U. S. Citizen Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana Married (30 years to Carolyn Comeaux), four children

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October 1, 2005
Philip J. Meeks, Ph. D.
Associate Professor

Department of Political Science & International Relations

Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178

Fax 402‑280‑4731

Tele: 402-280-1453

E-mail: pmeeks@creighton.edu


U.S. Citizen – Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Married (30 years to Carolyn Comeaux), four children


B.A. (1972) ‑ University of Notre Dame

Major ‑ Government & International Relations

Minors ‑ French, Sociology

Honors Program ‑ 1970‑72


Ph.D. (1980) ‑ University of Texas at Austin

Major Fields: Comparative Governments, International Relations

Minor Fields: Public Policy, Political Economy

Dissertation: "The Politics of Corporatism and International Economic Relations in the U.K., West Germany and France ‑ 1958‑1978"

Graduate Fellows Honors Program ‑ 1977‑80
Foreign Studies

Universite Catholique de l'Ouest, Angers, France ‑ August 1969‑July 1970

Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal ‑ Summer 1976

Institute for Scandinavian Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark ‑ Summer 1979

Visiting Scholar, Tantur Institute, Jerusalem, May-July, 2005

Visiting Professor, Institute for Latin American Concern, Santiago, Dominican Republic, Spring, 1999

Visiting Scholar, De Monfort University, Leicester, England, 1998

Visiting Scholar, International House, Tokyo, Japan, 1996

Distinguished Lecturer, US Information Agency, Poland, 1995

Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, St. Mary's University, 1990‑1991

Research Fellow, Mosher Institute for International Policy Studies, Texas A&M University, 1989‑1992

Guest Scholar, Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame, Summers - 1987, 1998

Faculty Research Fellowship, St. Mary's University, 1986‑87, 1987‑88, 1989‑90, 1990‑91, 1991‑92

Teaching Fellowships, Mid‑Texas Association for International Education, 1986‑89

Research Fellow, Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, Paris, 1984

Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Georgia, 1984

National Science Foundation Faculty Research Grant, 1983

Visiting Associate Professor, Universite de Bordeaux I (France), 1982‑1983

Scholar‑Diplomat Fellow, U.S. Department of State, Washington, 1981

Graduate Interdisciplinary Fellow (Honors), University of Texas, 1978-1980

Fellowship, Council for European Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1979

Redford Award in Public Policy Research, University of Texas, 1979

Patterson Research Fellowship(s), University of Texas, 1976, 1979

Ford Foundation Scholarship, University of Notre Dame, 1970‑1972

Chair, Comparative and Interdisciplinary Section, International Studies Association, 1996 - 1998

President, International Studies Association, Southwest, 1993 ‑1995

Vice President & Program Chair, Comparative and Interdisciplinary Section, International Studies Association, 1994 -1996

Vice President & Program Chair, International Studies Association, Southwest, 1991‑1993

Secretary/Treasurer, International Studies Association, Southwest, 1987‑1990

Chair, Committee on the Profession, Southwestern Social Sciences Association, 1993 -1996

Editorial Board, American Review of Politics, 1990 ‑1993

International Relations Section Program Chairman, Southwestern Political Science Association, 1986‑1988; 1990‑1991, 1995-1996

Campus Coordinator, Mid‑Texas Association for International Education, 1985‑1989


Creighton University (1992-present)

Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 1992-1996

A&S Representative (Elected), Executive Committee, University Faculty & Academic Council, 2005-present

A&S Representative (Elected), University Faculty & Academic Council, 2001-2003, 2004-present

A&S Representative (Appointed), University Assessment Committee, 2005-present

Campus Chair, United Way Campaign, 2004-2005

Co-chair, United Way Campaign (Academic Affairs Area), 2002-2004

Chair, A&S Core Curriculum Development Committee, 1992‑1995

Chair, A&S Educational Policy Committee, 1992‑1995

Chair, A&S Academic Discipline and Appeals Committee, 1995-96, 2002-2003

Member, A&S Budget and Planning Committee, 1992‑1996

Member, A&S Outcomes Assessment/ Student Learning Committee, 1992‑1993, 1995-96

Member, A&S Admissions Committee, 1992-1996

Member, A&S Curriculum Development Committee, 1995-1996, 2000-2001, 2005-present

Member, A&S Service Learning Advisory Board, 2000-2001

Member, Semestre Domincano Advisory Board, 1999-2003

St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX (1985-1992)

President, Faculty Senate, 1989‑1991

Member, Faculty Senate, 1988‑1991

Faculty Senate Representative to St. Mary's Alumni Association, 1988‑1991

Chairman, Department of Political Science, 1987‑1991

Chairman, Faculty Development Committee, 1987‑1989

Faculty Committee on Outcomes Assessment, 1988‑1991

Faculty Committee on Teacher Education, 1987‑1990

Faculty Committee on Core Curriculum Development, 1991‑1992

Chair, Social Sciences Subcommittee of the Committee on Core Curriculum Development, 1991‑1992

Faculty Co‑Chairperson, President's Peace Commission, 1987‑89

President, Executive Committee, Heart of Texas Conference, 1989‑1990

Faculty Athletic Representative ‑ NAIA; Heart of Texas Conference, 1989‑1992

Chairperson, Humanities & Social Sciences Council on International Education, 1985‑87

Dean's Advisory Council, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, 1987‑1989, 1991

Member, Faculty of the Graduate School, 1985‑1992

Graduate Advisor, Political Science, 1991
University of Georgia, Athens, GA (1980-1985)

Research Fellow, Center for Global Policy Studies, 1980-1985

Member, Faculty of the Graduate School, 1980‑1985


Associate Professor of Political Science (tenured), Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, 1992‑present

Associate Professor of Political Science (tenured), St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, 1988‑1992

Assistant Professor of Political Science, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, 1985‑1988

Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 1980‑85

Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Texas at San Antonio, 1988, 1990

Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science, Universite de Bordeaux I, France, 1982

Instructor of Government ‑ University of Texas at Austin, January, 1978‑July, 1980


Comparative Politics

Comparative Political Systems

Comparative Political Parties

Politics of Advanced Industrial States

Politics of Communist States

Politics of Developing States

Western European Politics

Politics of European Union

Latin American Politics

Caribbean Politics

International Relations

Introduction to International Relations

Contemporary Global Issues

International Political Economy

United States Foreign Policy

Soviet Foreign Policy

Politics of World Security Policies

Politics of Arms Control & Disarmament

Other Courses

American Politics

High Technology and Society

Industrial & Urban Politics

Introduction to Political Science

Politics of Science & Technology

Public Policy Analysis

Comparative Public Policy

Comparative Energy Policies

Texas State & Local Politics

Middle East Politics International Organizations

Asian Politics



1. Space and Society: Challenges and Choices. Volume 59 ‑ Science and Technology Series, San Diego: Calf. American Astronautical Society, 1984. Co‑editor and Contributor ‑ 429 pages. (With P. Anaejionu and N. Goldman)


"Political Economics and Space." (Section Preface) (pp. 89‑92)

"Foreign Space Efforts." (Section Preface) (pp. 147‑150)

"U.S.‑European Competition in Outer Space: Problems and Prospects," (pp. 151‑165)

"Third World Perspectives on Outer Space Resources and Politics," (pp. 185‑204)

1. Student Workbook for the Microsoft ENCARTA Interactive Atlas CD-ROM, New York: Longman, 2002. 117pp.
2. Instructor Guide to the Microsoft ENCARTA Interactive Atlas CD-ROM, New York: Longman, 2001. 119pp.


1. "Japan's Potential as a Global Economic Hegemon," in T. Ahaka and F. Langdon (Eds.), Japan in the Post-hegemonic World. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner, 1993, pp. 41-67.

2. "Hegemons in History," in T. Ahaka and F. Langdon (Eds.), Japan in the Post-hegemonic World. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner, 1993, pp. 17-39.
3. "Risk, Culture, and Public Policy," Communitas, No. 3 (April, 1988): 3‑14.
4. "For Power and Profit: Trends and Issues of Conventional Arms Transfers," in L. Johnson and P. Diehl (Eds.), Through the Straits of Armageddon: Arms Control, Issues and Prospects. Athens, GA.: University of Georgia Press, 1987, pp. 123‑153.
5. "West‑West Technology Transfer: The Dilemmas of Cooperation and Competition," in J. McIntyre and D. Papp (Eds.), The Political Economy of International Technology Transfer. Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press, 1986, pp. 141‑160.
6. "British Defense Policy under Thatcher," Southeastern Political Review, Volume 14, No. 1 (Spring, 1986), pp. 109‑136.
7. "Analyse ecologique du vote presidentiel en France," in J.L. Seurin (Ed.) La Presidence en France et aux Etats Unis. Paris: Economia, 1986, pp. 83‑126 (With Bruce Campbell).
8. "Political Responses by the Advanced Industrial Countries to the International Economic Crisis," in N. Schofield (Ed.), Crisis in Economic Relations between North and South. Aldershot, England: Gower, 1984 (pp. 385‑416).
9. "Interdisciplinary Analysis and Global Policy Studies," in G. Bertsch (Ed.), Global Policy Studies. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1982 (pp. 147‑170).
10. "The Crisis of Governance and Public Policy in Advanced Industrial States," in D. Perry (Ed.), Studies in Political Science, Volume 2, No. 7 (40 pp.) Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1979. (Winner of 1979 Redford Outstanding Graduate Paper Award)

1. “Nationalism & Nuclear Weapons: The Clash in Kashmir,” Creighton University Magazine, Winter 2002, pp. 24-27.
2. “Debt and Foreign Aid: Charity or Justice?” Creighton University Magazine, Summer 2001, p. 51.
3. "Space: High Stakes & Hard Questions," Gold and Blue, Spring 1987, pp.7‑9.
4. "Resolving the International Economic Crisis," Rusk Center Briefings, Vol. 11, No. 18 (1982), pp. 19‑24.

Diehl, Paul (Ed.), Politics of Global Governance, (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1997), Perspectives on Political Science , Vol. 27, No. 3, (Summer, 1998): 179-180.

Dogan, M. (Ed.), Pathways to Power: Selecting Rulers in Pluralist Democracies, (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1989), in Perspective, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Summer, 1989): 136‑7.

Haber, Stephen (Ed.), How Latin America Fell Behind, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997), in Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. 27, No. 2, (Spring, 1998): 108-109.

Harcourt, G.C., Controversies in Political Economy, (New York: New York University Press, 1986), in Perspective, Vol. 15, No. 5, (Sept/Oct, 1986).

Loveman, Brian, The Constitution of Tyranny. Regimes of Exception in Spanish America., (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993) in Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. 24, No. 2, (Spring, 1995): 113.

Musicant, I., The Banana Wars: A History of U.S. Military Intervention in Latin America, (New York, MacMillian, 1990) in Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Fall, 1991): 234.

Ridenour, D. and D. Almasi, Nicaragua's Continuing Revolution, (Carrboro, N.C.: Signal Books & National Center for Public Policy Research, 1990) in History: Reviews of New Books, Vol 21., No. 4 (Fall, 1992): 11.

Savoie, D., The Politics of Public Spending in Canada, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990) in Perspectives on Political Science, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Winter, 1991): 55.

Zagare, F., Dynamics of Deterrence, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), in Perspective, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter, 1988): 36.


1. "The Future of French Foreign Policy." Paper presented at a conference on French Politics and Society at the University of Texas at Austin, March, 1978.

2. "Euro-communism and Convergence Theory." Paper presented at the Southwestern Political Science Association annual meeting in Houston, April, 1978.

3. "Theories of the Crises of the State and Public Policy." Paper presented at a conference on Political Economy and Public Policy at the University of Texas at Austin, October, 1978.

4. "The Crisis of Foreign Economic Policy and Postindustrial Politics." Paper presented at the Midwestern Political Science Association annual meeting in Chicago, April, 1979.

5. "Euro-communism and the 1979 European Parliamentary Elections." Paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C., August, 1979.

6. "Interdisciplinary Analysis and Global Policy Studies." Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Philadelphia, March, 1981.

7. "Space Technology and Resources: Politics in the Post-terrestrial Era." Paper presented at the International Studies Association southern regional meeting at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October, 1981.

8. "European Space Programs & Policies." Paper presenter, chairman of two panels and co‑organizer of conference on Outer Space Politics and Policies held at the University of Texas at Austin, April, 1982.

9. "Comparative Judicial Studies: A Research Focus." Paper presented (with Lenore Alpert) at the Midwestern Political Science Association annual meeting in Milwaukee, April, 1982.

10. "British Foreign Policy under Thatcher: Problems & Prospects for the 1980s." Paper presented at the Georgia Political Science Association annual meeting in Savannah, GA, February, 1984.

11. "Culture, Risk, and Public Policies in a Comparative Perspective." Paper presented and panel chairman at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Atlanta, March, 1984.

12. "West‑West Technology Transfer: The Dilemmas of Cooperation and Conflict." Paper presented at a conference on Technology Transfer in the Modern World held at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, April, 1984.

13. "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Technology Policies." Paper presenter and chairman of panel at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C., March, 1985.

14. "High Technology Strategies and Industrial Mobilization." Paper presented at a conference on Industrial Policy and Workplace Reform held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, March, 1985.

15. "American Foreign Policy and Outer Space: Economic and Security Choices." Paper presented at a conference on Outer Space Policies held at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, May, 1985.

16. "Teaching Through International Simulations." Paper presented at International Studies Association Southwestern regional meeting in San Antonio, March, 1986.

17. "Economic Regimes & International Relations." Chairman & Paper presenter at Southwestern Political Science Association meeting in Dallas, March, 1987.

18. "Interdependence & Conventional Arms Transfers." Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C., April, 1987.

19. "Political Change in Western Europe in the 1980s." Paper presented at National Social Science Association regional meeting in Ft. Worth, Texas, October, 1987.

20. "Future of French Political Parties." Paper presented at International Studies Association annual meeting in London, March, 1989.

21. "British Foreign and Defense Policy." Paper presented at the International Studies Association‑Southwest annual meeting in Fort Worth, March 1990.

22. "French Foreign Policy: Looking Toward 1992." Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C., April, 1990.

23. "Technology & Economic Development: Codetermination Strategies by Universities & Business." Paper presented at the Leadership and Business Development Seminar for the Ukrainian Trade Delegation in San Antonio, May, 1990.

24. "The Politics of Assessment: Strategies for Political Science Majors." Paper presented at American Association for Higher Education annual Conference on Assessment in Higher Education in Washington, D.C., June, 1990.

25. "The Politics of Triage and Triads: Diversity and Redundancy in Strategic Arms in the 1990s." Paper presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting in San Francisco, August, 1990.

26. "Japan: A Financial Hegemon?" Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Vancouver, British Colombia, March, 1991.

27. "Arms Transfers to the Middle East." Paper presented at the Southwestern Political Science association meeting in San Antonio, March, 1991.

28. "Japanese Foreign Policy in the Post Cold‑War Order," Paper presented at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in Austin, March, 1992.

29. "Europe in the Post Cold‑War Order," Paper presented at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in Austin, March, 1992.

30. "France & the New Europe," Paper presented at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in New Orleans, March, 1993.

31. "Small States in World Politics: Divided Ireland, " Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Chicago, February, 1995.

32. "Regionalism and Regional Policy in the Post-Cold War Europe." Paper presented at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in Dallas, March, 1995.

33. "The World, United States, and the Transformation of Eastern Europe." Invited keynote paper/address given at international conference on "From Communism to Democracy - Threats and Possibilities" held in Krakow, Poland, June 1995.

34. "The United Nations - A Mid-Life Crisis?" Paper presented at the Southwestern Political Science association meeting in Houston, March, 1996.

35. "High Tech Trade Politics & Policies after the Cold War," Paper presented at the International Studies Association annual meeting in San Diego, April, 1996.

36. "Japanese Foreign Policy and the Global Economy," Paper presented at the Japanese Association of International Relations/International Studies Association special joint meeting in Makuhari, Japan, September, 1996.

37. “French Foreign Policy at the Crossroads,” Paper presented at the European Studies Conference in Omaha, October, 1997.

38. “Globalization and Democracy in the Caribbean: The Dominican Republic and Haiti at Crossroads,” Paper presented at the International Studies Association meeting in Los Angeles, March, 2000.

39. “Globalization, Inequality and Democracy in the Dominican Republic.” Paper presented at the International Studies Association meeting in Chicago, February 2001.

40. “Regionalism and Economic Alliances in the Caribbean,” Paper presented at the International Studies Association meeting in New Orleans, March, 2002.

41. “Globalization and Multinational Corporations,” Paper presented at ISA/ECSA special meeting in Budapest in June, 2003.

42. “Democracy in Haiti: Death by Strangulation or Corruption,” presented at the International Studies Association meeting in Montreal, Canada, March, 2004.

43. “The Continuing Battle of the Titans: the U.S. & Japan in the World Economy,” presented at the International Studies Association meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii in March, 2005.

1. "Social Democracy in Scandinavia." Discussant at the Scandinavian‑American Studies Association meeting in Austin, Texas, May 1977.

2. "Workshop on Social Democracy and Scandinavian Politics." Participant and panel member at two‑week conference sponsored by the Council for European Studies held in Copenhagen, Denmark, August, 1979.

3. "Contemporary American Foreign Policies." Panel discussant at the Midwestern Political Science Association annual meeting in Cincinnati, April, 1981.

4. "Teaching Global Issues." Participant in two‑week workshop sponsored by the Consortium for International Studies Education at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, June, 1981.

5. "Seminar on European Affairs." Participant in weeklong Scholar‑Diplomat program sponsored and held at the United States Department of State in Washington, D.C., October, 1981.

6. "Contemporary British Public Policies." Chairman and discussant for panel at the American Political Science Association annual meeting in Denver, September, 1982.

7. "Les relations entre les pouvoirs locaux en France et en Europe occidentale." Participant in conference held at the Universite de Bordeaux, France, December, 1982.

8. "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Technology Policies." Chairman of panel at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C., March, 1985.

9. "Regional Cooperation for Undergraduate Programs in International Education: A Roundtable." Participant in panel held at Southwestern Political Science Association annual meeting in San Antonio, March, 1986.

10. "EUREKA ‑ The European Reaction to the Technological Challenge of the Strategic Defense Initiative." Discussant on panel held at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Anaheim, CA, March, 1986.

11. "Economic Regimes & International Relations." Chairman of panel at Southwestern Political Science Association meeting in Dallas, March, 1987.

12. "Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy Issues." Chairman & discussant on panel held at Southwestern Political Science Association meeting in Dallas, March, 1987.

13. "Political Economy and International Politics." Chairman of panel at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in Houston, March, 1988.

14. "Roundtable on the 1988 French Presidential Elections." Chairman and participant at International Studies Association annual meeting in St. Louis, March, 1988.

15. "European Community Economic Aid Priorities." Discussant at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Vancouver, British Colombia, March, 1991.

16. "Post ‑ Cold War Politics and International Security." Chairman & discussant on panel held at Southwestern Political Science Association meeting in San Antonio, March, 1991.

17. "International Collaboration in Science and Technology." Chairman on panel held at the American Political Science Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C., August, 1991.

18. "Contemporary Japan," Chairman on panel at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in Austin, March, 1992.

19. "European Politics: Past, Present, and Future," Discussant on panel held at Southwestern Political Science Association meeting in Austin, March, 1992.

20. "Perspectives on the 'New Europe,'" Chairman on panel at the International Studies Association‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in New Orleans, March, 1993.

21. "Irish Foreign Policy,'" Chairman on panel at the American Conference for Irish Studies meeting in Omaha, April, 1994.

22. "Governance, Equity, and the Global Poor." Invited participant in global studies curriculum workshop, Interfaith Hunger Appeal, Atlanta, Georgia, June, 1994.

23. "Advanced Placement in Government & Politics." Paid participant in ETS national grading of essays for American & Comparative Government tests, Clemson, South Carolina, June, 1994.

24. "Nationalism and Regionalism in the Post-Cold War Era." Chairman and discussant of panel at the International Studies Association annual meeting in Chicago, February, 1995.

25. "U.S. Foreign Policy." Discussant on panel at the International Studies Association ‑ Southwestern Regional meeting in Dallas, March, 1995.

26. "European Politics and International Relations." Chair and discussant on panel at the Southwestern Political Science Association meeting in Houston, March, 1996.

27 "Comparative Public Policies in Advanced Industrial States," Chair and discussant at the International Studies Association annual meeting in San Diego, April, 1996.

28. "Asian Perspectives," Discussant at the International Studies Association annual meeting in San Diego, April, 1996.

29. "Advanced Placement in Government & Politics." Paid participant in ETS national grading of essays for American & Comparative Government tests, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, June, 1996.

30. "Clinton's Asian Policy," Discussant on panel at the Japanese Association of International Relations/International Studies Association special joint meeting in Makuhari, Japan, September, 1996.

31. “East Asian Security,” Discussant on panel at the International Studies Association meeting in Toronto, Canada, March, 1997.

32. “Comparative Perspectives on Revolution and Radical Change.” Discussant on panel at the International Studies Association meeting in Toronto, Canada, March, 1997.

33. “The Fragile Society: Comparative Studies of Democracy at Risk,” Chair and Discussant on panel at the International Studies Association meeting in Minneapolis, March, 1998.

34. “Latin America & Economic Integration,” Chair on panel at the International Studies Association meeting in Los Angeles, March, 2000.

35. Service Learning Conference held at University of Notre Dame, November 2000. Faculty participant.

36. “Justice, Inequality, and Poverty: New Approaches.” Discussant on panel at International Studies Association meeting in Chicago, February 2001.

37. “Domestic Politics of Regionalism in Comparative Perspective.” Discussant on panel at International Studies Association meeting in New Orleans, March 2002.

38. “Corporate Global Governance.” Panel chair at International Studies Association /ECSA special meeting in Budapest in June, 2003.

39. “Transnational Issues in Political Economy.” Panel discussant at International Studies Association /ECSA special meeting in Budapest in June, 2003.

40. “Teaching Strategies in Service Learning Classes.” Panel chair at Midwest Consortium for Service Learning in High Education Conference in Omaha, April, 2005.

41. "Progressive Global Considerations of Caribbean Trade." Panel chair at Global Studies Conference in Omaha, October, 2005.

Allyn & Bacon

American Review of Politics

American Political Science Review

Journal of Politics

Longman Press

Perspectives on Political Science

Policy Studies Journal

Policy Studies Review

Social Science Quarterly

St. Martin's Press

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

West Educational Publishing

Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha, Social Justice Advisory Board, Chair- Space for Peace Committee, 2004-present

United Way of the Midlands, Campus Campaign Chair, 2004-2005

Little Brothers/Sisters of the Elderly, Christmas Dinner Committee, 2001-present

Ignatian Associates –member of a group of laypersons dedicated to the study and service of the ministries of the Society of Jesus. Group assists in programs at Creighton Prep HS & Jesuit Middle School, Computers for Africa, etc. (Since 1999)

Fr. John Schlegel, SJ, President, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178

(Tele: 402-280-2770) Email: jpschlegel@creighton.edu

Dr. Steven Baker, President, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA 93940

(Tele: 831-647-4102) Email: president@miis.edu
Dr. Charles Cotrell, President, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX 78228

(Tele: 210-436-3011) Email: ccotrell@stmarytx.edu

Dr. Guy Poitras, Professor, Department of Political Science, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX 76248

(Tele: 210-999-8345) Email: gpoitras@trinity.edu

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