Pecs project 98023 Report for Year 2006 ESA pecs project Czech Participation on integral

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PECS Project 98023 Report for Year 2006

ESA PECS Project Czech Participation on INTEGRAL

Abstract (in Czech)
V souladu se schváleným plánem řešení projektu bylo i v roce 2006 těžiště na účasti na provozu a zpracování dat z družice INTEGRAL ve vědeckém středisku ISDC ve Versoix, Švýcarsko. Nejvýznamějším řešeným úkolem v ISDC bylo pokračování prací na zpřístupnění veřejně přístupných vědeckých dat z družice INTEGRAL mezinárodní vědecké komunitě formou virtuální observatoře, což je všeobecně považováno za extrémně důležité pro nárůst vědeckých publikací s použitím dat z družice INTEGRAL.

Pokračovaly rovněž práce, většinou v mezinárodní spolupráci, na vědecké analýze dat z experimentů na družici, s těžištěm na kataklyzmických proměnných a na blazarech. V souladu s plánem pokračovaly práce na pozemním segmentu robotických teleskopů s řadou vědeckých výstupů. Stav prací na projektu byl projednán a shrnut na ročním již 5. progress meeting projektu ve Vlašimi v říjnu 2006 s 22 účastníky. Dále byly výsledky projektu prezentovány na řadě národních i mezinárodních vědeckých konferencích a v odborném mezinárodním tisku.

1.Objectives planned for the reporting period

The Czech participation included in the year 2006 the project co-ordination and local management (including the Czech INTEGRAL science team and Ondrejov Integral Data Center) within the Czech Republic, international collaboration and links, and focused on direct participation on ISDC and OMC activities as follows.

a) Direct participation in the Integral Science and Data Center (ISDC) operation and activities by providing one person (recently Mgr. Petr Kubánek) continuously working directly within the ISDC team (as well as other persons occasionally visiting ISDC). The person at the ISDC participated both in the service work of the ISDC (especially contribution to the software engineering and active participation in the ISDC operations), as well as in scientific analyses. The person at ISDC was expected to work on the ISDC software improvements, modifications and maintenance, and on scientific operations and data analyses. Participation on scientific program has covered observations, data analyses, data archiving, data interpretations and scientific evaluations.
b) Further development and updates of software, in close collaboration with ISDC in Versoix, and transfer of ISDC s/w packages, further development of tools for effective and inter-active scientific analyses and use of the INTEGRAL data, further improving the quality of both astrometry and photometry, and the operation of the second (local) ISDC center/office (Ondrejov Integral Data Center, OIDC) at the Astronomical Institute Ondrejov enabling the astronomical community from the Czech Republic and Central and East Europe to attend the INTEGRAL related scientific activities, data evaluation, data archiving, and interpretation. The scientific activities focussed on allocated scientific tasks, especially Cataclysmic Variables and white dwarfs, Gamma ray Bursts, and Blazars-AGNs (for more details see the WP 4).
c) Participation in the Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) INTEGRAL onboard experiment operation and science, with focus on:

  • OMC onboard s/w operation and maintenance: collaboration with INTA Madrid in the maintenance of this package, mainly on centering algorithm and data compression.

  • OMC ISOC s/w with focus on OMC pointing software (Ref. OMC/INT/90000/SRD/001)

  • maintenance and operation of the OMC test device

  • maintenance and operation of the OMC simulator which allows to predict the flight camera images for any given sky position

  • OMC interactive analysis package development and operation in collaboration with LAEFF/INTA Madrid

  • ground/based segment operation, further development, and maintenance with focus on ground/based telescopes (especially the sub-experiment BOOTES developed and operated in collaboration between the Astronomical Institute and LAEFF Madrid, Spain) and cameras to provide supporting observations to INTEGRAL activities, simultaneous and follow-up observations etc., and

  • OMC science with participation on scientific program, observations, data interpretations and scientific evaluations.

d) Allocated scientific tasks include the management of the INTEGRAL Core Program Working Group “White Dwarfs including Cataclysmic Variables”, ID number 5.5, R. Hudec R_Sci (responsible scientist R. Hudec nominated by the INTEGRAL ISWT) as well as the participation in the operation of the Core Program ID

  • 4.3 (Active Galactic Nuclei and Blazars),

  • 4.3.1. (Time variability study),

  • 4.3.2. (Active galactic nuclei observable above 20 keV),

  • 4.3.4. (Object Mrk 501 including TOO follow-up observations)

  • 4.4.1. (Global properties of gamma ray bursts and individual sources),

  • (Accreting pulsars including cyclotron lines, known persistent sources),

  • (Accreting pulsars incl. Cyclotron lines, known transient sources),

  • 5.3.6. (Bright low mass X-ray binaries) (in these categories/topics is the applicant included in the collaboration teams according to the INTEGRAL Core Program Document INT-TN-26770). Within the ID 4.3., a small dedicated working group focusing on blazars has been established and operated in collaboration with the corresponding R_Sci and Finnish collaborators from the Tuorla Observatory.

2.Results achieved

2.1.INTEGRAL satellite data analyses and science

We presented selected results of observations of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related objects by the instruments IBIS and OMC onboard INTEGRAL.

6 contributions were presented at the 6th INTEGRAL international workshop held in Moscow, Russia, in July 2006. See end of this paper for the titles of the presentations.
Numerous presentations were presented at the 5th Czech INTEGRAL Progress Meeting IBWS Workshop held in Vlasim, Czech Republic, in October 2005. See for list of all presentations and related abstracts and full versions of the talks. The titles of the most important talks are listed at the end of this report.
Several INTEGRAL-related contributions were presented at the 38. Variable Star Conference held in Valasske Mezirici in November 2006, for more details and program see For titles of the talks see the end of this report.
The blazar 3C 454.3 underwent a dramatic outburst at all wavelengths from mm to X-rays. This prompted INTEGRAL observations, accomplished in 15-18 May 2005, with followed data analyses and interpretations published in 2006. The source was detected by the INTEGRAL instruments from 3 to 200 keV in a bright state (∼ 5 × 10-10 erg s-1 cm-2), at least a factor of 2-3 higher than previously observed. This is one of the brightest blazar detections achieved by INTEGRAL. During the 2.5 days of INTEGRAL monitoring, we detected a ~20% decrease in the hard X-rays (20-40 keV), indicating that we have sampled the decaying part of the flare. The decrease is less apparent in the soft X-rays (5-15 keV). The simultaneous optical variations are weakly correlated with those at soft X-rays, and not clearly correlated with those at hard X-rays. The spectral energy distribution exhibits two components, as typically seen in blazars, which can be modeled with synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering occurring in a region external to the broad line region. For more details see Pian, E.; Foschini, L.; Beckmann, V.; Soldi, S.; Türler, M.; Gehrels, N.; Ghisellini, G.; Giommi, P.; Maraschi, L.; Pursimo, T.; .. Hudec R. et al., INTEGRAL observations of the blazar 3C 454.3 in outburst, 2006A&A...449L..21P.
The radio quasar 3C 454.3 was also studied by a multispectral approach, with following evaluation, interpretation, and publications of results in 2006. The maximum brightness detected was R=12.0, which represents the most luminous quasar state thus far observed (MB ∼ -31.4). Aims: .In order to follow the emission behaviour of the source in detail, a large multiwavelength campaign was organized by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT). Methods: .Continuous optical, near-IR and radio monitoring was performed in several bands. ToO pointings by the Chandra and INTEGRAL satellites provided additional information at high energies in May 2005. Results: .The historical radio and optical light curves show different behaviours. Until about 2001.0 only moderate variability was present in the optical regime, while prominent and long-lasting radio outbursts were visible at the various radio frequencies, with higher-frequency variations preceding the lower-frequency ones. After that date, the optical activity increased and the radio flux is less variable. This suggests that the optical and radio emissions come from two separate and misaligned jet regions, with the inner optical one acquiring a smaller viewing angle during the 2004-2005 outburst. Moreover, the colour-index behaviour (generally redder-when-brighter) during the outburst suggests the presence of a luminous accretion disc. A huge mm outburst followed the optical one, peaking in June-July 2005. The high-frequency (37-43 GHz) radio flux started to increase in early 2005 and reached a maximum at the end of our observing period (end of September 2005). VLBA observations at 43 GHz during the summer confirm the brightening of the radio core and show an increasing polarization. An exceptionally bright X-ray state was detected in May 2005, corresponding to the rising mm flux and suggesting an inverse-Compton nature of the hard X-ray spectrum. Conclusions: .A further multifrequency monitoring effort is needed to follow the next phases of this unprecedented event. For more detail see Villata, M.; Raiteri, C. M.; Balonek, T. J.; Aller, M. F.; Jorstad, S. G.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nicastro, F.; Nilsson, K.; Aller, H. D.; Arai, A.; …Hudec, R. et al. The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3. The WEBT campaign of 2004-2005, 2006A&A...453..817V.
We have continued AGN analysis with INTEGRAL data. We have selected following AGNs from recent survey by L. Bassani et al, marked by rather significant detection in IBIS while weak or no signal from JEM-X analysis. Voluntarily excluding strong X-ray AGN sources as NGC 4151, CygA or 3C 273 we tried to test our analysis package, described later, on different data from JEM-X to see whether we can push the detection limits further and get some extra detections with a refined search. We used the data from ISDC archive  with standard binning 1.8-4.0-9.0-15.-25.-50. keV. We found 12 significant peaks within cca. 5 arcmin off the theoretical source position (with the exception of Mrk 6, where a weak source lies somewhat further out). Details are in following table:



peaks - (energy band) flux [cts/s] / significance [sigma]

4U 1344

386.0 ksec

(4-9) 0.027 / 6.3

IC 4329A

126.0 ksec

(1.8-4) 0.015 / 3.9, (4-9) 0.071 / 10, (9-15) 0.035 / 5.7, (15-25) 0.025 / 3.7

MR 2251

283.0 ksec

(4-9) 0.016 / 2.5

Mrk 6

200.0 ksec

(4-9) 0.010 / 2.4, (15-25) 0.010 / 2.6 , (25-50) 0.014 / 2.4

NGC 4593

127.0 ksec

(1.8-4) 0.007 / 2.7, (4-9) 0.038 / 7.2, (9-15) 0.015 / 3.2

NGC 4945

127.0 ksec

no nearby detections

NGC 788

138.0 ksec

no nearby detections

PKS 1830

264.0 ksec

no nearby detections

VV 780

602.0 ksec

no nearby detections

In this case OSA6 software should bring significant improvement to JEM-X sensitivity, so we look forward to reanalyse this dataset in near future.

We have presented further selected results of observations and monitoring of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related objects by the instruments IBIS and OMC onboard INTEGRAL. We analysed the behaviour of the intermediate polar (IP) V1223 Sgr in a state which we call a shallow low state. We presented far X-ray spectra (E up to 60 keV), and the optical and far X-ray orbital modulation. The relation between far X-ray and optical flux appears to be stable over about 400 days. We also present far X-ray observations of some other CVs (or at least upper limits of their far X-ray fluxes) and show that the systems with magnetized white dwarf (like polars and IPs) are observable with INTEGRAL. The OMC light curves show that an outburst and a shallow low state of IX Vel are caused by the mass transfer variations, and not by the thermal instability of the disk, and that the amplitude of the flickering decreases with the decreasing intensity of the ``stable'' component. For more details see e.g. Cataclysmic variables observed with INTEGRAL, Simon, Vojtech; Hudec, Ren´; Munz, Filip; Strobl, Jan, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 6, p.149, 2006.
These promising results have resulted in invitation of R. Hudec to give an invited talk in the highly recognized internation workshop with participation only by invitation‚ Multi-frequency behaviour of cosmic high-energy sources in Vulcano, Italy, in May 2007.
We have performed GRB studies with JEM-X. We have sorted out 14 bursts out of those detected by IBAS that should occur within 6 degrees of FoV center, thus being well seen by JEM-X detector: 041219, 040812, 040730, 060204A, 060130, 060114, 051105B, 050922A, 050714A, 050626, 050522, 050520, 050504, 050502A. We started by extracting light-curve from IBIS and subsequently JEM-X data, however, we are only at the beginning of planned analysis of spectral changes and their possible interpretations.
Very recently, all the observations and detections of CVs and related objects have been reviewed and presented at ISDC Consortium Meeting. There are frecently 19 CVs detected but more are expected to be idebtified within still non-identified INTEGRAL gamma-ray sources. In addition, 3 symbiotic variables have been detected by INTEGRAL IBIS gamma-ray telescope as gamma-ray sources, for more details see Hudec, R. INTEGRAL cataclysmic and symbiotic stars & new ideas on how to identify INTEGRAL sources.
Analogous study was performed also for a specific class of active galactic nuclei, blazars, where data gathered both within the INTEGRAL Core Programme as well as in pointed AO observations have been analysed, evaluated, interpreted and discussed. It has been demonstrated that the pointed observations with times exceeding 200 ksec may provide valuable scientific results for this class of extragalactic objectsFor more details see e.g. Blazars and INTEGRAL , Hudec, R. et al., Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 6, p.114, 2006.
An extended effort has been devoted to the analysis of INTEGRAL OMC data. We judged the reliability of the OMC optical data. The data proved to be sufficient for some individual optically variable objects and the analysis can hence leads to publishable results.
Eclipsing binary V1011 Cyg is a very good example. Quality of the optical data allowed us to analyse the model of this Algol-type binary. The temporary version of our model shows two interesting features of the phased light curve. The first is unequal flux before and after the primary minimum. The depth of the primary minimum is 0.5 mag and the difference of the brightness in the maximum before and after minimum is 0.1 mag. The second is shift of the secondary minimum to the phase 0.51. Luminosity ratio is 1,59. Our model will be finished in the beginning of the year 2007. (Model of the eclipsing binary V1011 Cyg, Sobotka, P., Zasche, P., IBVS 2007, in preparation).
Optical OMC data are much more useful when put together with other sky surveys. We studied comparison between OMC photometric data and surveys V filtered data and we conclude, they are in very good agreement. Good example is the long periodic pulsating star GS Gem. The OMC data combined with surveys data show that GS Gem is double periodic star with periods P0=1125 days P1= 137 days. Theoreticaly derived period ratio from literature does not agree with our results. The relevant article is ready, but we are waiting for the spectra. (GS Gem is a double periodic semiregular star, Sobotka, P., Ládra, J., Brát, L., Dubovský, P.A., IBVS 2007, in preparation.)
We also used OMC data to help analyze optical behavior of 45 variable stars observed by the Czech MEDUZA group. We found many discrepancies with the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS). In some cases, first ever light elements were derived. Thus, OMC helps to see light changes mostly in pulsating variables in great detail. We compared current photometric data with visual estimates made by amateur astronomers. (Analysis of the optical behavior of the variable stars in the MEDUZA observing programme , Sobotka, P., Šindelář, L., Brát, L., OEJV 2007, in preparation).

We have continued the efforts in INTEGRAL data mining. The quest of data mining from INTEGRAL archive maintained at ISDC (now in revision 2) had moved from extracting and analyzing regions of mosaics already existing in the archive (constructed on per-revolution basis) to constructing new mosaics from images of individual science windows, containing sources of interest. Intelligent algorithm selects SCWs to cover all nearby sources from a given catalogue (Donato et al for blazars, Downes for CVs) in order to cover maximal number of targets in the least number of mosaics. Where the time gap between observations wasn't too large, data from several revolutions were combined together.

The most delicate task is the localization and measurement of a signal, especially for weak sources close to the background fluctuations. Since the noise pattern of deconvolved images is quite different from that of normal CCD images, instead of standard tools of optical astronomy we developed a small analysis package written in python (extended with numarray and pyfits modules).

First step is a localization of all excesses in the cut-out region and then, after masking all adjacent pixels the remaining background is fitted with 2-D paraboloid and subtracted. The peaks reasonable above the background variance are then barycentered and the central part is fitted with a PSF of choice – in the case of Gaussian profile the central part of the peak can be adjusted analytically using regression. The program is able to take into account the asymmetry of the peak, that is roughly estimated already from second moments and then precised as a parameter to chi squared. Having estimated correctly the peak position and its eventual asymmetry, the radial profile can be constructed and compared with the PSF used. The central profile seems to be almost linear with distance.

On several occasions during 2006 we presented selected results of observations of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related objects by the instruments IBIS and OMC onboard INTEGRAL. In the most extensive search for CVs in the archive, the average exposure of 176 mosaics was about 600 ksec, containing positions of 560 CVs. The extracted regions should soon become available through INTEGRAL CV working group pages (link below).The dataset is now extended in a view of 3rd IBIS survey, containing important detections of 19 CVs. We hope to get improved sensitivity with OSA6 software once it is released and that significant fraction of INTEGRAL archive is processed with it.

2.2.ISDC participation

The participation in ISDC (INTEGRAL Science and Data Centre) in Versoix continued according to the plan with a full involvement of Petr Kubanek.

2.2.1.Virtual Observatory related work

Petr Kubanek worked on further development of the Virtual Observatory interface for INTEGRAL data. Significant progress was made in cleaning and redesign of supporting I/O libraries. These tasks are required for final release of virtual observatory interface. Due to their complexity, they weren't completed before end of year. We expect that we will have testing release ready in the first quarter of year 2007.

2.2.2.Integral Source Result pages - 2nd and 3rd version

Petr Kubanek performed changes on ISR pages. Those were described at ISDC Newsletter.

ISR 3rd version development was started. While first two versions were coded in Perl, we decided to code 3rd release in Java, using Tomcat container to hold JSP pages and Java servlets. During development, we faced major problem with missing Java FITS I/O libraries, and thus development does not pass internal preview. We will continue on development during next year.

2.2.3.Shifts at ISDC Barn

Petr Kubanek took shifts at ISDC Barn, where data from INTEGRAL are run through quick-look analysis to detect new sources and know sources flux changes.

2.2.4.ii_shadow_ubc-related work

Petr Kubanek coded, tested and delivered major changes to ii_shadow_ubc tool. This tool is part of IBIS analysis chain.

The tool takes uncorrected shadowgrams, and build corrected shadowgram. In previous versions of ii_shadow_ubc was a problem, noted by ISDC staff, with handling of background from modules enlighten by bright source in the IBIS FOV. When bright source was present, significant map produced by IBIS analysis pipeline shown brighter and darker areas, of the size of modules affected by bright sources in FOV.
The work performed on ii_shadow_ubc fixed SCREWs 1884 and 1900 and SPRs 4453, 4512, 4520, 4536, 4542, 4544 and 4576. Other SPRs (4612, 4613, 4618 and 4619) were filled and fixed by collaborators at CEA/Sacley. ISDC staff, including Petr Kubanek, performed extensive testing of the changes.

2.2.5.Various JEM-X analysis software changes

OSA JEM-X analysis tools were modified so that they can produce source light curves binned by science windows (SCWs) exposure time. This change enables analysis of weak sources seen in JEM-X. It fixed SPR 3903. Tests of the JEM-X software were modified to take into account that change.

2.3.RTS2 - BOOTES, BART telescope package

In this section works performed on Gound Based Segment are described, including related science. RTS2 stands for Remote Telescope System, 2nd Version. It is a freely available system which is able control complete robotics observatory, developed by members of our group. Originally developed for GRB follow-ups observations, it progressed towards full featured Linux suite capable to handle any kind of observing program.

2.3.1.RTS2 development

We continued in further development of the RTS2 network. RTS2 installation was successfully finished on the Watcher 1 telescope of University College Dublin, located on Boyden Observatory, Republic of South Africa. Thanks to our experiences, installation was performed without any major problems. Watcher justify its excellent position by observing four GRB optical transients (OT) - 060526, 060605, 060614 and 060904B - in four months, and providing word-competive limits for others GRBs. Unfortunately, in late September we experience mount motherboard failure, and so Watcher was not observing from end of September. Staff of Boyden observatory will do motherboard replacement after Christmass Holidays.
Hard work performed on FRAM telescope, which is operated by Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, at harsh conditions of Argentina pampas, on Pierre-Auger Southern Observatory site, matured in discovery of one of the brightest OT ever detected - GRB060117. Obtained world unique data showed hint of reverse shock. Paper based on this observation was published in A&A letters section. Throughout press office of the Czech Academy of Sciences, GRB060117 was distributed to the Czech Press Agency and various medias.
RTS2 code was significantly extended. We started development of new WWW based interface, coded in Java. Java should be workhorse for VO integration. Java-related work intersect with Java-related work performed on INTEGRAL VO, so we share development effort.
We discussed installation of RTS2 to other observatories, including sites in Russia, Ukraine, Greece, New Zealand and Antarctica.
Petr Kubanek helps with diploma thesis of two masters students in software engineering, one for lucky imaging on Andor CCD on BOOTES IR, second on automatic meteorite detection on all-sky cameras. Data for those diploma thesis are recorded by observatories running RTS2.
RTS2 driven telescopes discovered two OTs of GRBs - FRAM GRB060117 and BOOTES-IR GRB060706. Those discoveries show performance of our instruments in year when most of the OTs are discovered by Swift UVOT instrument. Dozen others GRBs were followed, with either detection or non-detection of OT reported in GCN circulars.

2.3.2.Related science

The BOOTES sub-experiment with attached network of robotic telescopes run with RTS2 has provided valuable scientific results which have been evaluated and published. Some examples are shown below.

The discovery and observation of an extraordinarily bright prompt optical emission of the GRB 060117 obtained by a wide-field camera atop the robotic telescope FRAM of the Pierre Auger Observatory from 2 to 10 min after the GRB was presented and discussed. We found rapid average temporal flux decay of alpha = -1.7 ± 0.1 and a peak brightness R = 10.1 mag. Later observations by other instruments set a strong limit on the optical and radio transient fluxes, unveiling an unexpectedly rapid further decay. We presented an interpretation featuring a relatively steep electron-distribution parameter p ≃ 3.0 and providing a straightforward solution for the overall fast decay of this optical transient as a transition between reverse and forward shock (for details see Jelínek, M.; Prouza, M.; Kubánek, P.; Hudec, R.; Nekola, M.; Řídký, J.; Grygar, J.; Boháčová, M.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Gorosabel, J.; et al.,.The bright optical flash from GRB 060117, 2006A&A...454L.119J.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their afterglows are the most brilliant transient events in the Universe. Both the bursts themselves and their afterglows have been predicted to be visible out to redshifts of z ~ 20, and therefore to be powerful probes of the early Universe. The burst GRB 000131, at z = 4.50, was hitherto the most distant such event identified. Here we report the discovery of the bright near-infrared afterglow of GRB 050904 (ref. 4). From our measurements of the near-infrared afterglow, and our failure to detect the optical afterglow, we determine the photometric redshift of the burst to be z = 6.39 - 0.12 + 0.11 (refs 5-7). Subsequently, it was measured spectroscopically to be z = 6.29 +/- 0.01, in agreement with our photometric estimate. These results demonstrate that GRBs can be used to trace the star formation, metallicity, and reionization histories of the early Universe. For more detail see Haislip, J. B.; Nysewander, M. C.; Reichart, D. E.; Levan, A.; Tanvir, N.; Cenko, S. B.; Fox, D. B.; Price, P. A.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Gorosabel, J.; .. Jelinek M., Hudec R.A photometric redshift of z = 6.39 ± 0.12 for GRB 050904, 2006Natur.440..181H.
Numerous GRB follow-up observations have been performed, with results mostly published in GCN Circulars, see the list of publications for more details.

3.Other works and activities

The secondary science centre in Ondrejov was operated smoothly. New versions of OSA data analysis software were transferred and successfully installed. Data for most promissing sources are being reprocessed with this newest OSA software and organized in local archive in a way that allows a construction of any combination of SCWs on demand.

Source database. An important amount of time was devoted to the development of the web interface for INTEGRAL working groups, devoted for studies of blazars ( and cataclysmic variable (CV) stars ( Most of features of these pages are supplied by a common code written in PHP with underlying MySQL database. On one hand this database is filled with information from ISDC archive (position and quality of individual pointings), on the other hand with available HE data on the sources to predict their possible detection with INTEGRAL instruments. We still lack more information on X-ray spectra of CVs (only a small collection of about 20 spectra from ASCA observations is available above 1 keV). For blazar database based on the article by Donato et al the most promising sources can be obtained from

Participation in OMC INTEGRAL data analyses have continued. A dedicated meeting of Czech and Spanish specialists was held at LAEFF, Madrid, in September 2005, with focus on improvements of experiment calibration and data analyses.

5th Czech INTEGRAL Project Progress Meeting was held in Vlasim, Czech Republic, October 25-28, 2006, with 22 participants and numerous presentations and discussions. For more details please see

4.Benefit for the Czech Republic

The main benefits of the Czech participation in the INTEGRAL project as described here can be briefly summarized as follows:

  1. Participation in large international space project.

  2. Direct involvement in large international teams such as at ISDC in Verosix, with good visibility of Czech scientists.

  3. Establishing wide international collaborations and numerous international contacts.

  4. Involvement of young research fellows and students.

  5. Networking of young research fellows and students into international scientific community in a perspective field of science and space technology.

  6. Access to unique scientific data.

  7. Works and analyses in wide international collaboration.

5.Financial balance of the project against planned budget

Finances in agreement with approved financial plan of the project. The accounting of the project is provided by the accounting office of the Astronomical Institute of Academy of Sciences in Ondrejov. The exact accounting report from the project will be provided by this office in January 2007 but one can be sure already now that the approved and allocated budget will not be exceeded.

6.Difficulties and problems accounted

No serious problems and difficulties accounted.

7.Respective measures taken to overcame problems

8.Changes proposed for next period of project run

None significant changes for the next period run are proposed.

9.Publications/papers presented based on the project


9.1.1.Publications in refereed journals

Hudec, R. INTEGRAL cataclysmic and symbiotic stars & new ideas on how to identify INTEGRAL sources.
Hudec R., Basta M., Munz F., Pian E., Bassani L. Foschini L. Blazars: INTEGRAL and BH Binaries. In Very High Phenomena in the Universe, Eds. J. Dumarchez and J. Tran Thanh Van, The Gioi Publisher, 2006, p. 215-218.
F. Munz, P. Kubanek, V. Simon, Search for Wear and Variable Sources with INTEGRAL satelite. In Very High Phenomena in the Universe, Eds. J. Dumarchez and J. Tran Thanh Van, The Gioi Publisher, 2006, p. 153-156.
Title: The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3. The WEBT campaign of 2004-2005

Authors: Villata, M.; Raiteri, C. M.; Balonek, T. J.; Aller, M. F.; Jorstad, S. G.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nicastro, F.; Nilsson, K.; Aller, H. D.; Arai, A.; Arkharov, A.; Bach, U.; Benítez, E.; Berdyugin, A.; Buemi, C. S.; Böttcher, M.; Carosati, D.; Casas, R.; Caulet, A.; Chen, W. P.; Chiang, P.-S.; Chou, Y.; Ciprini, S.; Coloma, J. M.; di Rico, G.; Díaz, C.; Efimova, N. V.; Forsyth, C.; Frasca, A.; Fuhrmann, L.; Gadway, B.; Gupta, S.; Hagen-Thorn, V. A.; Harvey, J.; Heidt, J.; Hernandez-Toledo, H.; Hroch, F.; Hu, C.-P.; Hudec, R.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Imada, A.; Kamata, M.; Kato, T.; Katsuura, M.; Konstantinova, T.; Kopatskaya, E.; Kotaka, D.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Kovalev, Yu. A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Kubota, K.; Kurosaki, M.; Lanteri, L.; Larionov, V. M.; Larionova, L.; Laurikainen, E.; Lee, C.-U.; Leto, P.; Lähteenmäki, A.; López-Cruz, O.; Marilli, E.; Marscher, A. P.; McHardy, I. M.; Mondal, S.; Mullan, B.; Napoleone, N.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Ohlert, J. M.; Postnikov, S.; Pursimo, T.; Ragni, M.; Ros, J. A.; Sadakane, K.; Sadun, A. C.; Savolainen, T.; Sergeeva, E. A.; Sigua, L. A.; Sillanpää, A.; Sixtova, L.; Sumitomo, N.; Takalo, L. O.; Teräsranta, H.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Umana, G.; Volvach, A.; Voss, B.; Wortel, S.

Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 453, Issue 3, July III 2006, pp.817-822

Publication Date: 07/2006
Title: The bright optical flash from GRB 060117

Authors: Jelínek, M.; Prouza, M.; Kubánek, P.; Hudec, R.; Nekola, M.; Řídký, J.; Grygar, J.; Boháčová, M.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Gorosabel, J.; Hrabovský, M.; Mandát, D.; Nosek, D.; Nožka, L.; Palatka, M.; Pandey, S. B.; Pech, M.; Schovánek, P.; Šmída, R.; Trávníček, P.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Vítek, S.

Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 454, Issue 3, August II 2006, pp.L119-L122 (A&A Homepage)

Publication Date: 08/2006
Title: INTEGRAL observations of the blazar 3C 454.3 in outburst

Authors: Pian, E.; Foschini, L.; Beckmann, V.; Soldi, S.; Türler, M.; Gehrels, N.; Ghisellini, G.; Giommi, P.; Maraschi, L.; Pursimo, T.; Raiteri, C. M.; Tagliaferri, G.; Tornikoski, M.; Tosti, G.; Treves, A.; Villata, M.; Barr, P.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; di Cocco, G.; Hudec, R.; Fuhrmann, L.; Malaguti, G.; Persic, M.; Tavecchio, F.; Walter, R.

Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 449, Issue 2, April II 2006, pp.L21-L25

Publication Date: 04/2006
Title: A photometric redshift of z = 6.39 ± 0.12 for GRB 050904

Authors: Haislip, J. B.; Nysewander, M. C.; Reichart, D. E.; Levan, A.; Tanvir, N.; Cenko, S. B.; Fox, D. B.; Price, P. A.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Gorosabel, J.; Evans, C. R.; Figueredo, E.; MacLeod, C. L.; Kirschbrown, J. R.; Jelinek, M.; Guziy, S.; Postigo, A. De Ugarte; Cypriano, E. S.; Lacluyze, A.; Graham, J.; Priddey, R.; Chapman, R.; Rhoads, J.; Fruchter, A. S.; Lamb, D. Q.; Kouveliotou, C.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Bayliss, M. B.; Schmidt, B. P.; Soderberg, A. M.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Harrison, F. A.; Moon, D. S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Hudec, R.; Vitek, S.; Kubanek, P.; Crain, J. A.; Foster, A. C.; Clemens, J. C.; Bartelme, J. W.; Canterna, R.; Hartmann, D. H.; Henden, A. A.; Klose, S.; Park, H.-S.; Williams, G. G.; Rol, E.; O'Brien, P.; Bersier, D.; Prada, F.; Pizarro, S.; Maturana, D.; Ugarte, P.; Alvarez, A.; Fernandez, A. J. M.; Jarvis, M. J.; Moles, M.; Alfaro, E.; Ivarsen, K. M.; Kumar, N. D.; Mack, C. E.; Zdarowicz, C. M.; Gehrels, N.; Barthelmy, S.; Burrows, D. N.

Journal: Nature, Volume 440, Issue 7081, pp. 181-183 (2006).

Publication Date: 03/2006
Title:. Cataclysmic variables observed with INTEGRAL

Authors: Simon, Vojtech; Hudec, Ren´; Munz, Filip; Strobl, Jan

Journal: Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 6, p.149, 2006
Title:. Blazars and INTEGRAL

Authors: Hudec, R.

Journal: Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 6, p.114, 2006

9.1.2.Conference proceedings

Title: RTS2: a powerful robotic observatory manager

Authors: Kubanek, P., Jelinek, M., Vitek, S., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Nekola, M., French, J.

Publication: Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy. Edited by Lewis, Hilton; Bridger, Alan. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6274, pp. (2006)

Publication Date: 07/2006
Title: BOOTES-IR: a robotic nIR astronomical observatory devoted to follow-up of transient phenomena

Authors: Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Cunniffe, R.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Jelínek, M.; Vitek, S.; Kubánek, P.; Gorosabel, J.; Castillo Carrión, S.; Mateo Sanguino, T. J.; Riva, A.; Conconi, P.; di Caprio, V.; Zerbi, F.; Amado, P.; Cárdenas, C.; Claret, A.; Guziy, S.; Martín-Ruiz, S.; Sánchez, M. A.; García Teodoro, P.; Castro Cerón, J. M.; Díaz Verdejo, J.; Hudec, R.; López Soler, J. M.; Berná Galiano, J. Á.; Casares, J.; Fabregat, J.; Páta, P.; Sánchez Fernández, C.; Sabau-Graziati, M. D.; Trigo-Rodríguez, J. M.; Vitali, F.

Journal: Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes. Edited by Stepp, Larry M.. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6267, pp. (2006).

Publication Date: 07/2006
Title: GRB follow-up with BOOTES Optical Chapter 5: The Swift Era

Authors: Jelínek, Martin; Castro-Tirado, Alberto J.; Kubánek, Petr; Vítek, Stanislav; de Ugarte Postigo, Antonio; Hudec, René

Journal: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era, Sixteenth Maryland Astrophysics Conference, held 29 November - 2 December, 2005 in Washington, DC. Edited by S.S. Holt, N. Gehrels, and J.A. Nousek. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 836. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, 2006., p.688-691

Publication Date: 05/2006
Title: BART: real time follow-up of GRBs since 2001

Authors: Kubánek, Petr; Jelínek, Martin; Hudec, René; Nekola, Martin; Strobl, Jan

Journal: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era, Sixteenth Maryland Astrophysics Conference, held 29 November - 2 December, 2005 in Washington, DC. Edited by S.S. Holt, N. Gehrels, and J.A. Nousek. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 836. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, 2006., p.684-687

Publication Date: 05/2006
Title: Blazars INTEGRAL and Supermassive Black Hole Binaries

Authors: Hudec, R.; Munz, F.; Basta, M.; Kubanek, P.

Journal: Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies Proceedings of the 230th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Dublin, Ireland 15-19 August 2005, Edited by E. J. A. Meurs; G. Fabbiano. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006., pp.237-238

Publication Date: 00/2006
Title: Cataclysmic variables and related objects with INTEGRAL

Authors: Šimon, Vojtech; Hudec, René; Munz, Filip; Štrobl, Jan

Journal: Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies Proceedings of the 230th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Dublin, Ireland 15-19 August 2005, Edited by E. J. A. Meurs; G. Fabbiano. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006., pp.66-69

Publication Date: 00/2006
Title:. INTEGRAL and Blazars

Authors: Hudec, R.; Munz, F.; Basta, M.; Kubanek, P.; Pian, E..

2005, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain. Editor: A. Wilson, p.631

Publication Date: 01/2006
Title:. Access to high-energy astrophysics through Virtual Observatory: Scientific Motivation and Status of INTEGRAL Prototype

Authors: Kubanek, Petr; Hudec, Rene

Journal: The Virtual Observatory in Action: New Science, New Technology, and Next Generation Facilities, 26th meeting of the IAU, Special Session 3, 17-18, 21-22 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, SPS3, #77

Publication Date: 08/2006
Title: What's New on the Integral Source Results Pages?

Authors: P. Kubánek, M. Beck, P. Binko, M. Meharga, S. Paltani, D. Willis

Jurnal: ISDC Newsletter No. 19

Publication Date: 03/2006

9.1.3.GCN circulars

Title: GRB 060117: FRAM refined analysis.

Authors: Jelinek, M.; Kubanek, P.; Prouza, M.; Nekola, M.; Hudec, R.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4536, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 01/2006
Title: GRB 060117: FRAM optical afterglow candidate.

Authors: Kubanek, P.; Jelinek, M.; Prouza, M.; Nekola, M.; Hudec, R.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4535, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 01/2006
Title: GRB 060130: FRAM optical observations.

Authors: Kubanek, P.; Prouza, M.; Jelinek, M.; Nekola, M.; Hudec, R.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4617, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 01/2006
Title: GRB 060204A: FRAM optical observations.

Authors: Kubanek, P.; Prouza, M.; Jelinek, M.; Nekola, M.; Hudec, R.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4675, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 02/2006
Title: GRB 060204C: BOOTES-IR optical limits.

Authors: Guziy, S.; Vitek, S.; Jelinek, M.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Pandey, S. B.; Gorosabel, J.; Cuniffe, R.; Castillo, S. C.; Kubanek, P.; Sabau-Graziati, M. D.; Hudec, R.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4666, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 02/2006
Title: GRB 060413: Watcher UBVR observations.

Authors: French, J.; Melady, G.; Hanlon, L.; McBreen, B.; McBreen, S.; Meintjes, P.; Hoffman, M.; Calitz, H.; Smith, N.; Jelinek, M.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Hudec, R.; Kubanek, P.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4960, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 04/2006
Title: GRB 060418: FRAM early afterglow observation.

Authors: Jelinek, M.; Kubanek, P.; Prouza, M.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4976, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 04/2006
Title: Possible GRB060421: BART limits.

Authors: Strobl, J.; Topinka, M.; Nekola, M.; Hudec, R.; Kubanek, P.; Jelinek, M.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 4986, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 04/2006
Title: GRB 060507: BART limit.

Authors: Jelinek, M.; Kubanek, P.; Hudec, R.; Nekola, M. F.; Munz, F.; Strobl, J.

Journal: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5092, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 05/2006
Title:GRB060602B: BOOTES-IR candidate afterglow.

Authors: Jelinek, M., Kubanek, P., Vitek, S., Castro-Tirado, A.J.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5198, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 06/2006
Title: GRB060602B: watcher observations - no OT candidate.

Authors: Kubanek, P.; Jelinek, M.; French, J.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5199, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 06/2006
Title: GRB060602A: Bootes-IR observations.

Authors: Vitek, S.; Jelinek, M.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5201, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 06/2006
Title: GRB060614: watcher observation.

Authors: French, J.; Melady, G.; Hanlon, L.; Jelinek, M.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5257, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 06/2006
Title: GRB 060707: BOOTES-IR optical afterglow candidate.

Authors: de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Gorosabel, J.; Jelinek, M.; Cunniffe, R.; Kubanek, P.; Vitek, S.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Sabau-Graziati, M. D.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5290, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 07/2006
Title: GRB060719: FRAM early follow-up limit.

Authors: Jelinek, M.; Kubanek, P.; Prouza, M.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5345, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 07/2006
Title: GRB060825: BOOTES-IR optical observations.

Authors: de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Gorosabel, J.; Jelinek, M.; Cunniffe, R.; Vitek, S.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Kubanek, P.; Sabau-Graziati, L. D.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5472, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 08/2006
Title: GRB 060901: watcher observations.

Authors: French, J.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5492, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060904B BOOTES-IR and 1.5m OSN observations.

Authors:de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Aceituno, F.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5509, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB060904B: watcher observations

Authors:de Ugarte Postigo, A.; French, J.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5510, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060906: observations with FRAM.

Authors:Kubanek, P.; Prouza, M.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5530, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060906: FRAM observations - flash determination (airplane).

Authors:Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5533, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060912B: watcher observations

Authors: French, J.; Kubanek, P.; Jelinek, M.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5566, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060926: watcher observations.

Authors:French, J.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5615, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060926: BOOTES-IR observations.

Authors:de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Kubanek, P.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5616, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060929: BOOTES-IR & OSN observations.

Authors: de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Kubanek, P.; Castro-Tirado, A.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5656, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB 060929: BART observation.

Authors:Nekola, M.; Munz, F.; Strobl, J.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Kubanek, P.; Markwardt, C. B.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5658, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 09/2006
Title: GRB061202: FRAM early follow-up limit

Authors: Jelinek, M, Kubanek, P., Prouza, M.

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5892, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 12/2006
Title: GRB 061222B: BOOTES-IR optical observations

Authors: A. de Ugarte Postigo, M. Jelinke, A.J. Castro-Tirado, V.Casanova, J.Gorosabel, R.Cunniffe, S. Vitek, P.Kubanek, R.Hudec, L.Sabau-Graziati

Publication: GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 5968, 1 (2006)

Publication Date: 12/2006

9.2.Publications in press

Kubanek, P. et al. Status of Robotics Telescopes Driven by RTS2 (BART, BOOTES, FRAM and Watcher), 2006, in press.

Jelinek,M., Kubanek P., Hudec R., et al. Extraordinary Bright OT of GRB, M. Il Nuovo Cimento, 2006, in press.
Hudec R. et al. Blazars and INTEGRAL. 6th INTEGRAL
Hudec, R. et al. INTEGRAL and Virtual Observatory. Proceedings of the SpacePart 06 International Konference on Space and Astroparticle Physics, Peking, April 2006, in press..
Hudec, R. et al. INTEGRAL and Blazars. Proceedings of the SpacePart 06 International Konference on Space and Astroparticle Physics, Peking, April 2006, in press..
Hudec et al. Identification of Integral sources with astronomical archival plates, Proc. 6th Integral Workshop.
Kubanek and Hudec INTEGRAL Source Results Pages and Access to INTEGRAL Data Through Virtual Observatory: Scientific Motivation and Recent Status, Proc. 6th Integral Workshop.
Kubanek et al. Robotic Observations of INTEGRAL Sources in the Optical Domain, Proc. 6th Integral Workshop.
Kubanek et al. Bright Optical Flash from GRB 060117 - an Example of Event Detected with OMC Class Instrument, Proc. 6th Integral Workshop.
Simon et al. Integral and CVs and related objects, Proc. 6th Integral Workshop
Munz et al. Anaylyses of weak sources with INTEGRAL, Proc. 6th Integral Workshop.
Hudec R. et al. Observations of blazars with INTERGRAL. Nuclear Physics B, in press.
Hudec R. and Kubanek P. INTEGRAL as Virtual Observatory, Nuclear Physics B, in press.

9.3.Publications in preparation

Model of the eclipsing binary V1011 Cyg, Sobotka, P., Zasche, P., IBVS 2007, in preparation

GS Gem is a double periodic semiregular star, Sobotka, P., Ládra, J., Brát, L., Dubovský, P.A., IBVS 2007, in preparation
Analysis of the optical behavior of the variable stars in the MEDUZA observing programme, Sobotka, P., Šindelář, L., Brát, L., OEJV 2007, in preparation


Hudec, R. INTEGRAL cataclysmic and symbiotic stars & new ideas on how to identify INTEGRAL sources. INTEGRAL ISDC Consortium Meeting, ISDC, Versoix, September 2006 (30 min talk)

Hudec, R. et al. INTEGRAL and Virtual Observatory. SpacePart 06 International Conference on Space and Astroparticle Physics, Peking, April 2006 (poster).
Hudec, R. et al. INTEGRAL and Blazars. SpacePart 06 International Conference on Space and Astroparticle Physics, Peking, April 2006 (poster).
Kubanek P. et al., BOOTES-IR: a robotic nIR astronomical observatory devoted to follow-up of transient phenomena, SPIE Orlando May 2006, (poster).
Kubanek P. et al., RTS2: a powerful robotic observatory manager, SPIE Orgando May 2006, (poster).
Jelinek et al. FRAM OT GRB960117, Swift GRB konference, San Servolo, Italy, May 2006 (poster).
Kubanek et al. ,Status of robotics telescopes driven by RTS2 (BART, BOOTES, FRAM and Watcher) Swift GRB konference, San Servolo, Italy, May 2006 (poster).


Hudec et al. Identification of Integral sources with astronomical archival plates, 6th Integral Workshop, Moscow, July 2006, (poster).

Kubanek and Hudec INTEGRAL Source Results Pages and Access to INTEGRAL Data Through Virtual Observatory: Scientific Motivation and Recent Status, 6th Integral Workshop, Moscow, July 2006, (poster).
Kubanek et al. Robotic Observations of INTEGRAL Sources in Optical Domain, 6th Integral Workshop, Moscow, July 2006, (poster).
Kubanek et al. Bright Optical Flash from GRB 060117 - an Example of Event Detected with OMC Class Instrument, 6th Integral Workshop, Moscow, July 2006, (poster).
Simon et al. Integral and CVs and related objects, 6th Integral Workshop, Moscow, July 2006, (poster).
Munz et al. Analyses of weak sources with INTEGRAL, 6th Integral Workshop, Moscow, July 2006, (poster).
Hudec R INTEGRAL observations of cataclysmic variables. 38th konference on Variable Stars, Valašské Mezirici, November 2006, talk.
Sobotka P. INTEGRAL OMC data analyses. 38th konference on Variable Stars, Valašské Mezirici, November 2006, talk.
Hudec R. Identification of INTEGRAL gamma-ray sources, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands, 27.11.06. talk.
Hudec R. INTEGRAL and cataclysmic variables. 5th INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Vlasim, October 2006. talk.
Hudec R. INTEGRAL 4 years after. 5th INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Vlasim, October 2006. talk.
Munz F. INTEGRAL sky survey. . 5th INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Vlasim, October 2006. talk.
Topinka M. INTEGRAL GRBs. . 5th INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Vlasim, October 2006. talk.
Sobotka P. INTEGRAL OMC data analyses . 5th INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Vlasim, October 2006. talk.
For more talks at the 5th INTEGRAL Progress Meeting, Vlasim see

10.Another attachements

  1. Evaluation of the Czech participation on INTEGRAL by INTEGRAL Project Manager.

  2. Invitation to give an invited talk on INTEGRAL and Cataclysmic Variables in the Vulcano 2007 international workshop.

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