Saturday, May 7, 2005, Merida, Mexico, 1200 hrs Hotel Castellano

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AGM 2005 Minutes/ L’agenda de l’AGM 2005

Saturday, May 7, 2005, Merida, Mexico, 1200 hrs Hotel Castellano

45 members present

Meeting called to order 12:20 pm
I Approval of Agenda/L’approbation de l’agenda
Motion to accept: Alan Smart.

Seconded by Christine Jourdan. Moved.

II Approval of AGM minutes from May 2004/L’approbation des minutes de l’AGM 2004
Corrections to names: Mark should be changed to Marc.
Motion to approve minutes: Penny van Esterik.

Seconded by Marie-France Labrecque . Moved.

III. Presidents’ Reports/Le rapport de la présidente (Julia Harrison/Jim Waldram)
Julia Harrison welcomed everyone, noting the excellent turnout for the AGM and acknowledging the success of the meeting. A copy of the President’s report (co-written by Julia and Jim Waldram) is available on the web site in French and English. Some of the main points include:
1. Jim Waldram’s work for the association is acknowledged. He was excited about the Merida conference and worked with members of previous executives to make this a reality. He is thanked for all he has done over the years and we look forward to seeing him next year in Montreal.
2. CASCA is now a member of the CFHHSS. Donna Patrick and Julia Harrison attended the meeting in Ottawa this year.
3. On our website, we now have translators posted in order to facilitate translations in both languages on the web.
4. Craig Campbell, our webmaster, will present a report later in the meeting. We have upgraded the website and we want to acknowledge Craig’s work on this. This has meant an expenditure of CASCA money to support this project.
5. There is a new policy and procedures manual for the executive, which was initiated by Jim Waldram.
6. Concerning student travel, we supported 30 Ph.D. students this year with stipends of $700.00 each, for a total of $21,000.
7. The winner of last years Salisbury Award, Annik Chiron de la Casinière (Laval), was unable to come to Merida report on her work, but a posting of her report will be on the webpage.
8. We have two outgoing Executive members. A special acknowledgement of the work of Janice Graham who has left the treasury in good shape. Donna Patrick is also leaving as secretary and is especially acknowledged for her work on the by-laws and resolutions committees.

Thanks are also due to Karen Lean who has taken over the CASCA list serve and to Michelle Daveluy for her work on the Salisbury Award committee as the past-past president.

Also thanks to Florence Piron, who has been our Francophone member at large for four years. The Francophone President Elect, who was to take over as President of the association, withdrew at the last minute, so Jim Waldram continued as President till Dec. 31. Both Jim and Julia will serve 18- month terms as Presidents. This year, in the absence of the Past President, Florence Piron will be a special appointee to the Executive for one year.
9. Rob Hancock and Regna Darnell are on the resolutions committee members and we are still searching for a third member.

IV. Secretary’s Report/Le rapport de la secrétaire (Donna Patrick)
In the absence of other candidates for the positions, the following candidates won by acclamation. Noel Dyck is the President elect. Michel Bouchard is the Francophone Member-at-Large. Andrea Walsh is the Treasurer. Tom O'Neill is the Secretary. Short biographies are posted on the webpage December 2004 Secretary's Report.
There will be two new positions on the executive open next year.
We will be looking for a Francophone President-Elect and an Anglophone–member-at-large. The call for nominations will be in the fall.
The Salisbury Award nominations will issued in the fall. The information will be sent to Chairs and Graduate Supervisors in Anthropology Departments with Ph.D. programs.

If any departments have changed Graduate Supervisors or Chairs, please send their names to the new secretary, Tom O’Neill.

Lunch is served, meeting reconvened at 1pm.

V. Treasurer’s Report/Le rapport de la trésorie (Janice Graham)
The 2004 balance sheets show that CASCA is doing well financially.

We have an increase in income due to the success of the 2004 UWO conference, which made a $9000.00 profit. The conference was more accessible to participants, and we therefore had an increase in membership. The member equity is up. It was noted that a healthy society should have 2.5 times more equity than the amount of income generated from our annual memberships. This is the case for CASCA now.

Gavin Smith asked about the recording of accounts for Anthropologica.

It was noted that the accounts list “memberships” which include both institutional subscriptions and individual memberships. Janice Graham noted that the income from both membership sources was roughly equal (about 50/50) and that WLP could provide the exact figures.

It was also suggested that the Treasurer delete the word “office” and use the phrase “administrative costs” to account for the expenses incurred by the editor, Winnie Lem.

Concerning the webcosts, it was noted that $1400was divided between paying the webmaster Craig Campbell, and paying WLP (roughly $1000) for some special work that Winnie Lem had them do concerning posting the journals in electronic form.

It was asked if anyone had donated funds to CASCA. Julia noted that in the past money has been given to Salisbury Award and to the Weaver-Tremblay fund.

CASCA is always open for donations.

VI. Women’s network/Le réseau des femmes
Christine Holmes will manage the listserv from Dalhousie University. In Merida, she organized a lunch for the Women’s Network. Despite efforts from conference organizers, CASCA was unable sell the tickets for the lunch with the registrations, nor could CASCA host day care facilities. These two practices will be reinstated at the Concordia CASCA conference next year.

VII. CASCA Website/Le site de la Casca

Craig Campbell was brought in last year to manage the site. In December 2004, the site was moved to a new server, so CASCA now owns a space on this server.The website has been redesigned and Craig welcomes comments.Both Craig Campbell and Karen Lean (who manages the listserv) are graduate students. Michel Bouchard, as Francophone member-at-large, will oversee the site to make sure that French and English are mirrored and correctly presented on the website. Thanks to all of them for their help.

VIII. Anthropologica Report/Le rapport de l’éditrice en chef d’Anthropologica (Winnie Lem)
CASCA has a SSHRC grant for the journal, which has increased substantially.

Thanks are due to Janice Graham, Jim Waldram, and Julia Harrison for their help with the grant application. We have ‘open access’ on-line journals now, and currently, three issues are online.

The annual report is also on-line. The thematic issues are healthy, but we need more individual submissions. Articles should be sent to Marie France Labrecque and Winnie Lem.

Thanks to editorial board, Andy Lyons and Marie-France Labrecque for their work on the journal.

Thanks also to those who have reviewed papers and to Janice Graham for her work in keeping the journal in good financial shape.
Julia Harrison thanked Winnie Lem and noted that she will be continuing for another three years as Anglophone Editor and Editor in Chief of Anthropologica. This insures continuity for the journal.

Andy Lyons will be stepping down next year, so we will need a new managing editor.

IX. CASCA 32 report/Le rapport du comité organisateur du trentième-et-deuxième colloque annuel Igor Ayora-Diaz, Gaby Vargas-Cetina, Alan Smart, Marie France Labrecque
Thanks to Gaby Vargas-Cetina and Igor Ayora-Diaz for the exceptional conference in Merida and for their huge sacrifice of time in order to organize this event. There was a standing ovation and a presentation of a gift by Julia.
Merida Report presented by Gaby Varga-Cetina:

We had 100 regular sessions plus two plenaries, one key-note speaker and a film festival.

We operated with the money received from the 500 people who paid early registration. We will have details of the final accounts later. We received enormous support from our university, the City of Merida, and the State government for the receptions. The hotel rates were set up from the tourist bureau. All in all it was a great conference!
Julia Harrison noted that Marie-France Labrecque and Alan Smart were on the program committee. Marie-France helped on the front desk. There was a round of applause.

Thanks also to Martin Hébert and Caroline Aubry, who stepped in at the last minute to act as


X. CASCA 33: Concordia
Christine Jourdan spoke about the conference next year. The theme is “Human natures/Human identities: Anthropological Revisionings”. All information will be posted on the website. Concordia is pleased to host the conference. Possibly some European associations will be invited to join us.

We will also invite the Francophone associations, l’ACSALF (association canadienne de sociologues et anthropologues de langue française) and the Quebec association of anthropologists (L’association québécoises d’anthropologues). It promises to be intellectually interesting and fun.

It was noted that there is another conference at the same time, the Native American Studies Association. The first week of May 3-7, 2006.
XI. Other Business/Varia
Regna Darnell was thanked for her work on organizing the student subsidies—before and during the conference. She tracked down students in Merida to give them their money. Regna noted that she met 27 of the 30 students that CASCA subsidized.
All the students who volunteered their time at the conference will receive a free membership to CASCA


The Salisbury Award was chaired by Michelle Daveluy. The winner this year is Christianne Stephens, who is working on a St. Clair River and water quality project on Walpole Island.

We are looking for a venue for the conference in 2007. It is useful to line this up as much in advance as possible.
The revised by-laws are now on the web.
The archives position needs to be formalized. We have sent 5 boxes to Ottawa this year. We can submit material every 5 years. There is a link on the website to the National Archives to see what is there. Concerning the archivist position, the Executive will draw up ‘term’ appointment for the archivist.
Other issues:

Brian Noble: In consultation with Liz Fitting at Dalhousie University, Brian notes that Cuban anthropologists have difficulty attending meetings in the United States. Should we formally invite Cuban anthropologists to our meetings in future? Any members who want to contribute to this initiative, please contact the executive or Brian.

Thanks to all those for attending and providing support for CASCA.
Motion to Adjourn.

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