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NAME: Robert J. Sternberg
ADDRESS: Department of Human Development, Cornell University, 116 Reservoir Ave.,

B44 MVR Hall, Ithaca, N 14853-4401

PHONE: 607-882-0001

Ph.D., Stanford University, 1975 (Psychology); Advisor, Gordon Bower

B.A., Yale University, 1972 (Psychology); Advisor, Endel Tulving


Cornell University

Professor of Human Development, 2014-

University of Wyoming

President, 2013 (partial)

Professor of Psychology and Education, 2013 (partial)

Oklahoma State University

Provost and Senior Vice President, 2010-2013

Regents Professor of Psychology and Education, 2011-2013

George Kaiser Family Foundation Chair in Ethical Leadership, 2012-2013

Professor of Psychology, 2010-2011

Tufts University

School of Arts and Sciences,

Dean, 2005-2010

Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise (PACE Center),

Founder and Director, 2005-2010

Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Founder and Director, 2005-2008

Professor of Psychology and Education, 2006–2010

Heidelberg University

Honorary Professor, Department of Psychology, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007-

Association for American Colleges and Universities

Senior Scholar, 2013-

Harvard University

Center for Public Leadership, Kennedy School of Government

Honorary Senior Scholar, 2006–2010

Yale University

Department of Psychology

Acting Chair, Fall Term, 1992

Director of Graduate Studies, 1983–1988

IBM Professor of Psychology and Education, 1986–2005

Professor, 1983–1986

Associate Professor (tenured), 1980–1983

Assistant Professor, 1975–1980

School of Management

Professor, 2005

Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise (PACE Center)

Founder and Director, 2000–2005

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Special Assistant to the Dean, 1972

Major Administrative Accomplishments
Presidency at University of Wyoming

  • Elevated marketing to the associate vice presidential level

  • Collaborated to create and administer alternative holistic admissions system

  • Collaborated to create UW Learning and Student Success Opportunity Center to raise retention and six-year graduation

  • Created $250,000 intramural interdisciplinary grants program to help faculty to achieve external funding for teaching, research, service

  • Instituted program of sending congratulatory letters to faculty on completion of major accomplishments

  • Greatly improved relations with the legislature, Wyoming businesses, Wyoming community colleges, and K-12 education

  • Started program of collaborative four-year programs between UW and community colleges across the state

  • Started UW Pride Fridays, in which faculty, staff, and students are asked (voluntarily) to wear brown and gold to show their pride in the institution

  • Started program to assess teaching in all colleges through both peer and student assessments

Provostship/Senior Vice Presidency at Oklahoma State University

  • Oversaw quality initiative to enhance the academic quality of the university

  • Streamlined the admissions application in order to increase number of applications from qualified students

  • Formed Provost’s Council consisting of deans and VPs to enhance communication among top administrators

  • Started Provost’s External Advisory Council consisting of distinguished alumni, donors, friends of OSU to cultivate better relations with major leaders in the state and elsewhere

  • Formed Committee for Conservation of Financial Resources—report was approved and acted on—in order to implement means for increasing return on investment for major expenditures

  • Made suggestion (which was accepted) for a button on first web page of the university website for making donations

  • Initiated competition for creative interdisciplinary research/teaching/service grants helping to fulfill the land-grant mission of the university--$500,000/annum

  • Created program of intramural grants for projects that specifically could benefit the State

  • Helped acquire multi-million dollar donation from Ross McKnight--$10 million estate gift plus $50 thousand per year as well as other donations

  • Proposed Faculty Council committee on work-family balance, which helped faculty and staff achieve policies better enabling them to balance their work and family lives

  • Formed visioning task force, which proposed interdisciplinary spires of excellence for OSU that will help the university achieve its mission—these spires, accepted by Faculty Council, represent the intersection among our mission, strengths, and passions

  • Formed task force on creation and implementation of OSU strategic plan, whose strategic plan, accepted by Faculty Council, gave direction to where the university needed to go to achieve its academic mission

  • Formed task force on the teaching of entry-level college mathematics and implemented major changes in teaching/assessment in these courses; result is a Math Learning Success Center which improved retention by decreasing the number of Ds, Fs, and Ws in entry-level math courses

  • Formed task force on improving retention and graduation, whose recommendations were implemented, already resulting in 5% increase in retention in two years

  • Instituted ombudsperson to help resolve conflicts among university personnel on an informal basis

  • Created and personally funded awards for excellence in the fulfillment of land-grant mission of OSU, one for faculty and one for staff

  • Created awards for excellence in mentoring junior colleagues, one for faculty and one for staff

  • Formed department heads’ college to help educate new department heads in the tacit knowledge required for success in the job

  • Instituted major admissions initiative, Panorama, to admit students for creative, analytical, practical, and wisdom-based/ethical skills needed for positive ethical leadership

  • Instituted 360 degree evaluations of deans and provost after 5 years of service

  • Instituted faculty service awards recognizing longevity at OSU

  • Instituted program of sending congratulatory letters to faculty for receipt of new grants and contracts

  • Helped attain roughly $1.5 million per annum over five years donation for the creation of a new student learning center, the Learning and Student Success Opportunity (LASSO) Center, which has enrolled roughly one-fourth of the entering class at OSU

  • Reinvigorated honorary doctorate program

  • Formed electronic suggestion box

  • Created task force on general-education requirements, which revised gen ed requirements

  • Formed task force on reappointment-tenure-promotion process in order to create more uniformity and more stringent adherence to procedures across the colleges of the university

  • Created task force on evaluating student learning, which made recommendations that are now in the process of being implemented regarding student creation of electronic portfolios

  • Formed task force to enhance evaluation of teaching at OSU, which made recommendations including more intensive interventions, peer ratings, and enhanced public student ratings of teaching

  • Reorganized Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence more to emphasize instructing teachers in teaching to the way each individual student learns

  • Oversaw 7 dean, associate provost, and assistant provost searches

  • Helped to create President’s Cup for creative interdisciplinary research supporting the land-grant mission of OSU

  • Formed task force to plan how university could move to ACT-optional admissions

  • Formed task force on formulating standardized university workload and overload policies in order better to allocate university resources; plan now being implemented

  • Created financial incentive system for colleges to achieve high first-year retention

  • Initiated transparency-in-governance initiative whereby all task force reports at any stage are available on the Web for faculty/staff/student comment at any time

  • In 2012, despite an essentially flat budget from the State, created the largest number of new faculty positions (40) in recent memory

  • Planned for ethical-leadership track open to all undergraduate and graduate students

Deanship of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University

  • Greatly increased scholarship aid for undergraduates.

  • Created several new faculty chairs in diverse departments.

  • Faculty size increased by roughly 7 percent.

  • Established full-year sabbatical leaves for junior faculty in order to facilitate tenure consideration.

  • Provided $1,000 annually for all tenure-stream faculty members to support their research.

  • Instituted redirections program of intramural grant funding to support research by faculty who wished to move their research in new directions or to activate paused research programs

  • Hired Arts and Science’s first Director of Sponsored Research to provide a new level of support for faculty applying for grants

  • Created the Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT).

  • Created and implemented a phased incentivized retirement plan to motivate faculty considering retirement actually to retire.

  • Collectively, we raised over $425 million for the Arts and Sciences for the Tufts Beyond Boundaries capital campaign, more than 100% of our goal.

  • Established a committee to assess implementation of the Arts and Sciences Strategic Plan.

  • Each year admitted an academically stronger class than the previous year (as measured by high-school GPAs and SATs).

  • Implemented a uniform policy on academic integrity.

  • Implemented targeted measures to improve retention, such as a bridge program and careful monitoring of admitted students identified as at risk.

  • Substantially increased financial aid for graduate students.

  • Substantially increased recovery of overhead on grants.

  • Initiated coverage of the entire health fee and half of health-insurance costs for PhD candidates during their first five years of study.

  • With external funding from the Davis Educational Foundation, initiated the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT).

  • With external funding from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, instituted a new three-tiered leadership minor.

  • With external support from private donations, instituted the Kaleidoscope program for admissions, which enhanced both the quality and diversity of our student body and sent a message to the public that Tufts looks for students who will make a positive, meaningful, and enduring difference to the world.

  • Increased the diversity of the student body and of the faculty, the latter, particularly at the senior levels.

  • Created a new Professor of the Practice program for hiring faculty.

  • Completed planning for the Doble Integrated Lab Complex and the renovation of the athletics center and provided a new home for political science in a renovated facility.

  • Received a major construction grant (just under $10 million) for the biology department

  • Instituted a formal program of assessment of student learning for seniors.

  • Redesigned the Arts and Sciences web site.

  • Hired our first Director of Communications, to focus broadly on publications, public relations, and the website presence of Arts and Sciences constituencies.

  • Instituted semi-annual town meetings for faculty, students, and staff to voice concerns and hopes.

  • Ensured that department tenure votes would be by secret ballot rather than by showing hands, so that faculty could vote as they chose without social pressure.

  • Initiated the A&S News Beat electronic newsletter to keep constituents informed of developments in the school.

  • Initiated the Dean’s Forum, a lecture series by outstanding researchers in Arts and Sciences, as a way for the Tufts community and surrounding communities to be informed of the latest research in the Arts and Sciences.

  • Instituted the Lerman-Neubauer lecture series by outstanding teachers in Arts and Sciences, as a way for the Tufts community and surrounding communities to see outstanding teaching at work.

  • Substantially increased standards for hiring, promotions, and tenures of faculty members.

  • Instituted systematic external reviews of all departments and programs on a 10-year cycle.

  • Created a formal window-of-opportunity hiring program to seek out talented faculty members, especially women and people of color, whenever and wherever they became available, regardless of whether there is an available slot.

  • Arts and Sciences created several new majors, such as in Cognitive and Brain Sciences.

Instituted uniform work-load policy for full-time lecturers.

Elective Administrative Offices:

President, Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2012-2013

Treasurer, Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2011-2013

President, International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, 2009-2011

President, Eastern Psychological Association, 2007–2008

President, American Psychological Association, 2003

President, Division 24 (Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology), American Psychological Association, August 2000–July 2001

President, Division 10 (Psychology and the Arts), American Psychological Association, August 1999–July 2000

President, Division 15 (Educational Psychology), American Psychological Association, August 1994–August 1995

President, Division 1 (General Psychology), American Psychological Association, 1994

Boards of Directors/Trustees:

Board of Directors (Vice-Chair), OSU Center for Innovation and Economic Development,

Inc., 2010-2013

Board of Directors, Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2010-


Board of Directors, Creative Oklahoma, 2011-2013

Board of Directors, International Association of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 2007-2013

Board of Directors, Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2007–2013;

Board of Trustees (Honorary), American Psychological Foundation, 2009-2012

Board of Trustees, American Psychological Foundation, 2005–2007

Board of Directors, Eastern Psychological Association, 2005–2008

Board of Trustees (American Psychological Association Liaison), American Psychological Association Insurance Trust, 2004

Board of Directors, American Psychological Association, 2002–2004
Long-Term Consulting:

Crayola Crayons (Binney-Smith), 2006

Kimberly-Clark, 2004–2005

Harper Collins College Division, 1994–1996

Harcourt Brace Educational Development Group, 1993–1994

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, School Department, 1989–1993

The Psychological Corporation, 1986–1989
Citations (Google Scholar):
Number of citations = 87,237

H Index = 142 (number H of works cited H times)

i10 Index = 707 (number of works cited at least 10 times)

Honorary Doctorates:

Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Huelva, Spain, 2012

Doctor of Humanities, Honoris Causa, De la Salle University, Manila, Philippines, 2011

Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 2009

Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, Eureka College, Illinois, USA, 2008

Doctor Honoris Causa, Ricardo Palma University, Peru, 2008

Doctor Honoris Causa, Tilburg University, Holland, 2007

Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 2006

Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, University of Durham, England, 2006

Doctor Honoris Causa, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia, 2004

Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Leuven, Belgium, 2001

Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, 2000

Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Paris V, France, 2000

Doctor Honoris Causa, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, 1994

Scholarly Prizes and Awards:

Distinguished Service Award, International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, 2011

Presidential Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to the Public Understanding of Psychology, American Psychological Association Division of Media Psychology (46), 2008

Sir Francis Galton Award, International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, 2008

E. Paul Torrance Award, National Association for Gifted Children, 2006

Interamerican Psychologist Award, Interamerican Society of Psychology, 2005

Arnheim Award, Division of Psychology and the Arts (10) of the American Psychological Association, 2005

Anton Jurovsky Award, Slovak Psychological Society, 2004

Arthur W. Staats Award, American Psychological Foundation and the Society for General Psychology (American Psychological Association Division 1), 2003

Farnsworth Award, Division of Psychology and the Arts (10) of the American Psychological Association, 2003

E. L. Thorndike Award, Division of Educational Psychology (15) of the American Psychological Association, 2003

Positive Psychology Network Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award, 2002

Outstanding Academic Title, CHOICE (American Library Association) for International handbook of giftedness and talent, co-editor, 2001

Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Psychology Award, Connecticut Psychological Association, 1999

Palmer O. Johnson Award, American Educational Research Association, 1999

James McKeen Cattell Award, American Psychological Society, 1999

Distinción of Honor SEK, Institución Educativa SEK, Madrid, 1997

Sylvia Scribner Award, American Educational Research Association (Division C), 1996

International Award, Association of Portuguese Psychologists, 1991

Award for Excellence, Mensa Education and Research Foundation (MERF), 1989

Citation Classic Designation, Institute for Scientific Information for Intelligence, information processing, and analogical reasoning: The componential analysis of human abilities, 1987

Outstanding Book Award, American Educational Research Association for Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence, 1987

Research Review Award, American Educational Research Association (co-recipient), 1986

Distinguished Scholar Award, the National Association for Gifted Children, 1985

Cattell Award, Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, 1982

Boyd R. McCandless Young Scientist Award, Division of Developmental Psychology (7) of the American Psychological Association, 1982

Distinguished Scientific Award for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1981

Sidney Siegel Memorial Award, Stanford University, 1975

Wohlenberg Prize, Berkeley College, Yale University, 1972
Elective Societies:

National Academy of Education, 2011-

Phi Beta Delta (Honorary Member), 2011-

Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary Member), 2011-

Psi Chi (Distinguished Member), 2005-

Kappa Delta Pi (Laureate Chapter), 2003-

Society of Experimental Psychologists, 2002-

Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, 2002-

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1995-

Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, 1979-

Sigma Xi, 1977-

Phi Beta Kappa, 1971-
Academic Honors:

B.A. awarded summa cum laude, honors with exceptional distinction in psychology

Distinguished Lectureships:

NIMH Director's Innovation Seminar, National Institute of Mental Health, 2008

Wunch Lecture (Technion), 2008

Arthur W. Staats Lecture (American Psychological Association), 2003

Broadbent Lecture (British Psychological Society), 1999

Master Lecture (American Psychological Association), 1999

G. Stanley Hall Distinguished Lecturer (American Psychological Association), 1997

Psi Chi/Frederick Howell Lewis Distinguished Lecturer (American Psychological

Association), 1997
Media Honors and Awards:

ISI Highly Cited List in Psychology/Psychiatry (2003–)

(based on scientific citations 1981–1999)

Listed as one of the “Top 100 Psychologists of the 20th Century,” APA Monitor, July/August 2002, p. 29 (ranked #60)

Listed as one of the 200 most eminent psychologists of the modern (Post World-War II) era by Diener, Oishi, Park survey in Archives of Scientific Psychology (ranked #61)

Listed in the Esquire Register recognizing the achievements of outstanding American men and women under 40, 1986

Listed as one of the 100 “Top Young Scientists in the U.S.,” Science Digest, 1984
Fellowships and Scholarships:

Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellowship to Slovakia, 2005

IREX Visiting Scholar Fellowship to Russia, 2000

Honored Visitor Fellowship, Taiwan National Science Council, December 1998

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Visiting Professor, City University of Hong Kong December, 1997

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, 1985–1986

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