Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation

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(Intercessory prayer) Sallie Campbell

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us

our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.  Amen.


Please sign the friendship pads and pass them along the row and back again.
Offertory Ah, Holy Jesus arr. Hal H. Hopson

Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended, that mortal judgement has on you descended?

By foes derided, by your own rejected, O most afflicted!

Miserere nobis

Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon you? It is my treason, Lord, that has undone you.

‘Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied you; I crucified you.

Miserere nobis

Lord, I crucified you.

++Doxology 592[PH] Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
++HYMN 98[PH] O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
POSTLUDE Were You There? African-American Spiritual

Christopher Venetis, tenor

EVERYONE is invited to attend the Fellowship Coffee hour immediately following worship, downstairs in Litten Hall.  There is coffee, tea and most often cookies to share and enjoy as well as good conversation with friends old and new.  Please join us!




510 W. Ottawa Street Lansing, Michigan 48933

(517) 482-0668 www.lansingfirstpres.org

Facebook – Lansing First Presbyterian

Church Office Hours (M-F) 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00

March 20, 2016 10:00 a.m.

Passion / Palm Sunday

In order to maintain our worship environment, please turn your cell phone off.

Please register your attendance this morning by signing the pew pads

and sharing them across the pew.

CALL TO WORSHIP Josephine Powers
Leader: Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem.
People: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!
Leader: The people laid down their garments and praised God.
People: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!
Leader: If the people keep quiet, even the stones will cry out.
People: Hosanna! Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!
Leader: Let us worship God.
++HYMN  88[PH] All Glory, Laud and Honor
CHILDREN’S ANTHEM Hosanna by Elizabeth Samuels


Leader: May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

People: And also with you.
Share the passing of the peace with all those near you. Children ages 4 years to 4th grade should come to the front of the sanctuary to receive a blessing. They will then continue their worship experience downstairs in Children and Worship. Be still and know that I am God (sung three times)

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession (unison)

Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you.The lips that sing “Hosanna!” are the same that shout “Crucify!” The hands that wave palm branches are the same that prepare your cross. Forgive us, God of grace.Look upon us with mercy—our lives are in your hands.Save us, by your steadfast love; through Jesus Christ our Lord… (silent prayer)
++Indicates to stand in body or spirit

The Word of God’s Grace

++ Response to the Good News 579[PH] Gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the

beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.
GOSPEL LESSON Luke 19:28-40 pg 83, NT
Leader: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God!
ANTHEM Ride On, King Jesus arr. Moses Hogan
Ride on, King Jesus, ride on, the conquerin’ king.

Oh, Ride on, King Jesus, ride on. No man can a-hinder thee.

I was but young when I begun. No man can a-hinder thee.

But now my race is almost done. No man can a-hinder thee.

King Jesus rides a milk white horse. No man can a-hinder thee.

The river of Jordan he did cross. No man can a-hinder thee.

He’s the King, Lord of all

He’s the first and he’s the last

Jesus is the Lord, Lord of Lords.

Jesus is the Prince, Prince of peace

GOSPEL LESSON Philippians 2:5-11 pg 197, NT
SERMON The Other Side of Death
++HYMN 90[PH] Ride On! Ride On in Majesty!
MINUTE FOR MISSION One Great Hour of Sharing

One: The Lord be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Lift up your hearts.

All: We lift them up to the Lord.

One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

All: It is right to give thanks and praise.




10:00 a.m. Morning Worship / One Great Hour of Sharing Offering received

2 Cents a Meal offering received next week

10:10 a.m. Children and Worship

11:00 a.m. Education for 4 yrs. thru 12th Grade

Fellowship Hour – Litten Hall

11:20 a.m. Adult Education – Reception Room

5:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship

Monday, March 21

10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting – Library

6:00 p.m. Mid-Michigan Photo Club Officers Meeting – Litten Hall

6:00 p.m. LanSINGout Board Meeting

6:45 p.m. Bells of First Rehearsal
Tuesday, March 22

9:00 a.m.-4:30 Tax Site- NorthWest Initiative/AARP- Litten Hall

12:10 p.m. Yoga

5:00 p.m. Highland Dance class – Litten Hall

6:00 p.m. Zumba

6:30 p.m. Bagpipers – Reception Room / Litten Hall

7:00 p.m. LanSingOut Rehearsal – Chapel
Wednesday, March 23

10:30 a.m. Lectionary Bible Study – Library

12:00 p.m. CROP meeting

4:00 p.m.-7 Lansing Children Choir rehearsal Chapel

6:00 p.m. Yoga
Thursday, March 24 MAUNDY THURSDAY

9:00 a.m.-4:30 Tax Site- NorthWest Initiative /AARP- Litten Hall

10:00 a.m.-2 NorthWest Initiative Bread Dist- Litten Hall

12:10 p.m. Yoga

7:00 p.m. Service- chapel

8:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Friday, March 25 GOOD FRIDAY

Church office closed at noon

6:00 p.m. Meal and “Reflections on Holy Week” event – Litten Hall
Saturday, March 26

Sunday, March 27 EASTER

8:00 a.m. Deacons Easter breakfast

10:00 a.m. Morning Worship/2 Cents a Meal Offering and Easter Offering received

10:10 a.m. Children and Worship

11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour – Litten Hall


Participants in this morning’s service:

Worship Leaders Josephine Powers, Sallie Campbell

Organist Sergei Kvitko

Music Director Megan Higle

Soloist Christopher Venetis

Videographer Russ Jenks

Pastor Rev. Stanley Jenkins

Children and Worship Storyteller Rachel Layne

Children and Worship Greeter Alissa Kuhn

Welcoming you at the entrances:

Chapel: Bill and Karen Rude

Chestnut: Pat Eenigenburg

Coffee Servers: Debbie and Steve Warnaar

Concerns of the congregation:

In care facilities:

Russ Scovill (Whitehills Health Care Center)

Bob Sherwood (Sterling House of Delta)

Carolyn Stauffer (St Lawrence Hospice)

Marge Holmgren (New Life Assisted Living)

Jackie Cunningham (Grand Haven Manor Assisted Living)

THE CONGREGATION CONGRATULATES Jenny, Aaron and Charlie Garoutte on the birth of new daughter/ sister, Claire Carolyn!  She was born February 28 – all are doing fine. Welcome, little one!
CHANCEL FLOWERS and palms this morning are in loving memory of Nimr, Kamila, Milad, and Mousa Wakim from their family.
HEARING ASSISTANCE, LARGE PRINT AND BRAILLE BULLETINS AVAILABLE Please see one of the ushers if any of these aids to worship will enhance your participation in the service. If you would like a Braille bulletin, please let those in the church office know ahead of time.
CHILDREN’S BULLETINS FOR 7-12 YEARS OLD ARE NOW AVAILABLE in the narthex (at the back of the sanctuary) and at the other doors to the sanctuary. Ask an usher if you don’t see them!


TODAY WE WILL RECEIVE AND DEDICATE OUR ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING (including the children’s Fish Banks). OGHS gifts share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Your generous gifts to this Special Offering help provide relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed.
HELP WANTED FOR GOOD FRIDAY’S REFLECTIONS ON HOLY WEEK   The Youth Education Committee (YEC) is looking for just a few more helpers to assist with a simple dinner of soup and bread, followed by a faith-filled, self-guided journey to reflect on Jesus' experiences from Maundy Thursday through being placed in the tomb on Good Friday.   You can sign up at http://goo.gl/1DnQe1 Thank you!
EARLY BIRD DEADLINE FOR SUMMER CAMPS AT CAMP GREENWOOD IS MARCH 31!   If a summer camp at Greenwood is part of your plans for this summer, be sure to take advantage of the early bird discount ending on March 31!  Save $25 per person off your summer registration fee.  Signing up two kids for camp (using the sibling discount), nets you a $75 discount!  There are brochures available on the parson’s table in the Chapel entrance area, or go to  campgreenwood.org for more information.
NEW MEMBER CLASS For those persons interested in joining our community of faith, our next new membership class will meet with Rev. Stan on Sunday, April 10, after the worship service.  This group will meet with the Session on April 20, and be recognized and presented to the congregation on Sunday, April 24.  We encourage any attendees who are interested in becoming a member to contact Sallie Campbell in the church office.
NOTE – The 2016 per capita amount is $25.37 per person! We paid $9437.64 to the Presbytery in January, which is our church’s assessment. “Per capita” is the per-member assessment each congregation pays to support the administrative costs of our denomination (Presbyterian Church (USA), including Presbytery of Lake Michigan, Synod of the Covenant, and General Assembly). If you are able to pay your per capita amount for 2016, it would be greatly appreciated! Please mark your check “per capita.”
MICHIGAN PRESBYTERIAN PILGRIMAGE APRIL 28, 5:00 p.m. -  MAY 1, 2:30 p.m. at the Amigo Centre in Sturgis, MI. Are you seeking an opportunity to get away, ponder your life of faith, and to reconnect or renew your relationship with God? How about a chance to experience an abundance of God's grace and love while enjoying a beautiful Michigan setting? Pilgrimage is three days spent with God and His people from all walks of Christian Faith. We would love to share our experience with you. Contact John Tucker, 482-3784 or go to www.mpppilgrimage.org.
THE SECOND ANNUAL INTERGENERATIONAL MISSION TRIP TO NORTHERN MICHIGAN is scheduled for June 25-July 1. We will continue to learn more about and grow our relationship with the Odawa tribe. Registration forms are available on the Chapel entrance table or in the mailroom. Please see Sallie in the church office for more information.
THANK YOU, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH! We have raised enough funds to finish the organ repairs this summer. We are hoping to have a celebratory concert later this fall to hear and celebrate this wonderful instrument.
TODAY, PALM SUNDAY -- We are receiving and dedicating our One Great Hour of Sharing offering today. OGHS gifts share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Your generous gifts to this Special Offering help provide relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed.
 March 24 Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m.

We will remember the Lord's Last Supper with a service of hand washing in the chapel.


March 25 Good Friday Remembrance 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Gather with your church family as we begin with a light supper together in Litten Hall, then make a spiritual pilgrimage around the church building to remember the events of Holy Week and Christ's journey to the cross.

Sunday March 27 Easter
Deacons’ Breakfast 8:00 – 9:45 a.m.

Come early and partake of a delicious breakfast (savory and sweet favorites will be offered!). A free-will offering will be taken to benefit the Deacons' fund.

Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.

A joyous and light-filled worship service follows at 10:00. Remember our Easter greeting: "Christ is risen!" "He is risen indeed!"
ALSO EASTER SUNDAY -- As is our tradition, we will receive and dedicate our Easter Offering, the envelope for which is in your offering boxes or can be found in the pews. The Easter Offering benefits Youth Mission opportunities.

Pastor/ Head of Staff Rev. Stanley Jenkins

Parish Associate Rev. Charles Herrick

Pastoral Care Assistant Chris DeYonke

Director of Youth and Family Ministry Sallie Campbell

Director of Christian Education Kathleen Banghart

Church Administrator Tracy Weldon

Organist Sergei Kvitko

Director of Music Megan Higle

Bell Choir Director Shelia Conrad

Custodian Steve Taylor

Sunday Host Ben English

Child Caregiver Abigail Grill

Heather Pollok


Sunday morning schedule


C&W is a worship experience for ages 4 years – 4th grade in the Worship Center on the lower level.


4 years – 4th grade Green classroom 11:10 – 11:40

5th grade – 7th grade Youth room, end of class hallway After worship – Noon

8th – 12th grade Youth room, end of class hallway After worship – Noon

Adult Forum (see below) Reception room, below the chapel 11:20 – 12:20
Parents’ Parallel In the church parlor, main level After worship – Noon

(A time of fellowship and discussion)

Adult Forum

Join us in the Adult Ed Room (downstairs) 11:20-12:20

for discussion of significant and timely topics.

Walk-ins welcome! Bring your coffee!

(Childcare is available through this time.)




MARCH 6, 13, 20
We are spending these final Sundays of the season of Lent looking at the most central emphasis of our faith – that is GRACE – and its relation to the longstanding religious and political tradition of LAW. We hear and sing about grace so often. It is preached from the pulpit and proclaimed from the lectern following the prayer of confession every Sunday; yet its “definition” is hard to pin down. So many of Jesus’ parables and the essence of Paul’s letters strike the surprisingly ironic preference of grace over the prevailing law, but both biblically and historically, they remain woven together.

In our society, we are constantly aware of the law in some form; it is at least just beneath the surface of our everyday lives. But who has authority to say what the law IS? That is an issue as old as the Ten Commandments and as current as the battle over the next Supreme Court nominee and the “self-proclaimed” Islamic State. What makes people distort the positive role of law into destructive, even deadly legalism? What is the role of law in the seemingly eternal human quest for self-salvation? What’s the difference between religious and civil spheres as we know them? How are societies different when there is no distinction?

Today we will look at how a sense of God’s grace propelled the first New England colonists to craft their churches and communities as they did, and how the combination of providential privilege and a realistic view of human nature to help produce the balanced system that is our Constitution and federal government. We will also see how more recent Protestant thinkers have seen the need to keep a balance between the grace and law polarities. We will hold off on a one-week study of Islam and how Sharia law functions within that faith until a Sunday in May. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, today’s session is at 11:20.
Next week – March 27 – Easter! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! (No Adult Forum)


Easter lilies in the Sanctuary add to the beauty and significance of the Easter season. If you would like to place a lily in memory of someone you love or in honor of someone special, please fill out the attached form and send it to the Church Office or place it in the offering plate. Include a check for $14.00 for each plant requested, indicating on the check EASTER LILY. Also, indicate whether you wish to have it sent to someone who is ill or shut-in. Deadline for requesting an Easter lily is tomorrow, Monday, March 21.


I would like an Easter lily placed in the Chancel

In memory of____________________________________
In honor of______________________________________
________I will pick up the plant after the worship service.
________I will not pick up the plant. Please send my plant to a shut-in or ill person.
Deadline is Monday, March 21, 2016

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