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May 11, 2017

The Hammonton Zoning Board of Adjustment held a special meeting this date of May 11, 2017 and was called to order by Chairman John Lyons, in Council Chambers at 8:15 p.m., with the announcement of the Sunshine Law and fire exit procedure. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The meeting was televised.


Anthony DeMarco John Adolf James Schroeder, Sol.

Frank Ingemi Sal Colasurdo Cormack Morrissy, Planner

James Matro Patricia Berenato, Sec.

Michael Messina

Nicholas Polito

Wayne Reichert

Ch. John Lyons


Chairman Lyons designated alternate members Nick Polito and Wayne Reichert as full voting members for tonight’s meeting.

Chairman Lyons stated that the Planning Board Solicitor, James Schroeder will stand in for Board Solicitor Charles Woolson, who has a conflict with the application being heard tonight.
Chairman Lyons stated this application was postponed from the April 27, 2017 Board of Adjustment meeting to this date.

Brian Howell, Esq. is present for the applicant, VINYL BREWING, LLC. They are requesting a use variance and waiver of site plan to operate a brewery in an existing building for Block 2513, Lot 2, Zone DT-3 at 300 12th Street. Jason Scuillo, Principal Engineer with Marathon Engineering, Atlantic City, NJ, Susan Puentes and Frank Puentes of North Egg Harbor Road, Frank Luisi of 318 12th Street and James Sacco of 1001 North Egg Harbor Road are sworn in by Mr. Schroeder.

Mr. Scuillo said the applicant plans to utilize 3100 sq. ft. for a brewery in the existing building. He submits an aerial photo marked A-1 and A-2 floor plan aerial. He stated Mr. Sacco, nephew of Susan and Frank Puentes, will make the beer. He said it is a great location. Mrs. Puentes stated they were approved by the PBC is March and are now waiting for approval from ABC. Renovations have begun. There will be a bar and seating area, a tasting room and a few booths for approximately 50 people.
Mr. Sacco stated there will be tours for educational purposes, no food, although a patron can bring it in and will not be a party atmosphere. He said there will be truck deliveries once a month at Lincoln Street and smaller deliveries from UPS and FEDEX.

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A-3, a composite of the building is submitted. There will only be two or three employees at a time and they will park off site. They spoke to Mazza Furniture and Frank Luisi at the Sports Cave and Bruni’s Pizza for overflow parking. Mr. Luisi said a lot of his business is done on line. They all agreed to let patrons park at their sites if needed. There will be one handicap parking space on site at the back of the building off Woodman Avenue.
Mr. Scuillo responds to Mr. Dixon’s report dated April 24, 2017. Mr. Scuillo’s response report is dated May 8, 2017. He said he agrees that the applicant will need 2 use variances, one for the use and one for the structure. A waiver for off street parking is also needed. A-4 is submitted as showing 37 parking spaces on Lincoln Street, 11 spaces on Woodman Street, 4 spaces on site including 2 for employees, and 5 off site. He said the use is less intensive than a restaurant. A-5, a rendering of the outside look of the building is submitted.
Jim Sacco, who will brew the beer stated there will be no excess noise and he can use a condenser. Everything will be contained to inside the building. All grain will be sent to feed cattle. A-5 a rendering of the bar area at 12th Street is submitted.
Mr. Schroeder stated that the additional parking spaces should be recommended on their website. The applicant will get written permission to park from Mazza and Luisi for parking at their establishments. A-6, proposed signage is submitted for review.

Mr. Messina made a motion to approve the waiver of site plan request. Mr. Ingemi seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Mr. Ingemi made a motion to approve the use variances for the building structure and the use as a brewery. Mr. DeMarco seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mr. Reichert made a motion to approve the waiver of onsite parking conditioned upon all professional reports, testimony given, all exhibits submitted, no seating on the outside, signed parking permits from Mazza Furniture and Frank Luisi (Sports Cave) employee parking at Mazza’s, handicap parking and parking directions applied to the website. If there is a third use of the building, they will have to be approved by the board also. Mr. Ingemi seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
At this time, Chairman Lyons thanked board member for their time at this special meeting. The regular meeting will be held on May 25, 2017.

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Being no further business, Mr. Ingemi made a motion to adjourn this meeting of the Hammonton Zoning Board. Mr. Reichert seconded the motion. All board members agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Berenato

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