Statements by foreign missions and representations 16-31 march 2014

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31 March 2014 - The European UnionStatement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on recent events around the Parliament of Ukraine

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement:

"I strongly condemn the pressure by activists of the Right Sector who have surrounded the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Such an intimidation of the parliament is against the democratic principles and rule of law.

I call on the Right Sector and other parties in Ukraine to refrain from the use or threat of violence. They need to hand over any unauthorised arms to the authorities immediately.

An impartial and credible investigation into the circumstances of the death of Oleksandr Muzychko during a detention attempt by the police is needed. I welcome the setting up of an ad hoc investigation committee in the Verkhovna Rada today."


28 March 2014 - The Russian Federation Comment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the voting on the draft resolution “Territorial integrity of Ukraine” in the UN General Assembly

On the 27 March there was a plenary session in the UN General Assembly, within the framework of which the draft UNGA resolution “Territorial integrity of Ukraine”, proposed by the Ukrainian delegation jointly with several co-authors, was reviewed. As in the case of the draft UN Security Council resolution which was not adopted on the 15 March, its main element is an appeal to UN member states not to acknowledge the results of the successfully exercised legal right to self-determination of the Crimeans.

We cannot but regret that insistence, which deserves better application, with which the Kiev authorities and foreign “advocates” representing them attempt to distort the nature of the worrying processes taking place in Ukraine. The entire potential of the propagandistic machine of “cold war” times has been used to overshadow the fact of the deepest internal political crisis in Ukraine and to shift responsibility for the escalation of tensions to the Russian Federation.

The results of gross interference by several western countries inUkrainian affairs are evident: anticonstitutional change of power in Kiev, breakdown of the system of state order, including at regional and local level, incapacity of law enforcement bodies, outrages by extremists and fascists, massive violations of human rights, threats to the security of national and language minorities, further aggravation of the social and economic situation.

A wide dispersion of positions of UN member states, a large number of abstained states or those who were not present at the voting, were an eloquent testimony that they do not accept the unilateral interpretation of events in Ukraine. At the same time, it is known what shameless pressure up to political blackmailing and economic threats was applied on several member states to make them vote for this resolution.

The counter-productive initiative with the resolution of the General Assembly will only complicate cooperation for the purposes of settlement of the internal political crisis in Ukraine. We appeal to constructively disposed and independently thinking participants of the international community to target their efforts on real contribution to the stabilisation of the situation in this country and to show respect for the results of the free will of the Crimean population, which has already played its historical role and it is pointless disputing this.


28 March 2014 - The Russian FederationComment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the situation around national minorities residing in Ukraine

With regard to the current situation in Ukraine, we would like to draw attention to the following circumstances, which vividly characterise the situation after the coup d’état of the 22 February.

The total ignoring of the interests of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine is a permanent reality rather than news. The suspension of broadcasting of four large Russian TV channels is the latest evidence of that.

Less evident, but no less dramatic, is the situation around ethnic Germans, Czechs, Hungarians and other national minorities residing in Ukraine. They are concerned about the instability of the political situation in the country and seriously fear for their lives, when they directly face atrocities by home-made ultranationalists and neo-fascists. Because of this a significant number of persons, who want to temporarily or permanently move to their historic homeland, has been declared lately. More and more of the Ukrainian population are looking for asylum in Russia.

We believe that the fate of these persons should not be disregarded by influential international organisations, including the UN, OSCE, and Council of Europe, which should clearly demonstrate their readiness to defend their rights. We expect international human rights bodies and institutes to provide principled assessments of the gross violations of human rights, including the rights of national minorities, by the “new Ukrainian authorities”.


28 March 2014 - The Russian FederationComment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the position of the Federal Council (Government) of Switzerland towards Ukraine

On 26 March 2014 the Federal Council of Switzerland discussed the situation in Ukraine and made the decision to stop issuing permits for export of military products to Russia, to suspend negotiations with Russia on the free trade agreement jointly with other members of the European free trade association and to temporarily refuse implementation of training programmes for preparation of Russian military personnel, envisaged under the Russian-Swiss agreement on cooperation in the area of preparation of military staff of 11 April 2011. The statement issued as a result of this session also provides that the restrictions introduced by the European Union within the Schengen area are also applicable in Switzerland.

We express our regrets with regard to the unilateral position taken by the Government of Switzerland with regard to the events in Ukraine, which ignores reality and the explanations which Russia has provided many times. We believe that this prejudiced attitude does not correspond to the friendly nature of Russian-Swiss relations and to the policy of neutrality demonstrated by Switzerland. We think that the restrictions introduced by Bern in several areas of our bilateral cooperation are unjustified and counter-productive.


27 March 2014 - The United States Statement by the Press Secretary of the White House on Ukraine 

The United States welcomes the preliminary agreement between the Government of Ukraine and International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff on a loan program of $14-18 billion.  This represents a powerful sign of support from the international community for the Ukrainian government, as we help them stabilize and grow their economy, and move their democracy forward.  The agreement is expected to unlock roughly $27 billion in total support from the international community for Ukraine`s people over the next two years, as the country implements historic reforms to address long-standing problems that have undermined Ukraine’s economic strength and prosperity.  It is important now for both the Government of Ukraine and the IMF to move expeditiously and complete the steps necessary to gain approval from the IMF Executive Board. 

Together with our allies and partners, President Obama will continue to build international support for the Ukrainian people at this critical time.  The IMF program will be a central component of a package of assistance to support Ukraine as it implements reforms and conducts free and fair elections that will allow all the Ukrainian people to determine the future of their country.  We are working alongside international partners, including the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), to disburse rapid additional assistance to complement the IMF program and ease Ukraine’s economic transition, particularly for the most vulnerable.  As part of this international effort, we are working with Congress to quickly provide a $1 billion loan guarantee and are offering technical and financial assistance to help Ukraine meet its most pressing needs.  We also remain committed to providing the IMF with the resources it needs – in partnership with Congress – to provide strong support to countries like Ukraine as well as reinforcing the Fund’s governance to reflect the global economy.


27 March 2014 - The European UnionEU-Ukraine: practical support for urgently needed reforms

Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle visited Ukraine on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is what he said to the media following the meeting with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk:

`I am very happy to be in Kyiv in the company of Commissioner Lewandowski but also a number of the high-ranking European Commission officials to set a more forward looking agenda and also to help you to create some good and positive stories. We need positive stories in our lives and I think the one we have worked on today is indeed a good story for all Ukrainians and all citizens of the European Union.

Our visit puts into practice a promise made by the President of the European Commission, President Barroso, a promise of practical support for urgently needed reforms after last week`s signature of the political provisions of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

We talked about two principles throughout the two days: inclusivity and unity. For the application of the Association Agreement the outreach to all parts of Ukraine is important, as it is the  continued dialogue with the Verkhovna Rada and civil society, both of whom play a significant role in advancing reforms. And second, the European Union is united in its support to Ukraine. Ukraine needs to be united too.

In our meetings yesterday and in particular today with the government, we have discussed a number of the specific areas, six of them, very much along the lines of the priorities, which you defined last week while in Brussels on the occasion of signing the Association Agreement. We have been today focusing on the set of economic, political reform and stabilisation needed in Ukraine and how best we can support it. I will not go into the details of the political reforms, economic support, trade, energy, mobility and others but you will see, as a result of our work, and I hope rather soon, a transparent public document, available not only to the government and other important stakeholders and to the European Union, but available to all Ukrainians to make us accountable for the promises we are making.

Thank you very much.`


26 March 2014 - The Russian Federation Comment by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding statements by the official representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is surprised at the irresponsible and unjustified statement by the official representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yevgeny Perebiynis, regarding the alleged “growth of xenophobic moods in Russia”. The facts, which he provided as examples, are not proven. Kiev is attempting to unfairly shift the blame again.

To be noted, unlike Ukrainian right radical forces, who march openly in Ukrainian cities bearing fascist symbols, worship Bandera and other supporters of Nazism, and besmear monuments to Soviet warriors-liberators, Russia is preparing to ceremonially celebrate 70 years of liberation from German fascist invaders, in particular, the liberation of Odessa, Kerch, Sevastopol Simferopol and other cities, in the near future. Kiev appears to have other priorities.

Moscow has continued to gather and systematise numerous facts of the grossest violations of the rights of the Russian-speaking population and representatives of other Ukrainian ethnic communities by home-made ultranationalists and neo-Nazis. This information will be publicised in the near future.


26 March 2014 - The Russian FederationComment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the air traffic situation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

On the 25 March, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued repeated correspondence to the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow, which referenced Article 20 of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Government on air traffic and co-operation in the area of air transportation, which was signed in Moscow on 12 January 1994; this correspondence drew the attention of Ukraine to the following facts again.

According to information received from the Russian airline OAO “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines”, which is supposed to make regular flights to certain locations in the territory of Ukraine on behalf of the Russian Federation (carrying passengers, cargo, luggage and post), the Ukrainian State border service keeps preventing crew members of the aircraft of this airline from leaving their aircraft to observe the work and rest schedule for aircraftcrew members, when flying with international airlines, which is a violation of international laws in the matter of compliance with the safety requirements for flights.

For example, the Ukrainian State border service used such wrongful actions with regard to the second pilot of the OAO “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines”flight(SU1802), of the 24 March 2014, on the Moscow – Kiev (Borispol) route.

Such actions are incompatible with the provisions of international acts and conventions on safety requirements for international civil aviation flights.

Russia insists on an unconditional stop to these irresponsible practices by Ukraine, which jeopardise the safety of international civil aviation flights.


25 March 2014 - The United States / The Government of Ukraine Joint Statement by the United States and Ukraine

On the occasion of the third Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, the United States and Ukraine today reaffirm their strategic partnership and emphasize the important role of nuclear nonproliferation in that relationship.  The United States values its 20-year partnership with Ukraine on these issues.  Our nonproliferation partnership dates from Ukraine’s 1994 decision to remove all nuclear weapons from its territory and to accede to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear-weapon state.  In the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, the United States, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland welcomed these Ukrainian actions, and they reaffirmed their commitment to Ukraine to respect the independence, sovereignty, and existing borders of Ukraine.  The United States government reaffirms that commitment today to the new Ukrainian government and the people of Ukraine, including in Crimea.  The United States government condemns Russia’s failure to abide by its commitments under the Budapest Memorandum with its unilateral military actions in Ukraine.  Russia’s  actions  undermine  the foundation  of  the global  security  architecture and endanger  European  peace  and  security.  Ukraine and the United States emphasize  that  they  will  not  recognize Russia’s illegal attempt to annex Crimea.  Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine.  The United States will continue to help Ukraine affirm its sovereignty and territorial integrity.  As the people of Ukraine work to restore unity, peace, and security to their country, the United States will stand by their side.

The United States and Ukraine reiterate their commitment to upholding their nuclear nonproliferation commitments.  The United States recognizes the importance of the 2012 removal of all highly enriched uranium from Ukraine.  This removal again highlighted Ukraine’s leadership in nuclear security and nonproliferation, as we collectively work together to secure the world’s vulnerable nuclear material.  As part of its support for this effort, the United States committed in 2010 to work with Ukraine to construct a Neutron Source Facility at the Kharkiv Institute for Physics and Technology.  This month construction of the Neutron Source Facility was completed.  The facility, equipped with the most up-to-date technology to operate at the highest safety standards, provides Ukraine with new research capabilities and the ability to produce industrial and medical isotopes for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.

This state of the art facility is representative of the modern, European state the Government of Ukraine is committed to building.  To build on this important cooperation, the United States will continue to provide technical support for the Neutron Source Facility as Ukraine completes the necessary final equipment installation, testing, and start-up to make the facility fully operational as soon as practical.

This successful effort reflects broad U.S.-Ukrainian cooperation on nuclear security and nonproliferation.  Our countries recently extended the U.S.-Ukraine Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Umbrella Agreement and the U.S.-Ukraine Agreement Concerning Operational Safety Enhancements, Risk Reduction Measures, and Nuclear Safety Regulation for Civilian Nuclear Facilities in Ukraine.

The United States and Ukraine intend to continue to partner to prevent nuclear proliferation by improving Ukraine’s ability to detect nuclear materials on its borders, to provide physical protection at sites with nuclear or radioactive materials, and to maintain an adequate export control system in order to help realize the goals of the Nuclear Security Summits.


25 March 2014 - The Russian Federation Statement by the Russian Delegation in relation to the statement made by the Ukrainian representative at the Nuclear Security Summit

In connection with yesterday`s statement made by the Ukrainian delegate, the Russian delegation deems it necessary to state the following.

First of all, we have to draw everyone`s attention to the fact of a gross violation by the Ukrainian representative of the agenda of the respected international forum dedicated to one of the most urgent contemporary problems - strengthening nuclear security.

Now, let us take a look at the substance of the assertions made by the Ukrainian representative.

Kiev authorities` representative claimed that Russia allegedly violates its commitments under the Budapest Memorandum in what relates to Ukraine`s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We can not accept it whatsoever. The government in Kiev, which came to power following the unconstitutional coup, essentially undermined Ukraine`s unity itself by its policies, most notably towards national minorities. The coup inflicted a huge blow on Ukraine`s sovereignty. In those conditions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea could not continue to be a part of Ukraine anymore and declared its independence in full compliance with the UN Charter. In Budapest, we did not make a commitment to force a part of Ukraine to stay in it against the will of its people. Following the declaration of its independence, the Republic of Crimea conducted a democratic referendum, when almost 97% of the Crimean people voted in favor of their country joining the Russian Federation. This is another story though, which has nothing to do with the Budapest Memorandum or Ukraine.

Therefore, the references to the Budapest Memorandum are, legally, groundless, and, politically, illegitimate.

The Ukrainian representative reiterated the claim that Russia allegedly jeopardizes safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine and, in fact, appealed to the foreign countries for help in protecting them. This is nothing but an attempt to pass the buck. Given the current situation in Ukraine, it is only the incapable "Kiev`s new authorities" that can pose a threat to the Ukrainian nuclear facilities, but not Russia. We have already heard the calls by Maidan leaders to blow up the gas pipelines running through the Ukrainian territory and establish collaboration with professional international terrorists. For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that despite the utterly hostile policy of the current Ukrainian authorities the Russian Federation continues to fully meet its obligations towards Ukraine, be it supplies of nuclear fuel to Ukraine or imports into Russia of irradiated nuclear fuel for reprocessing, thus contributing to nuclear security in Ukraine.

Finally, we note with regret that in recent days members of the Ukrainian coalition government representing the Batkivshchyna and Udar parties introduced a draft law providing for a withdrawal of Ukraine from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Attempts of the Ukrainian representative to distance himself from this position are not credible from our standpoint. It is lamentable that other Depositories of the Treaty pretend not to see this danger.

We hope that the international community will objectively evaluate and adequately repel this Ukraine`s extremist policy as, inter alia, undermining the international efforts to strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security regime.


25 March 2014 - The Russian FederationComment by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding threats to priests in Ukraine

Russia notes with regret that there are more and more frequent threats to priests in Ukraine. This time some National Socialist Workers’ Party of Ukraine sent a letter containing threats to the representative of the Ukrainian autocephalous Orthodox church (Tcherkassy diocese), hegumen Alexander Shirokov. Ukrainian radicals asked this authoritative priest to literally stop “any pro-Moscow enemy campaigning”. If the priest disregards the threats of the radicals, then cardinal physical and elimination methods will be used against him and his family, as the call of the National Socialist Workers’ Party of Ukraine.

Internet users can see a copy of the letter from this “party”, on a form with Nazi symbols.

Such attacks on priests in Ukraine confirm yet again the atmosphere of national and sectarian intolerance, which is currently reigning in Ukraine.


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