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TV Journalism & Programme Formats
4. Before the interview, establish a rapport with the interviewee through what is called pre-chat. This is conversation before recording starts in order to make the other person feel comfortable. If necessary, tell the interviewee about the questions you wish to ask, but don’t discuss them in detail at this point. During the interview, remember that the interview is meant to be a focused conversation. Try to make the interviewee so comfortable that he or she speaks freely. In the case of a public figure that must beheld accountable,
cross-question him or her whenever required politely but firmly. During the recording of soundbites, request your interviewee to answer incomplete sentences. Incomplete answers cannot be used as soundbites. Keep a strict watch on time constraints. If an answer leads onto another question, and if time permits, do ask it. After the interview is formally over, continue the conversation fora few minutes and try to make the atmosphere more relaxed. The interviewee must go away feeling he or she has engaged in a meaningful conversation.
The winning grace of Interviewing
The precise nature of the questions you ask will be determined initially by the purpose and the research you have done, but it is important that you listen to people’s answers and adjusts your line of questioning. Though, there is plenty of often quite prescriptive advice available on interviewing techniques, but trial and error is the way most trainee journalists feel their way through their first interviews. Experiment with different approaches and see what works for you indifferent circumstances. Journalists have to be comfortable speaking to all sorts of people from millionaires to the homeless. So the main asset of a journalist during interviews are being curious about people and allowing enough time.
Conversation is the key to good interviewing. Even the briefest interview should involve the techniques of conversation listening as well as talking, engaging with what is being said rather than just waiting fora gap to fill with your next question,
making eye contact in face to face interviews, and encouraging the interviewee through sounds and gestures.
Interviewing celebrities and famous personalities require much tactics and careful preparations. Unless you are accusing the interviewee of wrongdoing, you need to establish a rapport between him and yourself. First impressions are important so don’t be late and dress appropriately. Nonverbal communication is important, so show interest by making eye contact without staring or nodding. Give verbal

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