The Stuart Hall Project

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James Vernon Monday 2- 4pm

280/285 Dwinelle 2303

The Stuart Hall Project
Stuart Hall was arguably the most important and influential intellectual in late twentieth century Britain.  A migrant from Jamaica he arrived in Britain as a Rhodes Scholar and became an important voice in the New Left. His work was diffuse - ranging from analyses of popular culture, racial formation, and neoliberalism - but was always shaped by the politics of his present.  This class will not be an intellectual history of his various theoretical engagements. Instead we will use Hall as an object to consider the history of late imperialism in Jamaica and the myriad transformations of late Britain that his work was situated in and sought to comprehend.  It is then less a history of a life than a history of the times, that is the processes and movements that made a life.
Students are expected to produce something that will be useful to them in preparing for orals, furthering their research interests, or honing their critical skills. What that is will be decided in conversation with me.
29 August Introductions
5 September Labour Day

Stuart Hall Project (2013), dir. John Akomfrah

12 September Double inscription?

Stuart Hall, ‘When was ‘the post-colonial’? Thinking at the limit’ in I.Chambers and L.Curti (eds.), The Postcolonial Question (1996).

+Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic (1995), ch.1

+Barnor Hesse, “Diasporicity: Black Britain’s Post-Colonial Formations” in his (ed.), Un/Settled Multiculturalisms (2000)

Bill Schwarz, “Crossing the Seas” and Catherine Hall, “What is a West Indian?” in Bill Schwarz (ed.), West Indian Intellectuals in Britain (2003)

19 September Late Colonial

+Bridget Brereton and Kevin Yelvington (eds.), The Colonial Caribbean in Transition (1999), intro

+Fraser, Cary. “The Twilight of Colonial Rule in the British West Indies: Nationalist Assertion vs. Imperial Hubris in the 1930s.” Journal of Caribbean History 30 (1996): 1-27.

+Amy Spry Rush, Bonds of Empire: West Indians and Britishness from Victoria to Decolonization (2011), intro, chs.4-7.

Marc Matera, Black London: The Imperial Metropolis and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century (2015), intro, chs.1,2,3, 6 & 7.

+C.L.R.James, Beyond the Boundary (1963), 30-71.

26 September When/What was the Post-Colonial?

Spencer Mawby, Ordering Independence: The End of Empire in the Anglophone Caribbean, 1947-1969 (2013).

h-Diplo Rountable, X, 21 (2009) on Jason Parker, Brother’s Keeper: The United States, Race, and Empire in the British Caribbean, 1937-1962 (2008).

+Joshua B. Guild, ‘“Nobody in This World Is Better Than Us”: Calypso in the Age of Decolonization and Civil Rights’ in Robin D.G.Kelley and Stephen Tuck (eds.), The Other Special Relationship: Race, Rights and Riots in Britain and the United States (2016).

+Vanessa Ogle, “Archipelago Capitalism:
Tax Havens, Money Markets, and the Other International Political Economy, 1920s-1980s” unpublished mss.

3 October After Empire?

+Jordanna Bailkin, After Empire (2012), intro, 1, 2 & 5.

+Kennetta Hammond Perry, London is the Place for Me: Black Britons, Citizenship, and the Politics of Race (2016), chs.4-6

+Camilla Schofield, Enoch Powell and the Making of Postcolonial Britain (2013), chs.2-5.

Radhika Natarajan, “Performing Multiculturalism: The Commonwealth Arts Festival of 1965” Journal of British Studies, 53, 3 (2014), 705-733

10 October New Lefts

Stuart Hall, “Life and Times of the First New Left”, New Left Review, 61 (2010).

+Jodi Burkett’s Constructing Post-Imperial Britain: Britishness, “Race” and the Radical Left in the 1960s (2013), chs.1-4.

+Celia Hughes, Young Lives on the Left: Sixties Activism and the Liberation of the Self (2015), chs.3, 4, 5 & 6

Arif Dirlik, “The Third World in 1968” in Carole Fink et al, (eds.), 1968: The World Transformed (1998)

Geoff Eley, Forging Democracy (2003), chs.20-23.

17 October The interruption of feminism

+CCCS, Women Take Issue: Aspects of Women’s Subordination (1979), pp.7-17.

+Catherine Hall, White, Male and Middle Class: Explorations in Feminism and History (1992), chs. 1&2.

+Natalie Thomlinson, Race, Ethnicity and the Women’s Movement in England, 1968-1993 (2016), chs.1,2 & 4.

+B.Bryan, S.Dadzie, and S.Scafe, The Heart of the Race: Black Women’s Lives in Britain (1985), chs.4&5.

+Sarah Stoller, “The Politics of Care: Theorizing Household Work in the British Women’s Liberation Movement”.

24 October Disciplinarity and the Social Democratic University

+Mike Savage, Identities and Social Change in Britain Since 1940: The Politics of Method (2010), intro, ch.5.

+Dennis Dworkin, Cultural Marxism in Post-war Britain: History, the New Left and the Origins of Cultural Studies (1997), chs.3-5.

Kieran Connell and Matthew Hilton, “The working practices of Birmingham’s Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies” Social History, 40, 3 (2015), 287-311.

+Kieran Connell and Matthew Hilton (eds.), Cultural Studies 50 Years On: History, Practice and Politics (2016), intro and essays # 2, 4, 6, & 10.

Peter Mandler, “’Educating the Nation: II Universities” Trans of the Royal Historical Society, 25 (2015), 1-26.

+James Vernon, “The Making of the Neoliberal University in Britain”

31 October Television, Pop Culture and Youth

+Stuart Hall and Tony Jefferson (eds.), Resistance Through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-War Britain (1993 edn), chs. 1. 4, 5, 15.

+Gavin Schaffer, The Vision of a Nation: Making Multi-Culturalism on British Television, 1960-1980 (2014), chs.??

Rob Waters, ‘Black Power on the Telly: America, Television and Race in 1960s and 1970s Britain’, Journal of British Studies, 54, 4 (October 2015), 947-970.

7 November Policing the Crisis

+Stuart Hall et al. Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order (2nd edn., 2013), chs.???

+Paul Gilroy’s There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack. The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation (1987), chs.3-4.

+Anandi Ramamurthy, Black Star: Britain's Asian Youth Movements (2013), chs.??

14 November Thatcherism

Stuart Hall, “The Great Moving Right Show” Marxism Today, January 1979.

+Ben Jackson and Robert Saunders (eds.), Making Thatcher’s Britain (2012), intro, 1-7.

+James Vernon, “The Neoliberal revolution and the making of homo-economicus”

Sam Wetherell, “Freedom Planned” Enterprise Zones and Urban Non-Planning in Postwar Britain” Twentieth Century British History, 27, 2 (2016), 266-289.

Gavin Schaffer, “Fighting Thatcher with comedy: What to do when there is no alternative” Journal of British Studies, 5, 2 (2016), 374-397.

+Niall Ferguson, et al., eds., The Shock of the Global: the 1970s in Perspective (2010), intro & 1.

21 November A new politics

Stuart Hall and Martin Jacques, “People Aid: A New Politics Sweeps the Land” Marxism Today, July 1986.

Sam Moyn, The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History (2010), Prologue, chs.3-5.

+Tehila Sasson, ‘In the Name of Humanity: Britain and the Rise of Global Humanitarianism” PhD, (UC Berkeley, 2015), chs.6 & 8.

Stefan-Ludwig Hoffman, “Viewpoint: Human Rights and History” Past and Present (2016)
28 November Neoliberalism

Stuart Hall and Doreen Massey, After Neoliberalism? The Kilburn Manifesto (2015).

Wendy Brown, Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution (2015).

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