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APUSH Spring Break Packet

DISTRIBUTED: April 6, 2017
DUE DATE: Monday April 24, 2017 (the day we return from Spring Break)

The entire packet will count as a test grade. Each individual assignment within the packet will count as a homework grade.


  • Worksheet chapter 30- The 1960s

  • Worksheet chapter 31- The 1970s

  • Worksheet chapter 32- The 1980s


  • The 1960s

  • Counterculture/Women’s Rights

  • Vietnam

  • Nixon and 1970s

  • Reagan and the 1980s

APUSH Unit 9

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
WORKSHEET- Chapter 30: The Tumultuous Sixties, 1960-1968

  1. The concept of nation building was based on the idea that:

    1. The industrialized nations of the world should pool their resources to aid Third World nations

    2. The USA could win the friendship of Third World countries by helping them as they struggled through the infant stages of nationhood

    3. The European states should demonstrate their acceptance of self-determination by allowing their colonies to become independent nations

    4. A nation’s social, political, and economic system must be based on its own unique historical experience

  1. When Kennedy refused to consent to Soviet demands in the 1961 Berlin crisis, the USSR:

    1. Denied the Western powers access to their zones in the city of Berlin

    2. Began installing tactical nuclear weapons in East Germany

    3. Built the Berlin Wall

    4. Cut off all trade with the USA, Great Britain, and France

  1. In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs invasion, President Kennedy:

    1. Vowed to bring down the government of Fidel Castro

    2. Apologized to the Cuban people for infringing on their national sovereignty

    3. Reestablished trade with the Castro regime

    4. Restored diplomatic relations with Cuba

  1. A beneficial effect of the Cuban missile crisis was:

    1. Major improvements in the American civil-defense system

    2. Public support for improving relations with Cuba

    3. Installation of a Washington-Moscow hot line

    4. Tighter control of the CIA by Congress

  1. When Martin Luther King Jr., put children in the front lines of protest in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, the city’s police commissioner:

    1. Allowed the march to proceed without incident

    2. Called out the Alabama National Guard to prevent the march

    3. Used powerful water guns and attack dogs against the protestors

    4. Lined the route of the march with Birmingham police to protect the children from violence

  1. As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965:

    1. The right to vote was extended to 18-year-olds

    2. The number of registered African American voters in the South dramatically increased

    3. Literacy tests were required of all voters in federal elections

    4. Eligible voters were legally required to register through federal registrars

  1. Which of the following is true of the War on Poverty?

    1. It provides a guaranteed annual income to all Americans

    2. It especially benefited female-headed families

    3. It directly attacked the housing, health, and nutritional problems of poor

    4. It alone was responsible for alleviating hunger in the USA

  1. In the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Congress:

    1. Publicly questioned President Johnson’s escalation of the Vietnam War

    2. Gave virtually a free hand to President Johnson in conducting the war in Vietnam

    3. Condemned the My Lai massacre

    4. Declared war against North Vietnam

  2. In the Johnson years, the US continued escalating its commitment to the Vietnam War because:

    1. All of the nation’s European allies urged it to do so

    2. Most members of the Johnson administration strongly believed it was inevitable that the USA would win the war

    3. The American public demanded victory

    4. The administration feared that a failure in Vietnam would lead to a loss of respect for American power throughout the world

  1. America’s reliance on such things as carpet bombing, napalm, and crop defoliants in the Vietnam War:

    1. Caused Ho Chi Minh to abandon the Vietcong and concentrate this resources on the North Vietnamese army

    2. Alienated many South Vietnamese, bringing new recruits to the Vietcong

    3. Made South Vietnamese villages safer and more secure by destroying the Vietcong’s ability to wage war

    4. Led China to send troops and military material to aid the Vietcong

  1. The urban race riots of the 1960s and the emergence of black nationalism in the voices of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael were the result of:

    1. The deterioration of the social and economic conditions of many northern African Americans

    2. Communist infiltration of civil rights groups

    3. Denial of the right to vote in northern African Americans

    4. A shift in the tactics of the SCLC from passive resistance to violent confrontation

  1. Which of the following was a major target of student protestors in the 1960s?

    1. College fraternities and sororities

    2. Sex discrimination in college-admission policies

    3. The practice of granting tenure to college professors

    4. The doctrine of in loco parentis

  1. Which of the following is true of American popular culture in the late 1960s?

    1. It was largely created by advertisers

    2. It was based almost exclusively on popular television shows like Father Know Best

    3. It was primarily influenced by fears of a nuclear holocaust

    4. It was heavily influenced by the music and styles of young people

  1. As a result of the Tet Offensive:

    1. The USSR sent troops to Vietnam

    2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff advised American withdrawal from Vietnam

    3. The North Vietnamese were driven to the north of the Demilitarized Zone and requested peace negotiations

    4. President Johnson decided to open negotiations with the North

  1. The 1968 Democratic presidential candidate killed by an assassin’s bullet was:

    1. George Wallace

    2. Robert Kennedy

    3. Edmund Muskie

    4. Eugene McCarthy


Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

QUESTIONS: 1960s Readings

  1. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the Kennedy administration?

    1. Much of his domestic program was held up by Congress

    2. The US space program was committed to landing astronauts on the moon

    3. Defense spending and the number of nuclear weapons was cut

    4. Kennedy used presidential pressure to control inflationary prices increases

  1. Which of the following resulted in the greatest threat of nuclear war during the Kennedy administration?

    1. US military aid to South Vietnam

    2. The outbreak of a war in the Middle East

    3. A US naval blockade of Cuba

    4. Civil wars in the Congo and Laos

  1. President Johnson’s Great Society programs included all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment

    2. Federal aid to poor elementary and high school districts

    3. Federal funding for self-help programs for the poor

    4. Federal health insurance for the elderly and medical care for the poor and disabled

  1. Which of the following is NOT a correct association of a person with a policy?

    1. Barry Goldwater- medical care for the poor and elderly

    2. Ralph Nader- regulation of the automobile industry

    3. Rachel Carson- protection of the environment

    4. Martin Luther King Jr.- federal protection of voting rights

  1. Which of the following was NOT a ruling of the Warren Court?

    1. All election districts must provide equal representation for voters

    2. The courts must provide lawyers for poor defendants

    3. The right to life of an unborn child is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment

    4. Police must advice suspects of their right to remain silent

  1. Betty Friedan’s book, The Feminine Mystique:

    1. Advocated no-fault divorce and open marriages

    2. Argued that many women could not have fulfilling lives if limited to a traditional role in the home

    3. Resulted in the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment

    4. Supported premarital sex, abortion, and gay rights

  1. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution:

    1. Supported Barry Goldwater’s suggestion to bomb North Vietnam

    2. Authorized the president to take all necessary steps to defend US forces and interests in Vietnam

    3. Approved the overthrow of the Diem government in Vietnam

    4. Authorized the use of up to 500,000 US troops in Vietnam

  1. Which phrase BEST describes President Johnson’s policy in Vietnam?

    1. Gradual withdrawal of US forces

    2. Gradual military escalation to force North Vietnam to negotiate

    3. Placing strict limits on US military involvement

    4. Threatening the use of nuclear weapons

  1. The Tet Offensive resulted in all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. The military defeat of US forces in South Vietnam

    2. Reduced public support for Johnson’s conduct of the war

    3. Increased public support in the primaries for anti-war Senator Eugene McCarthy

    4. US diplomats advising Johnson against further escalation of war

  1. Explain how the following contributed to the social revolutions of the 1960s:

  • New Left:

  • Civil Rights Movement:

  • Counterculture:

  • Women’s Movement:

  • Vietnam War:

  1. “Even though Lyndon Johnson was not as greatly admired as President Kennedy, he was a more effective leader than Kennedy in domestic affairs.” Assess the validity of this statement. Cite specific examples from the readings.

  1. Compare and contrast the 1960s with the 1950s. Cite specific examples from the readings to highlight the continued similarities as well as the differences.

  1. What consequences of the counterculture/hippie movement are seen in today’s culture? Be specific and go outside the context of the readings.

  1. Analyze the women’s liberation movement in today’s society

Unit 9

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date:__________________________

WORKSHEET- Chapter 31: The Seventies

  1. Like the younger generation of African Americans, the younger generation of Mexican American and American Indian activists in the late 1960s and early 1970s emphasized:

    1. Local rather than national issues

    2. Assimilation and cooperation with white society

    3. Reparations for past wrongs rather than funding for current programs

    4. Their own distinct cultures and histories

  1. Rather than the EEOC having to prove an employer’s intentional discrimination against an individual, some argued that it was possible to prove discrimination by:

    1. Relying on expert witnesses

    2. Using competency tests as evidence of a job applicant’s suitability for employment or an employee’s suitability for promotion

    3. Using statistics on the relative number of minorities hired or promoted by an employer

    4. Enlisting the aid of civil rights organizations

  1. In the late 1960s, radical feminists differed from the members of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in which of the following ways?

    1. Radical feminists opposed the gay rights movement; the members of NOW strongly supported gay liberation

    2. Radical feminists practiced direct action and personal politics; NOW was a traditional lobbying group

    3. Radical feminists were concerned exclusively with political issues; NOW members were concerned only with social and economic issues

    4. The radical feminist movement repudiated the work of Betty Friedan; NOW agreed fully with Friedan’s ideas

  1. Antifeminist forces were able to prevent ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by:

    1. Successfully organizing a nationwide strike of working women

    2. Persuading the Senate to rescind its approval of the amendment

    3. Publishing a study that proved gender-based discrimination to be nonexistent in the USA

    4. Frightening people with false claims about what happen if it were ratified

  1. The Stonewall Riot

    1. Marked the beginning of the gay rights movement

    2. Occurred in Atlantic City when radical feminists disrupted the 1968 Miss America contest

    3. Was the result of overreaction by the Chicago police to street demonstrators at the Democratic National Convention

    4. Was an expression of black rage over the assassination of Martin Luther King

  1. Under the Nixon-Kissinger policy of “Vietnamization”:

    1. Stability slowly returned to Indochina as the Vietnam War de-escalated

    2. Withdrawal of American troops was accompanied by increased bombing of the North and the invasion of Cambodia

    3. The South Vietnamese army proved that it was an effective fighting force

    4. A coalition government was established in Hanoi and the war quickly drew to a close

  1. In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, Americans:

    1. Disagreed over the lessons to be drawn from the experience

    2. Withdrew from the United Nations

    3. Vowed to support Third World revolutions

    4. Agreed to increase the powers of the president in foreign policy

  2. The War Powers Act required the president to:

    1. Withdraw troops from any foreign assignment after ten days unless Congress specifically authorized otherwise

    2. Obtain congressional approval in the containment of US forces to combat action lasting more than 60 days

    3. Get approval from Congress before sending American troops to foreign territory

    4. Get a declaration of war from Congress before sending American soldiers into a foreign war

  1. Which of the following correctly states a major feature of President Nixon’s foreign policy?

    1. Less military commitment to allies; more-but guarded- cooperation with the USSR

    2. Greater military commitment to allies; more military pressure on the USSR

    3. Fewer diplomatic concessions to China; fewer diplomatic concessions to the USSR

    4. Stronger economic and diplomatic ties in Latin America and Africa; weaker economic and diplomatic ties in Europe and Asia

  1. In 1975 Secretary of State Kissinger persuaded Israel and Egypt to accept which of the following?

    1. An autonomous Palestine state under United Nations protection

    2. An end to hostilities and Egyptian recognition of Israel’s existence as a nation

    3. Egyptian withdrawal from Jerusalem and Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank

    4. A United Nations peacekeeping force in the Sinai

  1. As a result of its impeachment hearings, the House Judiciary Committee:

    1. Voted in favor of President Nixon’s impeachment on three of five counts

    2. Declared President Nixon to be guilty of tax fraud

    3. Chose to make no recommendation concerning the impeachment of the president

    4. Declared President Nixon to be innocent of all charges of wrongdoing

  1. As a result of the dramatic increase in energy prices in the early 1970s:

    1. The nationwide unemployment rate reached 25%

    2. The Nixon administration deregulated the airline and trucking industries

    3. Automobile and related industries suffered a lingering recession

    4. President Nixon authorized the release of millions of barrels of oil from the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve

  1. As a result of the slowing of growth in productivity during the 1970s:

    1. Workers realized they could no longer expect the wage increase they had enjoyed during the 1960s

    2. Interest rates declined

    3. American products became less competitive in the global marketplace

    4. Business investments increased

  1. Which of the following was a reason for the fiscal problems of northern and Midwestern cities such as NYC and Cleveland in the 1970s?

    1. The Nixon and Ford administrations gradually eliminated federal revenue-sharing programs

    2. The tax base of such cities shrank because of the population shift to the Sunbelt and the continued flight of the middle class to the suburbs

    3. Such cities were financially overburdened by new federal laws that established a minimum salary level for urban sanitation workers

    4. The annexation policies of such cities meant they had to bear the expense of expanding city services to newly annexed areas

  1. The Carter Doctrine proclaimed that the USA would intervene against Soviet aggression in:

    1. The Persian Gulf

    2. The Mediterranean Basin

    3. The Indian Subcontinent

    4. Africa


Name: __________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

QUESTIONS: 1970s Readings

  1. Which of the following BEST reflected President Nixon’s policy of “Vietnamization?”

    1. Massive bombing of North Vietnam by American air power

    2. Turning over the war in South Vietnam to United Nations forces

    3. Stopping all American military and economic aid to South Vietnam

    4. Gradual withdrawal of American armed forces from Vietnam

  1. Richard Nixon’s conduct of foreign affairs emphasized all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. Playing off Communist China against Communist Soviet Union

    2. Reduction of tensions between the United states and Communist countries

    3. A use of the balance of power diplomacy to achieve stability in the world

    4. A renewed arms race in ballistic and anti-ballistic missiles

  1. The Paris Accords of 1973 included all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. The US would withdraw the rest of its troops from South Vietnam

    2. The US would get back all prisoners in enemy hands

    3. A promise of a cease-fire and free elections

    4. The US would end all economic and military air to South Vietnam

  1. Under the program of New Federalism, President Nixon sought to:

    1. Shift the responsibility for social programs from the federal to state and local governments

    2. End the Great Society assistance programs for the working poor

    3. Attack inflation with a series of voluntary guidelines for business and labor

    4. Bring social programs all together under more efficient federal bureaucracy

  1. Richard Nixon’s strategy to build a Republican majority for 1972 included all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. Gaining support in the South by slowing down court-ordered busing for desegregation

    2. Appealing to the “silent majority”

    3. Appointment of southern conservatives to the Supreme Court

    4. Establishing positive relationships with the national media and liberal press

  1. What caused Richard Nixon to resign in 1974?

    1. He violated the War Powers Act passed by Congress

    2. He ordered the “Saturday Night Massacre”

    3. The White House tapes proved he was guilty of obstruction of justice

    4. He ordered his staff to keep an “enemies list” and use “dirty tricks”

  1. President Gerald Ford lost the most support from the American public for:

    1. His ineffective WIN campaign

    2. Allowing the fall of South Vietnam to Communists

    3. His pardon of Richard Nixon

    4. The loss of American lives in the Mayaquez affair

  1. The main guiding principle of President Carter’s foreign policy was:

    1. Support of Israel

    2. Lower gas prices

    3. Détente

    4. Human rights

  1. The US economy in the late 1970s was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

    1. Low interest rates

    2. Oil shortages and increased oil prices

    3. Runaway inflation rates and recession

    4. Massive layoffs of workers

  1. The US policy of détente with the Soviet Union ended because of:

    1. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    2. The failure of Congress to ratify SALT II

    3. Boycott of the Olympics in Moscow

    4. The US recognition of the People’s Republic of China

  1. Evaluate the impact of the Nixon administration on foreign policy.

  1. Analyze how Watergate forever changed the perception of politics in America and the perception of the president.

  1. Evaluate the impact of the Ford administration on the office of the president and on the nation.

  1. Evaluate the impact of the Carter administration on the office of the president and on the nation.

  1. In what ways was American society changing in the 1970s and why were these changes taking place?

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