Name: Period

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Name: ___________________________________________________ Period: __________

It’s time for research! You will be randomly assigned an organism of the Chesapeake Bay. Your assignment is to create an advertisement for the personals section of the Chesapeake Bay Times, describing the features and special circumstances of your organism. Through your research, you will become the resident expert on your organism.

Be sure to include information concerning:

  • The organisms common name/ Scientific name (genus and species)

  • Description of habitat

  • How it obtains nourishment (what it eats)

  • Role in the food chain (what level in the food chain/who eats it/predator/ prey/consumer/ producer)

  • Appearance of the organism

  • Life cycle (be VERY specific)

  • Status (this category varies widely by organism. Possible topics include how it is affected by pollution, population size changes, endangered, harvested, etc. An example would be if you were being overharvested to the verge of extinction.)

  • Interesting facts (wonderful or astounding things about your organism)

  • A labeled colored drawing or picture of the organism with a scale for size comparison

Project options:

  1. Create a mini-poster, including picture, should be in one side of a piece of 8.5”x11” or 9”x12” construction paper. The mini poster can be typed but the picture should be hand-drawn with labels. The poster needs to be neat, attractive, and colorful.

  2. Create a presentation using Prezi or Powerpoint showcasing your organism and its’ specific information (items listed above).

  3. Design a website for your organism. The website should be informative, creative, and entertaining. is a great site to use to complete this option.

  4. Student choice: If you have a different idea on how to present information about your critter, please discuss your idea with your science teacher and gain approval first.

***All options must include a bibliography with at least 3 resources. Bibliography must use the correct format as directed by the media center, and include citations for where you obtained your information and pictures for your project.


Some Chesapeake Bay Organisms

Water strider

Canada Goose

Striped Bass

Sea Nettle

Mantis Shrimp


Herring Gull


Sea Squirt


Mole Crab

Canvasback Duck


Atlantic Ribbed Mussel

Channel Catfish


Black-crowned Night Heron


Eastern Oyster


Horseshoe Crab

Green-backed Heron

American Eel

Common Sea Star


Black-fingered Mud Crab

Great blue Heron


Redbeard Sponge

Oyster Toadfish

Banded Hermit Crab


Lined Seahorse

Moon Jellyfish

Atlantic Silverside

Broad-clawed Hermit Crab

Downy Woodpecker

Green Goby

Wild Celery

Atlantic Croaker


American Widgeon

Summer Flounder

Water Stargrass

Atlantic Menhaden

Bay Anchovy


Northern Puffer


Marsh Fiddler Crab

Sand Fiddler Crab

Snowy Egret


Smooth Cordgrass

Blue Crab

Nine-spined Spider Crab


American Shad

Widgeon Grass

Sea Cucumber

Macoma Clam




Red-jointed Fiddler Crab

Red-winged blackbird

White Perch


Grass Shrimp

Belted Kingfisher

Atlantic Needlefish

Marsh Periwinkle

Name: ___________________________________________ Organism: _____________________________________

You will be graded as follows: Total: 100 points


Gradations of quality

Common name

3 points

Prominent on poster (3)

Given and easy to find (2)

Given but hard to find (1)

Not given (0)

Scientific name

3 points

Underlined or italicized with only genus capitalized (3)

Underlined or italicized with incorrect capitalization (1)

Correct capitalization but not underlined or italicized (1)

Not given (0)


8 points

Gives at least 3 clear and accurate details (8)

Gives 2 clear and accurate details (6)

Gives some details but may include some inaccuracies (4)

Gives very few or no details; inaccurate information (2)


8 points

Identifies and explains specific food source (8)

Gives food source but not in great detail (6)

Does not give specific food source (4)

Gives no or inaccurate information about nourishment (2)

Role in food chain (who eats it)

8 points

Gives details about place in food chain (8)

Gives some details about place in food chain (6)

Gives little information about place in food chain (4)

Gives very few or no details; inaccurate information about place in food chain (2)

Life cycle

8 points

Gives at least 3 clear and accurate details (8)

Gives 2 clear and accurate details (6)

Gives some details but may include some inaccuracies (4)

Gives very few or no details; inaccurate information (2)


6 points

Gives clear and accurate details about a special feature or characteristic (6)

Gives some details; may include some inaccuracies about a special feature or characteristic (4)

Gives very few details; inaccurate information about a special feature or characteristic (2)

Gives no details; inaccurate information about a special feature or characteristic (0)

Interesting Facts

6 points

Gives intriguing and surprising information not required in another category (6)

Gives intriguing information not required in another category with some detail (4)

States information not required in another category with little detail (2)

None given (0)

Picture of organism with labels

5 points

Clear, colorful with indication of size and descriptive labels (5)

Colorful picture, but, missing descriptive labels (3)

Picture too small or indistinct to be representative of organism and no descriptive labels (1)

No Picture or labels (0)

Project Appearance

10 points

Neat, colorful, attractive with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization; varied complete sentences; correct size (10)

Includes incorrect spelling, incorrect capitalization, incorrect punctuation, incomplete sentences, sentences not varied, size incorrect (8)

Little or no color, sloppy, disorganized (6)

Needs to be heavily edited or rewritten (4)


8 points

3 sources; all correct format (8)

2 sources and/ or incorrect format (6)

1 source and/ or incorrect format (4)

No sources (0)

Use of class time

12 points

Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time; is self directed and works independently (12)

Usually uses time well throughout the class, but may have procrastinated at some points; is on task the majority of the time (10)

Tends to procrastinate, but gets things done by the deadlines; needs direction from teacher to stay on task (7)

Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND has inadequate time management; regardless of teacher input does not stay on task (5)


15 points

Presentation is loud enough so entire class can hear; clear pronunciation; entertaining; good eye contact made; between 2-5 minutes long (15)

Presentation is loud enough about 80% of the time; mispronounced words; good eye contact; presentation is over or under by 2 minutes (13)

Presentation is loud enough about 60% of the time; mispronounced words; poor eye contact; presentation is 1-2 minutes long (10)

Presentation is often too soft to be heard; cannot be understood; does not look at people during presentation; presentation is 1 minute long (5)

Other comments:

Note sheet/ Graphic organizer

Common name

Scientific name

Underlined or italicized with only genus capitalized


Abundant and accurate details of where your organism lives


Identify consumer vs. producer and explain specific food source

Role in food chain (who eats it)

Details about place in food chain

Life cycle

Abundant and accurate details

Special circumstance

Abundant and accurate details about a special feature or characteristic

Excellent trivia

Intriguing and surprising information not required in another category

Picture of organism

Clear, colorful with indication of size

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