1 - In Arabic, the word
CAIN, orb CANAb means "devil" In
Revelation 18:2,we are told that great BABYLON has "become the habitation dwelling place) of devils, and the hold (cage) of every foul spirit
... "
The first city, built by CAIN, was a "city of devils"
2 -
ENOS, orb ENOCHb, after whom this first city was named, was the son of CAIN. This city was utterly depraved.
3 -
LAMECH - the great-great-great (I think I have
this right) grandson of CAIN married a woman whose name was ADAH. It is interesting
to note that in India today, ADA or ADAH, is one of their most feared goddesses. She
Page 70can cast deadly diseases on persons, they believe, on animals and even fish and crops and has been known to have her adherents burn the houses of those who refuse to sacrifice to her. ZILLAH, LAMECH'S second wife, means "shade" "ghost" or "demon" The question might be asked "Is it possible fora man to live with a demon in a woman's form" I believe it is and that demons can take any form they desire. There are documented reports of men who had lived with demons inhuman form. Unfortunately, Dr. Shepherd does not give us this documentation -ED)
4 -
GIANTS - Genesis 6:4. The
word used here for GIANTS is GIGANTE which does not refer to men of great size but to "demon possessed men" Could this be the meaning of verse 5 which says And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" In other words, these men were "devils witches swamies; Masons"
5 -
HAM was the founder of the city of SODOM after the Flood. Would you call this a "city of devils"
6 - The
TOWER OF BABEL (Gen. 11:1-5) was built
by CUSH the "Great Cat" and NIMROD, the "hunter of men" Would you call this tower an evil place
All these places mentioned, were built by the Masonic god, THE GREAT ARCHITECT.
7 - The
PYRAMIDS were probably built by the same god.
8 -
SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, which many people
believe was built for the glory of God, was a "temple of the devil" It was erected for the worship of Lucifer, the Masonic god and this is why it is so important in Masonry.
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evil woman, who led her husband, the king of Israel and the Israel people into idolatry, was a witch. We see her mentioned in the "end times" as seducing the church at Thyatira (see Rev. 2:20).
- JERUSALEM - Many false religious prophets have taught that this was the "holy city" Not so There is no letter "3" in the Hebrew language, so the name of this city in Palestine is GURU-SALEM "OU" means "black" "RU" means "stones" Why do the Jews and Masons want that place in Palestine Because it was and is the
BABYLONIAN SYSTEM. In Isaiah 57:3, 6
we read But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorcerers (witches) among the smooth stones of the stream is thy portion
..." The "smooth stones" represent the high gurus, witches, sorcerers, and officials of JUDAISM and FREEMASONRY.
Called in Revelation 18:2 "the home of devils
..." Masonry, my dear brothers, is of the devil. It is the city of the devil. It is a. -The "great hypocrisy" b. -The "great conspiracy" c. -The "great beast" d. -The "great whore" e. -The "great sorceress"
LETTER #5 - When Adam and Eve sinned, God made them coats of skin. Our pastors have told us these were sheepskins. I believe they were the skins of the lion and leopard and this is the reason why heathen high priests still use these skins as a sign of their high office.
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