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Nr. 397 - 04 Sep. 2012 - 1) Lab Opening

05 Sep. 2012 - 2) Expert Lecture Prof Muller

06 Sep. 2012 - 3) Vet faculty day

06 Sep. 2012 - 4) IT Ethics Launch

11 Sep. 2012 - 5) TV Carol Nonkwelo

13 Sep. 2012 - 6) Tech launch

17 Sep. 2012 - 7) CE@UP Urology MOU

Nr. 396 - 2012 - 1) Prof Elsabe Loots – Dean EMS

Nr. 395 - 12 Sep. 2012 - 1) Lentedag

Nr. 394 - 2012 - 1) Ronel Rensburg, Jolanda Roux, Wouter van

Hoven, Estelle de Beer, Mavis Mulaudzi,

Karin Barac

Nr. 393 - 28 Oct. 2012 - 1) Brass band

30 Oct. 2012 - 2) Mamelodi Bus School Mentorship

02 Nov. 2012 - 3) Ing III

Nr. 392 - 21 Sep. 2012 - 1) Joseph Clark with UPSO

25 Sep. 2012 - 2) NECSA MOU

27 Sep. 2012 - 3) ANSIE congress

05 Oct. 2012 - 4) Space Science Colloquium

Nr. 391 - 05 Oct. 2012 - 1) Fitness Friday

Nr. 390 - 05 Oct. 2012 - 1) Groenkloof en Medies Kampus

19 Oct. 2012 - 2) Regter Eloff

22 Oct. 2012 - 3) Secretary Day

23 Oct. 2012 - 4) Genomics Launch

Nr. 389 - 16 Nov. 2012 - 1) Laureate Winners

Nr. 388 - 12 Oct. 2012 - 1) Oldest Tukkie 100 years

16 Oct. 2012 - 2) Alumni Breakfast C Heyns

Nr. 387 - 12 Oct, 2012 - 1) International Day

Nr. 386 - 25 Aug. 2012 - 1) Dell foundation students

Nr. 385 - 20 Oct. 2012 - 1) Prof Mike Wingfield

15 Nov. 2012 - 2) Electrical Engineer’s projects

21 Nov. 2012 - 3) Robotics lecture

26 Nov. 2012 - 4) Law Dean

29 Nov. 2012 - 5) Sec Awards

05 Dec. 2012 - 6) Prof Brenda Wingfield

Nr. 384 - 06 Sep. 2012 - 1) Tuks bursaries

11 Sep. 2012 - 2) Public lecture

13 Sep. 2012 - 3) Xmas Card

19 Sep. 2012 - 4) WWF Mapungubwe

19 Sep. 2012 - 5) Ing Group

20 Sep. 2012 - 6) CSIR MOU

Nr. 383 - 16 Oct. 2012 - 1) Aula Thank You function

31 Oct. 2012 - 2) Expert Lecture Prof Pepper

01 Nov. 2012 - 3) Coertse and Rupert

01 Nov. 2012 - 4) Agriculture Human Rights Lecture

12 Nov. 2012 - 5) Research Report

13 Nov. 2012 - 6) NRF Centres of Excellence workshop

13 Nov. 2012 - 7) Ing III

Nr. 382 - 16 Nov. 2012 - 1) Laureate Awards

20 Nov. 2012 - 2) Aula Thank you

Nr. 381 - 10 Dec. 2012 - 1) CHR LLM

11 Dec. 2012 - 2) PIRLS presentation

Nr. 380 - 28 Jul. 2012 - 1) Mandela Day

Nr. 379 - 24 Jul. 2012 - 1) Prof Ogude’s farewell breakfast

Nr. 378 - 30 May 2012 - 1) Economics Awards

04 Jun. 2012 - 2) Min Manual

04 Jun. 2012 - 3) ATKV Pryse

05 Jun. 2012 - 4) Trophies

06 Jun. 2012 - 5) Sasol Chair Launch

08 Jun. 2012 - 6) Alumni breakfast

Nr. 377 - 17 Aug. 2012 - 1) EMS Dean

20 Aug. 2012 - 2) Biokinetics twins

20 Aug. 2012 - 3) Winter School

23 Aug. 2012 - 4) Olympians dinner

29 Aug. 2012 - 5) GMS Book Launch

Nr. 376 - 06 Aug. 2012 - 1) Leo Haese Beurse

12 Aug. 2012 - 2) Die Skip

16 Aug. 2012 - 3) EMS Deans Award

16 Aug. 2012 - 4) Eduction Deans Award

17 Aug. 2012 - 5) Alumni Breakfast

Nr. 375 - 23 Aug. 2012 - 1) JT grade 11 day

27 Aug. 2012 - 2) Sec Certificate

31 Aug. 2012 - 3) Law Min of Defence

05 Sep. 2012 - 4) Hon Dr Lee

Nr. 374 - 23 Jul. 2012 - 1) Google Launch

Nr. 373 - 22 May 2012 - 1) Annual Review students

Nr. 372 - 22 May 2012 - 1) Annual Review portraits

Nr. 371 - 23 May 2012 - 1) Tuks 2025

Nr. 370 - 19 May 2012 - 1) Opedag

12 Jun. 2012 - 2) Mimi birthday

Nr. 269 - 23 Apr. 2012 - 1) Scholarship Fund

Nr. 368 - 29&30 Aug 12 - 1) Aula Opening concerts

Nr. 367 - 06 Jun. 2012 - 1) Sasol chair launch

13 Jun. 2012 - 2) Cen Fu Launch

18 Jun. 2012 - 3) EBW Tax Function

19 Jun. 2012 - 4) health brochure

20 Jun. 2012 - 5) Launch Exxaro chair

Nr. 366 - 19 May 2012 - 1) Open day

Nr. 365 - 09 Apr. 2012 - 1) Tuks Varsity cup finals

Nr. 364 - 18 Apr. 2012 - 1) Tuks EBW

18 Apr. 2012 - 2) Jan Verschoor

18 Apr. 2012 - 3) MEC Masters degree

19 Apr. 2012 - 4) Thuto building opening

23 Apr. 2012 - 5) Prof Maxine Schoeman

23 Apr. 2012 - 6) Varsity cup Victory dinner

23 Apr. 2012 - 7) History Awards

23 Apr. 2012 - 8) Sasol lab function

24 Apr. 2012 - 9) Tuks Graad Mej SA

Nr. 363 - 11 May 2012 - 1) Prof Duncan

11 May 2012 - 2) Dr Madiba

12 May 2012 - 3) Canta Tuks

Nr. 362 - 24 Apr. 2012 - 1) Plantkunde

24 Apr. 2012 - 2) Build science awards

25 Apr. 2012 - 3) MOU Department of Communication

25 Apr. 2012 - 4) Achiever awards

26 Apr. 2012 - 5) HPC 10 years

03 May 2012 - 6) Mimi Coertse skildery

09 May 2012 - 7) Mimi se rok

Nr. 361 - 26 Mar. 2012 - 1) Thuto Building

27 Mar. 2012 - 2) SRC swearing in

28 Mar. 2012 - 3) OP Koshuis

30 Mar. 2012 - 4) International law

Nr. 360 - 02 Apr. 2012 - 1) EBW portraits

04 Apr. 2012 - 2) Min of Health for tox students

Nr. 359 - 2012 - 1) Academic Achievers

Nr. 358 - 2012 - 1) Academic Achievers

Nr. 357 - 2012 - 1) Academic Achievers

Nr. 356 - 03 Feb. 2012 - 1) Prof Burton

06 Feb. 2012 - 2) Varsity Cup UJ

14 Feb. 2012 - 3) S2A3>

20 Feb. 2012 - 4) Benches for the Disabled

21 Feb. 2012 - 5) Xstrata unveiling of plaque

22 Feb. 2012 - 6) Opening OP Res

22 Feb. 2012 - 7) Cindy Haper

23 Feb. 2012 - 8) Annelien Kriel Lunch

29 Feb. 2012 - 9) Heyneke Meyer

01 Mar. 2012 - 10) Johan Taylor

09 Mar. 2012 - 11) Die tukkie

Nr. 355 - 2012 - 1) Ms Patricia Mushungwa

Nr. 354 - 23 Feb. 2012 - 1) Rag Queen

15 Mar. 2012 - 2) Alumni breakfast Johan van Zyl

15 Mar. 2012 - 3) Art Leo Haese Sponser

19 Mar. 2012 - 4) Onderstepoort tjek oorhandiging

20 Mar. 2012 - 5) Global Agenda Social Work

21 Mar. 2012 - 6) Studiekamer

Nr. 353 2012 - 1) Prof Korsten Mushroom

2012 - 2) Ned Donkin

2012 - 1) Mamelodi school

Nr. 352 - 2012 - 1) Student Registration

2012 - 2) Rag

Nr. 351 - 2012 - 1) Academic achievers

Nr. 350 - 09 Dec. 2011 - 1) LLM CHR

26 Jan. 2012 - 2) International law

01 Feb. 2012 - 3) OP Res

Nr. 349 - 22 Nov. 2011 - 1) Sec awards

23 Nov. 2011 - 2) Sentech

24 Nov. 2011 - 3) RBI Mamelodi Business clinic

25 Nov. 2011 - 4) IRT Inaugural meeting

28 Nov. 2011 - 5) Main enterance

Nr. 348 - 25 Nov. 2011 - 1) IRT Inauguration

08 Dec. 2011 - 2) Health Declaration ceremony

09 Dec. 2011 - 3) Law Moot

Nr. 347 - 12 Jan. 2012 - 1) Mamelodi’s got talent

17 Jan. 2012 - 2) Opening plant Science Building

28 Jan. 2012 - 3) Verwelkomingsdag

10 Feb. 2012 4) CHR LLd

Nr. 346 - 12 Nov. 2011 - 1) Op Renoster kongres

14 Nov. 2011 - 2) Library opening

14 Nov. 2011 - 3) Berger

14 Nov. 2011 - 4) Sakkie Badenhorst

17 Nov. 2011 - 5) OP awards

17 Nov. 2011 - 6) Malaria centre launch

Nr. 345 - 3 Nov. 2011 - 1) New Building

Nr. 344 - 25 Okt. 2011 - 1) FABI gebou

26 Okt. 2011 - 2) IT launch

27 Okt. 2011 - 3) Vicror Pretorius memorial lecture

28 Okt. 2011 - 4) Art Gala evening

01 Nov. 2011 - 5) Expert Lecture

03 Nov. 2011 - 6) EBIT posters

04 Nov. 2011 - 7) CEFIM awards

Nr. 343 - 08 Nov. 2011 - 1) Library study centre

10 Nov. 2011 - 2) Students and buildings

10 Nov. 2011 - 3) Edu Booklaunch

11 Nov. 2011 - 4) Laureaat Toekenning

Nr. 342 - 14 Okt. 2011 - 1) CE@UP truck

14 Okt. 2011 - 2) International day

27 Okt. 2011 - 3) Library OA

27 Okt. 2011 - 4) Victor Pretorius memorial leture

28 Okt. 2011 - 5) JT Tuks FM

Nr. 341 - 29 Sep. 2011 - 1) Research Report II

29 Sep. 2011 - 2) Res beads

29 Sep. 2011 - 3) Mamelodi photography exhibition

13 Okt. 2011 - 4) Pres Zuma lecture

17 Okt. 2011 - 5) Research report IIB

20 Okt. 2011 - 6) IT projekte

21 Okt. 2011 - 7) CAAC fitness trail

26 Okt. 2011 - 8) Malaria team

Nr. 340 - 04 Okt. 2011 - 1) Fitness trail

Nr. 339 - 09 Okt. 2011 - 1) Erin Burger

13 Okt. 2011 - 2) Art Billboard

14 Okt. 2011 - 3) Concert

22 Okt. 2011 - 4) Visse

23 Okt. 2011 - 5) Fitness Trail

Nr. 338 - 02 Okt. 2011 - 1) 4Choirs

03 Okt. 2011 - 2) Nerina

04 Okt. 2011 - 3) Fitness trail launch

11 Okt. 2011 - 4) Jane Morris

Nr. 337 - 02 Okt. 2011 - 1) JT Grade 12

11 Okt. 2011 - 2) Library Billboard

14 Okt. 2011 - 3) Lente Seminaar

Nr. 336 - 27 Sep. 2011 - 1) Inovate Ing 3 Lesinglokale

28 Sep. 2011 - 2) Laureaat

29 Sep. 2011 - 3) HODs Law

Nr. 335 - 05 Sep. 2011 - 1) Tuks Hon Dr PJM Essed

08 Sep. 2011 - 2) Kanseliers Med Sandra Prinsloo

14 Sep. 2011 - 3) Com Eng Mamelodi

22 Sep. 2011 - 4) Orange Cruyff Court Opening

23 Sep. 2011 - 5) Aardklop Drama students

Nr. 334 – 25 Aug. 2011 - 1) New Engineering Building (geen persone)

Nr. 333 - 25 Aug. 2011 - 1) Christo Coetzee Kuns

  1. Launch Responsible Leadership Centre (Albert Luthuli)

  2. Wannabee Manager

  3. Atlete

  4. Law Conference

  5. Argentine Delegation at HPC

  6. Prof. Howie lecture

  7. Prof. Vil Nkomo farewell

  8. Tukkievaria

Nr. 332 - 25 Aug. 2011 - 1) JT Empowerment week

  1. Prof. De la Rey

  2. Prof. Dreyer

  3. New Engineering Building

  4. Afskeid

  5. Mandela day Sponsor

Nr. 331 - 21 Jul. 2011 - 1) Tuks Annual Report 2010

  1. EDU-gebouetoer

  2. African Moot Court Competition

Nr. 330 - 21 Jul. 2011 - 1) Comrades Athletes

  1. Min. Pandor

  2. Prof. Burton

  3. Van der Bijl Lesing

  4. Theology Agreement UP – Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa

  5. Inovate – Gloeilampe

Nr. 329 - 21 Jul. 2011 - 1) Ach Awards Function

  1. Wheelchair Tennis

  2. Sodturning (Sooispit Ingenieurs 3?)

  3. ExpLecture

  4. Tukkievaria Portraits

  5. ComEng Concert Prison

  6. Ovuwa Choir

Nr. 328 - 21 Jul. 2011 - 1) Genetics Billboard

Nr. 327 - 16 Mei 2011 - 1) Kennedy Memorial Lecture

  1. MOU

  2. Tukkie Varia (Proff. Egmund Rowher, S.Hendricks, dr. Q. Kritzinger, mev. M. Schutte, prof. Sheryl Hendricks

  3. Tuksres Opening of building – University Housing Officers International (Prof. Roelf Visser, Norb Dunkel,

  4. Law hats

  5. Varsity Cup Final

Nr. 326 - 16 Mei 2011 - 1) Expert Lecture – Stella Nkomo (Faculty

of Economic and Management Sciences

  1. Tukkie Varia (Prof. Maria Mercetti-Mercer, dr. Naushad Emmambux)

  2. Ach Awards Function

  3. Wheelchair Tennis

Nr. 325 - 15 Apr. 2011 - 1) EBW Portraits (Prof. K. Koornhof, J.


  1. EBW Prius oorhandiging

  2. Research Report

  3. Moot Court

  4. EBW Koornhof afskeid

  5. Boukunde

  6. Inclusive Banking

  7. Law Awards

  8. Prof. Slabber

Nr. 324 - 15 Apr. 2011 - 1) Hammanskraal

Nr. 323 - 2010 - 1) Bettie Cilliers-Barnard Uitstalling

Nr. 322 - 28 Mrt. 2011 - 1) Researchers (Proff. Johan Joubert, Fransjohan Pretorius, Wimpie Odendaal, E.N. l’Abbe, Riel Franzen, Mabub Alam, Rashid Hassan, Carien Lubbe, Nigel Bennett, Marthan Bester, Paulette Bloomer, André Borraine, Riana Bornman, Paxie Chirwa, Steve Cornelius, Ian Craig, I. Curcowski, C. de Jager, C. de Villiers, Johan Engelbrecht, C. Fombad, G. Fosgate, A. Ganswindt, Anrie Garbers-Craig, Rachelle Gauton, Diane Grayson, Jaco Greeff, Anna Harding, Christof Heyns, Stephan Heyns, Ivan Horak, Andre Horn, Sarah Howie, Andre Jordaan, Ferran Jori, Johan Joubert, Lise Korsten, Jurie le Roux, Simon Lotz, Johan Malherbe, N. Manyala, David Maree, Jacobus Maree, Anita Michel, J. Mojalefe, Stelle Nkomo, Marinda Oosthuizen, S. Raktianski, M. Rouget, Emma Steenkamp, Paul Sumner, Chris Thronhill, Noelani van der Berg, Jacqui van der Waals, Jeanne van Eeden, Albert Wocke, Ernst Wolff

  1. SPMA (International Conference on Public Administration)

  2. Opening Dentistry Building

Nr. 321 - 28 Mrt. 2011 - 1) Translators

  1. Library (Mimi Coertse,

  2. Studente op kampus

  3. JCP module

  4. Old Arts Clockwork

Nr. 320 - 28 Mrt. 2011 - 1) MOU Gijima

  1. Alumni Mayor

  2. Law Career Day

  3. Library

Nr. 319 - 28 Mrt. 2011 - 1) Rag Queen Crowning

  1. Finance MEC Gauteng

  2. Research S2A3

Nr. 318 - 28 Mrt. 2011 - 1) Tuks Labs Generic

Nr. 317 - 1 Mrt. 2011 - 1) Com Engagement

  1. Laureaat Funksie

  2. EBW Ramos

  3. Malaysian MOU

  4. Principals Function (Proff. C. Koornhoff, A. Melck, K.L. Harris, Christa North)

Nr. 316 - 1 Mrt. 2011 - 1) South Korea University

  1. Mej. Steyn Legacy

  2. Bordeaux (Proff. Sandra Klopper, A. Melck)

  3. Verwelkomingsdag

  4. Building Projects

  5. Car prize draw

  6. Academic opening and Birthday

Nr. 315 - 1 Mrt. 2011 - 1) Tuks Junior Tukkie

Nr. 314 - 5 Nov. 2010 - 1) Law Clinic 30

Nr. 313 - 8 Nov. 2010 - 1) Yadavari & Adetunji

  1. Cheyna Tucker (Muurbal)

  2. Xpert L Heyns (Proff. Christof Heyns, Henk Potgieter)

  3. Arabic Cultural Week

  4. Arts Gala Dinner (Prof. Duffey, Prof. Melck, Sian Tiley

  5. Belgian Minister (Proff. Maxie Schoeman, Sandra Klopper)

Nr. 312 - 5 Nov. 2010 - 1) Groenkloofkoor launch (Corrie Schumann)

  1. Comm Eng. SAPS Paint

  2. Indian Delegation

  3. Carlton Beker

  4. Grade 11 Open Day (Brumilda van Rensburg)

  5. Lecture – Prof. Crewe (Prof. Flip Smit)

  6. Chinese Delegation

  7. Sven

  8. Alumni Breakfast – Jack van der Merwe

Robert Jordaan, Ben Rood, Adelle Johnstone (Netcare) Wynand Claassen, Kobus Prinsloo, Jandre Bornman Lourens Coetzer, Carine Puckrin, Sonto Nkaiseng (Old Mutual)

Nr. 311 - 13 Sept. 2010 - 1) Tukkievaria

  1. Unveiling Jet (Prof. Anton Stroh, Deon Herbst)

  2. Old Arts 100 (Prof. Duffey, Fransjohan Pretorius, Johann Kriek, Andre Breedt, Ria van der Merwe, Bronwyn Strydom)

  3. Pearl Mosoane

  4. Women’s day

  5. SAPS paint (Dieselfde foto’s as op Nr 312 nr. 2)

  6. GIBS team

  7. Venda University

Nr. 310 - 27 Aug. 2010 - 1) Secretary Day

  1. Strategic plan (Prof. Nick Binedell)

  2. Rhodes Scholars

  3. International Day (Proff. Lazenby, Crewe, Mr Edwin Smith)

  4. Int. Rel. Min. (Prof. Maxi Schoeman)

  5. Lentekonferensie (Neeltje Celliers, Coenie de Villiers)

  6. Lawclinic Building

  7. Open Access Lecture (Elsabe Olivier)

Nr. 309 - 27 Aug. 2010 - 1) Roy Bahl (Prof. K. Koornhof)

  1. Opedag

  2. Dentistry scanner

  3. Managers

  4. Prof. Melck

  5. Prof. Ogude

Nr. 308 - 27 Aug. 2010 - 1) Amanda Maswanganye

  1. Soccer Exhibition

  2. Cairo (Dieselfde foto’s as Nr. 306 – Univ. of Cairo)

  3. Rugbyboek oorhandiging

  4. Sod Turning Op

  5. Burger Cillie (Roofvoëlgids)

  6. Ceramic Exhibition (Genl. Chris Thirion)

  7. Prof. Thulane

  8. Operation on dog - Onderstepoort

  9. Korean (LtR. Mr. Young Duk Kim, Dr. Hun Dae Lee, Prof. Ho Joon Choi (President) Kyonggi University, Prof. Cheryl de la Rey (Vice-Chancellor and Principal), Mr. David Farirai and Mrs. Louise Euthimiou).

  10. Prof. V. Naidoo

Nr. 307 - 2 Aug. 2010 - 1) GIBS team

Nr. 306 - 2 Aug. 2010 - 1) Univ. of Cairo tr: (Prof Dr Hossam Mohamed

Kamel (President) University of Cairo and

Prof De la Rey Ltr: His Excellency Dr

Mohamed Badr Eldin Zayed (Ambassador of

Egypt), Prof Dr Hossam Mohamed Kamel

(President) University of Cairo, Prof De la

Rey and Prof De Beer

  1. UP Billboards

Nr. 305 - 2 Aug. 2010 - 1) Soccer Sponsorship Netherlands : (ltr Ms

Yolanda Barend, Prof Antonie De Klerk, Prof

de la Rey, Mr Bart Zylstra, Ms Joan

Wiegman and Mr Edwin Smith)

  1. Client Service Soccer

  2. Prof. Vos afskeid (Proff. Crewe, Melck, J. Buitendag, Anton Stroh,

  3. Italy Soccer

Nr. 304 - 8 Jun. 2010 - 1) Opedag

  1. Binedell

  2. GIBS Anniversary

Nr. 303 - 8 Jun. 2010 - 1) EBW Leadership Conference

  1. Security Awards

  2. Security Services Awards

  3. Salo

Nr. 302 - 17 Mei 2010 - 1) 30 days before start of Soccer World Cup

Nr. 301 - 17 Mei 2010 - 1) Tuks CAAC Drama

  1. Med. Students Bursary

  2. Eng. Twins

  3. Mogothlane Farewell

  4. Min. Pandor

  5. Judge Pius Langa (Proff. Susan Adendorff, Niek Grové, Chris de Beer, Melck, Crewe)

  6. Village Fresh Launch

  7. BCB Ou Foto (Bettie Cilliers-Barnard)

  8. Mexican Exhibition (Besondere nagfoto’s Ou Lettere)

  9. Jet

Nr. 300 - 4 Mei 2010 - 1) Debra Meyer

  1. NRF Awards

  2. Academic Achievers

  3. Weather Moll

  4. Prof. James Kerr

Nr. 299 - 4 Mei 2010 - 1) Mamelodi Schools Maths and Science

Nr. 298 - 4 Mei 2010 - 1) Danish Ambassador and Read Billboard

  1. Pierre de Bruyn

Nr. 297 - 4 Mei 2010 - 1) Chinese Group

  1. Prof. Buitendag

  2. Prof. Steve Nawrocki

(Ltr Prof Steve Nawrocki and Maryna Stein; Forensic anthropology research centre;

Ltr Director Pierre Joubert (SAPS Forensic Science Lab) Prof Steve Nawrocki and Maryna Stein; Forensic anthropology research centre)

Nr. 296 - 4 Mei 2010 - 1) Rektorinhuldiging

  1. History Awards (Proff. J.S. Bergh, K.L. Harris, L. Kriel, A.S. Mlambo, dr. J.E.H. Grobler, Mev. K. Sevenhuysen, Mnr. M.L. Thotse, Mnr. T. Machaba)

  2. Sasol Mou

  3. Debra Meyer (Dieselfde as Nr. 300.1)

Nr. 295 - 30 Mrt. 2010 - 1) Natural Sciences

  1. EBW Andries Terblanche Workshop (Prof. Karolina Koornhof)

  2. Musi Groenkloof Piano Player

Nr. 294 - 30 Mrt. 2010 - 1) Herbarium (HCWJ Schweikerdt in brons)

  1. EBW Skilderye (Proff. E.H. Brookes, J.E. Holloway, E.H.D. Arndt, E.F.W. Gey van Pittius, E.M. Hamman, B. de Loor, H.J.J. Reynders, S. Vil-Nkomo, Prof. C. Thornhill, J.J. Stadler, S. Marx, C.F. Niewoudt, Anton Rupert)

  2. Vermeulen Farewell

  3. Susan Myburg

  4. Susan Adendorf en Pa

  5. Van Wyk egpaar (Ds. M. van Wyk en mev. Christine van Wyk)

  6. Alexander Johnson

Nr. 293 - 3 Mrt. 2010 - 1) Academic Achievers 2010

  1. Prof. Grey Afskeid

  2. Aids Indaba

  3. Peter Martin

  4. Nuwe personeel

  5. Breytenbach

  6. Groenkloof Tailand Visit

Nr. 292 - 30 Mrt. 2010 - 1) International Women’s day

  1. EBW

  2. Librarians (Prof. Theo Bothma, Crewe)

  3. Toegangsbeheer

  4. Professore Heyns (Christof en Stephan)

Nr. 291 - 1 Mrt. 2010 - 1) Quality unit (Christa North, Karin Kellerman,

Carina van Niekerk, Marietjie van Niekerk,

Pieter du Toit )

  1. S2S3

  2. Ing. Gebou Bouwerk

  3. Lawday

  4. Prof. Grey Afskeid (Dieselfde foto’s as Nr. 293)

  5. S Montana Karate

  6. Naat Loubser

Nr. 290 - 10 Mrt. 2010 - 1) Verwelkomingsdag

  1. Sod Turning Nat Sciences

(14-18 Prof Antonie de Klerck

24-29 Prof Anton Stro"h

37-40 Proff Anton Stro"h, Cheryl de la Rey, Antonie de Klerck, Marion Meyer (head of Plant Sciences)

42-43 Proff Mewyer, Stro"h, de la Rey, de Klerck

51-54 Building contractors Ryk Celliers and Adriaan Herbst

56-57 Prof Marion Meyer

58-59 Prof Marion Meyer and building contractor Ryk Celliers

62-63 Mathieu Rouget and Emmanuel Tshikalanga

64 Willie Scheepers Project manager and Elise Bester Architect KWP Architects

65 Natalie Uys, Garland More, Lizande Kellerman, Simon Sibonyoni

66 Daniel Bilankulu, Petrus Rantho

67 Kosi Kiviet, Thomas Nembudani, Mathieu Rouget and Emmanuel Tshikalanga and Prof Marion Meyer (head of Plant Sciences)

  1. Jet before

  2. Birthday

(35 Sfiso Sokhela, Christo Burger, Ayanda Bandla, Christiaan Harris

36 Prof Maynard van der Merwe, Sias Combrinck, Kavita Dave, Bertha Masibihlele, Nonhlanhla Motau

37 Thino Bekker, Mark Christian

38 Werner Badenhorst, Moses Rakau, Andries Kgobalala

39 Johanna Shika

40 Sharon Abraham and Dalene Crafford

42 Mr Meiring, Nel and Theron

43 Simon Sibanoyni, Judas Mahlangu, Joy Bapope

44 Francois Vorster, Karin Franzen, Cello Gardner

45 Gerda Fourie, Charlotte Vosloo, Audrey Legodi, Yvonne Schlebusch

46 Gerda Kotze, Tabogo Magotsi, Elise Ferreira, Truida Smit, Karin Basson

47 Elmarie Fouche and Ria Claassen

48 Bets Groenewald, Heleen Roets, Susan Joubert, Karen Hartdegen

49 Steven Pietersen, Moses Lekgela, Priscilla Appana, Rajen Moodley

50 Christine Williams Robert Moropa

51 Ntateko Ndala-Magoro, Abigail Siwele, Sello Moloi, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, Ntsatsi Mantsho

  1. Alumni Valentines

10 Mr Eldridge Johnson

11 Prof Cheryl de la Rey

12 Trevi& Michelle Chetty

13 Irma & Koos van Zyl

14 Jean Blignaut & Elize Louw

15 Lanie & Pierre Roux & Rikus Immink (chairperson of TUKS Alumni Board) and Erika Immink

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