Topicality General Definitions of Topic Phrases

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Topicality General Definitions of Topic Phrases

United States

The term “United States” refers to the federal government

Mitchell no date

Paul Andrew, counselor at law, federal witness, and private attorney general

Note also that those Articles clearly distinguished "United States of America" from "United States" in Congress assembled. The States formally delegated certain powers to the federal government, which is clearly identified in those Articles as the "United States". Therefore, the "United States of America" now refer to the 50 States of the Union, and the term "United States" refers to the federal government.

The term “United States” includes any instrumentality of the federal government

Mitchell no date

Paul Andrew, counselor at law, federal witness, and private attorney general

The term “United States” here also embraces any instrumentality of the federal government.

The US military is an instrumentality of the federal government.

North Carolina Department of Revenue 15

United States Government

Sales by and sales directly to the United States Government, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, are not subject to sales or use tax. In order for the sale to be exempt, the government, agency or instrumentality involved must make the purchase of the property, obtain title to the property before or at the time it is delivered and pay directly to the vendor the purchase price of such property or use a United States Government credit card to pay the vendor the purchase price of such property.

Federal Agencies and Instrumentalities

Federal agencies and instrumentalities include the Departments of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, United States hospitals, American Red Cross, federal reserve banks, federal land banks, federal housing projects, federal housing authorities, and any other department of the Federal Government whose activities are directly under federal control and whose purchases are paid for from the federal treasury


“Should” can mean conditional futurity or duty or obligation

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 02

Merriam-Webster’s Inc., Tenth Ed.,

Usage Note: Like the rules governing the use of shall and will on which they are based, the traditional rules governing the use of should and would are largely ignored in modern American practice. Either should or would can now be used in the first person to express conditional futurity: If I had known that, I would (or somewhat more formally, should) have answered differently. But in the second and third persons only would is used: If he had known that, he would (not should) have answered differently. Would cannot always be substituted for should, however. Should is used in all three persons in a conditional clause: if I (or you or he) should decide to go. Should is also used in all three persons to express duty or obligation (the equivalent of ought to): I (or you or he) should go. On the other hand, would is used to express volition or promise: I agreed that I would do it. Either would or should is possible as an auxiliary with like, be inclined, be glad, prefer, and related verbs: I would (or should) like to call your attention to an oversight. Here would was acceptable on all levels to a large majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey and is more common in American usage than should. ·Should have is sometimes incorrectly written should of by writers who have mistaken the source of the spoken contraction should've.

“Should” is used as a function to express obligations

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 15 accessed August 6, 2015

Used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency

“Should” is used to predict

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 15, accessed August 6, 2015

Used in auxiliary function to express what is probable or expected

“Should” is to express consequences

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 15, accessed August 6, 2015

Used in auxiliary function to express condition


Significantly means large or important enough to be noticed or to have an effect; having a special or hidden meaning

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 15, accessed July 22, 2015

adverb sig·nif·i·cant·ly \sig-ˈni-fi-kənt-lē\

: in a way that is large or important enough to be noticed or have an effect

used to say that something is important or meaningful

: in a way that has a special or hidden meaning

Full Definition of SIGNIFICANTLY

1: in a significant manner : to a significant degree

2 : it is significant

People who smoke have a significantly greater risk of developing lung cancer than people who don't.

Another store sold the game for a significantly lower price.

If you take my advice, your chances of winning will increase significantly.

He looked significantly in her direction when he said that some of us are not doing our jobs.

Significantly means “is significant.” Significant means having meaning, having influence or effect, or caused by something other than mere chance

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 15, July 22, 2015

significant adjective sig·nif·i·cant \sig-ˈni-fi-kənt\

: large enough to be noticed or have an effect

: very important

: having a special or hidden meaning

Full Definition of SIGNIFICANT

1 : having meaning; especially : suggestive

2 a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important ; also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount

b : probably caused by something other than mere chance

Significantly means “happening in a big way, importantly.” The antonym of insignificantly

Vocabulary. com 15, accessed July 22, 2015


Anything that happens significantly happens in a big way. A significantly happier person has gotten much happier. Moving into a significantly bigger house means you can finally get that indoor pony.

Significant things are important. When you see the word significantly, you know something is a big deal. A significantly higher tax rate would upset many people, because taxes went up a lot. A significantly lower-than-usual snowfall would upset skiers, because no one likes skiing on dry ground. A significantly timed speech happens at a time that is meaningful for some reason, like on a major holiday. This word often means the same as importantly.

Definitions of significantly

1 adv in a significant manner

“our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts”

Antonyms: insignificantly: not to a significant degree or amount

adv in an important way or to an important degree

Synonyms: importantly

adv in a statistically significant way “the two groups differed significantly”

Significantly has three different definitions

Word Find 15

3 Definitions of Significantly. The definition of significantly, the meaning of the word

adv. - In a statistically significant way

adv. - In a significant manner

adv. - In an important way or to an important degree

The term “significant” is imprecise and must be interpreted within the factual considerations of particular contexts

Majzoub et al. 09

[Tarek Majzoub*, Fabienne Quillere-Majzoub**, Mohamed Abdel Raouf*** and Mira El-Majzoub****. *Associate Professor of Public International Law, Beirut Arab University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, ** Doctorate in Law, Researcher, Unite Mixte de Recherche - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, *** International Arbitrator, Attorney at Law, **** Attorney at Law. “Article: "Cloud Busters": Reflections on the Right to Water in Clouds and a Search for International Law Rules” 20 COLO. J. INT'L ENVTL. L. & POL'Y 321, 2009 Lexis]

Therefore, the key element for engaging state international responsibility is the significance of the harm. This element constitutes the threshold n74 beyond which outside actors should intervene in order to stop the harm, and assure restoration or adequate reparation. The detrimental impact of such harm must thus reach a certain degree of seriousness. The term "significant" is vague and needs a case by case qualification because it primarily implies factual considerations. n75 The harm must materialize into actual harmful effects that are capable of being measured by their impact on objective criteria such as human health, industry, goods, environment, or agriculture. As long as the harmful effects of the cloud modification could not be qualified as significant, they are regarded as tolerable. The term significant is also equated with important, sensitive, or even substantial. n76 Thus, this criterion supposes a value judgment depending on each case at the time when judgment was rendered. Still, the term "significant" lacks precision. In fact, responsibility for risk introduces the concept of an acceptable harm threshold caused by licit activities such as weather [*341] modification techniques. n77 If this acceptable threshold is surpassed, n78 the state causing harm will be held responsible to repair the incurred loss. n79

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