Review of the computer science program

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Computing Accreditation Commission



of the


submitted by

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


April, 2007


to the

Computing Accreditation Commission

Primary contact:

Dr. Kanaan Faisal

Telephone number: ______________________ FAX number: __________________

+966 (3) 860-2175

FAX Number:

+966 (3) 860-2174

Electronic mail:


Computing Accreditation Commission

111 Market Place, Suite 1050

Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012

Phone: 410-347-7700

Fax: 410-625-2238



Table of Contents

I. Objectives and Assessments 5

A. Objectives 5

B. Implementation of Objectives 12

C. Assessments 14

D. Program Improvement 60

E. Program Evolution 65

F. Program Current Status 65

II. Student Support 67

A. Frequency of Course Offerings 67

B. Interaction with Faculty 68

C. Student Guidance 69

D. Student Advisement 69

E. Access to Qualified Advising 69

F. Meeting the Requirements 70

III. Faculty 71

A. Faculty Size 71

B. Faculty with Primary Commitment 71

C. Faculty Oversight 72

D. Interests, Qualifications, Scholarly Contributions 72

E. Scholarly Activities 73

F. Support for Advising 73

G. Information Regarding Faculty Members 73

IV. Curriculum 74

A. Title of Degree Program 75

B. Credit Hour Definition 75

C. Prerequisite Flow Chart 75

D. Course Requirements of Curriculum 76

E. Course Descriptions 89

V. Laboratories and Computing Facilities 91

A. Computing Facilities 91

B. Student Access 96

C. Documentation 97

D. Faculty Access 97

E. Support Personnel 97

F. Instructional Assistance 98

VI. Institutional Support and Financial Resources 99

A. Faculty Stability 99

B. Faculty Professional Activities 99

C. Office Support 100

D. Time for Administration 100

E. Adequacy of Resources 100

F. Leadership 101

G. Laboratory and Computing Resources 101

H. Library Resources 101

I. Continuity of Institutional Support 102

VII. Institutional Facilities 103

A. Library 103

B. Classroom Equipment 104

C. Faculty Offices 104

Appendix I. Information Relative to the Entire Institution 105

A. General Information 105

B. Type of Control 105

C. Regional or Institutional Accreditation 105

D. Enrollment 106

E. Funding Process 106

F. Promotion and Faculty Tenure 106

Appendix II. General Information on the Unit Responsible for the Computer Science Program 107

A. Computer Science Program Unit 107

B. Administrative Head 107

C. Organization Chart 107

E. Computer-Related Undergraduate Degree Programs 107

Appendix III. Finances 109

A. Finances Related to the Computer Science Program(s) 109

B. Operating and Computing Expenditures 110

C. Additional Funding 110

Appendix IV. Computer Science Program Personnel 111

A. Term of Appointment of Administrative Head 111

B. Number of Personnel Associated with Program 111

C. Policies 111

Appendix V. Computer Science Program Enrollment and Degree Data 113

Appendix VI. Admission Requirements 115

A. Admission of Students 115

The Criteria for Accrediting Computer Science Programs are divided into seven major Categories, each Criterion containing a statement of Intent and Standards. An intent statement provides the underlying principles associated with a Criterion. In order for a program to be accredited, it must meet the intent statement of every Criterion.
Standards provide descriptions of how a program can minimally meet the statements of intent. The word “must” is used within each standard to convey the expectation that the condition of the standard will be satisfied in all cases. For a program to meet the intent of a Criterion, it must either satisfy all the standards associated with that Criterion or demonstrate an alternate approach to achieving the intent of the Criterion.
For each of the following seven sections, corresponding to each of the seven Categories of the Criteria, answer all of the questions associated with the standards. If one or more standards are not satisfied, it is incumbent upon the institution to demonstrate and document clearly and unequivocally how the intent is met in some alternate fashion.
If you are having more than one program evaluated, particularly if the programs are on separate campuses, the answers to these questions may vary from one program to another. If this is the case, please use separate copies of each section for each program, and clearly delineate which program is being described.
I. Objectives and Assessments
Intent: The program has documented, measurable objectives, including expected outcomes for graduates. The program regularly assesses its progress against its objectives and used the results of the assessments to identify program improvements and to modify the program’s objectives.

Standard I-1. The program must have documented, measurable objectives.

Standard I-2. The program’s objectives must include expected outcomes for graduating students.

A. Objectives
Please attach items that support or precede the measurable objectives, e.g.,

  1. Mission statements from institution, college, department, program

  2. Plans (institution, college, department, etc.)

  3. All objectives including expected outcomes for graduates (itemize)

  4. Process for assessments

  5. Who is involved in assessment and improvement?

  6. Data from assessments

  7. Inputs from any supporting Office of Assessment

BS (Computer Science) program Objectives

Department of Information and Computer Science (ICS) offers BS (Computer Science) program. The ICS department is one of the three departments in the College of Computer Sciences and Engineering (CCSE). CCSE is one of the five colleges in the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM).

Mission, vision, and values of the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals are reproduced from the Strategic Plan of the university for 2006 to 2011. The plan can be accessed from the URL

Then the CCSE mission, and its line of business are described. Details of the strategic plan for the College of Computer Sciences and Engineering is available at

Finally, the ICS department mission, and the Computer Science program mission are listed. The same are documented in the KFUPM Undergraduate Bulletin 2006 – 2009. The online version of the bulletin is available at

The mission and vision statements of the university, the college, and the department are followed by a discussion to highlight their alignment.

Finally, it is described how the program objectives fit into and align with the missions of the department, the college, and the university.
The University Mission

KFUPM is an institution of higher learning committed to

  1. Preparing professionals empowered with the knowledge, skills, values and confidence to take a leadership role in the development of the Kingdom in the fields of science, engineering, environmental design and business.

  2. Producing research that contributes to the knowledge and sustainable development of the Kingdom and region by providing innovative solutions to identified economic and technical problems and opportunities.

  3. Providing a stimulating campus environment for the welfare of its students, faculty and staff, and offering outstanding professional services and out-reach programs to the society at large.

The University Vision

“To be a vibrant multicultural University of international repute focused on quality education and innovative research that prepares professionals and entrepreneurs to lead social, economic and technical development in the region.”

The University Values

The following ten core values, guided by the Islamic principles, form the foundation upon which KFUPM builds its reputation and success:


Encourage and entertain creative ideas and solutions in teaching, learning, and research, placing it at the forefront of our focus and initiatives.


Strive to excel in what we do by maximizing our skills and continuously improving our business processes to improve quality of our products and services.


Adhere to ethical and professional code of conduct that encapsulates honesty, sincerity and trustworthiness.


Deal fairly and humanely with all people, respecting justice and individual rights and freedom.


Attract and develop employees and students of different nationalities seeking to promote cultural diversity through inclusion of a broad range of people and perspectives.


Be responsive to our stakeholders’ requisites and demands with a strong customer focus.


Aim to create value through teamwork in our business within and outside, treating one another with respect and to help students to share the spirit of teamwork in their academic progression.


Advocate leadership roles that uphold professionalism, responsibility and motivation.


Focus on a disciplined behavior, interaction and approach to our professional work.


Deal in a transparent manner in matters of education, performance and progress of faculty, staff and students.

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