Personal Data: Name : Prasanna. S educational Qualification

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Personal Data:
Name : Prasanna.S

Educational Qualification : Finished 12th under Central Board Of Secondary Education India.

School : SBOA (State Bank Officer's Association) Anna Nagar West, Chennai.

Currently studying final year B.Tech Computer Science at National Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.

Home Address :

2/82 (240) Mugappair West,

Chennai - 600037


+91 044 26258289, +91 044 26521944

E-mail :

Date Of Birth : 22nd Aug 1987

Nationality : India
Academic Scores:

  • 91.2 % in 12th standard at Central Board Of Secondary Education.

  • BTech, Computer Science: GPA (on a scale of 10)

Semester I:    8.02

Semester II:   7.88

Semester III:  7.32

Semester IV:  8.52

Semester V:   8.54

Semester VI:  8.36

Semester VII: 8.02

CGPA: 8.09

Prior Work in Industry:
Worked as an intern at GOOGLE Bangalore for a period of 2.5 months. (3rd year vacations)

Wrote the entire frame-work necessary for google tamil news, which include heuristics for Crawl, Content format conversion, News identification and extraction, Article clustering, Classification, Geo information, Scoring and promotion, etc.

Worked as an intern at GOOGLE Bangalore for a period of 2.5 months. (2nd year vacations)


  • Developed some gadgets in a javascript-style scripting engine. I as well developed the world-cup soccer gadget.

  • Learnt to expose more functions to the scripting engine. Used VC++/COM.

  • Learnt and Modified the Google AJAX XSLT project. Added more grammars and syntaxes to the XSLT and XPATH Interpreter.

  • Ported the entire interpreter (was 3000+ lines of code), which was written on browser based java-script to work with window’s Jscript.

  • Rewrote from scratch a heuristic based Html to DOM type parser that handles broken XML syntaxes. Used Javascript-style script, C++, XSLT and XPATH.

  • Developed a Micro Summary framework to work with mozilla’s generators under the google desktop scripting system.


  • Was Invited to the Google Party held at Bangalore, India 2006 for the ACM ICPC World Finalists.

  • Was felicitated by Nobelist Georg Bednorz for winning the South Asia Regionals 2006.

  • Was felicitated by ACM Turing Award Winner and IBM Fellow Frances.E.Allen for winning the South Asia Regionals for two consecutive years.

Achievements: (in reverse chronological order)

  • Judge at ACM ICPC '07 South Asia regionals held at Amritapuri center. Wrote 4 problems and tested all problems.

  • Winner of ACM ICPC ’07 South Asia regionals held at IIT Kanpur center. First time in the history of the region all problems were solved, and we solved it in half the contest time. Invited to the world-finals to be held this April at Alberta, Canada.

  • Winner of Adaventurea coding, debugging, web-designing, hacking, and game programming contest of our techfest. The contest consisted of five member teams. I was the only guy in my team. Won 12,000 INR.

  • Winner of ACM ICPC ’06 South Asia regionals held at IIT Kanpur center. Honerable Mention at the world-finals held at Tokyo, Japan.

  • Winner of the Fair-Issac programming challenge and 100,000 INR. The contest was open to all Indian-college students.

  • Ranked 106 in GOOGLE International CODEJAM 2006 semi-finals. Was invited as a wild-card to the finals held at New-York. Only Indian to make it that far. Could not make it to the finals because of VISA issues.

  • Ranked 12 in GOOGLE India CODEJAM 2005 finals. I was ranked 5 in the semi-finals. Won 35,000 INR.

  • Ranked 5 in ACM ICPC South-Asia regional 2005. Top three teams were invited to the world-finals.

  • Ranked 56 in GOOGLE International CODEJAM 2005 finals. Only Indian who has ever reached the finals. I was also the youngest in the world who has ever reached the finals. Finals was held at Google HQ, Mountain View, California. Won 750 USD.

Other programming achievements:

  • Ranked #1 (Jan ’08) in India at Topcoder;

  • Was offered an internship at Google HQ, Mountain View, California, when at 2nd year of college. Unable to take up the offer due to VISA restrictions.

  • Was the winner of several (>50) programming, debugging and obfuscated coding contests held by various college’s tech-fests.

  • Qualified to the final interviews of Microsoft’s Code4bill. Was unable to attend as i was younger than their age limit.

  • I am a problem setter at world’s top two contest hosting sites: Topcoder, SPOJ and USACO (USA Computing Olympiad)

  • I was the problem setter of our college tech-fest’s programming contest: ByteCode 2006 and ByteCode 2007. I wrote the online judge, the problem set and the solutions. 500 teams across 35 countries took part in 2006 making our tech-fest go international for the first time.

  • One of the admins/founders (in a team of four) of the intra-college programming contest club called “codelabs”. Google sponsors for the local contests which we conduct.

  • The same team of four control and maintain the department’s linux lab which consists of 60 P-IV/linux terminals. Developed scripts to handle and execute commands on the entire n/w with a script on a central system. Hopefully we build a cluster out of it.

  • Was the problem setter of ‘Debugging contest’ of Vortex 2006 - our departmental symposium.

At School:

  • Ranked #2 in a programming contest conducted by our (SBOA) School. The contest was open to all students, and about 100 participated in it.

  • Qualified for the Regionals of Indian National Informatics Olympiad when at school.

  • Secured 456/500 in 12th standard, with a 99/100 in computer science. Was honored to be among the top 0.1% of students taking the computer science paper.

Courses Completed: Discrete Mathematics, Electronic circuits and devices, Numerical Methods, Data Structures, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Netware UNIX and Windows, Digital System Design, Computer Organization and Architecture, Systems Programming, Probability Theory, Basics of Communication Engineering.

Software Skill Set:

Languages Known: C, C++, Java, Javascript, Bash/awk/sed scripts, 8085/8086/386+ assembly.

Worked With: Perl, Python, Win-32 MFC’s, X Window System/GTK.

Operating Systems: Dos, Windows and Linux.

Other Technologies: HTML, PHP,SQL
Other Skills:

  • I am aware of the major optimization internals of the Pentium-4 processor and the Super Scalar Architectures. Can optimize code beating the compiler’s output by good margins.

  • I am familiar with execution environments and can crack binaries, to do a specific task ( like removing activation notice) or to study formats that it produces, with tools that I developed for this purpose. I am good at reverse engineering and can produce reasonable dissections within a week’s time.

  • I am good at program run-time estimates, under optimization levels and architectures. Can clear bottle-necks based on profiled info.

  • I am aware of various optimizations of gcc compilers and some of the VC++ compilers (mostly limited to instruction sequence mixing). Studying on compiler-optimisation driven by profiled information feedback.


  • Wrote a multi-tasking machine design specific utility on top of dos, when I was at school. This util can be linked to a dos program and the prog can make use of my API to achieve multi-tasking. Stack, registers, graphic and device contexts get preserved.

    • Compiler : Turbo C++ / Turbo Assembler.

    • OS : DOS V2 and higher.

    • Task Switch Speed : 18.2 Hz

  • Wrote a 'Bauntumy' AI game computer player, when at I year college. This player's search speed averages 12 million nodes per second. And normally thinks 6 steps deep in less than 50 milli-seconds. (With GUI and Event Logging).

    • Used extensive Alpha-Beta Pruning supplemented with ZERO Window Search.

    • Used Caching and self-written Fast Memory Allocate and Free Algorithm, which work faster but less effecient in memory management.

    • Compiler : Microsoft VC++ 6.0

    • OS : Windows 95 and later.

  • Wrote an Online Judge / CodeChecker, when at II year college. This s/w runs and evaluates src code, when user submits src code for a programming contest. It compiles the src program & runs it with a predefined set of inputs & checks if it provided the correct set of outputs. Also the user- programs had their time and memory limits. It was written to be secure from malicious code trying to attack the server. It's now used to conduct programming contests for our college.

    • 1. Set resource limits for the program - memory, time, process, etc, so as to protect the server from malicious code attack.

2. Supports almost any language, with an easy plugin type interface to add a language support to the judge.

3. Handled the 2018 submissions during bytecode (the online contest of our university) within a period of 8 hours (duration of the contest).

    • Compiler: gnu c compiler (gcc/g++) (backend) front end consists of a php/mysql based queuing system.

    • OS : GNU Linux, Kernel Version 3 or later.

I assure all the above are true to my best knowledge.

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