Review for Academic Programs

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Final 11/12/14

Lehman College Prioritization

Program Analysis Review for Academic Programs

  1. History and Development

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Describe your program and its history, including both program content and its students/constituents.

  2. Please provide the mission statement and summarize the strategic plan for your program or your department.

  3. How have the needs of your constituents evolved over the past 3 years? How has the program adapted to these changes?

  4. Please submit your 4- year undergraduate curriculum degree map. (View Instructions)

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Mission Statement, Purpose statement, Strategic plans, external and internal evaluation documents

2.    External Demand for the Program

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Describe the external demand for the program from (a) potential students/constituents, and (b) for graduates of this program among employers and graduate schools?

  2. How does the program (and at what level) meet external demand? Is there evidence of unmet demand? Please provide examples or identify the criteria used to reach your conclusion.

  3. To what extent is this program competing with programs at other colleges? Which programs at CUNY and in the surrounding region would be considered competitors? Briefly describe the uniqueness of your program compared with those offered by competing institutions?

  4. What domestic and international recruitment strategies and admissions criteria does your program use to attract students or other constituents into the program?

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Federal and New York State information (For example: Employment Projections 2012-22 and The 2014-2015 Occupational Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Long-term Occupational Employment Projections, New York State Department of Labor); Participation at Lehman Open House events; and Departmental/program records with such information as visits/collaboration efforts with local high schools.

3.    Internal Demand for the Program

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Explain the trends in the internal demand for your program using the data shown in the following tables: (View Instructions)

  2. Describe ways in which your program is: (a) relied upon by other programs on campus; (b) dependent on service courses or other resources offered by other programs? (View Instructions)

  3. What steps has the program taken in the past 3 years to reflect (a) the changing needs of its constituents, (b) technological advances, and (c) to develop innovative and forward-looking curricula?

  4. How does the program (and at what level) meet internal demand? Is there evidence of unmet demand? Please provide examples or identify the criteria used to reach your conclusion.

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Office of Institutional Research, Office of the Registrar, Departmental/Program own data

4. Program Support and Staffing

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Describe and/or explain the departmental staffing distribution for this program as presented in the data below: (View Instructions)

  2. What are the roles and contributions of part-time or adjunct faculty and professional staff to this program? How are they supported and integrated into the program?

  3. Use the tables below to describe the academic preparedness of the constituents who enter the program. (View Instructions)

  4. How does the program define student/constituent success? What support structures are in place to facilitate students/constituents?

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Research Foundation, Provost Office Digital Measures, Program/Departmental Annual Evaluations, Faculty CVs and Scholarly Activities Report, Offices of Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions.

5.       Quality of Program

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Discuss how program assessment results have been utilized to improve student/constituent learning outcomes.

  2. If your program is subject to external accreditation, describe the results of your most recent accreditation review; If your program is not externally accredited, then please provide the results/recommendations and implementation plan from the most recent self-study.

  3. What actions has your program taken to improve teaching effectiveness, student retention and student/constituent success, faculty scholarly and creative output, and alumni placement? What were the outcomes for each?

  4. Please identify and/or describe the most notable achievements of your students, past and present (for example: awards, fellowships, scholarships, publications, etc.)?

  5. Please describe the strategies adopted by the program to promote student recruitment, retention, persistence, and graduation?

  6. Describe the contributions made by your faculty and professional staff to the surrounding community and to the profession..

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Alumni Office, Career Services Center, Office of Institutional Research, Professional associations, Office of International Programs and Global Partnership, External evaluator’s report, Program reviews

6. Program Size, Scope and Productivity

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Explain the trends in faculty teaching productivity for your program as measured by department work flow summaries provided in the attached PDFs. (View Instructions)

  2. Please describe how active and engaged are your faculty leaders and professional staff in the following areas: Number of refereed publications; Number of books, novels, etc.; Number of edited volumes; Number of chapter contributions to books [monographs]; Number of juried shows/performance; Number of editorial positions; Number of professional conference presentations; Number of non-refereed publications. (View Instructions)

  3. Use the tables below to (a) describe the number of students/constituents who have completed your program and (b) the number of credit hours and years taken to graduate (time-to-graduation): (View Instructions)

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Office of Institutional Research Data

7.    Revenues and Expenditures

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

7.A. Revenues

  1. Use the tables provided to describe the revenue generated through enrollment in your program's courses. (View Instructions)

  2. Please describe the activities or strategies used to increase program revenue from enrollment?

  3. Please identify and describe the extent to which the program is supported through internal (Lehman or CUNY) and external (local, state, federal, or foundation) funds and grants for research, programs, equipment, and other sources (such as fundraising, excellence fees, laboratory fees, ticket revenue, materials fees, social work tuition fees, etc.)? If your other revenue is not listed below then use the table in question 7a.1. (View Instructions)

  4. Please list and/or describe any development or advancement funds (or other gifts) received by or for the program. Please provide, if available, the development/advancement strategic plan or case statement(s) for the program. (View Instructions)

7.B. Expenditures

  1. The three-year trend for costs associated with the program is provided below. Please provide your analysis of this trend and likely future trends. (View Instructions)

  2. Please elaborate on the current level of departmental budgeting and expenditures relative to current demands. What mechanisms are in place to request and what policies are used to justify additional funding?

  3. Please identify and describe the contributions and sources for professional development activities (i.e., teaching expenses, research expenses, conference travel, reassigned time) provided to the program. Describe the level of participation by the program in developing this budget? What proportion of professional development costs are covered by the program? What portion is contributed to by faculty?

  4. Please identify or describe any/all external mandates that may affect the cost of the program in the next two years?

Examples of Indicators of Evidence:

Budget Office, State Financial System and LOMRS, CUNYfirst

8. Opportunity Analysis and Impact

(Word limit: 250 words or fewer for each question)

  1. Please identify your aspirational peer programs, and provide rationale for their selection? Please identify and describe the metrics (measureables) required to bring this program up to that aspirational level, over what length of time, and what departmental and institutional cost/ investment.

  2. What internal and external opportunities can be leveraged to strengthen this program or help it develop in new directions?

  3. Please identify or describe any technological innovations that might be used to strengthen this program.

  4. Please provide any additional information deemed necessary to demonstrate program success.

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