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Title: Studia Biophysica

Full Journal Title: Studia Biophysica

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JCR Abbreviated Title: Stud Biophys

ISSN: 0081-6337


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? Dimitrov, D.S. and Georgiev, G. (1980), Kinetics of adsorption or desorption induced density change of a monolayer subjected to small deformations. Studia Biophysica, 78 (3), 177-187.

? Buszman, E., Kwasniak, B., Dzierzewicz, Z. and Wilczok, T. (1987), Dynamics of metal ion-melanin complex-formation electron-spin-resonance and radiochemical studies. Studia Biophysica, 122 (1-3), 147-156.

Title: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia

Full Journal Title: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia

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? Burca, S., Vermesan, G., Bulea, C., Stanca, M., Bedelean, H. and Maicaneanu, A. (2007), Electroplating wastewater treatment using a Romanian bentonite. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 52 (3), 155-164.

Full Text: 2007\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che52, 155.pdf

Abstract: In this study we considered the possibility to remove iron and zinc ions from electroplating wastewaters using a clay mineral (bentonite). We worked with a bentonite cropped from Valea Chioarului, Maramures County, Romania, deposit. The bentonite sample was characterised by means of surface specific area (BET), chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Electroplating wastewaters provided by SC BETAK SA Bistrita, with an initial iron and zinc content of 1100.7 g Fe-total/dm(3) and 126.8 g Zn2+/dm(3) respectively, and a pH of 0.5, were used. The heavy metal ions removal process was realised in a batch reactor (static regime) using a micronised bentonite sample (d < 4.5 mu m). This type of bentonite proved to be efficient in the iron and zinc ions removal (100% removal efficiency).

Keywords: Analysis, Aqueous-Solutions, Batch, Batch Reactor, Bed Reactors, Bentonite, BET, Chemical, Chemical Analysis, Clay, Clay Mineral, EDS, Efficiency, Electron Microscopy, Electroplating, Electroplating Wastewaters, Energy, FTIR, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal Ions, Heavy-Metals, Ion Adsorption, Ions, Iron, Iron Ions, Metal, Metal Ions, Metal Ions Removal, Montmorillonite, Natural Zeolites, Nonionic Surfactants, pH, Phenol, Pillared Clay, Removal, Removal Efficiency, Romania, Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM, Spectroscopy, Surface, Treatment, Wastewater, Wastewater Treatment, Wastewaters, Wet Peroxide Oxidation, X-Ray, X-Ray Diffraction, Zinc, Zinc Ions

? Tomoaia-Cotisel, M., Horovitz, O., Borostean, O., Bobos, L.D., Tomoaia, G., Mocanu, A. and Yupsanis, T. (2008), Kinetic and thermodynamic characterization of protein adsorption at fluid interfaces. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 53 (1), 143-157.

Full Text: 2008\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che53, 143.pdf

Abstract: The formation and characterization of nanostructured polyfunctional layers (films) based on protein adsorption at different fluid interfaces, such as air/water or oil/water interfaces, in the absence or in the presence of stearic acid are investigated. For instance, kinetics and thermodynamics of protein adsorption at the air/aqueous solutions were studied, thereby evidencing the protein surface active properties. The investigated protein was a globulin extracted and purified from aleurone cells of barley. The conjugated effect of protein and stearic acid simultaneous adsorption was also investigated, at the benzene/aqueous solutions interface. A stable mixed lipid and protein film has been formed by the co-adsorption of these biomolecules at liquid-liquid interface showing that the interaction between stearic acid and the protein is significant.

Keywords: Adsorption, Air-Water-Interface, Aleurone Cells, Beta-Lactoglobulin, Bovine Serum-Albumin, Characterization, Co-Adsorption, Films, Fluid Interfaces, FTIR, Interaction, Interface, Interfaces, Kinetic, Kinetics, Kinetics And Thermodynamics, Lipid, Nanoparticles, Oil, Water Interface, Protein, Solutions, Stearic Acid, Surface, Surface Rheology, Thermodynamic, Thermodynamics, Ultrafiltration

? Szende, T., Stanca, M., Majdik, C., Indolean, C., Burca, S., Timea, P. and Bela, T. (2008), Cd2+ removal from synthetic wastewaters using scenedesmus opoliensis green algae. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 53 (3), 31-36.

Full Text: 2008\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che53, 31.pdf

Abstract: The main purpose of this research paper was to study the Cd2+ adsorption capacity of green algae from solutions of heavy metal in different concentrations. In this respect, experimental determinations were carried out using Scenedesmus opoliensis species to investigate the power of retention of green algae when it is used as natural biological filter. The adsorption processes was studied using three different concentrations, regime, at normal temperature and pH = 5.2. Heavy metal ion was namely 4.36 mg Cd2+/L, 12.70 mgCd(2+)/L and 20.49 mg Cd2+/L, in dynamic adsorbed up to a yield of 50-52% over an interval of no more than 120 minutes, with an important increase in the first 10 minutes. The retention capacity, Q(s), of algal material adsorbent grows from 0.67 mg Cd2+/g adsorbent for C-1= 4.36 mgCd/L to 3.28 mg Cd2+/g adsorbent for C-3=20.49 mgCd(2+)/L. The analytical method employed in this study is atomic absorption.

Keywords: Absorption, Adsorbent, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Algae, Atomic Absorption Method, Bioaccumulation, Biological, Biosorption, Capacity, Cd2+, Dynamic, Experimental, First, Green Algae, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal Ion, Interval, Metal, Natural, Normal, pH, Power, Purpose, Removal, Research, Retention, Scenedesmus Opoliensis Green Algae, Solutions, Species, Temperature, Toxicity

? Ghirisan, A., Dragan, S. and Miclaus, V. (2008), Copper biosorption on a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isotherm equilibrium and kinetic study. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 53 (3), 37-45.

Full Text: 2008\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che53, 31.pdf

Abstract: In the present work, biosorption of copper ions from aqueous solutions on a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, collected from the waste of a brewing industry, was studied in batch system for a better understanding of biosorption isotherm equilibrium, as well as biosorption kinetics. The influence of different sorbent dosages on the sorption of copper ions was investigated. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models were used for interpreting the copper biosorption equilibrium and the isotherm constants (i.e., for Freundlich isotherm model, k = 10.454 and n = 3.017) were determined by experimental data. Freundlich adsorption isotherm (R2 = 0.9642) was found to be more suitable than the Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.8709) for correlation of equilibrium biosorption data. Kinetics of biosorption for copper ions was investigated using the first- and second-order models. The kinetic constants were also determined. Second-order kinetics (R2 = 0.9937 - 0.9996) was found to fit the experimental data better than the first- order model (R2 = 0.743).

Keywords: Adsorption, Biosoption, Copper, Freundlich and Langmuir Models, Removal, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sorption

? Majdik, C., Indolean, C., Szende, T., Maicaneanu, A., Timea, P. and Bela, T. (2008), Removal of Zn2+ from some synthetic wastewaters by immobilized saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 53 (3), 71-76.

Full Text: 2008\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che53, 31.pdf

Abstract: Biosorption of heavy metal ion (Zn2+) by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was studied. The biosorbent that we studied was made from fresh Bakers’ yeast commercially available under beads form. We used three different initial concentrations of Zn2+ in solution, 129.60 mg Zn2+/L, 213.41 mg Zn2+/L and 304.88 mg Zn2+/L, for biosorption study in dynamic regime, at 25 degrees C and neutral pH. Adsorption yields, eta, and retention capacity, Q(s), were calculated and compared. From all the experimental data it can be concluded that using yeast as a biological filter the concentration of Zn2+ from synthetic samples was considerably reduced. UV/VIS spectroscopy was used for determination of the adsorption degree of Zn2+ from synthetic wastewater samples.

Keywords: Adsorption, Beads, Biological, Biosorbent, Biosorption, Biosorption, Cadmium, Capacity, Cobalt, Concentration, Data, Dynamic, Experimental, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metals, Heavy-Metals, Immobilization, Immobilized, Metal, Molecular Adsorption Method, pH, Removal, Retention, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Cells, Solution, Spectroscopy, Wastewater, Yeast, Zn2+

? Măicăneanu, A., Bedelean, H., Burcă, S. and Stanca, M. (2009), Heavy metal ions removal from model wastewaters using Orasul Nou (Transilvania, Romania) bentonite sample. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 54 (3), 127-140.

Full Text: 2009\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che54.pdf

Abstract: A bentonite sample from Oraşul Nou deposit, (Transilvania, Romania), was used to remove heavy metal ions (Zn2+, Pb2+, Cd2+) from model monocomponent wastewaters. A representative sample of bentonite (ON) was characterised using, wet chemical analyses, XRD, BET and FTIR. The bentonite deposit from Orasul Nou formed by alteration of rhyolites and perlites. Mineralogically, they contain clay minerals (montmorillonite, and subordinately kaolinite, illite), cristobalite, carbonates, zeolites (clinoptilolite), iron oxi-hydroxides and relics of primary minerals such as quartz and feldspar. The bentonite sample was used as powder, (d < 0.2 mm), without any chemical treatment. We studied the influence of the working regime, static and dynamic, concentration, and solid: liquid ratio over the process efficiency. We used monocomponent synthetic wastewaters containing zinc, lead and cadmium ions. The bentonite sample proved to be efficient for the removal of the considered heavy metal ions, removal efficiencies up to 100% (lead and zinc removal) were reached. First-order, pseudo- second-order and Elovich models were used to study the adsorption kinetic of zinc ions on the bentonite sample.

Keywords: Adsorption, Adsorption Kinetic, Analyses, Bentonite, BET, Cadmium, Cadmium Ions, Cd2+, Chemical, Clay, Clay Minerals, Clinoptilolite, Concentration, Dynamic, Efficiency, Elovich, FTIR, Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal Ions, Illite, Ions, Iron, Kaolinite, Kinetic, Lead, Liquid, Metal, Metal Ions, Minerals, Model, Models, Montmorillonite, Pb2+, Primary, Pseudo Second Order, Quartz, Removal, Romania, Second Order, Second-Order, Treatment, Wastewaters, XRD, Zeolites, Zinc, Zn2+

? Pernyeszi, T., Honfi, K., Boros, B., Tálos, K., Kilár, F. and Majdik, C. (2009), Biosorption of phenol from aqueous solutions by fungal biomass of phanerochaete chrysosporium. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 54 (3), 173-183.

Full Text: 2009\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che54.pdf

Abstract: The biosorption of phenol from aqueous solution on non-living mycelial pellets of Phanerochaete chrysosporium was studied using batch technique with respect to pH, initial concentration and biomass dosage. Ph. chrysosporium was grown in a liquid medium with a simple constitution. The phenol biosorption studies on fungal biomass was carried out at an initial pH of 5. Adsorption kinetics was characterized at an initial concentration of 12.5, 25 and 50 mg/L in a suspension concentration of 5.0 g/L. The sorption process followed the second-order kinetics. Phenol adsorption isotherms were determinated on fungal biomass at biomass concentration of 1.0 and 5.0 g/L and initial pH of 5. The adsorption equilibrium of phenol from aqueous solutions by mycelial pellets could be well described with Freundlich equation. The adsorption capacity of phenol and the Freundlich constant decreased with increasing biomass concentration.

Keywords: 2,4-Dichlorophenol, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Adsorption Equilibrium, Adsorption Isotherm, Adsorption Isotherms, Adsorption Kinetics, Aqueous Solution, Aqueous Solutions, Batch, Biomass, Biosorption, Capacity, Chlorophenols, Concentration, Equilibrium, Freundlich, Freundlich Constant, Freundlich Equation, Fungal Biomass, Isotherms, Kinetics, Liquid, Live, Mycelial Pellets, Non-Living, pH, Phanerochaete Chrysosporium, Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Biomass, Phenol, Phenol Adsorption, Removal, Second Order, Second Order Kinetics, Second-Order, Second-Order Kinetics, Solution, Solutions, Sorption, Sorption Process, Suspension, Water Treatment

? Tertiş, M.C., Ionescu, F. and Jitaru, M. (2009), Equilibrium study on adsorption processes of 4-nitrophenol and 2,6-dinitrophenol onto granular activated carbon. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 54 (3), 213-222.

Full Text: 2009\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che54.pdf

Abstract: Adsorption of 4-nitrophenol and 2, 6-dinitrophenol onto granular activated carbon has been studied. Adsorption experiments were carried out in a batch system and were followed by UV-Visible spectroscopy over a period of 120 min. Adsorption isotherms were derived at 25 degrees C and the isotherm data were treated according to Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin isotherm equations. The fitting of experimental data was tested and the parameters of these equations were determined. Based on the correlation coefficients both Langmuir and Freundlich models are suitable for the study (the squares of correlation coefficients are all > 0.97). Based on the values of normalized percent deviation P, the Freundlich model is suitable for 4-NP and the Langmuir model is suitable 2,6-DNP adsorption onto granular activated carbon type NORIT GAC 1240W (value of P less than 5). The calculated adsorption capacity values (q(max)) are: 277.77 mg g(-1) for 4-NP, respective 41.15 mg g(-1) for 2, 6-DNP.

Keywords: 4-Nitrophenol, Activated Carbon, Adsorbent, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Adsorption Isotherms, Aqueous-Solutions, Batch, Batch System, Capacity, Carbon, Correlation, Data, Equilibrium, Experimental, Experiments, Freundlich, Freundlich Model, GAC, Granular Activated Carbon, Isotherm, Isotherm Equations, Isotherms, Langmuir, Langmuir Model, Model, Models, Nitrophenols, P, P-Nitrophenol, Phenolic-Compounds, Reactors, Spectroscopy, Value

? Varga, C., Marian, M., Peter, A., Boltea, D., Mihaly-Cozmuta, L. and Nour, E. (2009), Strategies of heavy metal uptake by phaseolus vulgaris seeds growing in metalliferous and non-metalliferous areas. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 54 (3), 223-234.

Full Text: 2009\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che54.pdf

Abstract: This study focuses on the accumulation of metal ions (Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe2+) in Phaseolus vulgaris seeds (Fabaceae family) collected from metalliferrous / non-metalliferrous areas in Maramures County. By “metalliferous areas” we will understand following in this research paper only areas displaying such pollution, as opposite to the other areas, consequently labeled as “non-metalliferous”. Four different concentrations of metal ions were used and their imbibition’s degree into the seeds was investigated. The accumulation of metal ions in the seeds of P. vulgaris increases as the initial concentration of metal ions is higher. Even more, the seeds growing in non-metalliferous areas display a higher absorption of all metal ions, except the Fe2+, than the seeds growing in metalliferous areas. From an anatomical point of view, we have observed that regardless of concentration, the metal ions were able to penetrate the seed through the hilum, up to the coat.

Keywords: Absorption, Accumulation, Adsorption, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Concentration, Copper, Cu2+, Family, Germination, Habitats, Heavy Metal Accumulation, Ions, Iron, Iron, Lead, Lead, Metal, Metal Ions, Optical Microscopy, P, Pb2+, Phaseolus Vulgaris, Pollution, Research, Roots, Tolerance, Zinc, Zn2+

? Măicăneanu, A., Cotet, C., Danciu, V. and Stanca, M. (2009), Phenol removal from water using carbon aerogel as adsorbent. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 54 (4), 33-42.

Full Text: 2009\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che54.pdf

Abstract: This paper presents experimental results obtained in the process of phenol adsorption from synthetic wastewaters in batch conditions using a carbon aerogel (CA) as adsorbent. Influence of the phenol initial concentration and contact type over the process efficiency was studied. The carbon aerogel adsorbent was prepared by polycondensation of resorcinol and formaldehyde followed by drying in supercritical condition with liquid CO2 and a pyrolysis step. Morpho-structural characteristics of carbon aerogel were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and specific surface area determination using nitrogen adsorption (BET method). Obtained carbon aerogel proved to be an efficient adsorbent for phenol from wastewaters. Adsorption efficiencies up to 94.32% were reached.

Keywords: Adsorbent, Adsorption, Adsorption, Aerogel, Aqueous-Solution, Batch, BET, Capacity, Carbon, Carbon Aerogel, Characteristics, CO2, Concentration, Efficiency, Electron Microscopy, Equilibrium, Experimental, Formaldehyde, Liquid, Nitrogen, O-Chlorophenol, Phase, Phenol, Polymeric Adsorbents, Pyrolysis, Removal, Resins, Resorcinol, Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM, Sorption, Specific Surface, Specific Surface Area, Surface, Surface Area, Surface Area Determination, Surfactant-Modified Bentonite, Tem, Transmission, Wastewaters, Water, X-Ray, X-Ray Diffraction, XRD

? Cornelia, M., Maicaneanu, A., Indolean, C., Burca, S. and Stanca, M. (2010), Phenol contaminated water remediation using commercial immobilized bentonites as adsorbents. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 55 (1), 115-123.

Full Text: 2010\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che55, 115.pdf

Abstract: This work presents experimental results obtained in the process of phenol removal from model solutions using batch technique (magnetic stirring, 100 ml solution). As adsorbent we used five commercial bentonites immobilized in calcium alginate beads. Influences of bentonite provenience and quantity (2-10 grams), and phenol concentration (31-160 mg/L) over the process efficiency were studied. The adsorption capacity decreases in order B5 (Fort Benton) > B2 congruent to B3 >= B4 > B1 (BW200). Also, adsorption capacity increased with a decrease in the bentonite quantity and an increase of the initial phenol concentration. Maximum adsorption capacity was calculated to be 2.2013 mg phenol/g.

Keywords: Adsorbent, Adsorption, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Alginate, Alginate Beads, Batch, Beads, Bentonite, Bentonites, Calcium, Calcium Alginate, Capacity, Concentration, Efficiency, Experimental, Immobilized, Immobilized Bentonite, Magnetic, Model, Modified Montmorillonite, Phenol, Phenol Removal, Remediation, Removal, Solution, Solutions, Sorption, Water, Work

? Bogya, E.S., Bâldea, I., Barabás, R., Csavdári, A., Turdean, G. and Dejeu, V.R. (2010), Kinetic studies of sorption of copper(II) ions onto different calcium-hydroxyapatie materials. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 55 (2), 363-373.

Full Text: 2010\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che55.pdf

Abstract: A study on the removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions by synthetic hydroxyapatite and structurally modified apatite has been carried on under batch conditions. The influence of different sorption parameters, such as heat treatment of the material, particle size, initial metal ion concentration and temperature has been studied and discussed. Maximum adsorption capacity and efficiency were determined. The results showed that the removal efficiency of Cu(II) by hyrdoxyapatite containing silica (HAP-Si) could reach 99.7%, when the initial Cu(II) concentration was 5 mM. The mechanism of the sorption process was studied, by employing pseudo-first, pseudo-second-order kinetic models and intraparticle diffusion model. Activation energy for hydroxyapatite and 10%(wt) silica doped hydroxyapatite was obtained, considering pseudo-second-order kinetics model.

Keywords: Activation, Activation Energy, Adsorption, Adsorption Capacity, Apatite, Aqueous Solutions, Batch, Cadmium, Capacity, Concentration, Copper, Copper Removal, Cu(II), Diffusion, Diffusion Model, Efficiency, Energy, Heat-Treatment, Hydroxyapatite, Hydroxylapatite, Intraparticle Diffusion, Intraparticle Diffusion Model, Ions, Kinetic, Kinetic Models, Kinetics, Kinetics Model, Mechanism, Metal, Model, Models, Modified, Modified Hydroxyapatite, Particle Size, Pseudo Second Order, Pseudo Second Order Kinetics, Pseudo-Second-Order, Pseudo-Second-Order Kinetics, Removal, Removal Efficiency, Silica, Silicon-Substituted Hydroxyapatites, Size, Solutions, Sorption, Sorption Process, Temperature, Treatment

? Szende, T., Indolean, C., Burcă, S., Măicăneanu, A., Bela, K. and Majdik, C. (2010), Biosorption of Cd2+ ions by immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetic studies. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 55 (3), 129-137.

Full Text: 2010\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che55, 129.pdf

Abstract: Biosorption of cadmium (II) ions from aqueous solution onto immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. Equilibrium and kinetic studies were conducted taking into consideration the effect of initial cadmium (II) concentration. The obtained results showed that the uptake of heavy metal increases with an increase of initial cadmium (II) concentration. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were used to analyze the equilibrium data. Based on correlation coefficients, it has been concluded that the Langmuir isotherm is more suitable to describe the cadmium biosorption equilibrium data. First and pseudo-second order kinetic models were applied to describe the biosorption process. It was found that the kinetics data fitted well the pseudo second order model.

Keywords: Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherm, Aspergillus-niger, Bakers-Yeast, Biosorption, Cadmium, Cadmium, Equilibrium, Freundlich, Freundlich Isotherm, Fungus Trametes-Versicolor, Heavy-Metals, Isotherm, Kinetic, Kinetics, Langmuir, Langmuir Isotherm, Removal, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells

? Popa, C., Bulai, P. and Macoveanu, M. (2011), Equilibrium and kinetic studies of iron(II) removal from 34% calcium chloride solutions by chelating resin purolite S930. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 56 (1), 129-143.

Full Text: 2011\Stu Uni Bab-Bol Che56, 129.pdf

Abstract: This work presents equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies of iron removal from 34% CaCl2 solution (that was obtained from electrolysis sludges) using chelating resin Purolite S930 with iminodiacetic acid functional groups. Batch sorption experiments were performed using both forms of the resin (S930-Na and S930-H) by varying the initial conditions such as initial solution pH (2.0-5.0), initial concentration of iron (20-400 mg/L), solution temperature (22-40ºC) and contact time (10 minutes up to 24 hours). The practical capacity of the resin increases with initial solution pH, temperature and the initial concentration of iron(II). Freundlich constants (n) had values bigger than 1 for the whole range of temperature that was studied, so, the sorbtion of iron on Purolite S930-Na form resin is a favourable one. The values of correlation coefficients (R2) higher than 0,99 show that on the studied concentration (200-400mg Fe(II)/L) and temperature (295-313 K) range the data were more suitable to the LangmuirI model. The values obtained for the Langmuir (R(L)) constant (0 < R(L) < 1) show a favourable isotherme for the whole range of temperature that was studied (295-313 K). The maximum sorption capacity (q(max)) was 238 mg Fe(II)/g for pH5. The values of calculated thermodynamic parameters (ΔG(0), ΔH(0) and ΔS(0)) indicate that the sorption of iron onto Purolite S930 resin is an endothermic and spontaneous process. The kinetic data show that, initially, sorption increases rapidly, but after that, the rate becomes slower; the equilibrium can be considered attained after 24 hours. Kinetic studies reveal that the sorption of iron from 34% CaCl2 solution onto chelating resin follows a pseudo-second order model.

Keywords: Adsorption, Aqueous-Solutions, Batch, Chelating Resin, Equilibrium, Freundlich, Ions, Iron (II) Removal, Kinetic, Kinetics, Langmuir, pH, Pseudo Second Order, Purolite S 930, Removal, Resin, Sorption, Sorption Isotherm, Temperature, Thermodynamic, Thermodynamic Parameters, Thermodynamics

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