Publications and communications

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Member (since 1997) of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Studies in International Education edited quarterly by the Association for Studies in International Education (ASIE, a grouping of major players in the field worldwide) and published by SAGE Publications, London, UK.

Government Policies in Lifelong Learning at the Higher Education Level in Response to Diverse Student Needs in Europe, report for the Council of Europe presented on 27 May 1999 in Bornholm, Denmark. An updated version was presented at the closing conference for the project at the Sorbonne in Paris, on 20 November 2001.
Trends and Issues in Learning Structures in Higher Education in Europe, main background report for the meeting of Ministers and higher education representatives, Bologna, 18-19 June 1999. The report was produced for the Confederation of EU Rectors’ Conferences with support from the European Commission. It was published in English and French and translated in several other languages. It was widely disseminated throughout Europe to universities, higher education organisations, governments and international organisations. It has been the main subject of numerous presentations, seminars and conferences of all types.

Visions of a European Future: Bologna and beyond, keynote address at the opening plenary of the Annual Conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), Maastricht, 2-4 December 1999.

The entrepreneurial university in the European Higher Education Area, IMHE/OECD Conference, Paris, 12-13 September 2000. Published by OECD together with CD-Rom on conference proceedings.

Convergence in European Higher Education, presentation at the Symposium of the European Academy of Science and Arts, Brussels, 24-25 November 2000. Published in Which European University for the 21st Century?, proceedings book edited by Raoul Weiler and published by Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Germany, 2001.
Trends and Issues in Learning Structures in Higher Education in Europe (II): Survey of Change/Reforms from Bologna to Prague, prepared for the Salamanca Convention of European Higher education Institutions (March 2001) and the meeting of European Ministers of Education in Prague (May 2001). This report was again widely disseminated to universities, higher education organisations, governments and international organisations and was introduced and discussed in many seminars and conferences. Internet:
Interview in Le Monde dated 29 May 2001 after the meeting of European Ministers in charge of higher education in Prague on 18-19 May 2001, “Personne ne pensait que la convergence universitaire irait si loin en si peu de temps” (by Antoine Reverchon, journalist).
L’employabilité en Europe, dimension clé du processus de convergence vers un espace universitaire européen, in Politiques d’Education et de Formation (POLEF), Paris, September 2001 (Special issue dedicated to the theme “Université et professionalisation”).
Funding Gaps at European Higher Education Institutions, presentation and roundtable discussion at the closing plenary of the Annual Conference of the DGBV (German Association of Education Administrators) on “Neue Verantwortlichkeiten im Bildunswesen: Rückzug vom Staat?” (New responsibilities in education: withdrawal of the State ?), Esslingen, Germany, 30 November 2002.

Open and Distance Learning Universities in the Europe of Knowledge, keynote address delivered to the Conference of European Open Universities as part of the programme of the Greek Presidency of the EU, Athens, 2-3 May 2003.

El nuevo marco europeo: sistemas diversos, objectivos comunes, contribution to the roundtable “From national to European Universities” organised by the UNESCO Chair on University Policy and Management of the Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 8 May 2003.
Lo "Spazio europeo dell' istruzione superiore" (The emerging European higher education area), in Quaderno 3 dell' Associazione TreeLLLe, "Università italiana, università europea ?", pp. 19-26, Genova, Italy, September 2003.
Coherence in higher education and the European labour market, Chapter X of the book “Balancing the skills equation: key issues and challenges for policy and practice” edited by Geoff Hayward and Susan James (Dept of Education Studies, University of Oxford), published by The Policy Press, University of Bristol, UK, October 2004.
Hacia un espacio universitario comun: para Europa y europeos, Special issue of the Spanish student magazine EUROCAMPUS for the 20th anniversary of Spain’s membership in the EU, number 107 bis, January 2006.
Education & Training 2010: are Europe’s universities on track? Keynote address given at the ACA Conference on “The Future of University” in Vienna on 1 December 2005, published in FORUM (Summer 2006, Vol.8, n°2) by the European Association for International Education (EAIE), Amsterdam.
Herausforderungen für die europäische Schul- und Hochschulbildung, Chapter in the book Bildungspolitik im Wandel, Frankreich Jahrbuch 2005, edited by Deutsch-Französiches Institut (DFI), published by VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, January 2006.
Quality Assurance/Accreditation in the Emerging European Higher Education Area: a possible scenario for the future, in European Journal of Education (Research, Development and Policies), Volume 38, Number 3, September 2003. This article is seen as a milestone for quality assurance/accreditation in Europe by many experts and policy makers. It has been widely disseminated and used in discussions all over Europe.
La garantie de la qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur: une perspective européenne, Annual colloquium of the Conference of the Presidents of French Universities (CPU), Lyon, 17-18 March 2005 (Conference Proceddings published by the CPU).
El papel de las agencias de calidad en el ambito internacional, II Foro ANECA, 13 April 2005, published by ANECA, Madrid, September 2005
Qualitätssicherung/Akkreditierung im europäischen Hochschulraum, Chapter in the book "Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre", Raabe Verlag, Berlin, March 2006.


Enseignement supérieur européen: visibilité mondiale ?, presentation at the 15th "Semaine Européenne", Ecole Centrale Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, 27-31 January 1992.

The international role of higher education: intensifying cooperation with non-EC countries (with special reference to cooperation with the USA), presentation at the "Forum on mobility in Europe", Salon Européen de l'Etudiant, Brussels 25-27 March 1992 (published in the Forum proceedings).
Foreign policy and international educational exchange: a European perspective, presentation at the 45th Annual Conference of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, San Francisco, 30 May-2 June 1993.
Enrolment soars in Europe: dramatic growth brings overcrowding and concern over academic quality, article by Burton Bollag in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 7 September 1994 (interview; 3 quotations).
Enhancing the internationalisation of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) programme, presentation at the 49th CIEE Conference, Monterey, California, November 1996.
From ERASMUS to SOCRATES: new trends in inter-university cooperation and mobility in Europe, Research Journal of the Institute for Democratic Education (IDE), n° 388 and 389, Tokyo, 1997. A summary of this article was published in the Newsletter of CIEE Japan, Tokyo (n° 7, winter 1996-97).
Towards a global workforce: the role of international education, presentation at the Conference on New Directions in International Education, University of Westminster, London, June 1997.
Introduction to the theme of transnational education, response to Prof. Sergio Machado, Conference of the Directors General for Higher Education and the Heads of Rectors’ Conferences of the European Union, Aveiro, Portugal, 3-4 April 2000.
Latin American – European convergence in higher education, COLUMBUS Seminars, Florianopolis, Santa Catalina, Brazil, 24-25 August 2000 and Turin, Italy, 20 November 2001.
European Convergence in Higher Education and Commonwealth Universities, presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), Limassol, Cyprus, 29-30 April 2001. Published in the ACU Newsletter, summer 2001.
New perspectives in the Europe-Asia dialogue of universities, keynote presentation at the joint EUA-AUAP Conference, Bangkok, 29-31 July 2001.
Convergence in higher education in and between Europe and Latin America, presentation at the OECD Conference “Winds of Change in Latin America’s higher education”, UNAM University, Mexico City, 8-9 October 2001.
Invited speaker and panellist, Roundtable on the competitiveness of European universities in the world organised as part of the 14th National Forum on Socrates-Leonardo Exchanges, University of Lyon, France, 20 May 2003.
Cooperation and competition in European higher education, presentation at the Seminar on The Future of European Universities organised by AEROPAEVM (a cluster of 8 leading research universities led by Oxford) at the University of Bonn, Germany, 20-21 June 2003.
European universities: curricular renovation and structural change for enhanced competitiveness, lecture given at a special training session organised by the IDES Training Centre on behalf of the Rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, 10 November 2003.
European Universities: better partners for their Latin American counterparts?, presentation and roundtable at the Joint Columbus/Ceneval Conference on priorities for cooperation within the planned EU-ALC higher education space, Mérida, Mexico, 1-2 March 2004.
A response to the CHEPS scenarios on Higher Education and research in 2020, Chapter 10 in the book The European Higher Education and Research Landscape 2020: scenarios and strategic debates, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), Enschede (NL), 2005.
Reformas universitarias en Europa en el contexto del Proceso de Bolonia: retos con oportunidades, introductory chapter to the book «Lanzamiento de un proyecto universitario latinoamericano: proyecto 6x4 UEALC», published by the Centro Nacional de Evaluacion para la Educacion Superior (CENEVAL), Mexico City, 2005.


ERASMUS short guide for universities, prepared for, and published by the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 1988.

Report on the experience acquired in the application of the ERASMUS programme (1987-1989), an interim evaluation of the ERASMUS programme prepared for, and published by the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 1989.
EC Programmes in Higher Education: How They Work, in "Campus Update" (August 1991) published by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), New York.
EC Programmes in Higher Education: An Overview, presentation at the 45th Annual Conference of the CIEE, Berlin, 3-5 November 1992.
Expanded Exchanges in the European Union, interview by Burton Bollag in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 25 May 1994 (interview).
Entstehung und Motive der Netzwerkförderung in den Programmen der Europäischen Union, presentation at the colloquium on university networks organized by the German Academic Exchanges Services (DAAD), Karlsruhe, 17-18 November 1994 (proceedings published in a book under the title Netzwerke/Networks/Réseaux, DAAD, April 1995).
ERASMUS: l’Europe de l’éducation reste à construire, article of La Lettre de l’Etudiant, n° 377, 11 November 1996 (interview).
Entering a new era of multilateral cooperation in higher education in Europe: ERASMUS re-visited by SOCRATES, Ryugaku Koryu (International Educational Exchange), n° 11, Tokyo, November 1996 (special issue on multilateral exchanges of the monthly newsletter of the Association of International Education Japan, AIEJ).


TEMPUS, un nouveau programme de coopération universitaire entre la CEE et les Pays de l'Est, presentation at the conference "L'Europe des Etudes", Lille, 14-16 March 1990 (proceedings published by the Université Catholique de Lille).

East-West cooperation in higher education: the TEMPUS programme, in "SEFI-News" n°34, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Brussels, 1990.
University-industry cooperation in a trans-European perspective, presentation at the annual meeting of the BUSINET network of non-university business schools, Athens, 27-29 October 1990; summary published in "BUSINET News", Brussels, December 1990.
Restructuring higher Education in Central/Eastern Europe: what can be learnt from Western experience?, presentation at the Workshop on Central/Eastern European higher education, Rixensart/Brussels, 3-5 May 1992.
Issues concerning cooperation with Central/Eastern Europe, panel chaired at the joined 45th Annual Conference of the CIEE and 4th Annual Conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), Berlin, 3-5 November 1992.
Programmes for international cooperation with Central/Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: achievements, shortcomings, future needs and perspectives, international seminar organised by ACA and IREX, Helsinki, 13-15 October 1994; chaired panel covering the four Visegrad countries.
Leonardo and Socrates invite East Europeans, article in the World Times (edited in Boston), December 1995.
Regional cooperation in higher education, General Report on the joint conference organised by the Council of Europe and the Nordic Council of Ministers in Reykjavik, September 1997, prepared for, and published by the Council of Europe, document DECS-HE 98-26, March 1998. Published in 1998 as part of the Joint Council of Europe/Nordic Council of Ministers book on regional cooperation in Europe.
Arctic and circumpolar trans-regional networks in education, panel chaired at the 50th Annual Conference of NAFSA, Washington, 24-29 May 1998.
The role of the Franco-German University-without-walls in the new European context, presentation at the Forum on France-Germany exchanges, 24-25 October 2003.


The proposed EC-US pilot scheme in higher education: a European perspective, presentation at the 44th Annual Conference of CIEE, Boulder, Colorado, 3-5 November 1991.

US-European relations in business education: need to learn about/from each other, presentation at the 44th Annual Conference of NAFSA, Chicago, 24-27 May 1992.
Student mobility between Europe and the US, European Journal of Education, Thematic issue on student mobility, Volume 31, n° 2, June 1996.
New directions in transatlantic cooperation, session chaired at the joint CIEE-EAIE Annual Conferences, Barcelona, 18-22 November 1997.
Student mobility between the US and the Europe region, presentation at the 50th Annual Conference of NAFSA, Washington, 24-29 May 1998. Published in the autumn of 1998 by the EAIE in an Occasional Paper on 50 Years of Transatlantic cooperation.
National exchange agencies in the process towards a European space for higher education, presentation at the joint IIE/DAAD Symposium on “The future of sponsored exchanges in an increasingly mobile academy”, New York City, 20-21 January 2000.

Euromanagers: una perspectiva europea, in "Revista de las faculdades de derecho y ciencias economicas y empresariales", ICADE, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, 1987.
L'international dans les Grandes Ecoles de management françaises, in "Medien im Fachsprachenunterricht" published by Goethe Institut and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Paris, 1990.
The US Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBERs), in "Forum" n° 91/3, European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), Brussels, 1991.
Nouvelles initiatives en Europe et aux USA intéressant les formations françaises au management, presentation at the 5th annual meeting of the French National Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE), Nice, 3-4 December 1992.
European Business Education: the Need to Shift from Europeanisation to Internationalisation, presentation at the 5th Annual Conference of the EAIE, The Hague, Netherlands, 2-3 December 1993.

Ouvrons l’Europe de l’Education, interview publiée dans la revue “Ouvertures”, Revue des Relations Ecoles-Universités-Entreprises, hiver 2000, Groupe ESSEC, Cergy-Pontoise, France


Mutual recognition of degrees and professional qualifications (in the field of engineering), with F. Dalichow and G. Van der Perre, in "Engineering education in Europe (SEFI Guide)", book published by the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Brussels, 1990.

Survey of academic recognition within the framework of Inter-university Cooperation Programmes in the field of Mechanical Engineering, with H. Risvig Henriksen, in "SEFI Cahiers", ERASMUS Monographs n°5, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Brussels, 1991.
The impact of the Bologna Declaration on Engineering Education in Europe, keynote address delivered at the final plenary session of the Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Paris, September 2000.
Engineering Education in the Europe of Knowledge: aggiornamento to a new age, keynote address to the Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Porto, September 2003.


Coping with different grading systems, panel chaired at the 3rd Annual Conference of the EAIE, Montpellier, 5-7 December 1991.

Highlights on credit transfer and transcripts in Europe, presentation at the 45th Annual Conference of NAFSA, San Francisco, 30 May-2 June 1993.
Interpreting foreign grades: capturing the message conveyed by grades, World Education News & Reviews, Volume 10, Number 2, spring 1997, World Education Services, New York. This article was also presented at a panel session on « Grades from Study Abroad » at the EAIE Annual Conference, Barcelona, November 1997.

(Updated April 2006)

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