Owner: ebis guide Revision Number: 29 Last Revision Date: November 20, 2015 Table of Contents Preface 9

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g.Service Ordering

i.Service Contract Information

Cisco Service Contract is created to manage services that Cisco provides to its partners.

Contract Number - When partners place a new service order, they can choose to have it managed under an existing Cisco service contract. The Cisco contract should be provided as the contract number value or the system would pick the value set up in the user’s profiles and preferences. – Q2FY16 Change

If a valid Contract Number is entered, the system will validate that the contract meets the parameters below and if it does not, it will use logic for ‘USE_EXISTING’.

BillTo Match

Service Level that is the same or has a service level that is compatible, meaning multiple service levels on a contract.

Checks if contract has only a Single End User on contract.

If you choose to have Cisco match to an already existing contract, state ‘USE_EXISTING’ as the contract number value. Cisco will try to match to an already existing contract using the below logic. If no matches can be made, a new contract will be created.

BillTo Match

Service Level that is the same or has a service level that is compatible, meaning multiple service levels on a contract.

Checks if contract has only a Single End User on contract.

If you choose to have a new Cisco contract created for your new service, state ‘NEW’ as the contract number value.

Contract Start Date - Provide a requested Contract start date for all service orders. This is not a mandatory action to provide a contact start date for all service orders. Contract start date should not be provided for Initial purchase of Services. The contract start date for the initial purchase will be derived in ERP based on the Product Ship date.

Contract End Date - Provide a requested Contract end date for all service orders. This is not a mandatory action to provide a contact start end for all service orders..

Contract Duration - Provide a requested service duration when you are ordering a new service order. Cisco policy allows customer to order a service in duration of 12, 24, or 36 months.

The service duration defaults to the standard duration setup for the SKU on the PO in the system if no duration or start date and end date is provided on the PO and there is no ConfigRef ID on the PO

In case of co-terming services, a contract start date and contract end date is needed. Not providing a ContractStartDate, while co-terming services to a particular ContractEndDate will result in order rejections.

Note – Services can be ordered with service duration greater than 36 months only when there are corresponding approved non-standard deals on the order or the orders are submitted by OSM/OEM partners.

Technical Services (TSS) can be ordered with duration up to 60 months via B2B Stand Alone Orders (no deal reference) or B2B Deal based orders.

Reseller BID or Address: If you are a Distributor and are ordering the service for Resale, provide the Reseller Information. Please refer to section 5.7.3 for details.

Providing the Reseller BID for Disti Resale Order is strongly recommended. Reseller BID is the preferred attribute over Reseller Address.

In case of service only ordering providing Reseller Information is required to process orders and get contracts created without delays.

All of the preceding data elements are collected at the Product Line Item level, so the user can have different values for different service lines in an order. Please note, Contract Start Date must be within 90 days of submission, and cannot occur before the submission date. If a Contract Start Date is invalid, the 3A4 XML order will be accepted but a warning message will be returned to you in the response.

Cisco Shared Support Program (CSPP) is a new program that will give partners one unified experience across product and services with improved operational efficiencies, consistency, and predictable rewards. Instead of having multiple service programs with different eligibility criteria, metrics, and discounting, CSPP plans to align partner eligibility for all service families with the certification / specialization or designation criteria that is specified within the WW Channels programs.

Multinational Quote refers to a quote where the bill-to country and the install-at country differ. Resellers may only BUY FROM the distributors allowed to sell into the reseller's territory. Distributors may only SELL TO resellers within the distributor's contractual territory.

CSPP and MNQ eligibility checks are based on the Partner Type, Reseller BID, and Reseller Address.

The table that follows provides additional information about the Service Contract PIP element.

Table 29: PIP 3A4 Version 02.00.00 – Service Contract



PIP Element


Field Length



| |-- proprietaryInformation.FreeFormText

Used to send multiple Cisco proprietary information in = format. Use ‘|’ as a delimiter for multiple values, and no whitespace should exist around equal sign. Values are:

Name: ContractDuration

Name: ContractNumber

Name: ContractStartDate

Name: ContractEndDate
Example: New Service Order with contract


Example: New Service Order with existing contract


Example: New Service Order with new contract


ii.Primary and Secondary Services (Technical)

Secondary coverage is sold as a compliment to a primary coverage when additional service is needed that is not included in the primary service program. This situation typically applies to Collaborative and Partner branded services because in these selling models the Partner, or combination of the Partner and Cisco, will deliver the primary service. Secondary coverage may be needed in these situations because additional software services are not part of the primary offering.

For example, Intrusion Prevention Services (IPS) will not be included in Collaborative or Partner branded services because it is Cisco intellectual property and must be Cisco Branded. If IPS is needed in conjunction with a primary service, then IPS service can be ordered as secondary service coverage, provided there is a compatible primary service level in place for the duration of the desired secondary service contract.

This feature will enable partners to attach primary and secondary technical support in addition to multiple software subscriptions, where applicable, for any given product configuration.

NOTE - Secondary service can only be purchased along with Primary together, across applicable serviceable lines in a configuration

In case of purchase order having primary and secondary technical services, system would reject the PO in the following scenarios:

  • Primary service is is invalid or is not activePrimary coverage has expired or expiring before start date of secondary services.

  • Secondary service start date is before the start date of primary service

  • Secondary service end date is after the end date of primary service

Hierarchical structure for primary and secondary services on a PO –

  • On PO both primary and secondary will be placed at the same hierarchical positions (both are attached to the same product SKU). In the pre-ordering capabilities of CCW (Config, Catalog, Quote, Build and Price), users will be able to distinguish between the primary and secondary services via the service type attribute.

iii.Reseller Information

Partner can send the reseller information at PO header level in the following section

Table 30: PIP 3A4 Version 02.00.00 – Reseller Information



PIP Element


Field Length



|-- SecondaryBuyer



| |-- PartnerDescription



| | |-- BusinessDescription



| | | |-- businessName.FreeFormText

Reseller Business Name. Note the Name, Addr line 1 and Country are mandatory elements for performing address validation. If SecondaryBuyer tag is populated on the PO, system rejects the PO, if any of these mandatory elements are missing.



| | | |-- GlobalBusinessIdentifier



| | |-- ContactInformation



| | | |-- contactName.FreeFormText

Reseller Contact First Name, Reseller Contact Last Name



| | | |-- EmailAddress

Reseller Contact Email Address



| | | |-- telephoneNumber.CommunicationsNumber

Reseller Contact telephone number



| | |-- GlobalPartnerClassificationCode




| | |-- PhysicalAddress



| | | |-- addressLine1.FreeFormText

Reseller Address Line 1



| | | |-- cityName.FreeFormText

Reseller City



| | | |-- GlobalCountryCode

Reseller Country



| | | |-- GlobalLocationIdentifier

Reseller BID (Cisco BID)



| | | |-- NationalPostalCode

Reseller Zip code



| | | |-- regionName.FreeFormText

Reseller State

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