To contain an illegal substance

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Write your own short detective story. It should contain 400-500 words. Use your imagination. It’s up to you to choose what form it will take. It can be a story written by a policeman, an accused or just a narrator. But try to use some of the following words and expressions in it:

to contain an illegal substance
to send for chemical analysis
to arrest
to release on bail
to be found guilty of
to possess drugs
to receive a fine of (some sum of money)
to receive a suspended jail sentence
a hearing in the / a court

If you need some other legal expressions you can look them up in a dictionary. And, certainly, you can use as many other words and expressions from “Bensons” as you like.

My story
This history has occurred presently in Moscow. There was very cold winter, when

In news there was a message on the murderer which brought up people by the car, suggesting to drink champagne (which contains drugs) for just born daughter. As he could not drink, because he was a driver, the passenger drank one and soon fell asleep. At this time the driver robed a victim, then undressed and adhered in wood to a tree that the person has died of overcooling.

So many people have been killed: men and women, old and young. And the same drug has been found out in all in blood after the chemical analysis.

One girl used to survive. She was found absolutely casually in a forest by children. Doctors have kept she‘s life, but feet were amputated. When the girl has come to the senses, she has told about the murderer, described its appearance, remembered car number on which he brought up her.

Detectives immediately were accepted to work, but it was difficult to find guilty. Some men have been arrested, but then are recognised by innocent and are released. Subsequently, detectives left on a trace of one doctor which car was similar to the car of the criminal. Besides he had access to drugs.

Considering care and special cruelty of the murderer, his actions were necessary for stopping. Operation on his capture has been for this purpose developed. The Woman-detective represented the rich client. When he has suggested it to drink for a daughter, she has agreed, and then has pretended that has fallen asleep. The murderer has carried her to the forest. He didn‘t know that behind him supervision and his each action under the control is conducted.

The murderer have caught in the act – in the forest when he tried to rob a victim, the victim has unexpectedly pulled out a pistol, and has shot to him at a shoulder. The criminal has been arrested and delivered in prison. And received a fifteen years suspended jail sentence.

During hearing in court, he has in detail told, as well as what for made murder. As he had possessed drugs, he took drugs on work and poured them in champagne to victims. When they fainted – he robed them and left to die in the forest. On robed money he used on treatment of the sick wife. By the way, the wife didn‘t know, what way extracts money. Having learnt the truth she could not forgive him.

It is a sad story about the doctor who ruined lives.
Best regards, Alexandra

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