TMS AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination
Application for 2015-2016
AVID is an elective class offered to students who would like to prepare for four-year universities. The curriculum features writing, inquiry, collaboration, reading, note-taking and study skills and college/careers motivational activities. The AVID class is an elective. College students are in the classroom as tutors twice a week. One field trip will be scheduled per semester if possible to expose the students to career and college options. To help the students understand the many colleges and careers available, guests will speak to our AVID students. Students must commit to taking notes in subject-area classes on a daily basis. Other requirements for applicants are: outstanding citizenship, good attendance, and a GPA of 2.0-3.5.
Student’s Name:_____________________________________________Grade:________
Number of children in your family:________
Parents’ highest level of education (circle one for each parent)
9 10 11 12 College 1 2 3 4 Master’s Degree Technical School
9 10 11 12 College 1 2 3 4 Master’s Degree Technical School
Two teacher recommendations (Teachers must sign here)
___________________________________ and ____________________________________
*As a parent or guardian you must support your child in his or her attempt to pursue the dream of going to college and be an advocate for his or her success. Are you willing to attend at least one information meeting about AVID and help ensure that your child is studying one or two hours after school and keeping an organized binder and planner?
Yes No
Parent signature:______________________________________________________
*As an AVID student you will be required to maintain passing grades (above a D), to always put forth your best effort, and to be a role model in the school. This means discipline should not be a problem. You will be responsible for keeping an organized binder, completing your agenda daily and doing one to two hours of after school work.
Yes No
Student signature:______________________________________________________
Please return completed application to Mrs. Taylor in T1.
TMS AVID : Written Interview
Name_________________________ Current School_______________
Current Grade __________________ Date_______________
What To Do:
Answer the following seven questions
Write in complete sentences
Write a rough draft first, then write on the final copy.
Write in ink.
Interview Questions
What makes you want to be a part of AVID? What can you contribute to the other students in the program?
What are your strengths as a student? What do you need to improve and to become the student you would like to be?
What areas of study do you think you will need extra support in to be successful? What are you willing to do to overcome any difficulties you may have in those areas?
What do you feel AVID can do for you? What are you looking to gain from the class?
What are your plans for the future? Do they include college? Why do you want to go to college?
Does your family support your desire to go to college? Has any person in your family ever gone to college?
Give an example from your life of something you have had to work hard for or that challenged you. What did you learn from that experience?
In AVID you will be expected to study more and take harder classes. How do you feel about having to do extra work to assure your success?
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