Planets and Passion

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Planets and Passion

Each planet in the astrological chart not only represents but has the capacity to express tremendous passion, desire and love. Yes, even Saturn. Sometimes, especially Saturn. They simply do it in different ways and have perhaps very different ideas in mind when they do. The Sun may want to achieve recognition of self-expression. He loves becoming what he is meant to be. The Moon may want to feel a sense of safety and comfort. She loves to nurture and feel nurtured, although perhaps not in a classical sense. Mercury may want to create connections, build bridges, push the boundaries of consciousness. He loves sending and receiving messages. Venus could be bent on valued ideals or tangible sensation. She gets passionate about her desires. Eros, her son, asteroid 433, wants to merge with another in such a way that there is lasting transformation.1 He loves to create change through intensity, risk and danger. Mars may simply want to assert his will or take immediate action. He loves to get his way. Ceres, asteroid 1, supports growth in the ripeness of time. Pallas Athene, asteroid 2, can encourage strategic action. Juno, asteroid 3, honors commitment and loyalty. Vesta, asteroid 4, may diligently keep alive our creative flame. Jupiter’s desires could be around expanding beliefs and a sense of meaning. He loves to get philosophical. He loves to get big. Saturn’s passion could consist of powerful ambitions for tangible results. He gets excited, to the point of agitation, about facing fears and overcoming adversity. Chiron may want to redeem something wounded. He loves to heal. Uranus could be driven to burst out of social constraints. He loves the freedom of unexpected change. Neptune’s passion is for the ineffable. There is fathomless longing for the divine. Pluto’s passion is for the depths of inner confrontation. The god of death loves a good baptism by fire.
All the planets and asteroids have a potent need to express and they, like individual people, can become very animated, even obsessed about it. Not every desire may seem like love in the romantic sense, but it is love to them.

The Discovery of Eros and its Role in the Astrological Chart

Each planet in the astrological chart not only represents but has the capacity to express tremendous passion, desire and love. Yes, even Saturn. Sometimes, especially Saturn. They simply do it in different ways and have perhaps very different ideas in mind when they do. The Sun may want to achieve recognition of self-expression. He loves becoming what he is meant to be. The Moon may want to feel a sense of safety and comfort. She loves to nurture and feel nurtured, although perhaps not in a classical sense. Mercury may want to create connections, build bridges, push the boundaries of consciousness. He loves sending and receiving messages. Venus could be bent on valued ideals or tangible sensation. She gets passionate about her desires. Eros, her son, asteroid 433, wants to merge with another in such a way that there is lasting transformation.2 He loves to create change through intensity, risk and danger. Mars may simply want to assert his will or take immediate action. He loves to get his way. Ceres, asteroid 1, supports growth in the ripeness of time. Pallas Athene, asteroid 2, can encourage strategic action. Juno, asteroid 3, honors commitment and loyalty. Vesta, asteroid 4, may diligently keep alive our creative flame. Jupiter’s desires could be around expanding beliefs and a sense of meaning. He loves to get philosophical. He loves to get big. Saturn’s passion could consist of powerful ambitions for tangible results. He gets excited, to the point of agitation, about facing fears and overcoming adversity. Chiron may want to redeem something wounded. He loves to heal. Uranus could be driven to burst out of social constraints. He loves the freedom of unexpected change. Neptune’s passion is for the ineffable. There is fathomless longing for the divine. Pluto’s passion is for the depths of inner confrontation. The god of death loves a good baptism by fire.
All the planets and asteroids have a potent need to express and they, like individual people, can become very animated, even obsessed about it. Not every desire may seem like love in the romantic sense, but it is love to them.

The NEAR Satellite Mission to Asteroid 433 Eros

Why should we look at Eros in the chart, when there are so many asteroids in the night sky? Two reasons. One, Eros is the god of love and to ignore the mini planet named for him is to ignore a piece of our own heart. Two, Eros is getting a lot of press right now, and that can mean the synchronistic mechanisms of life are tell us something.
Just after Valentine's Day, 1996, a Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft left NASA’s launch pad for an extended journey to asteroid 433 Eros. Its official mission: to study the geophysical and geochemical nature of the asteroid and enhance our knowledge of the solar system.
The spacecraft, built by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, went into orbit around Eros belatedly on Valentines Day 2000. Before doing so, NEAR sent back an image of Eros clearly depicting a perfectly heart shaped crater about 5 km long. This image does not look like an anatomically correct mammalian heart. It looks like a love heart etched in the sand by a romantic couple. Scientist in crisp lab coats yielding fax black pens are describing the phenomenon with adjectives markedly un-scientific. They call it ‘mysterious’ and ‘tantalizing’. They await more images to unveil the secret of the captured heart.

Scientists already have a clear grasp on some of the basics of Asteroid 433. On August 13, 1898, Astronomers Gustav Witt, from Germany, and Auguste Chalois from France, discovered 433 Eros independently, making it the first asteroid found to cross Mars' orbit and approach Earth's. With a new diameter estimated at 35 x 15 x 13 kilometers, Eros is the second largest planet-crosser and larger than the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos. Recent photographs portray its shape as a lumpy potato, a battered boat, or a peanut with no detectable moons. Eros rolls end over end every few hours taking 1.76 years to complete an orbit around the Sun.

The asteroid was named after Eros, the Greek god of love, and, in some myths, son of the two planets he orbits between, Venus and Mars. In one popular version of myth, the fairest maiden of her time, Psyche, was forbidden to gaze upon him by the light of day. Psyche's curiosity eventually got the best of her, and she defied his instructions. The results were arduous and painful yet the experience provided growth for both Psyche and her immortal lover Eros.

Why is there so much current attention on Eros? Like Psyche, scientist are driven also by curiosity and daring to break barriers. They have sent the NEAR spacecraft to Eros and will land the satellite upon the asteroid, hoping to discover some of the secrets of our solar system. That is the official message from the John Hopkins Lab.

However, according to Richard Hoagland, the mission may have a covert agenda to confirm suspected changes in the speed of light3. Because asteroid 433 moves between the orbit of Mars and the orbit of earth, it is a perfect measuring tool. In fact, NASA already has a 100-year database on the orbit of Eros. Hoagland suspects the true mission of NEAR is to measure and compare radar bounce data and the other anomalous data that NASA has accumulated. He feels this will supply information in a real-time mode on the instantaneous changes in the speed of light over a period of hours, days and years. If this is the real agenda of NEAR, then Eros will be revealing bigger secrets than most people imagine.

Astronomer Tom Van Flandern from Meta Research also awaits the revealing of Eros’s mysteries. He believes the close up observations of Eros will answer his ‘NEAR challenge’,4 supporting or refuting the eph or exploded planet hypothesis. He anticipates evidence of satellite moons orbiting Eros although given the asteroid’s irregular shape and resulting fluctuations in gravitational pull, a satellite’s orbit may be difficult to maintain. Even at that, evidence of former moons impacting and rolling across the surface of Eros would also support the eph model. As of June 2000, NEAR photos indeed reveal many small moon like boulders on the surface of Eros, complete with the rolling tracks and grooves that Dr. Van Flandern predicted.

Still others speculate that the mission to Eros is a trial run, just in case it any of the other near earth asteroids deviate from their precariously close orbit to earth. Predictably stable in orbit, the word impact has never been spoken but the success of the mission would stand in good stead if an emergency rendezvous with any asteroid was necessary.

Regardless of whether the NEAR Satellite to Eros expands our knowledge of the small bodies near Earth, saves us from possible future collision courses, meets the NEAR Challenge or confirms suspected changes in the speed of light, Eros is being observed. The significance of this investigation does not stop here in the realm of astronomy and physics. The symbolic implications for society are much broader.

Consider the widely held belief among astrologers that the discovery of a new planet…is accompanied by changes in world affairs typical of the planet’s astrological significance. 5

--Dennis Elwell
Now our attention focuses on 433 Eros as well as other personal planets and even the familiar Moon. Missions to Mars over the last few decades have created tremendous speculation about the possibility of artificiality there, pushing us, Ares like, into argument and debate about the origins of life on earth. Mysterious photographs of the Moon are also raising the question of artifacts, alien or otherwise. Focus on Jupiter, the famous red spot, and also some of the gas giant’s moons has rekindled Maxwell’s6 century old theory of hyperdimentional physics. As new discoveries are made out in space, out inner dimensions are also open to greater comprehension.

Quantum Physicists indicates our universe relates in such a way that everything is part of a whole. If one single event, like a new discovery or specific study of a planet, can coincide with the awakening of what that planet represents, then now is the time to learn more about the psychology, mythology and astrology of Eros, and re-examine the meaning, purpose and passions of all the known major bodies in our solar system. What do these celestial gods stand for in the natal chart? What do the transit or progression suggest in terms of awakening passion, love and desire? What is the role of Eros in the synasty and composite chart?

To answer these questions, the nature of love, romance and passion must be established. First, we may seek the wisdom of the ancient Greeks. Then the guidance of the deathless gods and their myths are consulted, along with insights from the worlds greatest thinkers, artist and poets. Ultimately, to know what love is, we must allow it to unfold in the depths of our own hearts.

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