Adopted June 7, 2007
SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Oak Ridge Town Council that the
Town of Oak Ridge Code is amending its ordinances by adding Section 11-8 thereto to address: Annoying and disturbing noises.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be effective upon adoption.
Sec. 11-8. Annoying and Disturbing Noises.
(a) Subject to the provisions of this section, it shall be unlawful for any
Person, persons, or business entity to make, permit, continue, or cause to be made,
Any unreasonably loud, disturbing, annoying or unnecessary noise in the incorporated
area of Oak Ridge, with the exception of construction work pursuant to a federal,
state, county or town contract which requires work to be performed during certain hours.
For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Unreasonably loud or annoying. Noise which is substantially
incompatible with the time and location where created to the extent
that creates an actual or imminent interference with peace or
good order.
(2) Disturbing. Noise which is perceived by a person of ordinary
sensibilities as interrupting the normal peace and calm of the area.
(3) Unnecessary. Any excessive or unusually loud sound or any
Sound which is of such character, intensity and duration as to
disturb the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or which disturbs,
injuries or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of
any person, and being a type of sound which could be lessened or
otherwise controlled by the maker without unduly restricting his
In determining whether a noise is unreasonably loud, annoying, disturbing, or
unnecessary, the following factors incident to such noise are to be considered:
time of day; proximity to residential structures; whether the noise is recurrent,
intermittent or constant; the volume and intensity; whether the noise has been
enhanced in volume or range by any type of electronic or mechanical means;
the character, nature and zoning of the area; whether the noise is related to the
normal operation of a business or other activity or is the result of some use for
individual purposes and whether the noise is subject to being controlled with-
out unreasonable effort or expense to the creator thereof. A continuing or
non-resetting audible burglar or fire alarm shall not be considered a violation
of this ordinance.
(b) The following acts are declared to be loud, disturbing, annoying
and unnecessary noises in violation of this section, but this enumeration shall not
be deemed to be exclusive:
(1) Blowing horns. The sounding of any horn, whistle, or
signal device on any automobile, motorcycle, bus or other
vehicle or railroad train, except as a danger signal or as
required by law, so as to create any unreasonably loud,
disturbing or annoying loud sound as defined above, or the
sounding of such device for an unnecessary and/or
unreasonable period of time.
(2) Radios, stereos, etc. The playing of any radio, television
set, record player, stereo or other sound reproduction
system, musical instrument or sound-producing or sound-
amplifying device on the premises of any dwelling, hotel
or motel room in such manner or with such volume,
particularly but not limited to the hours between 11:00 p.m.
and 7:00 a.m. as to be an unreasonably loud, annoying,
disturbing or unnecessary manner as defined above. A
presumption is created that the noise is unreasonably loud,
annoying, disturbing and unnecessary if the sound
generated is audible at a distance of thirty (30) feet or more
from the dwelling’s property line, or from the unit’s most
outer boundary wall in the case of a hotel or motel room.
(3) Sound-producing equipment in vehicles. The playing of
any radio, cassette player, compact disc, videotape or disc
or any other similar device for reproducing sound located on
or in any motor vehicle on a public street, highway, within
any public or private parking lot or park or on the premises
of a private residence in an unreasonably loud, annoying,
disturbing or unnecessary manner as defined above. A
presumption is created that the sound thus created is
unreasonably loud, annoying, disturbing and unnecessary
if the sound generated or noise vibration there from is audible
or can be felt at a distance of thirty (30) feet or more from the
radio, cassette player, compact disc, video tape or disc or other
similar device that is producing the sound.
(4) Animals. The keeping of any animal or bird, which by
causing frequent or long continued noise, shall disturb the
comfort and repose of any person in the vicinity.
(5) Operation of vehicles. The operation of any automobile,
motorcycle, or vehicles in such a manner as to create loud or
unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling, screeching of tires or
other noise.
(6) Blowing whistles. The blowing of any steam whistle
attached to any steam boiler in any unreasonably loud,
annoying, disturbing or unnecessary manner as defined
above, except as a warning of danger.
(7) Exhaust discharge. The discharge into the open of the
exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion
engine, or motor vehicle, except through a muffler or other
device which will effectively prevent unnecessarily loud,
annoying, disturbing or unnecessary noises there from.
Compressed air devices. The use of any mechanical device
operated by compressed air unless unreasonably loud,
annoying, disturbing or unnecessary noise created thereby in
effectively muffled and reduced.
(9) Noises to attract attention. The use of any drum, bell,
loudspeaker, or other instrumentality for the purpose of
attracting attention by creation of noise to any performance,
show, sale, display or advertisement of merchandise. The
use of explosives such as fireworks may also be a violation
where conducted at hours which interfere with the normal
peace, calm and good order of the neighborhood or when
conducted without obtaining the proper permissions,
permits, etc.
(10) Hawking, peddling or soliciting. The shouting and crying
of peddlers, hawkers, vendors, which disturb the quiet and
peace of the neighborhood.
(11) Loudspeakers or amplifiers. The use of any mechanical
loudspeakers or other mechanically amplified device within
or from any commercial establishment or private
entertainment or recreational venue is presumed to be
unreasonably loud, annoying, disturbing and unnecessary if
the sound played or emitted may be heard at a distance from
Thirty (30) feet or more of the facility’s property line,
between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(c) Enforcement. The town in its discretion may through the sheriff or
anyone designated in writing by the Town Administrator take one or more of the
following enforcement actions for violation of this section against any responsible
person, persons or business entity as stated in subsection (a):
Issue a written warning.
(2) Issue a citation subjecting a violator to a civil penalty of two
hundred dollars ($200.00). A second violation by the same
person or business within one (1) year of the violation shall
subject such person or business to a penalty of four hundred
dollars ($400). All subsequent violations by the same person
or business within one (1) year of the first violation shall
subject such person or business to a civil penalty of five
hundred dollars ($500.00). The Town Administrator or
his designee may on request and for good cause shown
adjust a civil penalty.
(3) Failure to pay a civil penalty imposed under this section
within ten (10)days shall subject the offender to an
additional fifty dollars ($50.00) delinquency charge. Any
unpaid penalty or delinquency charge may be recovered by
the town in a civil action in the nature of a debt.
(4) Each separate day of a continued violation shall be a separate
and distinct offense and shall give rise to a separate and
distinct penalty.
(5) Violators may also be prosecuted under the provisions of
N. C. Gen. Stat.14-4 for a misdemeanor criminal offense
punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars
($500.00) and/or imprisonment as designated for a Class 3
(6) This ordinance may also be enforced by civil action for
injunction and order of abatement.
(7) This ordinance may be enforced by any remedy authorized
by N. C. Gen. Stat. 153A-123, either severally or in
conjunction with other remedies.
(d) Exceptions. In the interest of public safety and convenience, the
following activities are exempted from the application of this article:
(1) Emergency work made necessary to restore property to a safe
condition; emergency work required to protect persons or
property from danger or potential danger; or work by private
or public utilities when restoring utility services.
(2) Any street construction activity performed by, or on behalf of,
a government agency on streets designated on the then current
thoroughfare plan as adopted county or state; provided that all
equipment is operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications and is equipped with all legally required noise-
reducing devices in proper operating conditions. Blasting and
pile driving on street projects are covered under this exemption
only to the extent that they are carried on between the hours of
7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
(3) Noise arising from the premises of a bona fide farm or a farming
operation as defined in G. S. 153A-340(b)2 as a result of
routine farming activities necessary for the operation of the farm.
(4) Noise arising from recreational programs or special events affiliated with, or approved by the Town
(5) Noise arising from the official operation of the Oak Ridge Military Academy.
(e) An owner of any premises subject to this section who is not a current
occupant of the premises shall be responsible and subject to civil penalties, but not
criminal liability, for actions by tenants, guests, or other licensees which constitute
violations of this section. Absentee owners must be notified by personal services or
certified mail of the first or previous violations that have occurred within the previous
twelve-month period before a subsequent increased civil penalty may be imposed.
Adopted this the 7th day of June 2007.
Ray Combs, Mayor
Larry Harvell, Town Clerk
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