whatever you wish to call it, does not take its stand on the Bible, or the Laws of Moses, as most Christians seem to think. Our LORD clearly taught this in
John 5:46, 47, when He told the Jewish leaders
46 "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me for he wrote of me.
But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words" Michael Rodkinsom, the Jewish author and translator of the TALMUD from Hebrew to English, in his preface
to the translation says "The modern Jew is a product of the Talmud."Yet it is interesting to note that the Talmud relegates the
TORAH (the teachings of Moses) to a second place in Jewish teaching. The TALMUD is not a "law of righteousness" for all mankind, as the Bible is, but is a strict code which applies only to Jews. You will not find admonitions in it, such as those found in
Micah 6:8 -"He (God) hath shown thee, Oman, what is good and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly,
and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God" In the TALMUD the ideas of Justice, equity and charity towards one's neighbor, depend on whether you area Jew or not. In fact, the TALMUD expressly forbids a Jew to save a non-Jew from death, or to restore lost goods to him, or to have pity on him in anyway. How can you deal justly with your neighbor, when your religion teaches you that he is a "goyim"
(non-Jew animal According to the TALMUD volume Schulchan Aruch, Choszen
Hamiszpat (238):
'A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself but he must take care that he isPage 123not found out, so that his people suffer" This teaching is almost identical to the teachings of FREEMASONRY According to volume Sulchan
Aruch, Choszen Hamispat (348): All property of other nations belongs to the Jews, who are consequently entitled to seize upon it without scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general"
Volume Baba Mechia (band the
"Only Jews are men. Gentiles (non-Jews) are not classed as men but as barbarians or beasts."In Volume Bab Khama IV, (3) we read "if
a Gentile sues a Jew the verdict is for the defendant if the Jew is the plaintiff he obtains full damages." This is almost the same reaction we find when a Mason goes to court against a non-Mason. In Volume Sanhedrin (b) we learn that
"Pederasty (sex relations between men and boys) with a child below the age of nine years is not deemed as pederasty with a child. If one commits sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred."There are many more bestial and obscene comments, some of which cannot be placed in a book such as this. It is easy to see where the moral teachings of
Freemasonry and
Judaism come from. It is from this same devilish source. In the CABALA, even more than in the TALMUD, the Jewish dream of world domination reoccurs over and over again. Although Christian
apologists for the Jews, laugh and scorn at the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to control the world, yet Jewish leaders talk about it constantly and brag about the progress they have made towards this goal. It is a constant theme in Jewish religious books. This message of world conquest is not the message taught by the Israel prophets, who were not Jews, by the way, but Israelites.
Page 124The task of true Israelites is not to control the world, but. in the words of the Apostle Peter "to shew forth the praises of Him (Christ) who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" The task of
"true Israel" is to be God's ambassadors, not some dictator,
who like the Jew, desires to have 2,000 "goyim" slaves who wait on him hand and foot. In the TALMUD Volume Baba Batra (band in at least three other volumes, the story is told of what will happen when the Jewish Messiah comes back to rule the world. It is completely different from the much more plausible story told in the Bible, regarding Christ's return. According to the TALMUD version, the Jews will be entertained at a great banquet. They will be seated at golden tables and will be served wine from Adam's
cellar. Their banquet meal will be made up of a roasted ox called BEHEMOTH which is so huge that it eats the grass off a thousand hills everyday. There will also be a monster fish called LEVIATHAN which will be broiled and pickled. A gigantic fowl known as BAYUCHF will also be served. This bird is so large, that when one of its eggs fell out of a nest, it crushed 300 large cedar trees and the white from its broken shell, flooded sixty villages. (This sounds almost as fantastic as some of the stories Jews tell about the HOLOCAUST. The final course of this immense banquet will consist of dessert, including fruit from the 'tree of life' and pomegranates from the Garden of Eden" (Again, this story sounds almost like some of the stories one hears in the Judeo-Christian churches regarding heaven) An 18th Century Jewish commentator named Stehlin states that, foreigners (that's you and I, brother) will till the ground of the Jews in that day of their triumph that we (foreigners) will build their houses and cities
and plant their vineyards, all without pay, because it will be such an honor for us to work for them. The nations which survive the last 'holocaust' will offer the Jews all their wealth and Gentile princes and princesses will wait on Jews as their slaves, and
Page 125be ready at the nod of ahead, to do anything the Jew asks" That sounds like "LIBERTY, EQUALITY, AND FRATERNITY" now doesn't it The hope of world domination - "world conspiracy" if you will, is as strong now in the Jewish mind as it has been for 2,000 years, and is being aided and abetted by Masons of high rank. The real dream of Jewish world power can be seen most clearly in the Cabala. About the only way the modern Jew relates to the Bible, is in his arrogant statements concerning the "Ten Commandments, which WE gave to mankind" It is this type of arrogance, which caused the translators of the
New Testament to translate John 4:22, as having Jesus say
"salvation is of the Jews" when any clear thinking Christian knows that salvation does not come through any nation, or group of people, but only through God's Son, Jesus the Christ. It is this Jewish arrogance which caused them to change the original, which said
"For salvation cometh out of Judea" This makes sense, the KJV translation does not The fact that there were no people anywhere in the world known as Jews, when the Ten Commandments were given to Israel,
means absolutely nothing to the Jews and their intellectually dishonest prostitutes in the
Judeo-Christian churches of America. They deliberately choose to disregard what Jesus said about the Jewish Pharisees in
John 10:26 -
"But ye (Pharisees, believe not BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP" (Emphasis mine. Instead of heeding what their Master said, they call His enemies, "Gods Chosen people" and support the very ones who are attempting to destroy them. What fools men be The Jews have always bragged about their privileged status with God, knowing full well that they are the impostors who are spoken of in
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