The Salvation Army in Central Ohio Hanbury House Program Plan

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The Salvation Army in Central Ohio

Hanbury House Program Plan

January 30, 2017

Table of Contents

History 2

Mission Statement 3

Vision Statement 3

Conditions/Community Need 3

Scope of Human Trafficking: Global and Local Data 3

Needs of Human Trafficking Victims 5

Prior Victimization of Ohio Sex Trafficking Survivors 6

Profile of Survivors Served by The Salvation Army 6

Transitional Age Youth and Human Trafficking 7

The Need for Residential Treatment 8

Geographic Area and Target Population 9

Program Model and Activities 10

Referral Sources 10

Accessing the Program 10

Intake Process 10

Eligibility Criteria 10

Intake 11

Meeting Immediate Needs 12

Program Activities 13

Staffing 19

Security 21

Length of Program 22

Program Completion 22

Post Program Placement 22

Outputs & Outcomes 22

Community Impact 24

Appendix A: Prochaska & DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model 28

Appendix B: SOQIC 29

Appendix C: Risk Assessment 31

Appendix D: Group Treatment Schedule 41

Appendix E: Weekend Activity Schedule 42

Appendix F: Funding Plan 43


The fight against human trafficking has been a central tenet of The Salvation Army since the 1880’s. The early work of the Army to combat human trafficking was launched on many fronts, involving prayer, public education, victim services and advocacy. In his book In Darkest England and the Way Out, Booth describes the plight of children who are sold into prostitution or turn to prostitution as the only means of surviving.1 The Salvation Army responded to human trafficking by developing homes for rescued women and children where they could regain their health, learn a trade and reenter society.2

It is remarkable that the early Salvationists faced the same challenges that we are encountering today in our anti-trafficking work; specifically a lack of therapeutic residential programs for women seeking to rebuild their lives. In an 1883 War Cry article, Captain William Baugh commented on their need for residential programs:

"On Sunday night last amongst about a dozen others who came out for salvation, four prostitutes came out and (as far as we can judge from appearances) they are real. They were there on Monday night and testified. But then what hope have we of them while they are at large in their own town? Can nothing be done?  Can we not raise a home in which to place them under proper Salvation Army management? We could get others no doubt then, but till then we are spending our strength for naught with such precious souls who cannot call their body or soul their own. We have got to get them away from the dens in which they are living, but are at a loss to know what to do.”3

A Salvation Army soldier named Mrs. Cottrill took on the challenging task of helping trafficked women and girls. With no other resources, Mrs. Cottrill resorted to taking the girls into her home. Eventually, her husband protested, and Mrs. Cottrill appealed to Bramwell Booth. He responded, "Tell your husband I understand perfectly. Look for some rooms."4 Mrs. Cottrill secured a house on Hanbury Street and converted it into a program for women and girls. In the first year of operation, Hanbury Street Shelter served 86 girls, all but 12 exiting successfully. The underlying principles of the Rescue Home model were explained in an early announcement of the program’s opening:

"There is no attempt to prevent any of the inmates from escaping, all being free to come and go, as we rely entirely upon spiritual influence for leading them on in their desire and efforts to begin a new life. The foundation principle is love; the love that seeks to save Christ's lost ones. The one aim is salvation and the only ground of confidence is the power of God to change the most sinful heart and life."5

In 2007, The Salvation Army in Central Ohio joined the Army’s historical fight against human trafficking and began providing emergency response and long term community-based care for victims of human trafficking. Over the past 7 years, having served over 440 survivors, we continue to face the same issues encountered by Mrs. Cottrill and Captain Baugh. Once identified, most survivors of human trafficking have nowhere to stay and no access to the treatment and care they need to restore their lives.

Mission Statement

The Salvation Army firmly believes that the abuse and exploitation of human beings through any form of human trafficking is an offense against humankind and against God. This belief, combined with The Salvation Army’s mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination, motivates the Army to work vigilantly for the prevention of human trafficking and for the restoration of survivors. The purpose of the Anti-Human Trafficking Services is to meet individuals where they are in the moment and help them look to the future by offering freedom, dignity, and respect as well as skills and resources that will enable each person to fulfill his or her life dreams.

The Hanbury House is a long term trauma based residential program for transitional age young women, ages 18 to 25, and emancipated girls, who have been sexually exploited or trafficked. In addition to providing a safe, supportive, judgment free environment, the program will offer comprehensive services including, but not limited to: individual and group therapy, substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, life skills training, academic/vocational skill building, family reunification, and social/recreational activities. The mission of the Anti-Human Trafficking Services is expressed in every element of the Hanbury House.

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