To be completed by the cerf secretariat. Type of submission

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To be completed by the CERF Secretariat.

Type of submission







1. Requesting agency:


2. Project title:

Psycho-social support for survivors of violence

3. CAP/Flash Appeal project code:

Note: Where more than one CAP/FA project code applies to a single CERF project proposal, please also specify in this field the amount of CERF funding requested against each project code.

           (Mandatory to provide where an appeal exists)

4. Cluster/sector/cross-cutting issue:

Protection / Child protection and GBV / PSS

5. Geographic areas of implementation targeted with CERF funding:

18 Montagnes / Moyen Cavally (Please be specific)

6. Implementation start date of CERF funded activities (Rapid Response projects only)

a. Will implementation of the CERF funded activities start prior to disbursement of funds (YES or NO)?

b. If YES please provide start date (date/month/year):

Please note that for Rapid Response projects the implementation deadline is six months from the date of disbursement or, where specified, from the start date provided above (which must not exceed more than six weeks prior to the disbursement date). If an earlier start date is to be specified please ensure that justification is included in the project proposal.

7. Total number of individuals targeted with CERF funding (provide a breakdown by sex and age).

a. Female


b. Male


c. Children under 5


d. Total individuals:


Funding (USD)

8a. Total project budget:

8b. Total project funding received so far:

US$ 1.168.861

US$ 162.130

9. Total amount of CERF funding requested:
Please provide the total amount and include an estimation of the planned breakdown of funds by type of partner:

Note: The total requested from the CERF should not be 100% of the total budget for this project, as CERF funding should be complemented by other funding sources.

a. UN agencies/IOM:

US$ 1.006.731

b. NGOs (please list individually):


c. Government:


e. Total:

US$ 1.006.731

9. Briefly describe the overall project, including information on how CERF funding will be used to support life-saving/core humanitarian activities.1 Describe the profile of beneficiaries and how gender equality is mainstreamed in project design and implementation (ensuring that the needs of women, girls, boys, and men are met equally). Include relevant assessment data.

-------------- GUIDANCE - Delete when field is completed -------------------------

Please briefly describe here:

  • the overall project

  • information on how CERF funding will be used to support life-saving/core humanitarian activities

  • the profile of project beneficiaries

  • how gender equality is mainstreamed in project design and implementation (ensuring that the needs of women, girls, boys, and men are met equally)

  • relevant assessments and assessment data.

In the wake of the presidential elections’ crisis in December 2010, the humanitarian situation has been degrading in Côte d’Ivoire. Post-election clashes led to forced displacement and an estimate 150 000 Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) are currently living in the western region of the country in IDP sites or in host communities. Since May 2011, some families have returned to their village of origin where they live in very precarious conditions, often without any shelter and with no access to basic services. As schools and other public social services are not yet running in rural host and return communities, children are let by themselves/ unoccupied.

Women and children witnessed killing or torture of their relatives and were exposed to high level of violence, forced recruitment into armed groups/forces and at civilian checkpoints, sexual violence and exploitation, as well as involvement in political rallies and exposure to propaganda on radio and television inciting violence. The ongoing displacement situation and insecurity in area of return results in serious psychological and social consequences for women and children but also for their families and communities. During focus group discussions, women and children often mentioned that they cannot sleep at night which demonstrates their psychological distress.

Access to information and psychosocial assistance for women, youth and children is critical along with enhanced protective community mechanism and access to adequate services for survivors of violence, and women and children most vulnerable such as women/child head of household, children and women with disabilities or children and women living with HIV or widows.
Access for affected women and children to psychosocial assistance is critical and needs to be strengthened in all affected areas, in particular areas of return, through a community based approach. The third level of psychosocial support (psychological care) needs to be strengthened. The coverage outside the IDP camps would need to be expanded and scale up to ensure that host communities and people returning to their village also receive psychosocial support. Recreational activities for children outside IDP camps are very limited. Specific activities and approach need also to be developed to ensure that Youth and adolescent access to PSS adequately. Critical needs includes CFS, recreational activities, counselling units, psychological services and assistance to victims/most vulnerable children and women, strengthening of caregivers capacities to care for their children presenting trauma, and of child protection mechanisms at the community level.
Responding to the immediate protection needs of children and women who are affected by the crisis and highly exposed to violence and abuse contributes directly to minimize the loss of life, as well as both short- and long-term physical and psychological damage. This CERF project has been designed with these criteria expressly in mind.

10. Description of the CERF component of the project (2 pages). Please describe the project as per the three headers provided below.

  1. Objective(s)

    1. Ensure that children emotional and psychosocial wellbeing is normalized through recreational based activities at community level

  • Displaced children and children affected by recent conflict have access to structured recreational, sports and cultural activities on regular basis.

  • Children in need of specialized attention are identified and referred to trained psychological services

  • Parents are informed, prepared and supported to help their children recovering from the emotional stress of the conflict.

  • Social structures are operational (rehabilitated/equipped) to provide psychosocial social support

    1. Ensure psycho-social support activities for survivors of gender-based violence and in particular survivors of sexual violence are delivered in an ethical, safe and confidential method, increase survivor comfort and facilitate survivor coping skills.

  • Staff working on community-based structures understand basic concepts related to working with survivors of sexual violence, including the multi-sectoral approach, survivor-centred skills, and rights-based approaches;

  • Staffs working on community-based structures are able to identify bio-psycho-social consequences of violence and survivors’ related needs;

  • Women and children survivor of sexual violence receive adequate counseling;

  • Prevention is enhanced through increased communities’ knowledge and change of attitude on Gender Based Violence (GBV)

  1. Activities

3.1.1. Training of partners on related topics: psychosocial support to children, animation of recreational activities, identification of children in need of specialized support, etc

3.1.2. Mobilization and capacity building of community volunteers (youth and adolescents) under the leadership of child protection committees and “relais communautaires” who will be trained and empower to conduct this activity

3.1.3. Provision of recreational and sport materials to volunteers.

3.1.4. Referral of services to specialized services.

3.2.1. Provides information and skills development in basic communication and engagement with sexual violence survivors to humanitarian workers across sectors working at community level, including staff from social centres, community workers, representatives of youth and women’s groups, teachers and religious/traditionalleaders.

3.2.2. Identification of women and children most vulnerable to GBV (e.g. women/child head of household, widow, and provide them with targeted assistance (e.g. dignity kits)

  1. Expected Outcomes and Indicators (please use SMART2 indicators)

  • 20,000 children and adolescents receiving psychosocial support.

  • 3,000 girls and women

  • 100 humanitarian workers across sectors working at community level, including staff from social centers, community workers, representatives of youth and women’s groups, teachers and religious/traditional leaders

  • 70 Child Friendly Spaces/Children Clubs established and reinforced in 70 communities affected by displacement and in areas of return.

  • 150 community agents (relais communautaires, NGO staff, etc) trained in relevant topics

  • 300 youth and adolescents trained and empowered to conduct recreational, cultural and non-formal education activities.

11. Implementation Plan: Please include information on the mechanisms for implementation, grants to cooperating partners, the duration for implementing CERF-funded activities, monitoring and reporting provisions.

CERF funded activities will be implemented for a period of six months, in partnership with NGOs such as Save the Children, Care, Caritas, Asapsu. Activities will be implemented in coordination with the Regional Decentralized Department of Ministry of Social Welfare and CP Sub Cluster, and based on sector response plan.

Throughout the project duration, both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods will be used. Regular field visits will also be conducted to beneficiaries and partners to ensure that activities respond to the objectives and indicators of the project. An end of project report will be prepared showing how expected targets have been met, shortfalls as well as recommendations.

12. CERF Project Budget


Budget Lines

Cost Breakdown



Unit Cost

Total (USD)

A. Supplies/commodities/equipment/transport (please itemize expendable operational inputs (e.g. quantity of food, medical supplies etc and asset purchases))

Recreational kits





ECD kits










Dignity kits








Sub-Total A:





B. Personnel (staff, consultants, travel) (please itemize travel costs, salaries and entitlements of UN staff and consultants)

01 CPiE Specialist (International) for 06 months










01 PSSMH Specialist (International) for 03 months










Sub-Total B:





C. Training of counterparts

Rapid emergency training/instruction for humanitarian workers, community agents, youth















Sub-Total C:





D. Contracts (please list and provide general cost breakdown for each implementing partner)
















Sub-Total D:





E. Other Direct costs

Community mobilization





Targeted assistance for most vulnerable





Social structure rehabilitation





Sub-Total E:





Subtotal project requirements

Subtotal project requirements amount



Indirect program support costs (PSC) (not to exceed 7% of subtotal project costs)

PSC rate



PSC amount



Total CERF project cost



Annex I – Budget Guidance

Each CERF project proposal must include a budget which details the costs to be funded by CERF and which strictly adheres to the CERF budget template and CERF budget guidelines (see below).

The budget should reflect activities described in the project narrative, and include sufficient detail to provide a transparent overview of how CERF funds will be spent. Budget lines should be itemized wherever possible, including quantity and unit prices of items to be procured whenever possible.

Budgets should not include government staff salaries, recurrent costs for regular agency operations (i.e., maintenance costs), prevention activities, or stockpiling. Capacity building and training should not be included, unless related to direct implementation of emergency response, and then only at minimal levels. Staff and travel costs should be kept to a minimum.

If more than one agency will implement a project, separate budgets must be completed for each agency. There will be a separate disbursement to each agency, as CERF funds may not be passed from one agency to another.

A. Supplies, commodities, equipment, transport



Unit cost


  • Direct operational input including the procurement of consumable supplies for project implementation (e.g. drugs, food, NFIs, seeds, tools, utensils etc.);

  • Provision of operational support to projects (rental, maintenance, warehousing/ logistics/ transportation/ freight) only during project implementation;

  • Procurement of non-consumables (telecom equipment, IT equipment, office/training supplies, etc.).

  • Breakdown by line item and indicate unit/ quantity/ cost per unit;

  • Provide itemized description for those without unit/quantity/cost per unit.

B. Personnel (staff, consultants, travel)

  • UN staff costs and entitlements directly involved in the implementation of the project (all entitlements pertaining to agency post salaries and General Temporary Assistance salaries);

  • Individual staff contracted directly with the agency for the duration of the project (including independent and individual consultants);

  • International travel costs (including DSA) of agency staff by air and road to the country of implementation;

  • Internal travel costs (including DSA) of agency staff by air and road within the country of implementation.

  • Breakdown National / International Staff;

  • Provide details on number/ level/ monthly cost/ months covered;

  • Do not include consultancies with firms or agreements with implementing partners (which go under D. contracts);

  • Provide details on number of travellers, number of days and DSA rate. Provide separate breakdowns for international and internal travel.

C. Training of counterparts

  • Only training directly related to implementation of the emergency response to be included.

  • Specify number of training sessions, days and persons to be trained.

D. Contracts

  • This component pertains to specialized services provided to the project by an outside contractor (including groups, firms, companies, and NGOs).

  • Each subcontractor (NGO) will require a separate budget line describing services provided and providing a rough breakdown of "input costs, staff costs, and overhead costs".

E. Other direct costs



Unit cost


  • Other costs related to the project not covered by the above.

  • Breakdown by line item and indicate unit/ quantity/ cost per unit to the extent possible.

Subtotal project requirements

Indirect programme support costs (not to exceed 7% of subtotal project costs)

  • To cover PSC at HQ/regional and country level.

  • Not to exceed 7% of subtotal project costs.



  1. Please show in the budget how all totals were calculated;

  2. To the extent possible, please use “,” rather than space or “.” as thousands separator, e.g. one thousand two hundred and thirty four dollars should appear as “$1,234”, rather than “$1.234” or “$1 234”;

  3. Subtotal, PSC and total amount shall be rounded to the nearest dollar.

1 The CERF Life-Saving Criteria, which specify sectoral activities that the CERF can fund, are available at

2 SMART indicators are: specific, to avoid differing interpretations; measurable, to allow monitoring and evaluation; appropriate to the problem statement; realistic and able to achieve; time-bound indicating a specific period of time during which the results will be achieved. Indicators must be designed to enable you to identify the different impacts (intended and unintended) your project has on women, girls, boys, and men.

CERF Application Template July 2010

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