Section 15010, Mechanical Provisions (1) Related Documents

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Section 15010, Mechanical Provisions
(1) Related Documents:

A. Contract requirements of Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section.

B. Refer to Electrical Requirements, Division 16, for basic electrical requirements for all mechanical equipment and for electrical coordination requirements.

(2) Scope of Work – General:

A. This section specifies the basic requirements for mechanical installations and includes requirements common to all sections of Division 15. It expands and supplements the requirements specified in sections of Division 0.

B. Provide supervision and craftsmen competent in all aspects of the contracted mechanical work. The Contractor shall be completely and solely responsible for the proper and timely installation and completion of all mechanical work.

Immediately remove all non-conforming work and properly furnish and install conforming work at no additional cost to the PSD No.1.

C. Provide all materials, labor, transportation, tools, permits, fees, inspections, utilities and incidentals necessary for the complete and fully functional installation of all mechanical work indicated and described in Division 15 specifications and the Contract Documents.

D. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to provide an installation complete in every respect. In the event that additional details or special construction is required for work indicated or specified under this section of work or work specified in other sections, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide all material and equipment which is usually furnished with such systems in order to complete the installation, whether mentioned or not.

(3) Definitions:

A. Provide shall mean “furnish and install complete and ready for intended use.”

B. Concealed shall mean “hidden from sight as in trenches, chases, furred spaces or hung ceilings.

C. Exposed shall mean “not concealed” as defined above.

D. “Contractor” shall mean the General Contractor or his designated Subcontractor(s) for Mechanical Work.

E. “Mechanical Work” shall mean all Division 15 work.

(4) Codes and Standards:

A. All mechanical work shall be in strict accordance with the most current edition of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Fire Protection Association, Uniform Fire code, National Electrical Code, and all applicable State and local codes, laws and ordinances. In case of conflict with drawings or specifications, the codes and ordinances govern.

B Provide all equipment furnished under Division 15 with UL, CSA, or ETL labels as required by the Washington State Administrative Code and/or the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.

(5) Permits and Fees:

A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all required permits and fees necessary to fully complete all work included in the Contract Drawings and Specifications.

(6) Intent and Interpretation:

A. The drawings and specifications are intended to supplement each other and any detail contained in one and not the others shall be included as if contained in both. Items not specifically mentioned in the specifications or noted on the drawings, but which are necessary to make a complete working installation shall be included.

B. The drawings are partly diagrammatic and do not necessarily show the exact location of all new mechanical work, such as duct work or piping, and existing utilities, unless specifically dimensioned. Make offsets with fittings as required.

C. Riser and other diagrams are schematic only and do not necessarily show the physical arrangement of the equipment. They shall not be used for obtaining quantities or lineal runs of piping ductwork, or other mechanical work.

D. The location of mechanical work such as piping and ductwork shall be checked to determine that it clears all openings and structural members; that it may be properly concealed; and that it clears cabinets, lights and equipment having fixed locations. Provide offsets, transitions, and fittings as required to reroute mechanical work around obstructions at no additional cost to the Owner.

E. Mechanical drawings shall serve as the working drawings for Division 15 work but the Contractor shall refer to the Architectural, Civil, Structural and Electrical drawings for additional detail affecting the installation of work. Architectural, civil, and structural drawings shall take precedence over the Mechanical drawings if any dimensional discrepancies exist.

F. The approximate location of each item is indicated on the drawings. These drawings are not intended to give complete and exact details in regard to location. Exact locations are to be determined by actual measurements at the building, prior to commencing work, and will I all cases be subject to the approval of the Architect and he reserves the right to make any reasonable changes in the locations indicated without additional cost.

G. Provide all work in strict accordance with the codes having jurisdiction, the specifications, the drawings and Manufacturer’s instructions.

H. In case of conflicting or redundant criteria in specifications, on drawings, or Manufacturer’s instructions, the most stringent criteria and requirements shall apply.

(7) Coordination and Cooperation:

A. The Contractor shall coordinate with the work of all trades involved on the project. The Contractor is referred to the Architectural, Structural and Electrical and other building drawings for additional building details necessary for proper work coordination.

B The Contractor will not be paid for cutting, patching, wiring, finishing or any other work required for relocation of work installed due to interferences between work of the various trades.

C. Protect surrounding areas, surfaces, and equipment to preclude damage from work of Division 15 sections.

(8) Inspection:

A. Verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work of Division 15 sections. Do not start work until any unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory.

(9) Demonstration:

A. Demonstrate that all mechanical systems operate and function as designed and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Perform demonstrations as requested and in the presence of the Architect/Engineer, give one week prior notice. Provide all instruments and personnel as required to conduct demonstration to Architect/Engineer’s satisfaction.

(10) Schedule of Values (Supplement to Division 1 requirements):

A. Provide schedule of values for Mechanical Work under Division 15 including but not limited to: (Each item listed below shall included separate figures for labor and material.)

1. Mobilization.

2. Plumbing: Rough-in and finish, equipment and fixtures.

3. Ductwork: Rough-in and finish.

4. Air Handling Equipment

5. Insulation: Ductwork and piping rough-in and finish

6. Testing, Adjusting, and balancing, rough-in and finish

7. HVAC Control System

8. Fire Protection Work

9. De-mobilization (must equal mobilization)

10. Operation and Maintenance Manual.

11. Additional systems and equipment as required by Architect-Engineer and PSD No. 1.

(11) Submittals per Section 1300:

(12) Shop Drawings per Section 1300:

(13) Records per Section 1300:

(14) Products:

A. Provide specified products, see Division 1 “General Requirements” for substitute product requirements and procedures; the Architect/Engineer and PSD No. 1 is the sole judge of equivalency.

B. Installation of miscellaneous plumbing items, equipment and fixtures specified under Divisions 1 through 17, Division 11, noted on the drawings, or otherwise furnished: Provide rough-in and finish along with appropriate strainer, tailpiece, trap, waste, vent and supplies as required. See all other Division 15 Sections for supplemental and additional requirements.

C. Product and Equipment Manufacturers: Provide all similar products, equipment and material from one manufacturer, no exceptions.

D ASME Rated Pressure Vessels: All pressure vessels provided under Division 15 Sections for supplemental and additional requirements.

(15) Approved Equal, Alternant and Substitute Manufacturers, Products and Equipment:

A. Where approved equal, alternate or substitute products and equipment are proposed by the Contractor and approved for incorporation into the project work, any architectural or engineering design required to incorporate that work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, along with any resulting work and cost, such as changes in layout, increased sizes or lengths of run of services or for any additional utilities that may be required. All changes in the project work resulting form the Contractor’s proposed use of approved equals, alternates or substitutions shall be fully identified and included with the submittal documents.

Section 15050, Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods
(1) Description:

A. Description: This section describes specific requirements, products, and methods of execution which are typical throughout the mechanical work of this project. Additional requirements for the specific systems will be found in the sections specifying those systems, and supersede these requirements.

(2) Job Conditions:

A. Obtain approval from A/E prior to cutting any structural members of furring elements.

B. Coordinate with structural and architectural work to determine acceptable locations for sleeves and supports which are required but may not be specifically show on the plans. Schedule installation of sleeves and special supports in manner timely to the work of other crafts. Provide offsets necessary for proper coordination with other work and reroute systems appropriately.

C. Replace any spray applied fire-proofing damaged by installation of mechanical if present in construction.

(3) Dimension and Fit:

A. Fabricate materials accurately from measurements take at the job site, not from the drawings.

B. D not spring or bend pipe to fit conditions or make up joints.

(4) Serviceability of Products:

A. Furnish all products to provide the proper orientation of serviceable components to access space provided.

B. Coordinate installation of piping, ductwork, equipment, system components, and other products to allow proper service of all items requiring periodic maintenance or replacement.

C. Replace or relocate all products incorrectly ordered or installed to provide proper serviceability.

D. Provide code required access, power and lighting, and platforms as required.

(5) Accessibility:

A. Provide access doors in ceilings, walls, floors, ducts, etc., for access to traps, valves, dampers, automatic devices, and all serviceable or operable equipment in concealed areas.

(6) Routing:

A. Route all pipelines and ductwork parallel with building lines and as high as possible except where underground or shown otherwise on the building plans.

B. Route piping and ducts to clear all doors, windows, and other openings, and to avoid all other pipes and ducts, light fixtures, and similar products.

C. Conceal all pipes and ducts where routed through finished areas, unless authorized by Architect/Engineer or otherwise indicated on plans.

D. Priority: In general, medium pressure ducts (over 3.0 inches W.G.), graded pipes, and electrical raceways have priority of routing. Route other work elsewhere, over or under, as necessary. Order of priority does not reduce requirement for all trades to fully coordinate work.
(7) Seismic Protection:

A. Description

1. Included but not limited to:

a. The requirements for seismic protection measures to be applied to mechanical equipment and systems specified herein are in addition to any other items called for in other sections of these specifications. Mechanical equipment shall include all ductwork, piping, and equipment specified in Division 15.

2. Exclusion

a. Floor mounted equipment weighing less than 400 lb, furniture or temporary or movable equipment.

B. Quality Assurance

1. Reference Standards

a. All ductwork and piping shall be provided with seismic restraints in accordance with Seismic Hazard Level (SHL) B of the Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidelines for Mechanical Systems dated 1991 and Addenda, as published by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACNA) and in accordance with the Uniform Building Code.

2. Design Criteria

a. This facility is located in seismic zone 2B.

b. The occupancy category is special occupancy structure.

c. The importance factor is 1.0.

(8) Maintenance Maps

A. Provide and post 11” x 17” laminated maintenance maps in all mechanical rooms showing locations of all shutoff valves for all mechanical systems. Provide permanent brass tags or plastic laminate signs at each valve with number system related to map. Submit final maintenance maps for approval. Provide five copies upon approval to PSD No. 1.

(9) Access Panels:

A. Furnish minimum 18 x 18 inch panels for ceilings and for access to equipment in soffits and shafts, and minimum 12 x 12 inch panels for walls unless indicated otherwise. Access panel shall be lockable.

B. Furnish where indicated and where required to access temperature control dampers, valves, fire dampers, trap primers, shock arresters, and other appurtenances requiring operation, service, or maintenance. Review locations with the Owner’s Representative prior to installation.

(10) Pipe Sleeves:

A. Interior Wall Sleeves: 12 gauge galvanized steel, flush with wall on both sides.

B. Interior Floor Sleeves: 12 gauge galvanized steel and extend two inches above finish floor.

C. Exterior Wall Sleeves: Cast iron, flush with wall on both sides.

D. On Grade Floor Sleeves: Same as exterior wall sleeves.
(11) Floor, Wall and Ceiling Escutcheon Plates:

A. Furnish split type plates as follows:

1. Floor Plates: Cast brass, chrome plated

2. Wall and Ceiling Plates: Spun aluminum

(12) Piping Markers:

A. Acceptable Manufacturers: W.H. Brady, Seton

B. Pipes shall be labeled with all-vinyl, self-sticking labels or letter. For pipe covering sizes up to and including 1 ¼-inch outside diameter, select labels with ½-inch letters. For sizes from 1 ½-inch through 2-inch outside diameter, ¾-inch letters; for sizes from 2 1/2-inch through 6 inch outside diameter, 1 ¼-inch letters. The pipe markers shall be identified and color coded as follows. Install directional arrow adjacent to pipe marker indicating direction of flow. Arrows shall be same sizes and color as identification labels.
Service Pipe Marker Background Color

Heating Hot Water Glycol Heating Supply Yellow

Glycol Heating Return Yellow

Chilled Water Chilled Water Supply Green

Chilled Water Return Green

Storm Drain Water Storm Drain Green

Cold Water Domestic Cold Water Green

Hot Water Domestic Hot Water Supply Yellow

Domestic Hot Water Recirc Yellow

Sanitary Waste Sanitary Waste Green

Vent Vent Green

Fuel Gas Natural Gas Yellow

(13) Mechanical Supporting Devices:

A. General

1. Securely fasten all mechanical work to the structure to prevent hazard to human life and limb, and to prevent damage to products of construction under all conditions of operation.

B. Foundation and Supports

1. Mount all equipment, plenums, piping and ductwork on foundations or suspend from primary building structure with additional structural members as required to provide secure and safe permanent installation. Design additional structural members for load imposed. Provide vibration isolation between equipment and supporting structure.

2. Provide concrete foundations, including housekeeping pads for all mechanical equipment located on cast-in-place concrete structures. Coordinate final sizes and locations.

3. Provide fabricated steel supports, frames, bases, and support or appurtenances for proper installation for all equipment.

4. Where Superstrut framing channel product series numbers are the only numbers listed, equal products by Uni-Strut or 0 – Strut with equivalent finish may be used.

5. Where Grinnel figure numbers are the only numbers listed, equivalent products by Michigan may be furnished.

C. Pipe Supports: Standard components, selected in accordance with MSS SP69, that satisfy the criteria of MSS SP-58, and framing channels and clamps.

1. Single Pipes: Install hangers for cold piping outside the insulation using high density (6 lb. per cubic foot) insulation and 18 gal. galvanized sheet metal shield or saddle. Provide copper plated hangers for copper pipe.

2. Trapeze Hangers: Where pipes are clustered, parallel, and in the same plane, they may be supported by trapeze hangers. Provide rods and framing channel sized to suit load imposed.

3. Provide inserts for poured concrete and drop-in expansion anchors for pre-cast slabs.

4. Manufacturers: Grinnell, C & P, Michigan, Super Strut

D. Inserts: Provide all inserts required for installation of piping. In poured concrete provide wrought steel or malleable iron adjustable type. Where expansion bolts are necessary to secure piping or equipment, use drop-in type anchors, to be inserted by drilling concrete. Power driven inserts not permitted for supporting piping to ceiling.

(14) Seismic Protection:

A. Materials

1. Materials and equipment shall conform to the respective specifications and other requirements specified below.

a. Square-head bolts and heavy hexagon nuts, ANSI B18.2.1 and BI 8.2.2 and ASTM A 307 or A 576.

b. Bolts underground, ASTM A 325.

c. Sway brace shall conform to applicable requirements of MSS SP-58 and SP-69. Material used for members listed in Table shall be structural steel conforming with ASTM A36.

d. Flexible Couplings: Flexible couplings shall have same pressure ratings as adjoining pipe

e. Flexible ball joints conforming to the following requirements may be employed on aboveground piping. Joints shall have cast or wrought steel casing and ball parts capable of 360 degrees rotating plus not less than 15 degrees angular movement. Joints shall be certified to be suitable for the service intended by the manufacturer, based on not less than 2 years satisfactory operation in a similar application.

f. Flexible couplings and joints of the mechanical joint type may be used for aboveground or underground piping.

g. Mechanical couplings for steel or cast-iron pipe shall be of the sleeve type and shall provide a tight flexible joint under all reasonable conditions, slight settling or shifting of the ground, minor variations in trench gradients, and traffic vibrations. Where permitted in other sections of these specifications, joints utilizing split-half couplings with grooved or shouldered pipe ends may be used.

h. Sleeve-type couplings shall be sued for joining plain-end pipe sections. The coupling shall consist of one steel middle rim, two steel followers, two gaskets, and necessary steel bolts and nuts to compress the gaskets. Underground bolts shall be high-strength type as specified.

(15) Disconnect Switches:

A. All mechanical equipment requiring disconnect switches and over current protection shall be supplied per manufacturer recommendations and meet the National Electrical Code.

(16) Equipment Efficiency:

Efficiency of Mechanical equipment and electric motors supplied with mechanical equipment: Meet or exceed the requirements of the Washington State Energy code.

(17) Access Panels

Install in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, coordinated with architectural features.

(18) Pipe Sleeves:

A. Interior Floor and Wall Sleeves: Large enough in diameter to provide ¼ inch clearance around pipe or insulation. Pipe penetrations through mechanical room and fan room floors shall be made watertight.

B. Penetrations through Rated Floors and Walls: Caulk with fire barrier sealing system approved by authority having jurisdiction and Owner’s insurance underwriter, with rating equal to floor or wall penetrated.

C. Exterior Wall Sleeves: Large enough to allow for caulking and made watertight. Caulking shall be from outside. Secure sleeves against displacement.

D. On-Grade floor Sleeves: Same as exterior wall sleeves, caulked from inside.

E. Layout: Layout work in advance of pouring of slabs or construction of wall and furnish and set inserts and sleeves necessary to complete the work.

F. Coordination: Cutting and patching required as a result of lack of coordination of this operation shall be at no additional cost.

(19) Floor, Wall and Ceiling Escutcheon Plates:

A. Install on piping passing though finished walls, floors, ceilings, partitions and plaster furring. Escutcheon plates shall completely cover opening around pipe.

B. Secure wall and ceiling plates to pipe or structure.

C. Plates shall not penetrate insulation vapor barriers.

D Plates not required in unfinished spaces.

(20) Piping Markers:

A. Install in accordance with ANSI A13.1 or the following, whichever is more stringent, apply labels or letters after completion of pipe cleaning, insulation, painting, or other similar work, as follows.

1. Every 20 feet along continuous exposed lines.

2. Every 10 feet along continuous concealed lines.

3. Adjacent to each valve and stub-out for future.

4. Where pipe passes through a wall, into and out of concealed spaces.

5. On each riser.

6. On each leg of a “T”.

7. Locate conspicuously where visible.
B. Further apply labels or letters to lower quarters of the pipe on horizontal runs except where view is not obstructed on the upper quarters and pipe is normally viewed from above.

(21) Mechanical Piping and Supporting Devices:

A. General: Fabricate and install piping and tubing in accordance with ASME B31.9 or the Uniform Plumbing Code as applicable, the drawings, and this specification.

1. Install all piping systems in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Provide pipe racks, pipe stands, trapeze hangers, etc., as required.

2. Provide adjustable hangers complete with inserts, adjusters, bolts, nuts, swivels, all-thread rods, etc., except where specified otherwise, for all pipes.

3. Do not use wire or perforated metal to support piping.

4. Except as otherwise indicated for exposed continuous pipe, runs, install hangers and supports of same type and style as installed for adjacent similar piping.

B. Foundations and Supports:

1. Provide where shown on drawing, or as specified, and per manufacturer’s installation instructions.

C. Pipe Supports:

1. Suspended Piping: support piping at each change in direction. Support piping on either side of control valves, pumps, at equipment connections, and wall penetrations so that piping is independently supported.

2. Piping shall be independently supported form pipe hangers and shall not be laid through trusses, or supported from other piping or ductwork.

3. Riser piping shall be supported at the top and bottom of the riser with intermediate supports as required. Riser piping shall not depend on a friction clamp for load bearing support.

D. Vertical Piping:

1. Pipe supports shall hold a piping away from wall unless otherwise approved.

2. Riser clamps to be directly under fitting (mechanical couplings not included) or welded to pipe.

3. Risers to be supported at each floor penetration.

4. Provide structural steel supports at the base of pipe risers. Size supports to carry all forces exerted by piping system when systems are in operation.

E. Horizontal Piping:

1. Support within two feet at each change in direction.

2. For cast iron no-hub piping and fitting assemblies less than 5’-0” long, provide hangers at each pipe end and fittings.

F. Building Attachments:

1. Fastening or attaching to deck structure is prohibited. Support all piping from primary structural members, beams, joists, or provide intermediate supporting members between joists or beams.

2. Provide all additional structural steel angles, channels, or other intermediate members required to support piping where structures do not occur as required for proper support.

3. Arrange supports to prevent eccentric loading of joists and joist girders. Locate supports at joist panel points.

(22) Cleaning and Adjusting:

A. General: Thoroughly clean Mechanical and plumbing equipment, fixtures, piping and ductwork of stampings and markings (except those required by codes), iron cuttings and other refuse. Clean plenums and equipment casings of debris and small particles of rubbish and dust before installing and making final duct connections. Provide temporary filters for all equipment with filters, replace with new filters after construction activities in building are complete.

B. Painted Surfaces: Clean scratched or marred factory finished and painted surfaces of rust or other foreign matter and paint with matching color industrial enamel or manufacturer supplied touch up paint.

C. Adjusting: After mechanical equipment has had minimum of thirty days of operation, lubricate and grease all equipment. Re-tighten belts to proper tension. Adjust fans, valves, control valves and other miscellaneous equipment requiring adjustment to setting indicated or directed.

D. Additional requirements are specified under specific sections of this Division.

(23) Painting:

A. Equipment Room and Finished Areas:

1. Insulation: Apply PVC jacket, see Section 15250

2. hangers, un-insulated piping, miscellaneous ironwork, structural steel stands, un-insulated tanks, equipment bases: Paint one coat of black enamel.

3. Steel valve bodies band bonnets: One coat of black enamel

4. Brass valve bodies: Not painted.

5. Equipment: One coat of grey machinery enamel. Do not paint nameplates or factory finished equipment.

6. Grilles, Diffusers, and Registers: Paint sheet metal and visible ductwork behind grilles, diffusers, and registers flat black.

B. Refer to Architectural Specification Section and individual Sections of Division 15 for supplemental and additional painting requirements.

C. Finish exterior mechanical equipment, materials, devices, and construction with finish type and color as selected by Architect, submit color palette for approval.

D. Finish interior mechanical equipment, materials, devices and construction with finish type and color as selected by Architect, submit color palette for approval.

Section 15250, Mechanical Insulation
(1) Description: This section describes piping insulation and ductwork insulation, both internal and external.

(2) Pipe Insulation:

A. Acceptable Manufacturers:

1. Where Manvivlle/Schuller is the only manufacturer indicated, equivalent products by Owens-Corning maybe furnished.

B. Glass Fiber, All-Purpose Jacket (850 F Temp. Limit): Preformed glass fiber one piece, with vapor barrier jacket, thermal conductively less than .25 at 100 deg F. Shuller Micro-Lok Ap-T Plus.

C. Glass Fiber, Blanket: One pound density, with vapor barrier jacket. Schuller with “FSK” jacket.

D. Preformed Pipe coverings: one-piece heavy duty PVC insulated pipe jacketing and pipe fitting covers. Schuller Zeston 2000/300 PVC assembled with Perma Weld solvent.

(3) Duct Insulation, external:

A. Acceptable Manufactures:

1. Where Manville/Schuller in the only manufacturer indicated, equivalent products by Owens-Corning may be furnished.

B. External Insulation: Glass fiber blanket, ¾ lb./cu. ft. with vapor barrier jacket. Schuller “Microlite” with “FSK” jacket.

C. Insulation thermal conductivity shall be a minimum of k = 0.24.

D. Vapor barrier is required on the exterior of the insulation to protect it form condensation.

E. The vapor barrier shall be continuous with all joints sealed and having a perm rating 0.5 perm.

(4) Duct Insulation, Internal:

A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Where Schuller is the only manufacturer indicated, equivalent approved products by Owens-Corning may furnished no exceptions.

B. Rectangular Duct Internal Liner: Mat-faced density 1-1/2 lb./cu. ft. minimum, antimicrobial acoustical duct blanket, Schuller “Linacousitc” duct liner.

C. Round Duct Internal Liner: Schuller Spiracoustic and Spriacoustic Plus round duct liner with anti-microbial airstream coating. Minimum thermal conductivity of k = 0.24.

D. Adhesive: Benjamin Foster 85-20, Tuff-Bond or equivalent.

E. Weld or Stick Pins: Duro Dyne with NC-I nylon stop clips, Grip-Nail, Gemco, Tuff-Bond or equivalent.

F. Sealant: Schuller Super Seal or equal: All joints shall be sealed so that condensation within the insulation will not occur.

(5) Pressure Sensitive Tape:

A. Acceptable Manufacturers” Where Nashua tapes are indicated, equivalent products by other insulation manufacturers specified in this section are acceptable.
B. Pipe Insulation:

1. Glass fiber, all-purpose jacket: Nashua Type 357

2. Glass fiber blanket: Nashua Type FSK

3. Preformed pipe covering: Nashua type ASJ

C. Duct Insulation

1. External insulation: Nashua type FSK

(6) Pipe Insulation:

A. Applied Locations:

1. Potable cold Water above Ground Insulation: Thickness of ½ inch on run-outs up to 2-inch diameter. Thickness of ½ inch on piping up to 2 inch diameter, thickness of 1 inch on pipe sizes above 2-inch diameter. Glass fiber with all-purpose jacket.

2. Potable Hot Water Above Ground Insulation: Thickness of ½ inch on run-outs, thickness of 1 inch on pipe sizes up 2-inches diameter, thickness of 1-1/2 inches on pipe sizes 2-1/2 inches diameter and larger; Glass fiber will all purpose jacket.

3. Heating Hot Water Supply and Return Piping Insulation: Thickness of 1.5 inches on piping up to 8 inches in diameter, runouts to individuals terminal units less than 12 feet in length may be 0.5 inches thick. Exposed piping shall have red PVC jacketing.

4. Chilled Water Supply and Return Pipe Insulation: Thickness of 0.5 inches on piping 1 inch diameter and less, 0.75 inches on piping greater than 1 to 2 inches, and 1.0 inches on piping greater than 2.0 inches in diameter. Runouts to individual terminal units not exceeding 12 feet in length may have 0.5-inch thick insulation. Exposed piping shall have blue PVC jacketing. Exterior chilled water piping shall have RPR- Z embossed aluminum jacketing (0.016”, T-3003 H14)

5. Rain Water Leaders/Roof Drain Piping Insulation: 0.5 inches minimum thickness, or as recommended by insulation manufacturer for application.

B. Installation, Piping Insulation:

1. General Requirements

a. Installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

b. Install insulation over clean, dry surfaces only.

c. No staples are to be used on runs where electric heat trace exists.

d. Insulation kits shall be installed with all joints butted tightly to minimize crevices.

e. Install pre-formed PVC pipe covering on all interior insulation wherever piping is not enclosed in a wall or ceiling cavity. Install colored PVC jacketing at all air handling units and equipment to a height of 10 feet above the floor in mechanical attics.

2. Piping: Butt side and end joints tightly and paste factory applied jacket at longitudinal and circumferential joints. Finish and seal exposed ends neatly with the jacket material, glass cloth and mastic, or use preformed pipe coverings.

3. Application

a. Slip pipe insulation onto pipe and seal butt joints.

b. Where slip on technique is not possible, slit insulation, apply to pipe, and seal seam and joints.

c. Piping Specialties: Fully insulate all components of all piping systems. Items requiring access for service or repair (pumps, valves, strainers, etc.) shall be provided with removable, reusable, insulation pads, EJ Bartells, or equal.

d. Install embossed aluminum jacketing (T-3003 H14, 0.020 inches thick) on exterior chilled water pipe, RPR or equal.

(7) Duct Insulation:

A. Ducts shall be insulated with the minimum thermal resistances as follows unless more stringent levels are listed herein or noted on drawings.

1. Supply, return, exhaust and pressure relief ducts within conditioned space, R-3.3. Exhaust and relief ducts outside conditioned space, R 3.3.

2. Supply and return ducts in concrete or in ground, R-5.3.

3. Supply or return ducts outside conditioned space, R-7.

The applied locations are:

1. Supply and return ductwork outside the building: Internally lined.

2. Supply and return ductwork inside the building: Internally lined unless noted otherwise on drawing.

a. Round supply and return duct 18 inches in diameter and smaller may be externally insulated, unless noted otherwise.

3. Restroom exhaust ductwork: Externally insulated, completely.

4. Ductwork at exhaust fans: Externally insulated, completely.

5. Pressure relief ductwork: External from backdraft damper to outside air intake vent, completely.

6. AHU Outside Air and Exhaust Duct from Unit to Louver: Internally lined.

7. Combustion air inlet duct externally insulated, completely.

B. Installation, External Duct Insulation:

1. General requirements: Install in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Additional procedures: External insulation with joints and seams shall be lapped 3 inches minimum and stapled 3 inches on center. Seal vapor barrier jacket where insulation types or joints meet with 3-inch wide pressure sensitive tape.

3. Vapor barrier: Seal insulation to maintain vapor barrier.

4. Lined ductwork: External insulation not required where ductwork is internally lined except where noted or specified.

C. Installation, Internal Duct Liner

1. General requirements: Apply liner in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and with SMACNA “Duct liner Application Standard.”

2. Additional procedures: Apply internal insulation to flat sheet with continuous coverage of adhesive. Use adhesive on all butt edges. Install weld or stick pins and clips 15 inches on center and no more than 2 inches maximum from any cut or exposed edge.

3. Dimensions: Duct dimensions on drawings are net clear inside dimensions with duct liner installed. Install liner in compliance with NFPA 90A.

4. Seal all cut edges with colored sealant, clear sealant is prohibited.

(8) Field Quality Control:

A. Field Tests: Testing of systems shall have been completed and systems approved prior to applying insulation.

B. Existing Systems:

1. Repair existing insulation damaged during installation of work.

2. Make neat connections where new and existing insulation meet.

3. Where existing piping, ductwork or equipment is removed, cover existing surfaces neatly to match existing.

C. Accessibility: Provide removable insulation sections to cover parts of equipment which must be opened periodically for maintenance; including metal vessel covers, fasteners, valves, flanges, frames, and accessories. Do not insulate boiler manholes, handholes, cleanouts, ASME stamp, and manufacturer’s nameplates. Provide neatly beveled edge at interruptions of insulation.

Section 15300, Fire Protection
(1) Work included:

A. Work includes design and construction of fire protection system extensions to all Pasco School District No. 1 campus buildings and building additions constructed or revised by this project.

B. Contract requirements of Division 1 apply to all work in this Section.

C. Provide phased installation of the work in the section in accordance with the requirements of Section 01100. Each Phase shall be fully functional and ready for occupancy.

(2) Quality Assurance:

A. Regulatory Requirements:

1. Comply with all applicable city, county, and state codes and ordinances. In case of conflict with drawings or specifications, the codes and ordinances govern. Arrange and pay for all permits and inspections required.

2. Authorities Having Jurisdiction:

a. Local Fire and Building Departments

b. Country Fire Marshal

c. State Fire Marshal

d. Owner’s Insurance Company

B. Design Criteria:

1. Provide complete fire protection system as indicated and required. Design and install entire system in accordance with indicated codes, standards and regulations. Provide all standard accessories necessary for complete and operable system, including complete sprinkler riser connections and/or extension of the existing on-site fire sprinkler systems and infrastructure, fire department connection, inspectors test connections, sprinklers, piping, 911 system tie-in, fire station alarm tie-in, water movement sensor tie-in, and smoke detection system tie-in.

2. Hazard Classification: In accordance with NFPA -13.

3. Application: All areas including electrical and mechanical rooms, concealed spaces at ceilings, under stages, attic spaces, exterior canopies and overhangs, Elevator Equipment Room and shaft, water wall with all required non-combustible baffles at stage proscenium, and other areas as required per NFPA – 13.

4. Piping Design: Hydraulically designed.

5. Water Supply: Obtain latest water supply engineering test data prior to design. Use 10% safety margin in system design.

6. Fire protection during construction shall be in accordance with NFPA-13.

7. The sprinkler plans and hydraulic calculations shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of and stamped by a Washington State Certified Level 3 Fire Protection Designer, verifying compliance with NFPA – 13, or as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.

8. Locate fire protection riser in Room (to be determined) as required or directed.
C. Standards:

1. National Fire Protection Association, NFPA – 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems.

2. Factory Mutual (FM) Approval Guide.

3. Underwriters’ Laboratories Fire Protection Equipment List

D. Qualifications: The Sprinkler Contractor shall design, supply and install the entire sprinkler system; the use of subcontractors to the Sprinkler contractor is not acceptable. The Sprinkler Contractor shall possess a valid sprinkler contractor license from the State of Washington. Use workers skilled in this trade.

E. Coordination with Other Trades:

1. Carefully check construction documents before designing or installing any of this work. Consider the work of all other trades, and coordinate this work with that of the Sheet Metal, Plumbing, and Electrical Contractors so that the best arrangement of all equipment, piping, conduit, ducts, etc., can be obtained.

2. Identify any points of conflict between this work and that of the other trades, so that the conflict may be properly adjusted. Work installed by this Contractor which interferes with the work of other trades shall be removed and re-installed at the Contractor’s expense. It shall be understood that no change orders to the Contract will be permitted to accomplish the above results.

F. Building Coordination: Arrange pipe routing to minimize impact on the interior decorative finishes; coordinate with and obtain approval from A/E. Clearly note exposed fire protection piping in finished areas on submittal drawings. The Architect reserves the right to reject exposed fire protection piping not clearly noted as such on drawings. Rejected piping shall be removed and reinstalled within building construction, at no additional cost to the Owner.

(3) Submittals:

A. General: Submit in accordance with Section 1300 and the following. Do not submit until approved by all Authorities Having Jurisdiction.

B. Product Date:

1. Pipe and Fittings.

2. Valves.

3. Dry Pipe and Wet Pipe Alarm Valves and Appurtenances.

4. Sprinklers.

5. Supports and Appurtenances.

6. Backflow Preventer.

7. Fire Department Connection.

8. Alarm and Signal Devices.

C. Shop Drawings:

1. Comply with NFPA-13.

2. Complete Floor plans showing all new work.

3. Layout and location of all alarm initiating devices, electrical connections, and other devices and equipment.

D. Design Data: Basis of pipe sizing.

E. Test Reports:

1. Sprinkler system pressure test.

2. Alarm system test.

F. Certificates: Installation approved and acceptance by Authorities Having Jurisdiction.

G. Operation and Maintenance Data:

1. Provide complete, simple, understandable, step-by-step, testing instructions give recommended and required testing frequency of all equipment, methods for testing all equipment, and a complete troubleshooting manual.

2. Provide complete, easy-to-read, understandable maintenance instructions, including the following information.

a. Instruction on replacing any components of the system including internal parts; instruction on periodic cleaning and adjustment of equipment with a schedule of these functions; a complete list of all equipment and components with information as to the address and phone number of both the manufacturer and local supplier of each item.

b. Provide hands-on site training of all systems and equipment not less than 4 hours.

H. Record Drawings: Provide in accordance with Division 1.

(4) General:

A. Comply with “Quality Assurance” provisions, Specifications, and Manufacturer’s Data. Where these may be in conflict, the more stringent requirement govern.

(5) Acceptable Manufacturers:

A. Listed manufacturers with products equivalent to specific product indicated (if any) are acceptable; A/E is sole judge of equivalency.

B. Non-listed manufacturers may be considered by the A/E if request is received prior to bid date.

C. Listed Manufacturers”

1. Grinnell

2. Viking

3. Star

4. Reliable

5. Automatic

6. Rockwood

7. Central

8. Globe

(6) Materials:

A. Use only new, unused material of first-class construction, designed and guaranteed to perform service required, approved by NFPA, FM, and UL for the intended purpose.

B. Above-Grade Pipe and Fittings:

1. Pipe: Comply with NFPA-13 and 14; black steel, ASTM A53, A135, or A795. For pipe other than Schedule 40 or Schedule 10, provide as UL listed and FM approved.

2. Fittings:

a. UL listed for sprinkler service and for the specific type of pipe.

b. Provide minimum 125 psi class.

c. Two inches and smaller: 150-pound black malleable iron, screwed, ANSI B16.3 and ASTM A197.

d. 2-1/2 inches and larger: Grooved joint fittings, malleable iron ASTM A47 or ductile iron ASTM A536 bodies; flanged fittings, forged steel or ductile iron.

e. Grooved Joint Couplings: UL listed for sprinkler service: malleable iron ASTM A47 or ductile iron ASTM A536 housing; chlorinated butyl gasket; nuts and bolts ASTM A183; minimum 110,000 psi tensile.

f. Provide galvanized steel pipe and fittings for drain lines.

C. Underground 4-inch to 8-inch:

1. Pipe: ductile iron, cement lined, Class 50 or 51, ANSI A21.51 and AWWA C151, 350 psi rated water working pressure.

2. Fittings: Ductile iron, cement lined, ANSI A21.10 and AWWA C110, 250 psi rated water working pressure.

3. Joints: AWWA C111, mechanical or Tyton, in general, flanged at connections to valves and equipment.

D. Components:

1. Valves:

a. General: UL and FM approved, minimum 175 psi class.

b. Gate Valves:

1) Two inches and smaller: 175-pound UL-FM bronze gate, solid wedge disc, OS&Y, screwed.

2) 2-1/2 inches and larger: 175-pound UL-FM iron body gate, solid wedge disc, OS&Y, flanged

c. Wet Pipe Alarm Valve and Appurtenances: 175 psi UL-FM cast iron body; cast bronze clapper, clamp ring, and valve seat; water pressure gauges, pressure operated relief valve, alarm test valve, emergency release, and drain valves.

d. Dry Pipe Alarm Valve and Appurtenances: 175 psi UL-FM cast iron differential type alarm valve and trim, maintenance air compressor, air maintenance device, accelerator, anti-flood device, and alarm devices. Coordinate power and alarm requirements with work of Division 16.

2. Sprinklers:

a. General: Provide sprinklers of type required by Authorities Having Jurisdiction for service indicated, listed by UL or FM. In no case use sprinklers rated less than 50 F higher than anticipated ambient temperature.

b. Type: Sprinklers Installed in finished ceilings shall be concealed plate type, white finish. Sprinklers installed above finished ceilings or areas without ceilings shall be upright or Pendant type, rough bronze finish.

c. Provide shields where sprinklers are subject to damage from student activities; comply with NFPA-13, and Owner requirements.

d. Head Type, Sidewall: Freeze-proof design.

e. Sprinkler Cabinet: Provide with the required number of sprinklers of all ratings and types installed and a sprinkler wrench, located adjacent to the riser.

3. Pipe Supports: Provide metal pipe supports, flexible connections, sway braces, hangers, clamps and other pipe support items in accordance with NFPA-13. Provide pipe hangers and braces seismically designed per NFPA-13. Do not use “C-Clamp” hangers unless provided with integral seismic retaining strap.

4. Identification Signs: Provide enameled signs for all drain valves, test valves, control valves and alarm valves indicating their use.

5. Miscellaneous Connections and Fittings: Provide drains, and other items in accordance with NFPA-13.

6. Vertical Backflow Preventer: Provide where required.

7. Fire Department Connection: Bright chrome finish Potter-Roemer 5020 Series 13 double-clappered Siamese; provide the coupling connection in accordance with NFPA-194; install drip connections.

8. Alarm and Signal Devices:

a. Air Pressure Switch (Dry Pipe System): Differential type installed and connected in such a manner that loss of air pressure due to fusing of a single sprinkler head will automatically energize the fire alarm system; equip with two contacts of the normally open type.

b. Water flow switch (Wet Pipe System): Vane-type flow switch, installed and connected in such a manner that flow of water equal to or greater that than from a single head will automatically energize the fire alarm system; equip with two contacts of the normally open type. Provide field adjustable time delay, adjustable form 0-60 seconds.

c. Valve Monitor Switches: 115 VAC

d. Pressure Gages: 3-1/2- inch dial, phosphor bronze tube, brass socket, 300 psi range.

e. Exterior Alarm Bell: Waterproof with aluminum red-enameled hood; designed to provide local audible alarm upon flow of water in sprinkler systems.
(7) Building Fire Alarm System Interface:

A. Integrate the operation of the sprinkler systems into building fire alarm system. Provide interlocks as required. Coordinate with work specified under Division 16.

(8) Inspection:

A. Verify Installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work of this section. Do not install until any unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory.

(9) Preparation:

A. Field Measurements: Field verify locations of new and existing work prior to commencing work of this section.

B. Protect surrounding area and surfaces to preclude damage form work of this section.

(10) Installation/Application/Erection/Performance:

A. Extend fire protection main form 5 feet outside of the building to fire riser. (verify location)

B. Install, apply, erect, and perform the work in accordance with “Quality Assurance” provisions, specifications and manufacturer’s installation instructions and direction. Where these may be in conflict, the more stringent requirements govern.

C. Cooperate with other trades to insure adequate space for piping placement. All fire protection piping and equipment shall be concealed except in areas where not feasible and fire protection riser room. Clearly annotate drawings indicating exposed piping on submitted drawings.

D. Review plans, specifications, and shop drawings of other trades to coordinate work.

E. Install in strict accordance with reviewed shop drawings.


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