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Constitution of the Philippines article II, section 8 prohibits nuclear weapons
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Council of Ministers’ Decision no.26 of 2004 on the establishment of a National Weapons-Ban Committee
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Constitution of the State of Qatar article 68 implements international treaties
Republic of Korea
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Constitution chapter I, article 6 automatically implements international treaties
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Atomic Energy Act
Act for the Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency
Criminal Code
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Firearms, Knives and Explosives Control Act (FKECA)
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Law on the safe deployment of nuclear activities no. 111/10 October 1996
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Law on the safe deployment of nuclear activities no. 111/10 October 1996
Russian Federation
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Decision no. 733 of 18 October 2001 designating the National Authority
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Federal Act on Ratification of the CTBT of 2000, article 4 grants until EIF legal capacity to the Preparatory Commission as well as privileges and immunities as are necessary for independent exercise of functions to the Preparatory Commission, staff and delegates
Decree No 2872/36n of 29 February 2012: Amending the List, approved by Decree No 4938/33n of 9 April 2007 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation , of international organizations and their representatives conducting activities on the territory of the Russian Federation to whim the sale of goods, labour and services for official use is subject to a value added tax rate of 0 per cent
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Counter-Terrorism Act , 2009 ( Section 4- Chapter 2, Article 23, 105)
San Marino
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Constitution of Senegal title IX, article 98 automatically implements international treaties
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WIND Nuclear Decommission Programme 2002
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Constitution article 64.4 automatically implements international treaties as soon as they have been ratified
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Explosives Act
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2004, section 2 (iii) (c )
Firearms and Ammunitions Act
Penal Code
Sierra Leone
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The Explosives Act (2001)
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Arms & Explosives Act
Corrosive & Explosive Substances Act & Offensive Weapons Act (Chapter 65)
Explosive Substances Act (Chapter 10)
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Constitution of Slovakia section 1, article 7, paragraph 5 implements international treaties
Government Resolution 514/1997 of 8 July 1997 designating the National Authority
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Act no. 541/2004 on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy (Atomic Act) and on Amendments of 1 December 2004, including the prohibition on carrying out nuclear weapons test explosions or any other nuclear explosions or to support or participate in them
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Act on Protection Against Ionizing Radiation and on Nuclear Safety of 2002
South Africa
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Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act no. 87 of 1993
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Act of criminal offences threatening the public safety articles 341, 343 and 345
Sri Lanka
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Atomic Energy Authority Act article 22
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Act SFS 1998:1702 on Inspections under the CTBT
Act amending Act (1984:3) on nuclear activities
Act SFS 1998:1703 amending the Criminal Code
Act SFS 1998:1704 amending Act (1976:661) on Privileges and Immunities
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Act SFS 1998:1703 amending the Criminal Code
Sweden Penal Code Amendments Sec 6c and 7
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Government Bill 1997/ 98:174 Sweden’s access to UN treaty completely banning nuclear explosions (Ratification unclear)
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Act SFS 1998:1704 amending Act (1976:661) on Privileges and Immunities
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Swiss Federal Law on War Material of 13 December 1996 chapter II, article 7
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Swiss Federal Law on War Material of 13 December 1996 chapter II, article 34
Syrian Arab Republic
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Legislative Decree no. 64 of 2005
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Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan article 10 automatically implements international treaties
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Law of Combating Terrorism of 1999 article 4
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Atomic Energy for Peace Act 1961
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
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Trinidad and Tobago
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Anti Terrorism Act 2005 no. 26, article 20
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Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia article 32 automatically implements international treaties
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Act no. 75 of December 2003 on combating terrorism and prevent money laundering
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Constitution of the Republic of Turkey article 90 automatically implements international treaties
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Turkish criminal code no. 5237, article 174
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Penal Code of 1997, article 271
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Constitution of Ukraine article 9 automatically implements international treaties
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Criminal Code
Law on the Fight against Terrorism of 2003
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Presidential Decree designating the National Authority
United Arab Emirates
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Federal Law no. 1 on combating terrorism (in force)
Federal Law no. 4 on the criminalization of money laundering
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
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Nuclear Explosions (Prohibition and Inspections) Act 1998
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Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 article 47-49
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International Immunities and Privileges. The Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2004 Resolution dated 12 March 2008 by the Corporation of Hamilton of Bermuda on the Waiver of Goods Wharfage on Infrasound Station (IS51) Equipment
Scottish Statutory Instruments, Int’l Immunities & Privileges, Int’l Organisations, No. 44, Order of 11 Feb. 2009
Int’l Immunities & Privileges, The Preparatory Commission for CTBTO, No. 1282 of 2004
United Republic of Tanzania
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United States of America
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Nuclear non-proliferation Act of 1978
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Terrorist Bombings Convention Implementation Act, Public Law 107-197 of 25 June 2002
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Act no. 13,859 of May 1970 implements articles 1-3 of the NPT
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Criminal Code article 246 on smuggling; article 252 on unlawful acquisition of radioactive materials; article 253 on violation of regulations governing handling of radioactive materials; article 254 on unlawful handling of radioactive materials; article 255 on violation of regulations governing the operation of nuclear facilities; article 255-1 prohibiting development, production, stockpiling, acquisition, transfer, storage or unlawful acquisition of or any other acts involving weapons of mass destruction prohibited by international agreements to which the Republic of Uzbekistan is party
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Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Ratification) Act 1995
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Penal Code (Amendment) Act 2003
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Penal Code articles 272-275
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Constitution of the Republic of Venezuela articles 129 and 324
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Penal Code articles 236 and 237
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