Thursday March 3, 2011 panel session one 8: 30 10: 15 a m

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Thursday March 3, 2011

8:30 - 10:15 a.m.

1A After the Stockholm Programme: An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the EU?
         Chair: Sarah Leonard (Sciences Po Paris, France & University of Salford, UK)
         Discussant: Sarah Wolff (Clingendael Institute)

Are European Union Immigration Policies Converging?
         Andrew Geddes (University of Sheffield)


Common Laws, Diverse Outcomes: Can EU Solidarity Initiatives Lead to More Equitable and Effective Refugee Protection?
         Eiko Thielemann (London School of Economics)
         Nadine El-Enany (Brunel University & European University Institute)


Fixity and Fissures in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
         Dora Kostakopoulou (University of Manchester)


Resisting the EU: NGO Advocacy in Justice and Home Affairs
         Emek Uçarer (Bucknell University)


1B European Rights
         Chair and Discussant: Jo Shaw (University of Edinburgh)

Economically Rational” Discrimination and Excessively Equal Treatment: Parallels with the US in the Union's Construction of Discrimination by Association, Declaration and Disclosure
         Charlotte O'Brien (University of York)


EU Accession to the ECHR: Consequences for the European Court of Justice
         Tobias Lock (University College London)


Fundamental Rights and Reverse Discrimination
         Willem Maas (York University)


The Effect of the Judiciary-induced Policy Development: Collective Order Versus Individual Rights in EU Social and Employment Policy
         Ryosuke Amiya-Nakada (Meiji Gakuin University)


The Substantive Rights Revolution in Europe: Reshaping the Coalitional Bases of Capitalist Variety
         Kenneth Dubin (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
         Thomas Miley (Cambridge University)


1C Collective Action in the European Union: Interest Groups and Social Movements
         Chair: Brent Nelsen (Furman University)
         Discussant: Joost Berkhout (University of Amsterdam)

Regional Offices and Regional Interest Associations: How Territorial Interests get Represented in Brussels
         Tom Verboven (University of Antwerp)


Protest in the EU multi-level system - participation 'from below'
         Cyril Glaeser (University of Cologne)


Solidarity and Collective Action in the European Union
         Edward Fogarty (Colgate University)


The Transnationalization of Social Movement Organizations and its Determinants: An Overstudied Deviation or Transformative Trend?
         Ondrej Cisar (Masaryk University)
         Katerina Vrablikova (University of California, Irvine and Masaryk University)


1D Political Parties and European Integration: Strategy and Conflict
         Chair: Jon Polk (University of Georgia)
         Discussant: Erik Tillman (DePaul University)

Competitive Representative Claims-making: Party Politicians and Institutional Arenas in the Case of EU Budget Negotiations
         Pieter de Wilde (ARENA, University of Oslo)


Integration and Tension in European Parliament Parties
         Richard Rose (University of Aberdeen)
         Gabriela Borz (University of Aberdeen)


Parties’ Responses to European Legislation
         Christine Arnold (Maastricht University)
         Kyriaki Nanou (European University Institute)


Social Democratic Parties and EU Climate Change Adapation: Implications for Party and Party System
         Robert Ladrech (Keele University)


Testing a Model of New Party Entry at EP elections
         Magda Giurcanu (University of Florida)


1E Competitiveness Framing and Policymaking in the EU
         Chair and Discussant: Mitchell P. Smith (University of Oklahoma)

Competitiveness as an Agenda-Setter in Higher Education: The Case of the European Higher Education Area in Comparative Perspective
         Barbara Haskel (McGill University)


Competitiveness or Reciprocity? To What Extent Does the Lisbon Process Drive the EU’s External Trade Policies
         Bart Kerremans (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
         Johan Adriansen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)


Framing Competitiveness: The Advocacy of Articulating Migration as a Human Resources Strategy
         Georg Menz (Goldsmiths College, University of London)


The Trilemma of the Lisbon Strategy
         Gilles Raveaud (Institute for European Studies)


1F The Future Fiscal and Economic Evolution of the European Union
         Chair: Florence Bouvet (Sonoma State University)
         Discussant: David Mayes (University of Auckland)

Credit Markets and Subnational Policy Autonomy
         Kyle Hanniman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Is There a Need for a New Fiscal Framework in the Euro Area?
         Andrew Hughes Hallett (George Mason University)
         Svend Hougard Jensen (Copenhagen Business School)


Positioning the EU in the Uphill Race for Competitiveness and Beyond
         Attilio Stajano (European Commission and University of Bologna)


The Stability and Growth Pact: A Symbol of Monetary Security or Symbolically Meaningless?
         Patrick Crowley (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi)


What Determines Structural Reforms in European Political Economies? An Empirical Investigation Using New Data
         Maximilian Freier (European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science)


1G Politics of Cultural Integration in the European Union
         Chair: Mark Gilbert (SAIS Bologna)
         Discussant: Ian Manners (University of Roskilde)

Between Market, Community and Participation: Cultural Policy Development and the Making of European Citizens
         Uta Staiger (University College London)


European Capitals of Culture as Incentives for the Construction of European Identity? Origins and Changes of “one of the most visible and prestigious initiatives of the European Union”
         Juergen Mittag (Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)


Forging a European Memory: The Treaties of Rome as a Common Tradition in the Making?
         Jenny Wustenberg (University of Maryland)
         Hannes Hansen-Magnusson (University of Hamburg)


Imagining Europe: Symbols and Practices in the Construction of the EU
         Kate McNamara (Georgetown University)


Musealizing the European Union and its History: Institutions, Actors and Networks
         Wolfram Kaiser (University of Portsmouth)


1H How Are They Doing? The New Member States as Shapers and Takers in EU Policy-Making
         Chair: Diana Panke (University College Dublin)
         Discussant: Gergana Noutcheva (Maastricht University)

Does Party Politics Matter for European Integration?
         Anna Gwiazda (King's College London)


Governance and Public Policies in Romania after EU accession
         Natalia Cuglesan (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca)


Government Alternation and State Politicisation in Central and Eastern Europe
         Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling (University of Nottingham)


National preferences and bargaining of the new member states since the enlargement of the EU into the Central and Eastern Europe: the Baltic States - policy takers, mediators, initiators?
         Ramunas Vilpisauskas (Vilnius University)


The Newest Member States of the European Union: Formal and Informal Institutions in the Social Dialogue
         Bettina Wagner (Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin)


1I CSDP after Lisbon: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Europe and America
         Chair: Roy H. Ginsberg (Skidmore College)
         Discussant: Christopher Hill (Cambridge University)

CSDP from the Portuguese Perspective
         Laura Ferreira-Pereira (Technical University of Lisbon)


Measuring and Evaluating CSDP Impact
         Roy H. Ginsberg (Skidmore College)
         Susan E. Penksa (Westmont College)


Towards Transatlantic Burden Sharing? EU-US Relations in Security and Defense
         Eva Gross (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


1J Making Sense of the CFSP/CSDP II: Institutional Learning and European Foreign Policy
         Chair: Michael E Smith (University of Aberdeen)
         Discussant: David Allen (University of Loughborough)

Developing a “Comprehensive Approach” to International Security: Institutional Learning and the European Security and Defence Policy
         Michael E Smith (University of Aberdeen)


Learning as a mechanism of Europeanisation in CFSP: the case of Poland
         Karolina Pomorska (Maastricht University)


Learning in EU crisis management: the case of EUFOR Althea
         Ana Juncos (University of Bristol)


Lessons (not) learned? The EU Infrastructure for Learning in Military Crisis Management
         Susanne Pihs (European University Institute)



1K The EU and the Middle East and North Africa
         Chair and Discussant: Remi Piet (University of Miami)

Conditions of European Union External Energy Governance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Cross-country Comparative Analysis
         Luigi Carafa (Toulouse University of Social Sciences/ University of Catania)


Networks in the Mediterranean: Institutional Diffusion and the European Neighborhood Policy
         Kostas Kourtikakis (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


The ESDPand Emerging Regional Hegemons in the Southern Neighborhood: The Microsystem of a Greater Mediterranean Regional Security Complex
         Astrid Boening (University of Miami)


The EU as a neoliberal power in the Mediterranean: a discourse analysis
         Vicky Reynaert (Ghent University)


1L The EU and the Western Balkans and Beyond
         Chair and Discussant: TBC

Future Development of the European Union(2010-2020): challenges and perspectives of EU enlargement
         Sasa Ojdanic (Directorate for Institution of the EU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia)


Regional cooperation in Central Eastern Europe: new impulses from the EU's Strategy for the Danube region?
         Monika De Frantz (University of New Orleans)


The European Union and the Politics of Kosovo Recognition: Domestic Separatism, Institutional Flexibility, and Divergence in Member States' Preferences
         Evgeny Postnikov (University of Pittsburgh)
         Brandon Boylan (University of Pittsburgh)


The yellow brick road from the Balkans to Brussels. An analysis of ten years of Council negotiations on Balkan enlargement
         Sandrino Smeets (Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen)


Thursday March 3, 2011

10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

2A After the Stockholm Programme: An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the EU?
         Chair: Christian Kaunert (European University Institute & University of Salford)
         Discussant: Emek Uçarer (Bucknell University)

A US Dominated Security Agenda? EU “Actorness” in Transatlantic Counter-Terrorism Co-operation
         Alexander MacKenzie (University of Salford, UK)



Recent EU developments in the governance of information exchange and data protection: An assessment of internal and external implications.
         Patryk Pawlak (Johns Hopkins University)


Transatlantic Views on Homeland Security: What’s New After Lisbon?
         Sarah Wolff (Clingendael Institute)


Whither the Withering Democratic Deficit? Parliamentary Authority and the Stockholm Program under the Lisbon Treaty
         John Occhipinti (Canisius College, Buffalo, USA)


2B Formal and Informal Governance in the EU
         Chair and Discussant: Daniela Caruso (Boston University)

Law After Lisbon: The Legalization and Delegalization of European Integration
         Kenneth Armstrong (Queen Mary University of London)


Making Cooperation Work: Informal Governance in the EU and Beyond
         Mareike Kleine (London School of Economics and Political Science)


New Policy Instruments as Boundary Organizations: Ambiguous or Strategic Institutionalism?
         Susana BORRAS (Copenhagen Business School)


Non-Binding Enforcement of EU Law - Interpretation or Centralization and Norm Assimilation?
         Dr. Stine Andersen (University of Copenhagen and Kammeradvokaten)


2C Contextual Effects on Public Opinion towards European Integration
         Chair: Ian Down (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
         Discussant: Erica Edwards (UNC Chapel Hill)

Integrating indifference : The need to study the non-polarization of European citizens
         Virginie Van Ingelgom (Université catholique de Louvain)


Investigating Political Trust in the EU: Testing Institutional Explanations
         Julie Hassing Nielsen (The European University Instiutet)


Testing for “country effect”in the analysis of citizens attitudes and support towards EU : from a “variable-orientated”framework to an “individual-orientated”one
         Bruno Cautrès (Sciences Po)


The Effects of Economic and Political Transitions on Value Systems in Europe: Analysis of Generational Differences
         Ekaterina Turkina (HEC Montreal (Hautes Etudes Commerciales), Canada)
         Lena Surzhko-Harned (Mercyhurst College, USA)


2D Political Parties in the European Parliament
         Chair: Seth Jolly (Syracuse)
         Discussant: Catherine de Vries (University of Amsterdam)

A Europeanization of Party Manifestos? An Analysis of European Election Manifestos, 1979-2009
         Jae-Jae Spoon (University of Iowa)


Europe's Common Ideological Space
         Thomas Gschwend (University of Mannheim)
         James Lo (University of Mannheim)
         Sven-Oliver Proksch (University of Mannheim)


Party Competition in the European Parliament: Experts, candidates and voters compared
         Gail McElroy (Trinity College, Dublin)


Summitry of Political Parties at European Level: A Comparative Analysis
         Steven Van Hecke (University of Antwerp)
         Karl Magnus Johansson (Södertörn University)


2E Complying with the Single Market: Still a Problem?
         Chair and Discussant: Tal Sadeh (Tel Aviv University)

Compliance in the Single Market

         Michelle Egan (American University, School of International Service)

        Maria Helena Guimarães (Universidade do Minho)


Infringements for Sale? Non-Compliance as Trade Policy
         Tobias Hofmann (College of William & Mary)


Is the European Project Faltering? Clash of Capitalisms, Economic Crisis and Single Market Integration
         Jean-Marc TROUILLE (Bradford University School of Management)


Still Coming to Their Aid: The Political Economy of Non-Compliance with State Aid Rules
         Scott Siegel (Naval Postgraduate School)


Why is international financial aid implementation ineffective? The case of European Union structural funds
         Lisa Maria Dellmuth (Stockholm University)
         Michael Stoffel (Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, University of Mannheim)


2F To be Euro'd or not: Small States in the European political economy.
         Chair and Discussant: Sofia Perez (Boston University)

Convergence and Divergence between the EU and Israel
         Alfred Tovias (Hebrew University)


Does fiscal performance enhances or hinders EU influence? Comparing the cases of Portugal and Greece
         Leandro N Carrera (London School of Economics)
         Marina Angelaki Angelaki (Panteion University)
         Daniel Carolo (ICS-University of Lisbon)


Small States outside the Eurozone: Fighting the Financial Crisis in Sweden and Denmark
         Karen M. Anderson (Radboud University Nijmegen)


The Netherlands –successful coping strategies in spite of structural vulnerabilities in a eurozone member.
         Paulette Kurzer: (University of Arizona)


The Political Economies of Slovenia and Croatia: Does EU and eurozone membership play a role at all?
         John Adams (University of Arizona)


2G Rethinking Germany and the European Union
         Chair: Wade Jacoby (Brigham Young University)
         Discussant: Katy Crossley-Frolick (Denison College)

A Life More Ordinary: theses for a normalization of Germany’s role in the EU
         Simon Bulmer (University of Sheffield)

William Paterson (Aston University)

Agents of Statecraft: the role of German political parties in the Stabilisation and Accession Process in South-East Europe
         Charles Lees (University of Sheffield)


Ostpolitik for the 21st Century: Mapping the Boundary between Values and Interests in German Foreign Policy
         Nathaniel Copsey (Aston University)


Still a party of 'Euro-freaks'? The German CDU and European Integration
         Simon Green (Aston University)


The German Länder in the EU -still shaping the regional milieu?
         Carolyn Rowe (Aston University)


2H Methodological Challenges in EU Studies
         Chair: Claudio Radaelli (University of Exeter)
         Discussant: Carina Sprungk (Freie Universität Berlin)

Causality in Europeanization Research: The Study of Mechanisms from a Discursive Institutional Perspective
         Kennet Lynggaard (Roskilde University)


Democratic legitimacy in the EU and other federal polities: towards a framework for comparative analysis and a measuring device.
         Matthias Vileyn (University of Antwerp)


Establishing causality in Europeanization research: can the “EU effect” be traced?
         Theofanis Exadaktylos (University of Exeter)


Testing theories of lawmaking in the 6th European Parliament -how parliamentary negotiations on legislative proposals work
         Dirk Junge (University of Mannheim)
         Daniel Finke (University of Heidelberg)



2I Does one size fit all? The substance of EU democracy promotion
         Chair: Anne Wetzel (University of Zurich)
         Discussant: Federica Bicchi (The London School of Economics and Political Science)

Democratic conditionality in the eastern enlargement: Behind the facade of the Copenhagen criteria
         Eline De Ridder (Ghent University)
         Dimitry Kochenov (University of Groningen)


EU democracy promotion in Central Asia: pursuit of self-interest in a “difficult” context
         Fabienne Bossuyt (Ghent University and Aston University)
         Paul J. Kubicek (Oakland University)


EU Democracy promotion in the eastern Neighbourhood: The cases of Russia and Ukraine compared
         Susan Stewart (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)


The EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Democracy promotion within the limits of the “ethnic conflict” paradigm
         Laurence Cooley (University of Birmingham)


The substance of EU democracy promotion
         Anne Wetzel (University of Zurich)
         Jan Orbie (Ghent University)


2J Multilateralism and post-Lisbon Europe: Concepts, Cases, Partners
         Chair: Julie Smith (University of Cambridge)
         Discussant: Kalypso Nicolaïdis (University of Oxford)

Assessing EU Multilateral Action: Trade and Foreign and Security Policy Within a Legal and Living Framework
         Nadia Klein (University of Cologne)
         Tobias Kunstein (University of Cologne)
         Wulf Reiners (University of Cologne)


Diplomatic Strategies of Major Powers: Competing Patterns of International Relations? The Cases of the United States of America, China and the European Union
         Nadia Klein (University of Cologne)
         Zhimin Chen (University of Cologne)
         Wulf Reiners (University of Cologne)


Market Power Europe
         Chad Damro (University of Edinburgh)


Unwieldy multilateralism: lessons from Europe’s international experience
         Christopher Hill (University of Cambridge)
         John Peterson (University of Edinburgh)
         Wolfgang Wessels (University of Cologne)


2K Roundtable: Transatlantic Relations Half-Way Through the Obama Presidency: What Next for the EU-US Partnership after Lisbon?
         Chair: Costanza Musu (University of Ottawa)

Roundtable participants

Costanza Musu (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs - University of Ottawa)

Dave Allen (Loughborough University)

Patrick Leblond (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs - University of Ottawa)

Nicola Casarini (EUISS - Institute for Security Studies - Paris)

Colette Mazzucelli (Center for Global Affairs - New York University)


2L The EU in international fora: Internal and external effectiveness
         Chair and Discussant: Emil Kirchner


Evaluating European Union leadership in multilateral negotiations: An analytical framework
         Megan Dee (University of Glasgow)


Explaining the European Union’s impact in global affairs
         Simon Schunz (University of Leuven)


Promoting EU's interest in a multilateral way: An analysis of the EU' role in Climate Change negotiations
         Carolina Pavese (The London School of Economics and Political Science)


The rotating Presidency and the EU’s external representation after Lisbon: the case of the Belgian Presidency and global climate change negotiations
         Tom Delreux (UCLouvain)

Transmitting the EU “single voice”: missing the essential link?
         Gjovalin Macaj (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)



12:30-1:45 pm Lunchtime Roundtable-Getting Published

Comparative Political Studies Jim Caporaso

Journal of Common Market Studies Michelle Cini and Amy Verdun
Comparative European Politics Martin A. Schain
West European Politics Klaus Goetz and Anand Menon

Journal of European Integration Simon Duke

European Political Science Martin Bull

European Journal of Political Research Claudio Radaelli

Box lunches will be available for purchase

Thursday March 3, 2011

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.


3A Agencies in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ)
         Chair and Discussant: John Occhipinti (Canisius College Buffalo)


EU Intelligence Sharing & The Joint Situation Centre: A Glass Half-Full
         Mai’a K. Davis Cross (University of Southern California)


Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor perspective: From horizontal to vertical integration in EU criminal justice?
         Joerg Monar (College of Europe)


Europol as a new agency of the EU: explaining new institutional mechanisms in the AFSJ?
         Christian Kaunert (European University Institute & University of Salford)

Europol's Genealogy and its contribution towards the development of a risk- based concept of organized crime
         Helena Carrapico (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for European Integration Research)

The Impact of FRONTEX on the EU Asylum and Migration Policy: “Securitization” vs. “Depoliticization”?
         Sarah Leonard (Sciences Po Paris, France & University of Salford, UK)


3B France and its Migrants
         Chair and Discussant: TBC Virginie Guiraudon (CNRS, France)


British Migrants in France: Fact and Fiction in Tales of Migration Today
         Helen Drake (Loughborough University)


French Muncipal Democracy: Cradle of European Citizenship?
         Sue Collard (Sussex University)


The Border: The Immigration Dilemma and the State in France
         Martin Schain (New York University)


The European Union as a safeguard of minority rights: the treatment of Roma
         Narine Ghazaryan (University of Leicester)

3C EU Issues in National Elections and Referenda
         Chair: Erica Edwards (UNC Chapel Hill)
         Discussant: Jon Polk (University of Georgia)


Frames and Reversion Points: Explaining Vote Choice in European Referenda
         Maurits van der Veen (College of William & Mary)


Political Knowledge, Support for the EU, and EU Issue Voting
         Erik Tillman (DePaul University)


Reading referenda -a comparative analysis of the three failed referenda on the EU Constitutional or Lisbon Treaty in France, the Netherlands and Ireland
         Wolf Schuenemann (Universität Koblenz-Landau)
         Siegmar Schmidt (Universität Koblenz-Landau)


Screaming from the Sidelines or Silent in the Centre: The “issue(s) of Europe’ within the 2010 UK Parliamentary Election Campaign
         Jessica Bain (University of Leicester)

3D Religion and Politics in the European Union: taming a secular power?
         Chair: Tanja Börzel (Freie Universität Berlin)
         Discussant: Brent Nelsen (Furman University)


Church-EU Dialogue under Article 17.3: Consensus-seeking instrument or power strategy?
         Kenneth Houston (University of Ulster)


Mosques, Minarets, and the Islamic Challenge to European Identity
         Todd Green (Luther College)


Religion in the EU: actors, priorities and policy communities
         Sara Silvestri (City University London)


Religious media primes and public support for the EU
         Hajo Boomgaarden (University of Amsterdam)
         Malte Hinrichsen (University of Amsterdam)

Secular power EU? The Europeanization of religiosity in old and new member states
         Carina Sprungk (Freie Universität Berlin)


3E Economic Governance in Central and Eastern Europe Before and After the Global Financial Crisis
         Chair: Milada Vachudova (University of North Carolina)
         Discussant: Rachel Epstein (University of Denver)


Euro adoption messy strategies in Central Europe
         Assem Dandashly (University of Victoria)
         Amy Verdun (University of Victoria)


Pathways to the Periphery: Building Capitalism in the Baltics
         Aleksander Lust (UMASS Boston)


Rule-takers Qualms: New EU Member States’ Preferences about the European Financial Architecture
         Aneta Spendzharova (Maastricht University)


Testing Dependent Capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: Economic Crisis as Natural Experiment
         Aleksandra Sznajder Lee (University of Richmond)

The Political Economy of Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe: Poland and Hungary Compared
         Mitchell Orenstein (Johns Hopkins University)


3F Transatlantic Relations in a Changing Global Economy
         Chair: Sophie Meunier (Princeton University)
         Discussant: Tobias Hofmann (College of William & Mary)


Coordinating Global Governance: the Financial Stability Board
         Shawn Donnelly (University of Twente)


It’s Not Fair! The Market Is Wrong (this Time)! The Politics of Fair-Value Accounting and the Global Financial Crisis
         Patrick Leblond (University of Ottawa)


The Future of Transatlantic Economic Relations: Repurcussions from EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
         Selen Sarisoy Guerin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)


The Politics of Transatlantic Economic Ideas: Is the Euro Undermining the Transatlantic Relationship?
         Matthias Matthijs (American University)

United States-European Union Policy Responses to China's Rising Economy
         Joseph McKinney (Baylor University)


3G Socialization in and through international institutions: The example of the European Union
         Chair: Liesbet Hooghe (VU Amsterdam / UNC Chapel Hill)
         Discussant: Jan Beyers (University of Antwerp)


European Socialization in Practice - Insights from the European Commission and Agencies
         Semin Suvarierol (Erasmus University)
         Madalina Busuioc (University of Amsterdam)
         Martijn Groenleer (Delft University)


From Socialization to Organizational Learning: The Impact of Staff from the New Member States on Management and Culture in the European Commission
         Carolyn Ban (University of Pittsburgh)


NATO and Complex Socialization in Practice: The Case of Partnership, Dialogue and Connectivity
         Trine Flockhart (Danish Institute for International Studies)


One Diplomatic Corps, Multiple Loyalties: Socialisation processes in the Council Secretariat
         Ana E. Juncos (University of Bristol)

Transnational Influences and Socialization into Democratic Governance
         Tina Freyburg (ETH Zurich)


3H New Developments in EU Compliance
         Chair: Ulrich Sedelmeier (LSE)
         Discussant: Diana Panke (University College Dublin)


Compliance with Accession Criteria: Measuring EU Candidate Countries' Reform Performance using Quantitative Text Analysis
         Tim Veen (University of Mannheim)
         Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling (University of Nottingham)


Conditionality with Short Term Incentives: Modeling the Accession Process with Membership Uncertainty
         Andrea Aldrich (University of PIttsburgh)


Guarding the Treaties with the help of the public? A study of the European Commission's decision to refer governments to the ECJ
         Tanja Dannwolf (Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung)


The Better Citizens? Transposition of EU Directives in New versus Old Member States
         Nikoleta Yordanova (University of Mannheim)
         Asya Zhelyazkova (Utrecht University)

The successful transposition of different provisions by member states: Analysis on four European directives
         Asya Zhelyazkova (Utrecht University)


3I EU and Latin America after the Association Agreements
         Chair: Roberto Dominguez (Suffolk University)
         Discussant: Joaquin Roy (University of Miami)


EU-Mexico Relationship: Strategic Association
         Stephan Sberro (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México)


Latin America as a “BRIC”? Resetting the EU approach to the region
         Vicente Palacio (Fundación Alternativas)


Relations between EU-Latin America: Legal Aspects of Association Agreements
         Michel Levi (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar)


The Europeanization of national foreign policies towards Latin America
         Lorena Ruano (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas)

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