PLANNING, INTERVENTION, REVIEW AND EVALUATION Plan, carry out, review and evaluate social work practice, with individuals, families, carers, groups, communities and other professionals Practice Foci A4 Respond to crisis situations
Practice Foci A5 Interact with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities to achieve change and development and to improve life opportunities
Practice Foci A6Prepare, produce, implement and evaluate plans with individuals, families, carers, groups, communities and professional colleagues
Practice Foci A7 Support the development of networks to meet assessed needs and planned outcomes
Practice Foci A8 Work with groups to promote individual growth, development and independence
Practice Foci A9 Address behaviour which presents a risk to with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities
Demonstrates ability to work with practical and emotional issues
Recognises the impact change may have for people and supports them through this
Can develop a care plan in conjunction with service users and relevant others where appropriate, acknowledging and addressing conflicts and demonstrating ability to negotiate resolution
Can revise a plan in response to changing circumstances
Can move from assessment and planning to intervention, demonstrating informed practice
Can provide a rationale for the chosen method of intervention and explain the intervention to relevant parties
Can sustain work with service users and others over time as appropriate
Works in partnership with service users, being aware of and acknowledging the challenges and limitations to genuine partnership
Is aware of a person’s formal and informal supports and is willing and able to engage with these, as and when appropriate
Can contribute to the development and evaluation of support networks
Is able to contribute to and support groups in an informed way
Can use group programmes, processes and dynamics to promote individual participant skills, growth, development and independence and foster interpersonal skills
Help groups to achieve planned outcomes for their members
Can recognise the significance of power and authority in the worker/service user relationship and is able to safeguard rights and promote responsibilities of others
Can regularly monitor and review work with service users in partnership with all relevant parties
Can manage time, showing the ability to prioritise work
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the different forms of discrimination and oppression and their impact on self and service users
Can manage crisis situations in a calm, reasoned and professional manner
Can manage time and own workload competently, including meeting required deadlines
Manages endings and disengagement from working relationships with service users, carers, groups and communities
Is unable to demonstrate informed practice which is underpinned by theory and knowledge
Does not develop sufficient specialist knowledge of service user group or agency remit
Fails to take account of risk or ensure that risk assessment is informed by theory
Lacks knowledge of legal and procedural requirements which leads to inability to identify the need to implement these
Inability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and shows lack of knowledge of the roles within this team
Is inflexible or unable to act in times of crisis therefore lacking a calm, reasoned and professional response
Focuses almost entirely on practical issues and fails to consider or address emotional issues
Lacks knowledge and understanding of the impact change has on a range of individuals
Works with the separate phases of the social work process but does not link these
Does not recognise or address conflicts in relation to care planning
Does not acknowledge changes and adapt work accordingly
Lacks ability to develop and maintain on-going relationships with service users, colleagues, other professionals and agencies
Does not strife to work in partnership with service users and / or superficially acknowledges the challenges to partnership working
Works in isolation with individuals rather than exploring, acknowledging and, when appropriate, engaging with the individual’s support networks
Fails to identify the need to contribute to enhancing or developing support networks
Lacks knowledge of a range of methods of intervention, therefore not making informed choices regarding the appropriate intervention for individuals
Lacks knowledge and ability to work with groups in an informed way
Lacks knowledge and understanding of group programmes, processes and dynamics and is thus unable to work effectively in a group work context
Does not show ability to agree objectives for group work and then plan work to meet the agreed outcomes
Lacks knowledge and understanding of the power and authority inherent in the social work role and fails to take steps to redress the imbalance
Lacks ability to monitor and review work regularly with all relevant others therefore has no knowledge or understanding of the effectiveness of work being undertaken
Time management is an on-going concern which manifests in an inability to prioritise work and respond effectively. Deadlines are frequently missed or work is continually re-scheduled
Shows lack of or limited understanding of different forms of discrimination and oppression and is unable to integrate theory to further own ability
Fails to plan for and manage endings appropriately