Insert Using the GUI
public void insertPressed(View view) {
// 1. Get the values from the form fields (in the UI)
// 2. Validate that the user has provided all the necessary information
// 3. Create a new Employee object using the form data
// 4. Use the DAO functions to insert the Employee into the database
// 5. Show a success message
// 6. Clear all the form fields and prepare to receive new data
Step 1 & 2: Getting the values from the form fields and validating
// 1. Get the values from the form fields (in the UI)
EditText etName = findViewById(;
EditText etDateHired = findViewById(;
// 2. Validate that the user has provided all the necessary information
if (etName.getText().toString().isEmpty() ||
etDateHired.toString().isEmpty() ) {
Log.d("ABC", "Sorry, you must enter all fields.");
// exit the function
Step 3: Using the form data to create a new Employe object and insert
Employee e1 = new Employee(etName.getText().toString(), etDateHired.getText().toString());
Log.d("ABC", + " was inserted.");
Expected Result:
Get all employees
public void getAllPressed(View view) {
// get all employees
List employeeList = empDAO.getAllEmployees();
// output the employees to the console
for (int i = 0; i < employeeList.size(); i++) {
Log.d("ABC", employeeList.get(i).toString());
// @TODO: Output all the employees to a ListView
Get The total number of employees
1/ Add a DAO function to query the database for the number of employees
public interface EmployeeDAO {
// Create a function that returns the total number of employees in the database
// SQL --> to get the total number of employees in the employee table?
// name = employees
// Let me know in teh chat box
@Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees")
public int getNumEmployees();
2/ Update your Button to use your new function
public void getTotalCountPressed(View view) {
// List employeeList = empDAO.getAllEmployees();
// Log.d("ABC", "The number of employees is: " + employeeList.size());
int count = empDAO.getNumEmployees();
Log.d("ABC", "The number of employees is: " + count);
Exercise: Write a DAO function that returns the employees names (names only, no other info)
@Query("SELECT name FROM employees")
public List getEmployeeNames();
// Creat a function that returns the FIRST employee in the database
// (but only their name)
// What modification do i need to make to only return ONE employee name
@Query("SELECT name FROM employees LIMIT 1")
public String getOneName();
Performing a WHERE operation
@Query("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = :empName")
public List getEmployeesByName(String empName);
List employeesNamedPeter = empDAO.getEmployeesByName("Peter");
Log.d("ABC", employeesNamedPeter.toString());
Performing a where with multiple cluases
@Query("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = :empName")
public List getEmployeesByName(String empName);
// Example: Create a dao function that gets the hiring date of an employee with a specified id
@Query("SELECT date_hired FROM employees WHERE id = :empId")
public String getEmployeeHireDate(int empId);
@Query("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = :empName AND date_hired=:hireDate")
public Employee getEmployeeByNameAndHireDate(String empName, String hireDate);
Example of how to use the dao functions in your MainActivity
List employeesNamedPeter = empDAO.getEmployeesByName("Peter");
Log.d("ABC", employeesNamedPeter.toString());
String hireDate = empDAO.getEmployeeHireDate(11);
Log.d("ABC", "Frank was hired on: " + hireDate);
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