup-team are getting jealous! They think I won't need them anymore soon. :-)

Name: Tom
City, Country: Hong Kong
Sent: 10.59 AM - 3/18 2002

I just read the article in the South China Morning Post magazine about you (it was published yesterday). Too bad you couldn't stay longer in Hong Kong, there is so much to see in this amazing city. I run a record label in Hong Kong and the same woman (Fionnualla) interviewed me awhile back for the SCMP.

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 11.35 AM - 3/15 2002

I really want to say thank you to Jan and Joke for including me in their post. I was quite tickled when I read it. You really are special people, and it shows throught that wonderful son of yours. Of course I'm not going to stop here, because I also want to give a shout out to my fellow board members, Sylvia, Joan, Brian, Donatella, Munk, Gerben (waiting for that report), and all others who's names escape me at this moment. It's good to see you all here.

To everyone else new to the board, as you can see there are some great people here who are sharing Ramons Adventure. Welcome and enjoy.

You reported that your place is a dump? Ahhh, my friend, it is not a dump, it's a place where you put all you STUFF! See! now it's got some meaning to it. Personally I like Black and White, even though I'm a color printer. If you still use film as apposed to digital, and your looking for some neat effects, let me know. I know some neat processes. Take Care all, talk soon.


Bret, please contact me to get in contact with Munk to keep this board on-topic. Thanks.

Name: Genny
City, Country: Toronto, Canada
Sent: 12.45 AM - 3/15 2002

Small world! I know Stan Fung's sister! :)

Name: Mischa
City, Country: Zwolle, the Netherlands
Sent: 2.04 PM - 3/14 2002

I wonder what's wrong with those people that keep writing that your project sucks... I just took a quick tour down this messageboard, but they seem to appear every few days. Why bother, guys? There's plenty of room on the internet where jealous fellows like you don't get frustrated by another one's creativity...

Name: Janske
City, Country: Bergeijk, The Netherlands
Sent: 12.25 PM - 3/14 2002

God, I thought you were the blond one and I the brunette, but now it feels the other way around! Thanks anyway!

Name: Janske
City, Country: Bergeijk, The Netherlands
Sent: 11.16 AM - 3/14 2002

Oh so true, Martin! Although I know for sure where Ramon got it's idea for the worldtravel, now I wonder if he hadn't been able to go sooner if the K's Choice song had thesame impact on him then! Anyway, this is going to have to be his 'lijflied'! (Ramon, help me out, what's that in english?)

That's "life song", Janske. ;-)

Name: Martin
Hometown: Netherlands
Sent: 12.11 AM - 3/14 2002

K's Choice

Cocoon Crash (1998)
Everything for Free

I don't know who you are

But you seem very nice
So will you talk to me
Shall I tell you a story
Shall I tell you a dream
They think I'm crazy
But they don't know that I like it here
It's nice in here, I get everything for free

Have you been here before

Shall I show you around
It's very pretty
Have you come here to stay
Well, you sure picked a day
My name is Billy
It's my birthday, you're invited to my party down the hall

Where I go, what I'll become or who I am or what I'll be

I'll never know, but I am sure that I'll get everything for free

I'm not troubled or sad

I'm just ready for bed
It's been a long day
Before they switch off the lights
It truly was a delight
They think I'm crazy
But they don't know that I like it here
It's nice in here

Where I go, what I'll become or who I am or what I'll be

I'll never know, but I am sure that I'll get everything for free

Where I go, what I'll become or who I am or what I'll be

I'll never know, but I am sure that I'll get everything for free
Everything for free

I don't know who you are

But you seem very nice
So will you talk to me
Have you been here before
Well, you sure picked a day
They think I'm crazy

I don't know why, but this my favorite song by the Belgium band K's choice. Everytime i hear it i think about Ramon and his project.

Happy birthday to your website and i hope there will be some more candles on the cake..

Cheers mate!

Listen to K's Choice online or visit their website at

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 11.49 PM - 3/13 2002

Hello to everyone down in Oz!

If you haven't yet invited Ramon to stay with you for a day, you are missing out on sharing his 'Great Adventure'. He is great company and you immediately feel a great fondness for Ramon and also very protective of him and it is sad to see him go after what seems to be far too short a visit of just one day.
Go on, invite Ramon, otherwise you will miss out!

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 11.32 PM - 3/13 2002

Hi Brian, Bret, Donatella, Sylvia, and everyone. It's great to be back and seeing all the familiar folks again, and new folks too. And of course enjoying Ramon's travels, journals, meeting his hosts and hostesses, and seeing the great pictures. I have found myself going back and "retraveling" to some of the previous places again this past week, refreshing my memory with the great South Africa trip and pictures.

Good luck Ramon, travel happy and safe. Take care everyone. Enjoy the ride. :-)

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 10.05 PM - 3/13 2002

hello, I hope this message will be published, although it ain't that relevant to the website. I've read the previous messageboard and I just want to say a word to brian (from SA): welcome back to you, as well. here we are, "folks", ready to follow the new australian chapter!

thanks for publishing, donatella

Name: Genny
City, Country: Toronto, Canada
Sent: 8.57 PM - 3/13 2002

Great photos of the fog in the Blue Mtns. I had similar weather on my trip to the Blue Mtns when I was in Oz 1.5 years ago. People didn't believe me when I told them about the thick fog and now I will just point them to your website for proof! I'm also glad to see pictures of the Jenolan caves which we had to skip because of poor road visibility on my day trip to Katoomba.

Try not to miss New Zealand, Ramon. It's a lovely country. Don't forget to have some kiwi fruit while you're there. It tastes way better in NZ than anything that is exported.

Re: the question from Sue on 03/12, I found out from a tour of some limestone caves in Texas that living limestone formations turn black if they are touched because the oils and dirt from the skin are transferred to the limestone and form a barrier, preventing further growth of the formations. The scientific reason for the blackness wasn't entirely explained, but perhaps there is a chemical reaction between the oils and the impurities in the limestone which results in a darkening of the rock.

Name: Christian Ampt
City, Country: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 7.22 PM - 3/13 2002

You rock man. What a awesome idea. I think it is great to see that people do have a generous heart. Not just arond Christmas but in the middle of March. It is great to see so many people take you on board in Australia and I proud to say I am one of them. When you do come to stay I hope you come between April and September because I would like to take you to see the greatest game in the world at the greatest sporting venue in the world, Australian Football at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. A Essendon v Richmond or Carlton v Collingwood game would be great. The crouds are huge them days. A pack house of 80,000 - 90,000 screaming fans. It is a awesome site to see. Then there is actual game. Fast funning game with freaky goals, spectacular marks, smuthers, steal, punts and torpedos. You will love it. At half time we can enjoy a bear and a pie at half time. You are insperation Ramon. Enjoy your time in Australia and don't listen to any negative comments people try to dish out to you. Your awesome man!

Name: Pakize Kaya
City, Country: Ýzmir, Turkey
Sent: 3.29 PM - 3/13 2002

Hi Ramon, Where are you now? We are waiting you to come Turkey, it will be very exciting! Have a great journey.

Name: Janske
City, Country: Bergeijk, The Netherlands
Sent: 3.20 PM - 3/13 2002

Indeed, Brian, I'm also honoured te be in Jan and Joke's list, but the list might be longer, luckily for Ramon. He's still meeting people and his horizon is getting wider and wider. No photo on this website can tell how much.

Anyway, Ramon, congratulations with the first anniversary of your site, although I'm starting to believe it's going to be a neverending story! (Oh no! Not again! No more travels please, no more camera-crews, no more newspaper-articles! ;) Hihi!)

Name: Shawnnita Fairbairn
City, Country: Moranbah, Australia
Sent: 12.40 PM - 3/13 2002

Ramon, I think that what you are doing shows that there are many wonderful and good hearted people in this world! Good for you for bringing it out in them!! Thanks!

Name: Harold
City, Country: OZ
Sent: 12.20 PM - 3/13 2002

You have really got it all together, Had the guts to

go out and do what most of us don't. your tales are
great, And that Camera does a pretty good job. Or
is it the driver ? Good on you mate, keep on doing it.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.45 AM - 3/13 2002

Hi Ramon

Firstly, happy birthday to your website. Yes, others have said it, but it's an honest sentiment.

Secondly, a great big huge thank you to Jan and Joke for including me in that special list. Especially after I tried to feed you with something that you don't eat! :-)

And, wow! I understand what you mean about Australia reminding you of South Africa. We all get to see the Sydney Harbour photos, but we don't normally see the stunning places that you have shown us on your website.

Australia really is beautiful. And they have better cricket players than we do. :-( We won't talk about Super 12...

Ramon, you are still widening our horisons, and opening up our minds, to see other cultures, other countries, and other scenes, that we are never able to see in tourist brochures. Your reports are the facts, not the glory.

An equally great huge thank you must go to you for being as objective as you can. It's really cool to see such incredible journalism.

Then there are the backup team. Munk, Gerben, and the others, keep up the hard work. Keep your friend out there, but in touch with you guys.

Jeez, that sounds like a speech! Aaarrrrggghhhh!!!!

All the best


Name: Ann-Maree
City, Country: Darwin, Australia
Sent: 5.42 AM - 3/13 2002

Good for you Ramon, hope we get to see you up here in the Top End. I think what you are doing is fantastic - who knows - you could spawn a whole new generation of free travellers ?

Don't listen to the whingers - they'd grizzle if their arse was on fire ! Bloody Australians.

Name: Grant
City, Country: sydney Australia
Sent: 4.16 AM - 3/13 2002

Hey Ramon, I hope you have a fantastic time here in Oz. it's such an amazing journey that your doing, I'm so jealous. The wed site is great.


Name: Sylvia (lucky being past host)!
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 2.00 AM - 3/13 2002

Hi Ramon
"Happy Birthday - Happy Birthday - Happy Birthday" and well done on your first year of "LetMeStayForADay.Com" web site. What a brilliant time you are going to be having down in Australia. Thanks to your mum and dad for the mention! Jan and Joke, you must be so proud of Ramon and it is good that we all feel part of your extended family. I can't wait for the Book at the end of his travels!

Lots of love
Sylvia and Family xxx

Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 12.07 AM - 3/13 2002

hello ramon, let me say "happy birthday" to your website! I've seen the pictures of your latest report.. you lucky! such a marvellous places, amazing landscapes (especially the blue river). thanks to your parents of mentioning me, among the others; I think they should be proud, even only for your risky "bridge climbing"...

enjoy the adventure! ciao, donatella

Name: Jan & Joke Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Ouderkerk a/d IJssel
Sent: 9.11 PM - 3/12 2002

We as parents of Ramon enjoy the stories and pics from Ramon of course also very much. But we also enjoy the messageboard with messages of all those members of the lmsfad-family. as Bret, Brian, Janske, Sylvia, Gerben, Anna, Donatelle and all the others. We hope that you all will enjoy again the stories and photographs which Ramon shows us and will give him support in heavy wheather

Name: Sue
City, Country: California
Sent: 8.50 PM - 3/12 2002

1. Thanks to Channel 9 for arranging your tour of the Blue Mountains and the caves! These wonderful photos have certainly expanded my appreciation for Australia's natural beauty! 2. Thanks for the close-ups you included on some of your tour shots. 3. Why will the crystals (in the cave) turn black forever if you touch them?

Name: Rhonda
City, Country: Gold Coast. Australia.
Sent: 2.42 PM - 3/12 2002

Welcome to Australia Ramon! I heard about your journey

tonight from a friend who saw the program on TV. He has invited you to his home and I say Welcome! Enjoy! The majority of us are ok. Don't let the Turkeys get you down Lovey. I'm sure there are idiots in every country you go to. Stay Safe.

Name: Daryn
City, Country: Johannesburg, South Africa
Sent: 1.51 PM - 3/12 2002

Ramon, fantastic buddy, absolutely fantastic.

I'm on my own 2 year travel program and am completely blown away by how great your project is and how successful it has become.
I am in Sydney now and saw the excerpt about you on Channel 9, I thought you came off brilliantly and it was just unfortunate that the interviewer (or her producer) tried to portray you as a freeloader. I thought it was pathetic trying to get you to say you're lazy and don't want to work.
What these people have to realize is that you'd need to work for 6 months to travel for 6 months and that's valuable time wasted, You've generated one way of getting around that and you deserve more respect than I can give.
What the interviewer and her producer should realise is that you work just as hard as them. The amount of time and effort put into your website is astounding and having the commitment to write entries each day is tough as well. You have brought a lot of publicity to small companies who have gained just as much as you.
Congrats and good luck for the rest of your travels.


Name: Janske
City, Country: Bergeijk, The Netherlands
Sent: 1.36 PM - 3/12 2002

Munk, Don't beg.... you can easily buy your curtains!

Ramon, well, what's that for a welcome in Australia? Thought that people were nice overthere, but now I'm doubting... Relax, as soon as they know who you are, they understand the idea, and they'll be happy to have you over. (But, as Miek said, just for a day or two! ;) Hahaha ). Good luck, hear from you soon!

Name: Dogsy
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 1.34 PM - 3/12 2002

What are these w..kers (would prefer to use the F... word)saying. They are obviously not real Australians. You'll find any real Aussie would be quite happy to give you a beer in exchange for a good old yarn at the pub or around the Barbie!!! There's nuthin' more that your good old aussie fella or Lady like's than a free Beer/Beverage (Free Piss!!!). Your trip is just an extention of that desire for the good old freebie!!!. Maybe you like travelling more than beer, I dunno!!!

Good On ya dude, watch out for those A...holes out there, coz there's plenty of 'em!!!
Hey maybe you buy me a beer and I tell you a story!!! Ha no wukas

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