Thursday, October 12, 2006

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NCAA Division II Conference Commissioners Association
Meeting Minutes

October 12-14, 2006

The Coeur d’Alene Resort

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Members in attendance:

Bob Hiegert, CCAA; Alan Patterson, CVAC; Dan Mara, CACC; Tom Brown, GLIAC; Jim Naumovich, GLVS; Richard Hannan, GNAC; Nate Salant, GSC; Tony Stigliano, HC; Stan Wagnon, LSC; Ralph McFillen, MIAA; Roger Thomas, NCC; Dave Brunk, NE-10; Butch Raymond, NSIC; Woody Hahn, PWC; Marvin Vanover, PBC; Steve Murray, PSAC; J.R. Smith, RMAC; Doug Echols, SAC; Bill Lide, SIAC; Mike Marcil, SSC; Barry Blizzard, WVIAC.

Members unable to attend:

Leon Kerry, CIAA; Ed Manetta, NYCAC

Guests in attendance:

Monique Morgan, CIAA; Ron Fauss and Colin See; Kelly Sports Properties, Nancy Mitchell, Division II CCA Consultant

[Meeting convened at 8 a.m. (Pacific Time) with a welcome and review of the agenda and meeting schedule by President Naumovich, who noted that Mike Racy, Terri Steeb and Sharon Cessna (NCAA staff) and Jill Wilson, Division II Management Council chair, would be joining the meeting later in the morning. President Naumovich thanked Commissioner Hannan, Tricia Haddock and the GNAC staff for their efforts in securing the Coeur d’Alene Resort as a meeting location and for arranging for a variety of social activities for Commissioners and guests, as well as spouses. ]

  1. Corporate Partner/Television Committee Report. Commissioner Hiegert noted that the Corporate Partner/Television Committee had met the previous afternoon to review the contract with Kelly Sports Properties, noting that the contract is scheduled to expire May 10, 2007. He noted that Colin See and Ron Fauss made a presentation to the committee regarding their efforts to secure a corporate partner, and that the committee remains hopeful that a corporate partner can be secured before the expiration of the contract and remains hopeful about the potential for the future.

Colin gave an overview of KSP’s efforts to secure corporate partners, noting that some have “dropped off”, some still have potential and four have expressed specific interest, but in a different proposal at a different price. Colin noted his belief that tiered sponsorship levels should be offered to potential corporate sponsors.

Ron reviewed with the group a series of discussions KSP has been having with “E-Fan mail” about the possibility of a partnership with the Division II CCA, noting that they are very encouraged by the conversations to date.
A discussion was held regarding the future and next steps, inasmuch as a corporate sponsor has yet to be secured. It was agreed that the institutional inventories that were completed at the beginning of the KSP contract should be revisited, given the length of time that has transpired since then. Colin noted his belief that the goals for the program should be reevaluated in light of their experiences since the beginning of the contract.
Commissioner Hiegert noted that KSP has been submitting quarterly reports to the Executive Committee since the March D. II CCA meeting.
The Commissioners expressed their thanks to Colin and Ron for their efforts, and for their work in creating D. II CCA signs and banners and the D. II CCA Directory and Award of Merit program.
[Colin and Ron left the meeting]
Commissioner Hiegert gave the background on and history of the D. II CCA’s relationship with Kelly Sports Properties, including the terms of the contract, noting that some commissioners had joined the group after the contract with KSP was executed.

  1. NCAA Staff Presentations [Mike Racy, Terri Steeb, and Sharon Cessna, NCAA staff; and Jill Wilson, Division II Management Council chair, joined the meeting]

    1. Terri gave an overview of the Division II Strategic Positioning Initiative, noting that it was developed out of the Chancellors and Presidents Summit held in June 2005. She referred the group to the Strategic Positioning Platform that was developed, noting that the platform is to be used as a “filter” to ensure that actions, recommendations, and initiatives of Division II committees, as well as the Management Council and Presidents Council, are consistent with the platform.

    1. Terri reviewed with the Commissioners the Community Engagement Initiative, noting that there will be a Train-the-Trainer session on community engagement April 18-20, 2007 and that each conference will be asked to nominate two individuals to attend. She reviewed Division II legislation being proposed for the 2007 NCAA Convention to amend recruiting and awards and benefits legislation to allow specified activities consistent with the community engagement initiative. Commissioner Salant noted that the proposed legislation could “open the door” for possible violations and Commissioner Thomas noted that implementation could be difficult. Mike and Terri both indicated that the Presidents Council is encouraging the membership to trust and have confidence in the intent behind the legislation.

    1. Mike reported on the 2006 Division II FAR Fellows Institute, and referred the group to a series of documents outlining participation by each conference since 2003 in the Division II Leadership Academy. He also reported on the 2005-2006 Make-A-Wish Fundraiser, noting the good work of the Division II Student-Athlete Committee with regard to the program.

    1. Mike and Commissioner Brown gave a report from the Division II Budget and Finance Committee on best practices, concerns, and changes with regard to the Conference Grant Program, referring to a document summarizing the Budget and Finance Committee’s discussions and actions in this regard. Commissioner Brown noted that the Committee had authorized the NCAA staff to communicate with conference offices if documentation is missing or incomplete with regard to their requests. The Commissioners noted and emphasized the importance of having representation from the D. II CCA on the Budget and Finance Committee, and that while the ideal situation would be to have a Commissioner as a member of the committee, if there are years when a Commissioner is not a member of the committee, consideration should be given to having a Division II Commissioner present during discussions related to the Conference Grant Program. It was reported that an electronic version of the Conference Grant application is currently being tested, and that it is hoped that it will be ready for distribution and use by October 2007.

    1. Mike reviewed with the group a memo from the Division II Television Advisory Group outlining the standards for determining which games would be selected for a Division II game of the week. It was reported that Commissioner Marcil had been added to the group, bringing the number of Division II representatives on the Group to three; with Commissioner Kerry and Commissioner Smith continuing as members of the Advisory Group.

    1. Mike gave an update on Division II Coaching Enhancement Grant, the Division II Conference T-Shirt Program, and the status of the Division II field stencils. He referred the group to a document listing those Division II institutions with a June 2007 ISSG reporting date.

    1. Mike reported that the Division II Budget and Finance Committee had agreed to begin an initiative to recognize conferences that go “above and beyond” with regard to creativity and innovation related to use of their conference grant funds, and that the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference was the first conference to receive such recognition for their participation in the Winning Careers in Athletics program. The group congratulated Commissioner Murray on the conference award.

    1. Commissioner Stigliano asked about the sportsmanship banners that had been distributed to institutions and conferences in the past, and asked whether additional banners would be made available. Commissioner Murray indicated that the PSAC would be interested as well. Mike noted that he would explore the possibility of having more banners produced and made available. Commissioner Patterson noted that the Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct Committee is creating sportsmanship posters, and that there may be an opportunity to work together on this effort.

    1. Commissioner Hiegert asked Mike to share the process that was followed in development of the CSTV package and the standards for determining which games would be televised as part of the package. Mike indicated that the Division II Presidents Council appointed the Division II Television Advisory Group, made up of chief executive officers, athletic directors, and conference commissioners. The Advisory Group was charged by the Presidents Council to negotiate a media agreement for Division II. Mike reported that the Advisory Group entertained proposals from a variety of networks and that CSTV was the only group that came back with a proposal where they were investing money and were willing to invest in new technology, and that the Presidents Council agreed during their April meeting to move forward. The Advisory Group was asked to remain in place to select the games to be televised. Mike indicated that 3 football, 3 women’s basketball and 3 men’s basketball contests would be televised each year, for a total of 27 games over 3 years; with each conference having at least 1 contest televised, some more than one.

Commissioner Echols noted that the CSTV contract is a major step forward for Division II, and thanked the staff for their efforts to elevate and promote the identity of Division II.

    1. Sharon Cessna reviewed with the group the regionalization model that was approved by the Division II Championships Committee in June 2006, noting that the implementation date for basketball, field hockey, men’s lacrosse, women’s soccer and women’s volleyball is 2007-08. Commissioner Raymond noted that some members of the Division II Football Committee have indicated that they are not aware of regionalization model and its implication for Division II football. Sharon noted that the Football Committee has been involved and that the model has been approved by all appropriate bodies. Sharon also reviewed with the Commissioners the recommendations of the Championships Eligibility Project Team that go into effect in fall 2006, noting the penalties that will go into effect for using an ineligible student-athlete during the 2006-07 season. Sharon gave an overview of the schedule and activities for the Division II Sports Festival in Pensacola, FL, noting that approximately 800 student-athletes would be involved. Finally, Sharon called the Commissioners’ attention to the listing of the 2006-07 Division II Baseball Regional Advisory Committees.

President Naumovich thanked Mike, Terri, Sharon and Jill for attending the meeting and sharing information with the D. II CCA, noting that the Commissioners are ready and willing to help and assist in whatever way they can to promote and enhance the identity of Division II.

  1. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Presentation. Robert Lerch, Greg Drozda, and Pam Webster with Enterprise gave a presentation to the Commissioners on the history of and possible partnership opportunities with Enterprise Rent-A-Car.

[The meeting recessed at 1:15 p.m.]

Friday, October 13
[The meeting convened at 8 a.m. with all members present as noted on Thursday, October 12]

  1. Review of March 2006 Minutes. Minutes from the March 20-21 meeting were distributed and reviewed.

It was moved and seconded “that the minutes of the March 20-21 meeting be approved as written.”

It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”

  1. Report of the Corporate Partner/TV Committee (continued). Commissioner Hiegert noted that the Executive Committee asked Dan Cranshaw, the attorney with Lathrop & Gage, LLC retained by the Division II CCA, to review the contract with Kelly Sports Properties. Commissioner Hiegert reiterated the position of the Corporate Partner/TV Committee that they remain hopeful that a corporate partner can be secured prior to the expiration of the current contract, and remain hopeful with regard to the potential for the future.

It was moved and seconded “that the Division II CCA go into Executive Session to review legal counsel’s opinion with regard to the contract with Kelly Sports Properties”

It was VOTED

“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”

[The D. II CCA went into Executive Session]
It was moved and seconded “that the Division II CCA move out of Executive Session and that the meeting be reconvened.”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”
[President Naumovich reconvened the meeting]
It was moved and seconded “that the Corporate Partner/Television Committee be empowered to continue to work on behalf of the Division II CCA.”

It was VOTED

“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”

  1. Penn Atlantic Presentation. Jonathan Harper, Penn Atlantic Vice-President, Sports Operations, gave a presentation regarding Division II Fan Vision and potential partnerships between Division II conferences and Penn Atlantic as well as between the D. II CCA and Penn Atlantic. It was agreed that Penn Atlantic would develop a formal proposal to be presented to the D. II CCA at a future point. President Naumovich and Commissioner Hannan thanked Mr. Harper, and expressed their thanks on behalf of the D. II CCA to Jack Pennington for Penn Atlantic’s support.

  1. President’s Report. President Naumovich expressed thanks to the following

    1. Thanks to Commissioner Hannan and the GNAC staff for serving as host for the 2006 D. II CCA Fall meetings.

    2. Thanks to Commissioner Murray and the PSAC staff for their work in producing the 2006-07 D. II CCA Directory and for coordinating the D. II CCA Sportsmanship Award Program. Commissioner Murray expressed his apologies to the Lone Star and the Central Atlantic Collegiate Conferences that their respective conference logos were not included in the Directory.

President Naumovich gave the following updates:

  1. A letter (dated July 6, 2006) was sent to the Division II Budget and Finance Committee withdrawing the D. II CCA request for funding to offset travel costs for teams participating in the Disney Tip-Off Classics.

  2. He attended a meeting in August with Greg Shaheen, Mike Racy and Terri Steeb to discuss the Disney Tip-Off Classics and the NIT.

  3. The Executive Committee participated in a conference call (August 28, 2006) with Ron Fauss and Colin See (KSP) to discuss the status of the corporate partner program.

  4. The Executive Committee met September 18, 2006 in Indianapolis to discuss 2006-07 goals for the D. II CCA as follows:

i Improve relations with NCAA staff

ii. Secure corporate partners for the D. II CCA

      1. Update the D. II CCA Strategic Plan, incorporating community service, sportsmanship, and visibility/exposure for the D. II CCA.

  1. The Executive Committee met September 19, 2006 with NCAA staff and representatives from the Division II Athletics Directors Association.

  2. President Naumovich, as D. II CCA President, will send a letter to the head coach of each Division II national championship team during the 2006-07 season, formally congratulating them and their teams on behalf of the D. II CCA. Copies will be sent to the respective chief executive officer, athletic director and conference commissioner.

  3. D. II CCA will conduct an educational session at the 2007 NCAA Convention – “Commitment to Community: Exploration of a consistent expectation of sportsmanship at all D. II conferences. The session is scheduled for Sunday, January 7 from 12:15-1 p.m.


  1. Review of CSTV Contract. President Hiegert asked, as a point of personal privilege, that the group discuss the CSTV contract and his concern that the D. II CCA involvement has been minimal to this point, particularly as it relates to non-football playing conferences. Commissioner Smith, a member of the Advisory Group, noted that the process has been a unique one, and that that role of members of the Advisory Group who are not chief executive officers is strictly “advisory”. Commissioners Echols and Stigliano noted that while the process may not have been ideal up to this point, it has resulted in increased exposure for Division II and it is important that the concerns begin to be addressed as the process moves forward. It was agreed that the D. II CCA Championships Issues Team should review this issue with the goal of providing feedback to the NCAA staff.

  1. Revision of D. II CCA Strategic Plan. Commissioner Marcil gave an overview of a recommendation to revise the CCA Strategic Plan to include specific objectives in the areas of academics, sportsmanship, and community service, noting this should be in line with the NCAA goals. The group discussed the merits of the D. II CCA taking a leadership role in these areas, and Commissioner Echols thanked Commissioner Marcil for his efforts in this regard.

  1. NCAA Committee Updates.

    1. Championships Committee. President Naumovich reviewed a request from the NCAA Division II Championships Committee for assistance from the D. II CCA in promoting more scheduling opportunities for in-region/non-conference competition for all sports, noting that many larger conferences are able to meet the in-region criteria by playing within the conference. The group discussed the issue without making any formal recommendation.

    2. Budget and Finance. Commissioner Brown noted that the Budget and Finance Committee had expressed concern with the quality of Conference Grant reports received from some conferences. Commissioners Patterson and Smith recommended that when concerns arise, the Budget and Finance Committee (or NCAA staff) initiate a dialogue with the appropriate conference office to discuss the concerns. It was noted that the “mechanics” of the form are difficult to maneuver. Commissioner Brown noted that he would take these concerns back to the committee, including a recommendation that the form be more conducive to reporting those things that have not changed since the last report. It was noted that D. II CCA members are willing to work with the Budget and Finance Committee to resolve these issues in a proactive manner.

The D. II CCA thanked Commissioner Brown for his continued efforts and good work with the Budget and Finance Committee on behalf of the D. II CCA.

    1. Membership. Commissioner Brunk reminded the group that there is a new process that combines the provisional and reclassifying processes into one new member process. Commissioner Hahn recommended that the conference office be notified as soon as possible when a potential issue arises involving a new member, noting that a specific situation had arisen with one of the PWC’s provisional members that could possibly have been averted if the conference office had been notified early in the process.

    2. Nominating. Commissioner Blizzard noted that the committee is working to change the on-line form and that individuals will be required to complete a separate qualification form for each committee for which they have been nominated. He also noted that the Nominating Committee will recommend that there be representation from each conference on the Championships Committee and asked that the D. II CCA support such a recommendation. This issue was referred to the D. II CCA Championships Issues Committee.

    3. Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct. Commissioner Patterson noted that a Sportsmanship Summit was held at the NACDA Convention and that Division II continues to work on and develop initiatives in the area of sportsmanship. He noted that the challenge is keeping sportsmanship and ethical conduct issues before the membership. Commissioner Mara, also a member of the committee, noted that Commissioner Patterson has been named the chair of the committee. The group congratulated Commissioner Patterson on his appointment.

  1. Sports Association Management, Inc. Presentation. Kathy Turpin, with Sports Association Management, Inc. (SAMI), made a presentation on the Division II Model Athletics Department document being developed by the Division II Athletics Directors Association (ADA). She noted that SAMI had been retained by the Division II ADA to research, develop and deliver an implementation plan for the D. II Model Athletics Department document. Ms. Turpin engaged the Commissioners in a dialogue and solicited recommendations on best practices, and indicated that the Division II ADA would be conducting a session at the 2007 NCAA Convention that will offer tools for the 21 Guiding Principles for a model Division II athletics department. She encouraged the Commissioners to contact her with any additional feedback and thoughts.

NCAA Committee updates, (continued)

  1. Playing Rules Oversight Panel. Commissioner Murray reminded the group that when they receive notices from the Playing Rules Oversight Panel asking for feedback on specific issues, they should take the requests seriously and submit well thought out responses, as the members of the panel see all feedback that is submitted by the membership. He noted that the focus of the panel is on sportsmanship, safety and expense.

  1. Football Task Force. Commissioners Thomas and Raymond asked for a straw vote of the D. II CCA members on the legislation being sponsored for the 2007 Convention to create two Division II championships in football. [Straw vote of institutions within D. II conferences, as reported by the Commissioner: 45 in favor; 90 opposed]

[The meeting recessed at 3:45 p.m.]

Saturday, October 14, 2006
[The meeting convened at 8 a.m. All members were present as noted on Thursday, October 12, except Commissioner Lide and Commissioner Stigliano. Don Landry, Tournament Director of the D. II CCA Disney Tip-Off Classics and former commissioner of the Sunshine State Conference, was in attendance. Commissioner Hannan reviewed arrangements and schedules for transporting commissioners to the airport Sunday, October 15. Standing CCA committees met from 8 – 9:30 a.m.]

  1. Future Meeting Dates. It was reported that the D. II CCA January meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 5 from 1-5 p.m., and that the D. II CCA will be conducting an educational session Sunday, January 7 from 12:15 – 1 p.m. President Naumovich indicated that once plans for the educational session have been finalized and participants have been identified, D. II CCA members will be notified.

It was moved and seconded “that the spring 2007 meeting be held in Springfield, Massachusetts March 19-20 (all day Monday the 19th and adjourning Tuesday afternoon the 20th).”

It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved”
It was moved and seconded “that future spring meetings (2008 and beyond) be held the Wednesday and Thursday of the second week in April.”
The group discussed both the spring and fall meeting dates, with the majority of the group indicating that it is preferable to travel and meet during the week, so that Commissioners can be home on the weekend. With regard to the site of the spring meeting (alternating between the site of the Division II Men’s and Women’s Division II Basketball Championships), the importance of showing support for two of the division’s “flagship sports” was noted. It also was noted that many commissioners would be at one of the two sites even if there were not a D. II CCA meeting being held there.
[The motion was defeated, voice vote]
It was moved and seconded “that the D. II CCA Constitution be amended to indicate that the spring meetings will be held at the site of the Elite Eight (alternating between men’s and women’s, as stated) and that the meetings will be held on the Monday and Tuesday of that week.
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.” (show of hands: 19-0-1)
The group discussed the dates of the fall meetings.
It was moved and seconded “that the fall meeting be conducted on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the second week in October, with the Award of Merit reception and program held on Thursday evening.”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved” (show of hands: 13-5-0)
The group identified the following as potential sites for the fall 2007 meeting: Hershey, PA; Colorado Springs, CO; Minneapolis, MN. It was agreed that proposals to hold the meeting at these three sites would be presented and reviewed by the group during its January 2007 meeting.
13. Disney Tip-Off Classics. Don Landry, Tournament Director of the Disney Tip-Off Classic and former Commissioner of the Sunshine State Conference, noted that this is the 10th anniversary of the Disney Tip-Off Classic, with 99 schools having participated over the years. He publicly thanked Commissioner Marcil and the staff of the Sunshine State Conference for their continued support of and assistance with the tournament. It was reported that 11 men’s and 15 women’s teams have expressed interest in the 2007 tournament, which is the highest number of teams expressing interest this far in advance of the tournament. It was reported that a reception would be held at the 2007 NCAA Convention to celebrate the history and future of the Disney Tip-Off Classics, and that an award would be presented to Disney Sports on behalf of the D. II CCA.
It was moved and seconded “that a letter be sent to the Division II Budget and Finance Committee requesting that $150,000 be taken out of the television surplus money for the 2007 Disney Tip-Off Classics.”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.” (show of hands: 18-1-1)
Commissioner Hiegert noted that they are ready to move forward with the West Tip-Off Classic, to be held in Anaheim, CA, and that they are working on a contract with the Anaheim Convention Center. He reported that he anticipates that the plans will be finalized by January.
President Naumovich reported on the meeting he and Commissioner Marcil had with Greg Shaheen, Mike Racy and Terri Steeb regarding the Disney Tip-Off Classics and the NIT, and the possibility of television coverage for the Tip-Off Classics. It was reported that there are legal barriers to folding the Disney Tip-Off Classics into the NIT format, but that the NCAA is willing to pursue other potential partnership opportunities.
The Division II CCA acknowledged and thanked Don Landry, and Commissioners Hiegert and Marcil for their continued efforts and work on behalf of the D. II CCA and the Disney Tip-Off Classics.
14. Apple Computers Presentation. Vin Capone, with Apple Computers, made a presentation to the group about computer technology developed by Apple for taping and making available game film. Commissioner Hiegert noted that the CCAA currently uses the technology and that the game film is high quality and the cost of the equipment is reasonable. It was suggested that a subcommittee of the D. II CCA be appointed to work with Vin to explore further the potential benefits for Division II schools with regard to this technology.
15. D. II CCA Committee Reports

a. Administrative Committee.

i. Commissioner Patterson noted that the Committee reviewed and accepted D. II CCA budget information as presented (Balance Sheet as of October 9, Profit and Loss Statement, June 1 – October 9).

ii. Commissioner Patterson reported that the Committee discussed the possibility of reserving the rights for a Division II CCA website for a fee of $150, noting that in order to access the website currently, it is necessary to go through the CVAC website.

It was moved and seconded “that the Division II CCA reserve the rights to a Division II CCA website for a fee of $150.”
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”

      1. Commissioner Patterson noted that per the earlier discussion on the contract with Kelly Sports Properties requiring that the D. II CCA purchase liability insurance, he will seek bids for the required insurance, as well as for Directors and Officers Insurance, and will make a recommendation to the Executive Committee after a review of the bids.

      2. Commissioner Patterson reported that the Administrative Committee discussed the budget for fall D. II CCA meetings, noting that there has been a budget of $12,000 the past few years to go toward, at a minimum, the cost of the Award of Merit Reception and meals during the meeting (e.g., breakfast and lunch) and that the host conference is expected to secure sponsorships to help cover a portion of the expenses. Commissioner Hannan suggested that it would be helpful for there to be a set of guidelines for hosting the fall D. II CCA meetings that would include the budget for the meeting as well as a reference to the expectation that the host conference secure sponsorships. Commissioner Hannan agreed to draft guidelines, based upon his experience in hosting the Fall 2006 meeting, for review by the Executive Committee and distribution to the entire group.

It was moved and seconded “that Commissioner Hannan draft a set of guidelines for future hosts of fall D. II CCA meetings for review by the Executive Committee and distribution to the D. II CCA.”

It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”

      1. Commissioner Patterson reported that the committee reviewed the D. II CCA Strategic Plan and made a recommendation to eliminate the Student-Athlete Experience section of the Strategic Plan.

    1. Championships Issues Committee. Commissioner Marcil reported the following:

i. The committee will develop a draft proposal on sportsmanship for

review at the D. II CCA spring 2007 meeting.

ii. The committee recommended that the D. II CCA send a letter to the Chair of the Division II Presidents Council expressing support for the CSTV contract, and recommending considerations for the future, to include:

  • Specific criteria for team selection that includes a conference rotation,

  • Consideration of gender equity and sports currently not included in the contract, and

  • Consideration of regional broadcasts, while maintaining a national focus on Division II.

      1. The committee reviewed the request from the Division II Championships Committee asking for assistance in promoting more scheduling opportunities for in-region/non-conference competition in all sports. The committee recommended that a template for model scheduling practices be developed, noting the possibility of partnering with the D. II ADA in this regard.

    1. Legislative Issues Committee. Commissioner Blizzard reported that the committee reviewed the recommendations related to updating the Division II CCA Strategic Plan to include objectives in the areas of academics, sportsmanship and community service. The committee suggested that the Division II Academic Requirements Committee or the NCAA national office staff be asked for any available statistics since the change in D. II academic requirements was adopted two years ago (e.g., have graduation rates increased?).

Commissioner Blizzard reported that the committee suggested that the D. II CCA ask the NCAA to require each conference to adopt a sportsmanship policy similar to the one outlined in the proposal from Commissioner Marcil. The committee expressed concern about establishing an appeals process that includes appealing to a national panel, as several conferences have policies that are working well. The committee also noted that it could be difficult to administer such a policy on a national level. Finally, the committee suggested that consideration be given to including a question in the Conference grant application about whether the conference has a sportsmanship policy. President Naumovich noted that the additional feedback in the area of sportsmanship for Division II would be gathered at the Educational Session scheduled in conjunction with the Convention, and that the feedback would be considered in future D. II CCA discussions.

Commissioner Blizzard reported that Commissioner Brunk had agreed to address with the NCAA staff the specific situation raised by Commissioner Hahn related to a provisional member within his conference.
A straw vote was taken on the proposal to expand the Championships Committee to include a representative from each Division II conference (result of straw vote: 19-0-0)
The group discussed the elimination of the Index from the Division II NCAA Manual.
It was moved and seconded “that the D. II CCA indicate to the NCAA staff the importance, particularly with regard to rules compliance, of including the index in the Manual and requesting that the index be put back in the Division II Manual.
It was VOTED
“That the motion be approved as presented and moved.”

      1. Division II CCA Strategic Plan. President Naumovich noted that the revisions to the D. II CCA Strategic plan recommended by the standing committees would be made, and that the Executive Committee would meet prior to the D. II CCA’s January meeting to develop a plan for further revisions to and updating of the Strategic Plan.

17. Update on Division II CCA Scholar-Athlete and Sportsmanship Awards. Commissioner Murray gave an update on the two awards programs, noting that the Scholar-Athlete Awards process is complete and that nominees for the Sportsmanship Award should have received a plaque (which was sent directly to the athletics director at the institution). Commissioner Murray reported that he and Commissioner Marcil would be meeting with Disney representatives to review future enhancements. Commissioner Murray indicated that he would present a proposal to the D. II CCA at its March meeting related to “seasonal awards,” which is a concept that has been developed with input from Division II sports information directors.

  1. Division II Salary Survey. Commissioner Brown distributed and reviewed with the group the annual D. II CCA Salary Survey.

  1. Division II CCA Topics. The group engaged in a discussion of the following topics: Sportsmanship and Ethical Behavior Initiatives in Division II, Officiating and Officials, and Unique/Successful Initiatives Implemented by Division II Conference. [Detailed notes from this discussion were recorded separately for ease of reference.]

  1. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

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