Strategy What the Research Says

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High-Yield Instructional Strategies


What the Research Says

How it looks in the Classroom

Tracking Student Progress and Scoring Scales

Is a combination of two assessment
strategies that involve the use of a
scoring scale or guide to preview expected content and the tracking
of student progress toward a learning goal

Use of scales, rubrics, and graphs by teacher to chart student growth 26% achievement gain. Students tracking their own growth on a chart, graph, or scale is associated with a 32% gain in achievement

Setting Goals and Objectives

Should create specific but flexible goals; allow student choice

Articulating and displaying learning goals, KWL, target boards, steps to writing process or PBL, contracts, display goals in room, discussing goals with students so they are aware

Building Vocabulary

Using six set process to teaching vocabulary…40 (avg.) exposures to a word for any kind of mastery

  1. Teacher explanation

  2. Student explanation

  3. Student graphic

  4. Comparison activities/analogies

  5. Student Discussion

  6. Use of games

Identifying Similarities and Differences

Students should compare, classify, and create metaphors, analogies and non-linguistic or graphic representations

Thinking Maps, T-charts, Venn diagrams, classifying activities, analogies, cause and effect links, compare and contrast organizers:
Comparison Matrix, T-chart,

Interactive Games

Using academic content in game-like situations

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?


Wheel of Fortune

Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?


Process of distilling information down to its most salient points to aid in understanding, memorizing, and learning the relevant material

Summary frames for comprehension

Ten Most Important Words

Act it Out

Quick Doodles – drawing pictures

Inside-Outside Circles

Numbered Heads Together

Summary Star

Nonlinguistic Representation

Students/Teachers create graphic representations, models, mental pictures, drawings, pictographs and kinesthetic activities to assimilate knowledge or procedures

Pictorial graphs of procedures (autism)

Kinesthetic Activity to remember content (multiply fractions song)

Physical models of atoms

Imagery for writing

Note Taking

Process of capturing key ideas-through writing, drawing, or audio recording- for later access

Teacher prepared notes with blanks (video or lecture)

Webs, Inspiration software, Foldables, recording readings by student, Cornell Notes


What the Research Says

How it looks in the Classroom

Student Discussions/Chunking

Students are allowed “process” time every 10-12 min.

Think-Pair-Share, Fishbowl


Providing students with meaningful opportunities to increase their understanding through assignments completed outside of class

Retell, recite or review learning for the day at home. Reflective Journals, collaborative projects

Can also use homework to “Flip” instruction as “Front-load”

Effort and Recognition

Rewards are based on standards of performance; use symbolic recognition rather than just tangible rewards. Praise should be simple and directly specifying new skill

Sets high expectations

Displayed finished products

Praise student effort

Conference with individuals

Authentic portfolios


Provide students with opportunities to practice skills and processes in order to increase their speed, accuracy, fluency, and conceptual understanding

Reading passages

Math Problems

Video Podcasts

Educations apps on iPad

Practicing music selection /instrument

Practicing lines for a play

Graphic Organizers

Providing a visual display of material being discussed /compared and contrasted

Venn Diagram, KWL chart, T-chart, 3-2-1 chart, Attribute chart, Frayer Model, Foldables, “Think alouds”

Providing Feedback

Feedback should be corrective, timely, and specific to a criterion

Addresses what is correct and elaborates on what need to do next,

Gives timely feedback to meet student needs, Gives feedback that is criterion referenced, Engages students in feedback process

Comments on papers or projects, feedback sheets, personal conferences

Advance Organizers

Providing students with a preview of new content, front-loading, setting the stage for learning

Four types:

Expository (Anticipation Guide, Video)

Narrative (Short story, video clip, or telling a personal story)

Skimming (“tilling the text” or “scamper”)

Graphic Advance Organizers (G/O that clearly shows what will be learned-headings provided

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