Rules of Procedure of the ospar commission

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Rules of Procedure of the OSPAR Commission1

(Reference Number: 2013-02)


Rules of Procedure of the OSPAR Commission 1

a. placing the documents on the OSPAR website; the Secretariat shall ensure that documents which are not to be made available to the general public, or which are only to be made available to Contracting Parties, observer states and intergovernmental observers are protected by appropriate measures; 9

1.4 Applications for observer status shall be either for such status generally or for specific topics. The Commission shall decide in which category to approve any application. 20

6.2 to deliver only such information as is pertinent to the work of the Commission or of its subsidiary bodies; 21

A. Definitions

Rule 1

1. For the purposes of these Rules of Procedure:

(a) "the Convention" means the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, Paris, 22 September 1992 (OSPAR Convention);

(b) "the Commission" means the Commission established by Article 10.1 of the Convention;

(c) "Decision" means a Decision as described in Article 13 of the Convention;

(d) “document” means any information, whether recorded in writing or in a form for reproduction by aural, electronic, or visual means, to which Article 9 of the Convention applies;

(e) “main committee” means the Biodiversity Committee, the Environmental Impact of Human Activities Committee, the Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee, the Offshore Industry Committee or the Radioactive Substances Committee;

(f) "Recommendation" means a Recommendation as described in Article 13 of the Convention;

(g) "delegations present and voting at the meeting" means delegations present at the meeting casting an affirmative or negative vote; delegations abstaining from voting shall be considered as not voting;

(h) in computing any period of time which is less than a year, no account shall be taken of the period between 25 December and 1 January, inclusive.

B. Composition of the Commission

Rules 2 - 3

2. The Commission shall consist of representatives of each of the Contracting Parties.

3. Each Contracting Party shall designate a Head of Delegation to the Commission and as many other delegates to each meeting as it considers appropriate.

C. Meetings of the Commission

Rules 4 - 9

4. Ordinary meetings of the Commission shall take place at least once a year. The time and place of such meetings shall be decided either by the Commission at the preceding meeting or by correspondence between the Executive Secretary and the Contracting Parties.

5. On the request of at least three Contracting Parties, the Chairman of the Commission shall convene an extraordinary meeting in accordance with Article 10(1) of the Convention as soon as practicable after the request. An extraordinary meeting shall only take place if the Contracting Parties requesting it provide the necessary facilities, unless the Commission has made other provision for it.

6. Each Contracting Party should give the Secretariat the number and names of its delegates, if possible two weeks before the opening of an ordinary meeting.

7. The presence of delegations representing at least three-quarters of the Contracting Parties shall constitute a quorum for ordinary and extraordinary meetings. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting may not take a valid decision, except to fix a date for the next meeting.

8. The meetings of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies shall be held in private unless the Commission unanimously decides otherwise.

9. In accordance with Article 11 of the Convention, the Commission may unanimously decide to admit

(a) any state which is not a Contracting Party to the Convention;

(b) any international Governmental organisation; and

(c) any international non-Governmental organisation (NGO);

to be represented by observers at its meetings. If need be, the Commission may restrict the participation in a specified meeting of observers in any category. The participation of NGO observers in the work of the Commission shall be governed by the Criteria and Procedures set out in Annex 2.

D. Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Commission

Rules 10 - 14

10. The Commission shall elect a Chairman and two Vice-Chairmen by the unanimous vote of the Contracting Parties present and voting at the meeting.

11. The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen shall serve for a period of two years. In exceptional cases their term of office may be extended, in the case of any of them, for a further period of two years.

12. In electing the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen the Commission will seek to ensure rotation amongst the Contracting Parties and an equitable geographical representation of the Contracting Parties.

13. Should the Chairmanship fall vacant, or should the Chairman be temporarily unable to perform his/her functions, the two Vice-Chairmen shall agree which shall act as Chairman until a successor is elected. Failing such agreement, the elder shall act as Chairman. A Chairman or a Vice-Chairman who is a delegate shall not act as a delegate as long as he/she is sitting as Chairman.

14. The duties of the Chairman shall be to preside over the meetings of the Commission, to take initiatives and put forward proposals to the Commission which could promote the efficient operation of the Commission, and to perform any other tasks that may be entrusted to him/her by the Commission.

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