To his excellency the substitute federal judge of the 3rd federal criminal court of rio de janeiro

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Prosecutor’s Office at Rio de Janeiro



Criminal investigation proceedings MPF/PR/RJ criminal proceedings 0022781-56.2014.4.02.5101 (police enquiry 002/2014-DFIN/DICOR/DPF) and related proceedings1

The FEDERAL PUBLIC PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE, through the federal prosecutors who sign below, whose powers derive from articles 129, I, of the Brazilian Constitution, 100, §1 of the Criminal Code and 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code, hereby opens a PUBLIC CRIMINAL PROSECUTION by means of this



1. JORGE LUIZ ZELADA, Brazilian citizen, engineer, married, born 20/01/1957, CPF (taxpayer identification number) 447.164.787-34, voter registration no. 00.664.222.203-10, son of Yone Maria Schwengber Zelada, address at Rua Getúlio das Neves, 25, ap. 502, Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, tel. (21) 3734-0337, currently in pre-trial detention within the metropolitan area of Curitiba/PR;

2. JULIO FAERMAN, Brazilian citizen, married, businessman and engineer, son of Leia Faerman and Sloima Faerman, born 18/05/1938 in Rio deJaneiro, identity CREA/RJ 11211, CPF (taxpayer identification number) 001.899.795-34, voter registration no., Brazilian passport no. YB259217, address at Av. Vieira Souto, 530/201, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, tel. (21) 2505-8007, (21) 2247-6007, cell phone (21) 98156-1064;

3. LUIS EDUARDO CAMPOS BARBOSA DA SILVA, Brazilian citizen, married, engineer, CPF (taxpayer identification number) 834.996.447-20, born 20/02/1965, voter registration no., son of Yvonne Campos Barbosa da Silva, withaddresses at Rua NascimentoBittencourt, 55/501, JardimBotânico, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, tel. (21) 2537-2244; Rua da Glória, 344, grupos 101/102 (Oildrive Consultoria em Energia e Petróleo Ltda); Rua Primeiro de Março, 7, salas 801 a 804, Centro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ (Oiladvise Consultoria e Engenharia Ltda ME);

4. PEDRO JOSÉ BARUSCO FILHO, Brazilian citizen, engineer, in common law marriage, born 07/03/1956, CPF (taxpayer identification number) 987.708-15, voter registration no. 00.111.652.003-02, son of Anna Gonsalez Barusco and Pedro José Barusco, with addresses at Rua José Pancetti, 250, Joá, Rio de Janeiro/RJ; or Avenida PrefeitoDulcídio Cardoso (antiga av. Canal de Marapendi), 1315, bloco 3, ap. 303, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro/RJ; tel. (21) 2493-4720, (21) 3389-9386, cell phone (21) 97127-2447;

5. PAULO ROBERTO BUARQUE CARNEIRO, Brazilian citizen, engineer, married, born in Rio de Janeiro on 25/08/1952, CPF (taxpayer identification number) 359.722.977-87, voter registration no. 00.190.607.403-29, son of Margarida Buarque Carneiro and Roberto Carneiro, address at Rua Almirante Guilhem, 85, ap. 802, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro/RJ; tel. (21) 25125925;

6. RENATO DE SOUZA DUQUE, Brazilian citizen, engineer, married, born 29/09/1955 in Cruzeiro/SP, CPF (taxpayer identification number) 510.515.167-49, identity card no. 31441447 Detran-RJ, voter registration no. 00.661.818.903-53, son of Elza de Souza Duque and Penor Duque, with addresses at Rua IvoneCavaleiro, 184, apto. 301, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, tel 21 2288-4414; Rua da Assembleia, 10, sala 3418 (D3TM Consultoria e Participações Ltda), Centro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, tel. 21 2262-2113; Rua Homem de Melo, 66, apto. 101, Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro/RJ; Rua Barata Ribeiro, 105, apto 701, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, currently in pre-trialdetentionwithin the metropolitanarea of Curitiba/PR;

7. ROBERT ZUBIATE, American citizen, married, engineer, born 09/11/1951, US passport 032495259, identity document S0711051 DLJ, US passport 036304341 (valid. 06/08/2007), address at 30321 Walford Court, Agoura Hills, California 91301, United States, tels. (818) 991-7937, (818) 707-9797 and/or (818) 384-1666; professional address at 1255 Enclave Parkway, Suite 609 Houston-Texas, United States, 77077-1999 (SBM Atlantia), tels. +1(281)899-4300 and +1(281)848-6000;

8. DIDIER HENRI KELLER, French citizen, engineer, married, born 24/04/1946, French passport no. 13DA65279 (valid until 10/12/2023), resident in Portugal, at Rua Aleixo da Motta, 174, Porto;

9. ANTHONY (“TONY”) JOHN MACE, engineer, British citizen, born 16/12/1951, at Lambourn, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British passport 099123196, resident in England at an address to be supplied;

10. BRUNO YVES RAYMOND CHABAS, French citizen, born 20/09/1964 atIsle sur la Sorgue, France, residential address at 3, Chemin deTaillevent, Eze, France, professional address at 24, Avenue deFontvieille, Monaco, or Evert van de Beekstraat 1, 1118 EL Schiphol, Netherlands;

11. SIETZE HEPKEMA, Dutch citizen, born 15/05/1953 at Leeuwarden,Netherlands, passport NUKL2PHJ5, residential address at 4, Quai Jean-Charles Rey, Monaco, professional address at 24, Avenue de Fontvieille, Monaco, or Evert van de Beekstraat 1, 1118 EL Schiphol, Netherlands;

12. PHILIPPE JACQUES LEVY, French citizen, engineer, born 16/05/1968,French passport 09AC29253, CPF (taxpayer identification number)060.946.377-20, address atBlock E, Platinum Sentral, JalanStesenSentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur Sentral, Malaysia, tel. +60 (3) 2773 5300, or at Evert van de Beekstraat 1, 1118 EL Schiphol, Netherlands;

13. ANDERS MORTENSEN, Danish citizen, born 30/04/1953,passport A203564762, resident in Denmark at an address to be supplied;

On the basis of the criminal conduct described below, as per the following summary:


1Introduction 5

2Criminal conduct relating to contracts between Petrobras and SBM 14

1.1Leasing and operation of FPSO II and the beginning of the indicted criminal conduct 14

1.2Leasing and operation of FPSO Cidade de Anchieta (Espadarte) 23

1.3Leasing and operation of FPSO Brasil 25

1.4Leasing and operation of FPSO Marlim Sul 27

1.5Leasing and operation of FPSO Capixaba 29

1.6Mooring buoys for PRA 1 platform 32

1.7Turret for P-53 36

1.8Construction, purchase and operation of FPSO P-57 39

1.9Supply of confidential information 43

1.10Contribution to the presidential campaign of 2010 50

1.11Personal favoritism 54

1.12Criminal gang or association 59

3Progress Ugland: the dynamic positioning ship Campos Transporter 60

4Asset laundering 67

5Tax evasion 69

6Legal classification 73

7Applications and requests 78

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