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WATKINS  06  lead author of the UN Human Development Report Kevin, Africa Focus, Africa: Water, Health, and Development,

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WATKINS  06  lead author of the UN Human Development Report Kevin, Africa Focus, Africa: Water, Health, and Development,


Women, Water and Development  … Africa is a glass of clean water

And, providing access to clean water allows for more effective and accessible health system by freeing up over 610 million dollars of the health budget annually in sub-Saharan Africa.

UNDP 2006 (United Nations Development Programme, “Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis,” Human Development Report, UNDP, [Online]  

Clean water and sanitation … the region’s health budget. 

Observation 3 Poverty: 

On top of the millions of children who die each year due to water-borne diseases, those who survive are too sick to attend school, guaranteeing a cycle of poverty in Africa

UNDP  2006 (United Nations Development Programme, “Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis,” Human Development Report, UNDP, [Online] 

Premature mortality may …. the lower productivity and diminished human capital.  

Poverty is a form of institutional violence that not only inflicts suffering, but also silences attempts to allow the voices of the oppressed to be heard.

Paul Farmer, medical anthropologist and physician @ Harvard Med School, 1996, “On Suffering and structural violence: a view from below”, )." Daedalus 125.n1 (Wntr 1996): 261(23), p. find articles

Any distinguishing characteristic, … finding a balm in Gilead.30


And, disease and poverty is a form of structural violence that is responsible for more deaths than a hypothetical nuclear war.

Gilligan 96

James Gilligan professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, Director of the Center for the Study of Violence, and a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the National Campaign Against Youth Violence. Violence: Our Deadly Epidemic and its Causes. 1996. P. 191-196

The finding that structural violence … as cause to effect.

And, the status quo’s focus on large scale wars as the driving motivation for action has justified the racist complacency in the face of structural violence like disease and poverty

Cuomo 96-- activist, artist, and Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge-- (Chris, “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence!” hypatia, 1996, Proquest,) 

Ethical approaches that … inevitability of war and militarism. 


And, Absent a transition away from this lens of political calculation in the face of structural violence, the very wars that are used to justify inaction become inevitable. Responding to structural violence absent the motivation of a contrived war is necessary to transition away from the crisis based politics.

Sandy and Perkins, 02 (Leo R. veteran of the U.S. Navy and an active member of Veterans for Peace, Inc., co founder of Peace Studies at Plymouth State College and at Rivier College, Ray; teaches philosophy at Plymouth State College, The Nature of Peace and Its Implications for Peace Education”, Online journal of peace and conflict resolution, Issue 4.2, Spring 02, 

Any attempt to articulate … causes of conflict that produce violence" (Woolman, 1985, p.8). 

And addressing the scarcity of clean water is the only way to break free from the immense poverty and discrimination of the status quo

Bonn 01 (Recommendations of the International Conference on Freshwater. Took place in Bonn in 2001. Was a UN conference. 

Ten years after the … dimension of poverty reduction.  

Observation 4: Solvency

The effectiveness of US water assistance programs is predicated on increased funding for the Water for the Poor Act of 2005

Lochery 07 (Peter, Water Team Director, Bringing Down Barriers to Water and Sanitation Provision in Africa through Implementation of the Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act Testimony before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs,  

The low-level priority … been sidelined for far too long.  

Additionally, US investment in Africa’s water sector is key. It is like an immunization to the cycle of disease and poverty that entraps so many of Africa’s poor. 

UNDP 2006 (United Nations Development Programme, “Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis,” Human Development Report, UNDP, [Online] Losses are greatest in some of the poorest countries.  

Sub-Saharan Africa loses about …water and sanitation.    

And US water assistance is best; it builds the capacity of local governments, consults and co-operates with local governments and international donors and integrates ad hoc projects that exist in the status quo into a cohesive response.

State Department, 07 (Bureau of Oceans and International Affairs and Scientific Affairs, Department of State Publication 11425. Report to Congress; “Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act 2005” June 2007. 

The U.S. government works… implemented in other areas. 

Also note that the US water policy was established after months of consultation with all relevant actors, creating a policy that makes everyone happy.

Blumenauer 05 Earl, Congressman, E-Townhall, 11 8 2005, 

The Water for the Poor Act … won’t do much good. 

And, US leadership on clean water assistance is key to spurring a greater international response.

Purvis and Sahni 04 (Nigel and Nalin, - Brookings Scholar on Environment and Development, Foreign Policy Studies –  “Financing Water Toward an L20 Action Plan”, The Center for International Governance Innovation, Dec. 1-2, 2004, [online], accessed 7/25/07) 

Political will is lacking … targeted towards Afghanistan and Iraq.

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