Ruoff Place of Birth: Long Beach, California, U. S. A. Citizenship

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dr. Karen Kramer (geb. Ruoff)

Place of Birth: Long Beach, California, U.S.A.

Citizenship: USA; resident of Berlin/Germany since September 1970

Address: Am Heideberg 37

15738 Zeuthen


Telephone: Home: 0049-33762-99915

Office: 0049-30-834096333

Cell: 011-49-171-6706060

Telefax: Home: 0049-33762-99917

Office: 0049-30-834096340

Languages: English (mother tongue)

German (native proficiency)

French (fair)

Spanish (fair)

Education: Ph.D. in German Studies, Stanford University, 1984

(GPA 4.0—The German Studies does not award Distinction)

Magister Artium in Philosophy and Comparative Literature, Freie

Universität Berlin, Germany, 1976, Summa cum laude.

Bachelors of Arts in English Literature, Stanford University, 1969.

High School Diploma: Dominguez High School, Compton CA, 1963

Academic Employment:
Present: Stanford University Berlin Study Center

Since 1984: Director

1980-1983: Acting Associate Director

1979-1980: Instructor

This appointment is 50% academic, 50% administrative; my teaching and research concern German Theater, Film, and Cultural Studies.
March-June 1985 Guest Professor, Department of German Studies, Stanford University

March-June 1984 Guest Professor, Structured Liberal Education Program, Stanford University

1976-1979 Instructor, University of Maryland, European Division (intermittently)

1974-1975 Instructor, Fachhochschule für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik Berlin

1971-1973 Social Worker (youth work), Bezirksamt Wedding von Berlin

(part-time, while studying at the Freie Universität Berlin)

1968-1970 Asst. Manager, Retail Credit, National Bank of Commerce, New Orleans

1967-1968 Management Trainee, National Bank of Commerce, New Orleans

1964-1966 Social Work in Compton, California, summers


Karen (Ruoff) Kramer
The Politics of Discourse: Third Thoughts on New Subjectivity, (New York: NYU Ottendorfer Series, 1994).
Aktualisierung Brechts, ed. W. F. Haug, Klaus Pierwoß, Karen Ruoff Kramer (West Berlin: Argument-Verlag, 1980).
Stanford Berlin Symposia on Transition in Europe (occasional papers published annually in-house):
Prospects for Integration: Bridges and Barriers between East and West, ed. Karen Kramer and Michaela Simpson (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, vol. 5, 1995).
Democracy and its Discontents , ed. Ashley Fieglein and Karen Kramer (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, vol. 4, 1994x).
Migration in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities, ed. Heike Dörennbächer and Karen Kramer (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, vol. 3, 1993).
The Dissolution of the Soviet Union — Implications for the United German and Europe, ed. Thomas Heller, Hans-Dieter Jacobsen, Karen Kramer, Astrid Lübke (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, vol. 2, 1992).
Economic Transformation in Germany. Social, Political and Psychological Dimensions , ed. Thomas Heller, Hans-Dieter Jacobsen, Karen Kramer, Astrid Lübke (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, vol. 1, 1991).

“Zufall und Glück” (forthcoming in Das Argument)

“Die Kirche im Dorf / Anhaltspunkte.” Das Argument 264, Vo..48, Heft 1/2006, pp. 59-64.

“Jeans”, in Historisch-Kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Vol. 6, Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 2004.
Kontinentaldrift? – Das Dilemma der deutsch-amerikanischen Sündenböcke, WIR-Magazin für die Eehemaligen der FU, 2-2003, ISSNB 1618-8489, December 2003, p. 48.
“Continental Drift? On German-American Discontents,” North America special issue of WIR-Magazin für die Eehemaligen der FU, 2-2003, ISSNB 1618-8489, December 2003, p. IV.

“Clichés, Lies, and Other Misapprehensions,” Internationale Politik/Translatlantic Edition, Volume 4, 3/2003, Dt. Gesellschaft für Auswaertige Politik, Berlin.

“Sündenböcke, verzweifelt gesucht,” in Die Tageszeitung, 25. Jg., 7 Juli 2003., pp. 1,15.
“Klischees, Lügen und Missverständnisse. Zur amerikanisch-deutschen Fehlwarnehmung,” Internationale Politik, 58. Jg., Juni 2003, Dt. Gesellschaft für Auswaertige Politik, Berlin.
“Blauhemd und Blue Jeans in Filmen der DEFA” in: Jeans, Rock & Vietnam: Amerikanische Kultur in der DDR, Recherchen Band 14, Teagter der zeit/Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Berlin 2002, pp. 129-151.
“Kaufhauswanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg,” in Eingreifendes Denken: Wolfgang Fritz Haug zum 65, Geburtstag, ed. Christoph Kniest, Susanne Lettow, Teresa Orozco (Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2001).
“Imag(in)ing the GDR: Gender in Projected Memory”, in After the GDR: New Perspectives on the Old GDR and the Young Länder, ed. Lawrence McFalls and Lothar Probst (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 2001).
Keywords “Ernst Busch,” “Drama: Federal Republic of Germany,” “Dramaturg,” “Epic Theater,”“Freie Volksbühne,” “Erwin Piscator,” “Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer,” “Peter Stein,” “Theaters: Federal Republic of Germany,” “Karl Valentin” in the Encyclopedia of Contemportary German Culture, edited by John Sandford (London: Routledge, 1999).
“Intellektuelle Reife,” in: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 1998.
“Representations of Work in the Forbidden DEFA films of 1965/66”, in Séan Allan & John Sandford (ed.), DEFA: East German Cinema 1946-1992 (New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 1997).
“Eingreifendes Denken,” Historisch-Kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Vol. 3, (Hamburg: 1997).
“Vergangenheitsverlust und Gegenwartsverbot”, tr. W.-D. Junghanns,Berliner Debatte /Initial (Berlin: Gesellschaft für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Publizistik, Autumn 1996).
“Ortsbetrachtungen in Clinton’s Amerika,” Das Argument Nr. 201, Sept/Oct 1993.
“Theater in a Quasi-Capital: Reflections on the Berlin Theater Festival 1992”, Western European Stages, Vol. 4, Nr. 2, New York (erscheint Herbst 1992).
“No longer Two, Not Yet One: German Theatre and the 1991 Berlin Festival”, Western European Stages, Vol. 3, Nr. 2, New York, Herbst 1991.
“Reise in die Ungleichzeitigkeit. Thüringer Tagebuch Anfang 1990”, mit Volker Gransow, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, März 1990.
“Kaufhauswandern II”, Das Argument Nr. 168 / 1988.
“Kaufhauswandern”, Das Argument Nr. 165 / 1987.
“Texas-Think: On the Popularity of Ronald Reagan”, In Writing, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1985.
“Texas-Denk—Überlegungen zur Popularität Ronald Reagans”, übers. Thomas Laugstien, Das Argument Nr. 149.
“Rückblick auf die Wende zur Neuen Subjektivität”, übers. W.F. Haug, Das Argument Nr. 142, Nov/Dez 1983.
“Antwort auf Antwort hoch zwei”, Das Argument Nr. 123, Sept/Okt 1980.
“Das Denkbare und die Denkware”, in: Aktualisierung Brechts, ed. Haug, Pierwoß und Ruoff (Kramer). Argument Sonderband 50. West Berlin: Argument Verlag, 1980.
“Tui oder Weiser? Zur Gestalt des Philosophen bei Brecht”, in: Brechts Tui-Kritik, ed. Herbert Claas und W.F. Haug. Argument Sonderband 11. West Berlin: Argument Verlag, 1976.
Warenästhetik in America, or: Reflections on a Multi-National Concern”, in Warenästhetik. Beiträge zur Diskussion, ed. W.F. Haug. Frankfurt/Main (Suhrkamp), 1975.

Literary Works:
“The Sprats Chat”, 1994 (dramatic poem, unpublished).
“No Reprieve”, Das Argument 177/1989 (poem).
“Seven Poems. Sieben Gedichte”, Kodikas/code. Ars Semeiotica, No. 1, Vol. II, Jan/Juni 1988.
e.g.—scenes from the life of emma goldman, in collaboration with Leonard Lehrman, 1986 (documentary musical, toured US college campuses and was hosted on PBS by Studs Terkel).
“Fragezeichnung zum langen Marsch durch die Fußgängerzone”, Das Argument 145, 1984 (poem).
“mid-thirty female wednesday afternoon”, In Writing, Stanford University, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1985 (poem).
Co-editor, The Newspaper, New Orleans, 1969-70

Literary Translations:
Into German:
Jack Kelly,The Next Room (poetry volume); (accepted for publication 1997 in Männerschwarm/Skript Verlag, but author died and project was discontinued).
Into English:
Volker Braun, “Property,” (poem) Socialism and Democracy Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring-Summer 1999.
Helga Königsdorf, “Identity in the Balance”, in Economic Transformation in Germany. Social, Political and Psychological Dimensions , ed. Thomas Heller, Hans-Dieter Jacobsen, Karen Kramer, Astrid Lübke (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, 1991).

Peter Schneider, “On The German Comedy”, in Economic Transformation in Germany. Social, Political and Psychological Dimensions , ed. Thomas Heller, Hans-Dieter Jacobsen, Karen Kramer, Astrid Lübke (Berlin: Papers of the Stanford Symposia on Transition in Europe, 1991).

Presentations • Lectures • readings


June 2009 NDR Mittagsecho (interview on German-American relations)

April 2009 Zufall und Glück (zum 50th Jubiläum des Arguments)

May 2006 Poetry Reading with Volker Braun, InKrit-Tagung

March 2006 Panel, “Universities of Excellence / elite Universitäten in Deutschland”, Jahrestagung der Fulbright Berlin Seminar 2006.

November 2003 Panel Discussion “Drifting Continents” with Shashi Tharoor (India/NY), Jean Ziegler (Switzerland), Ko Un (S. Korea), Tariq Ali (Pakistan/London) in 3. Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin, 14.9.03.

March 2003 Präsentation über Amerikabilder der DDR beim Ost-West Kolleg Tagung, “Zu viel Amerika, zu wenig Europa? Anrtiamerikanismus als Problem der deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen”, Brühl, 13 März.

November 2002 “The Role of Public Intellectuals and the Atlantic Relationship”, Panel with Gary Smith, Harvard Center for European Studies, Berlin

September 2002 “DEFA in Denim: Clothing Codes in DEFA Film,” Multi-media presentation in preparation for the Montreal Conference of the Eastern German Studies Association.

June 2002 “Bildung in der Schieflage? Deutschland nach der Pisa-Studie”, with Dr. Peter Schtruck & Hartmut Holzapfel. Siemens Forum Berlin / FAZ Radio.

May 2002 Elbe River College (Stanford Travel/Study), faculty leader.

May 2002 “Commodity Aesthetics and Ideology Theory on the Example of Jeans Culture”, Institut fur Kritische Theorie, Schloss Glieneke.

January 2002 “Blauhemd und Blue Jeans: Enkodierung der Kleidung in DEFA-Filmen,” at International Conference: “Jeans, Rock und Vietnam: Amerikanische Kulture in der DDR”, Literaturforum im Brechthaus, Berlin.

September 2000 College on the Danube (Stanford Travel/Study), faculty leader.

May 2000 Poetry Reading with Volker Braun, Institut fur Kritische Theorie Conference at Schloß Glieneke.

November 1999 “What is Berlin For?”, Univ. of Massachussetts (Amherst) Conference on “The Power of Images: Representing Germany Ten Years after Unification”.

September 1999 “The Conflicted History of Berlin”: Stanford Continuing Education “Suitcase Seminar” in Berlin/Germany.

November 1998 “Imagining the GDR,” Conference of the EGSA, Montreal.

March 1996 “Alltagsverbot: The DEFA Films of 1965/66” at conference on DEFA: A RETROSPECTIVE. EAST GERMAN CINEMA  1946 –1992 at the Centre for East German Studies, University of Reading, UK.

Spring 1996 Elbe River College (Stanford Travel/Study), faculty leader.

Nov 1995 Writing into the Void: The Dilemma of Writers in the Ex-GDR. CREES

Conference, Stanford University.

May 1995 Co-Chair: Prospects for Integration: Bridges and Barriers between

East and West(Stanford Berlin Symposium on Transition in Europe)

May 1994 Co-Chair: Democracy and its Discontents (Stanford Berlin Symposium on

Transition in Europe)

May 1993 Co-Chair: Migration in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities (Stanford

Berlin Symposium on Transition in Europe)

1992 Panel, “Universities, Unification & Reform in the United Germany”,

Center for European Studies, Harvard University

May 1992 Co.-chair: The Dissolution of the Soviet Union — Implications for the United

German and Europe (Stanford Berlin Symposium on Transition in Europe)

Sept. 1991 “Zusammenbruch und Auffau in Deutschland aus

Ami -bivalenter Perspektive”, Institut für Sozial- und

Wirtschaftspolitische Ausbildung e.V. (Berlin)

July 1991 Co-Chair: Economic Transformation in Germany. Social, Political and

Psychological Dimensions (Stanford Berlin Symposium on Transition in


Mai 1990 “Cultures of Transition in East and West,” Stanford

University (CA)

April 1990 “Literature and Politics”, Podium discussion, Columbia University/Council

of European Studies Conference (Wash,.D.C.)

Januar 1990 Media Politics in the Ex-GDR , Evangelische Akademie, Meißen

Juni 1989 “Frauenrollen in Dallas : Eine Filmästhetische Analyse,” VolksUni Berlin

März 1988 “Berlin, My Two and Only: Binary narratives” Stanford University CA

Herbst 1987 Stanford Berlin Conference on Technology and the University (Organizer)

June & Nov. 1987 “Two Tales of a City: Celebrations of Legitimacy in Berlin´s 750th Year” at the “New Hampshire Symposium on the GDR” (Conway, New

Hampshire) and at the Conference “Refiguring Culture: Cinema and Society

In Contemporary Berlin” (Stanford University, California)

Since 1986 Presentations in US and Europe: e.g.: Scenes from the Life of Emma Goldman

Musical (with Leonard Lehrman)

February 1986 Presentation and discussion of Academy Award-winning film Broken

Rainbow (dir. Victoria Mudd) at the Berlin Film Festival.

Since 1984 Poetry Readings in Germany and the US

Recent Awards / Public Service
Board, Fulbright Commission of Germany (2002-present)

Curatorium, Fulbright Alumni (2004)

Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

(Federal Distinguished Service Medal on a Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal

Republic of Germany), 2002

Founding Board Member: H. G. Will Foundation for Stanford University in Berlin

Founding Board Member: Freundeskreis Amerikahaus, e.V.

Founding Board Member: Initiative Berlin-USA, e.V.

Curatorium Member: Institut für Internationale Bildung Berlin, e.V. (1994-1998)

Member: Stanford Club of Germany

Member: Stanford Alumni Club
Development Activity:
Instrumental in development and implementation of the following projects/programs:

  • Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany (est. 1982, renewed funding through 2014, support of over $3 Million to date; over 950 Stanford students have completed full-time, paid internships of 3-6 month duration, working in engineering, natural and social sciences, and the humanities).

  • Berlin Symposia on Transition in Europe (1991-1996: annual three-day, interdisciplinary, international conferences on post-Communist Europe, which each year brought 50 specialists to the Berlin Center; in partnership with German foundations -- Dräger, Ebert, Adenauer, Koch, and the SCoG; total support of approx. $150,000)

  • Purchase, Restoration and subterranean expansion of registered architectural monument “Haus Cramer”, Site of the Berlin Center (1988, 1996, 2000, 2002; local funds raised totalled over $3 Million).

  • Endowments for Stanford/Berlin in Palo Alto (SCoG and H.G. Will, approx. $4 Million).

  • Foundation for Stanford/Berlin (“H.G. Will Foundation for Stanford University in Berlin,” 1 million Euro founding grant; later renamed as “Will Foundation”)

  • Miscellaneous sponsored projects: library holdings (Klassenlotterie Berlin, 1994-1998, value approx. $50,000), multi-media workshop (Stanford Club of Germany, $18,000)

  • Donation of multi-purpose Sports Court Haus Cramer (Will Foundation, 40,000 Euro)

Rev. 8/2006

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