Welcome to the Franklin Congregational Church and our newsletter – The Crier. Below are a list of services, classes and events for the month

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Welcome to the Franklin Congregational Church and our newsletter – The Crier. Below are a list of services, classes and events for the month.

Sunday Services:

9:30 am Prayer

10:00 am Morning Worship

Bible study: Monday at 7 pm
Small Group Bible study at the parsonage:

Sunday 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. with “Pot Luck supper”

Check out our new website at



Deacons – First and third Mondays at 8 pm after the prayer and planning small group.

Our Mission:

“To be a catalyst for ongoing revival, to become disciples of Christ, and to make disciples of our town, our state, and the nations, by the power of the Holy Spirit“.

Franklin Congregational Church
The Meetinghouse Crier

June 2014

Church: 860-642-7887

Parsonage: 860-924-5321

A word from Pastor Ryan

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty

Maker of heaven and earth

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary

Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried

He descended into hell, the third day he rose again from the dead

He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty

From thence he shall come again to judge the quick and the dead

I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic Church

The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins

The resurrection of the body

And the life everlasting. Amen.

You might have noticed that we have used the Apostles’ Creed regularly this year as a unison reading. But, what is this creed of the Church, and what do the apostles have to do with it anyway?
Catholic tradition states that the Apostles’ Creed dates back to the time of the Twelve Apostles. In fact, the belief is that each of the Twelve original apostles contributed a phrase to the Creed. According to this tradition, this was done on the day of Pentecost while they were under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (see the Catholic Encyclopedia, “Apostles’ Creed” for more info). Because of the thought that the Twelve Apostles (minus Judas and adding Matthias) wrote the original articles of the creed, it is called the Apostles’ Creed. Though there is no way to prove or disprove this, it is very unlikely that this is the case. If it had been written by The Twelve, surely it would have been recorded in the New Testament.
Though the tradition of this Creed may not be completely accurate, the statements within it have been long tested and tried as fundamentals of the Christian faith. The basis of this Creed has come down from very early sources. Portions of the Creed, the earlier creed known as The Old Roman Symbol, date back to no later than A.D. 200—within 150 years of Apostolic times! It is a very old and historic statement of our faith.
The Apostles’ Creed has also been the basis of many catechisms and theological works over the centuries. Some of the earliest prescriptions that Church history records on how to perform baptisms recommend that those wishing baptism memorize the Apostles’ Creed and recite it upon entering the baptismal waters. Many theological works, one such being John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, use The Apostles’ Creed as an outline upon which to base their works. So, from the most infant in the Christian faith to the most scholarly, the Creed has defined the structure of belief of Christians for centuries.
If for no other reason than the fact that this statement of faith has helped define Christianity for nearly 2000 years, this Creed should be memorized and recited. There is, however, another reason we should look at the Creed other than simply its historical value to our great faith.
As Christians, we should seek to know more about the Lord and more about His Word to us. It is just like when you began dating that special someone. You wanted to know everything about him/her. You wanted to know where he/she was born; what is his/her family like; what is his/her favorite color. In the same manner, we should want to know as much about the Lord as possible. The Apostles Creed gives us a “Cliff’s Notes” version of the Bible and what God’s plan of salvation is for mankind. By learning the Creed, we can all be assured that we know the basics of the Christian faith. That is not to say that we should not learn more, or desire to learn as much about the Lord and the Bible as we can. Just as in my prior analogy, did you stop learning about your spouse after you got engaged? I know I haven’t!
Our girls love The Sound of Music. We recently watched the movie over, and for those who have been to our house in the last several weeks, you can attest to the fact that all the songs of that movie are continually re-sung by my girls. Yes, the halls are alive, with the sound of music—ah, ah, ah ah! When the Von Trapp kids explain to Maria that they do not know how to sing, she begins to teach them, with a song, of course, “Let’s start at the very beginning. It’s a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A, B, C. When you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi.” If one wants to learn the contents of the Bible, let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start. We begin with the Apostles’ Creed, and then we work from there….and, yes, I actually know a song for the Creed so we can pick up with Do, Re, Mi too.
In the coming months, I am going to cover the basics found in the Apostles’ Creed—hopefully with just the right amount of detail. Then, when we recite the Creed together, we can affirm the basics of the Christian faith together in worship.
With His Richest Blessings,

Pastor Ryan

A Word from your Deacons:

Deacon Corner

After church on May 18th, an informal meeting was held to update everyone on the progress of our church toward “Revival.” Pastor Ryan gave a "slide presentation" on recent and upcoming events, the status of our church, and our new “Mission Statement” which is -
“To be a catalyst for ongoing revival, to become disciples of Christ, and to make disciples of our town, our state, and the nations, by the power of the Holy Spirit.“
    *  The Deacons continue our daily "Prayer Ministry," with deacons coming to the church for about one hour to pray on their assigned days.

     *  Memorial Day: The traditional honoring ceremonies were held at the monuments on church grounds and then in Plains Cemetery.  This was followed by the Memorial Day Parade on Rte. 207 from the Ayer farm to the Pautipaug Cemetery. Dave Ayer drove his 1973 Mustang convertible in the parade in memory of our fallen heroes.  The church also entered a float with our VBS theme of "Son Treasure Island" - "Come on an Island Adventure". Hopefully, this has generated some interest in our community to bring their children to our Vacation Bible School, being held this year July 14th- July 18th from 9 a.m. to noon.

  • At this point, we are in full planning mode for our June 14th Chicken BBQ. The advertising is already out there and planned by the time this "Crier" goes to press. As usual, we will be calling for supplies, a donation, and/or help to make this a great BBQ. Remember, "Many hands make light work." Thank you all in advance for your generosity, your help, and all your prayers.

God bless you all,

In His Loving Service,

Your Deacon Board

The Symbolism of the Last Supper?

Charles Stanley

The Last Supper, which took place hours before the Lord’s crucifixion—was a Seder (Passover observance). Previously, the feast’s symbols had only pointed back to the Hebrews’ redemption from Egypt. But that Thursday night, Jesus revealed the messianic significance of two symbols: bread and wine.

In a Seder, a cloth bag with separate compartments holds three sheets of matzoh, or unleavened bread. The middle matzoh is removed and split. One half is broken and distributed; the other is wrapped in a napkin, hidden, and bought back after it is found.

Breaking the bread, Jesus said, “Take, eat; this is My body” (Matthew 26:26). In Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin, so bread without yeast represents holy God. In the divided bag, matzohs are unified yet distinct—a picture of the Trinity. The middle bread signifies the Son, who left His Father’s side to dwell among us (Galatians 4:4) and was broken for mankind (Isaiah 53:5), wrapped in a burial cloth (Matthew 27:59), hidden in a tomb (v. 60), and resurrected (28:6). Our redemption was, indeed, costly (1 Corinthians 6:20).

Wine, the other symbol Jesus highlighted, is poured four times at a Seder. Scholars believe it is the third cup—known as the cup of redemption—that He called “My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:27–28).

When speaking about Jesus, follow His example of meeting people where they are in their understanding and then leading them to deeper awareness. And as you next take Communion, look back on what Christ did for you, look forward to His return, and remember He is our Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7).

Taken from “Christ’s Last Supper” by In Touch Ministries




Saturday June, 14th

At the Church – 31 Meetinghouse Hill Rd, Franklin, CT

Sittings 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Tickets at the door

Eat with us and enjoy the good fellowship or Dinners to GO

Monday Night Planning
(Until further notice, our Monday nights will be devoted to prayer and church planning.)

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

This is now a church vision meeting where we try to listen to the Holy Spirit and his will for our church.

We start with prayer and songs of praise and we end with prayer. Beverages and treats are available. Please join us.

New Small Groups
Our new small groups will start soon! Thursday, pot luck (6:00 – 8:30) and snacks on Sunday, (4:00 – 5:30).
New Small Groups starting in June!!!!  
This time around, we're going to read a book called Living by the Book, by Howard Hendricks and William Hendricks.  
In this study, we will learn how to 1) observe -- letting Scripture speak to us as individuals; 2) interpret -- developing our ability to properly understand Scripture; and 3) apply -- learning how to let Scripture change our lives.
You'll need a book and a workbook to fully participate.  Cost will be $25 for both.  Don't let the cost keep you from participating -- we have scholarships available!!!

Mark this day on your calendar!

Who wouldn't want to explore a Caribbean island, with its glittering turquoise waters, warm white sands and cool ocean breezes?  Visitors to SonTreasure Island are welcomed by the scent of exotic flowers, the taste of tropical fruits and the captivating sound of a steel-drum band.  But this is no ordinary tropical escape!  There is treasure to be found here.  More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it is the greatest treasure of all--God's love!

At SonTreasure Island, treasure seekers will watch hilarious skits, play island games, create colorful crafts, and enjoy tropical snacks.

This exciting Island Adventure will be July 14th - 18th from 9:00 - Noon!  

Register your 1st - 6th graders for the biggest TREASURE HUNT of the summer at franklinchurchct.com!  Register by July 1st & get a FREE SonTreasure Island Music CD!!!

questions? call Ruth @ 860-924-5321 or e-mail franklinchurchct@gmail.com

This house is a house of Prayer 

The Deacons have begun a daily “Prayer Ministry.” Each day of the week, one deacon is scheduled to be in the sanctuary for one hour of prayer. We are praying for our church, community, state, nation, and the world, as well as anyone who would like prayer. This will include the communities surrounding Franklin. We have placed an article in the local community papers to offer our Prayer Ministry. We would love to have you be a part of this God-inspired service. Bathing our community and the surrounding area in prayer will bring a BLESSING to all.

NOTE: The following article is related to the study of Galatians, which we just finished in our Thursday and Sunday small group Bible study. These lessons can be heard on our web site at www.franklinchurchct.com under the Sermons tab.
A Counterfeit Gospel?
Greg Laurie

I watched a very famous preacher being interviewed awhile ago on television. When the topic of sin came up, the preacher said, “I never talk about sin. I never use the word sin, because people already know they are sinners. I am not here to beat people down. I just want to lift them up.”

However, I don’t think that most people know they are sinners. And our job is not just to lift people up; it is to point them to Christ. So we have to use the word sin.

There is a counterfeit gospel. The apostle Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia, “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel” (Galatians 1:6). Just because someone uses the term gospel doesn’t mean he or she is referring to the genuine gospel. Even if someone claims they are preaching the gospel, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is the real gospel.

For the gospel to be genuine, certain things must be in place. And one of those things is the acknowledgement that everyone has sinned. As 1 John 1:8 says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

The only solution for our sin being removed is the cross. If the cross is not proclaimed, then it is not the gospel. Any proper presentation of the gospel includes the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul wrote to the believers at Corinth, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).

Whenever there is the genuine, there also will be the counterfeit. And the devil has his fake version of just about everything—even the gospel.

Taken from “A Counterfeit Gospel” by Harvest Ministries

Please take a turn at cleaning the church; if we all work together the task will not fall

on just a few people.

Many Hands Make Light Work and more fellowship with friends!

This month’s cartoon reminds us that we, as Christians, should not fight amongst ourselves over minor differences in doctrine. We should always remember that we are all one in Christ.


June 1 – Atlantic Hurricane Season begins.

June 5 - World Environment Day

World Environment Day was established to stimulate awareness of the environment around the world. Each year it is hosted in a different city and commemorated with an international exposition throughout the week of June 5th.

June 14 – Flag Day

Flag Day is an American holiday celebrating and showing respect to our flag and the people who designed and created it. Our flag  represents our independence as Americans and our unity as a nation. The great history of our flag you can read about in Flags of America. It leads our soldiers in battle and many have died protecting it.  It even stands on the moon.

We Americans are proud of our nation, our culture, our people and our flag that represents all of those things. So raise your flag on Flag day and show your American spirit!

June 14 – FCC Chicken BBQ!

June 15 - Father's Day

Father’s Day is the day we celebrate our dads. It was invented by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd who was raised by her father and thought that they should be celebrated just as much as mothers. Her dad was born in June so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day on June 19th in 1910. It was President Calvin Coolidge who decided to hold Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June, fourteen years later.

Every one has a different way of celebrating Father’s Day; here are a few ideas:

  • Of course you know that making him breakfast in bed is a good idea, but you can and should make it fancy. Fold the napkin fancy, cut the pancakes into Father’s Day shapes and sprinkle them with powdered sugar, put the syrup in a special dish, and put a few red roses (the Father’s Day flower) on the side of the tray.

  • Let dad chose an outing for you to go on as a family or a movie of his choice, no matter how much you don't like the idea.

  • Play the dad quiz to figure out how well you know your dad. Split up into father-child teams and ask each child a series of questions about their dad, then ask the fathers the same questions about themselves. Add up the correct answers, and the kid who got the most right wins! Also try this in reverse, with the father answering questions about their child.

  • Basically, anything you would do for Mother’s Day you can do for Father’s Day; just make it a little more personalized for dad.

June 19 - Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest known holiday celebrating the end of slavery. It started on June 19, 1865, when the union soldiers, led by General Granger came to Galveston Texas and announced that the war was over, and the slaves were free. General Granger read the Emancipation Proclamation freeing about 250,000 slaves throughout Texas.

Some US States list it as an official holiday.

It is also called "Freedom Day" or "Emancipation Day."

June 21 - First Day of Summer
Summer Solstice - longest day of the year.

June 24 - St. Baptiste Day

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is a celebration for all French-Canadians to celebrate their past, present, and future. It originated thousands of years ago with the pagan celebration of the summer solstice. As Christianity began, it became what it is today.

June 28 - Paul Bunyan Day

Paul Bunyan Day is an American Folklore celebration. Celebrated on different days in different areas of the U.S.

The legend of Paul Bunyan started with stories told by men in lumber camps, dating from the 1800's and was believed to have originated among French Canadians during the Papineau rebellion of 1837.

Paul Bunyan became a legend as tales of this giant lumberjack who performed incredible feats spread. Some of these tales include: he scooped out the Great Lakes to get water for his blue ox, Babe; he cleared the entire states of North and South Dakota for farming; and he is even credited with creating logging in the U.S.

Gradual catastrophe 

Scott and Robin began to worry when cracks appeared in the walls of their home. Over the course of 2 weeks, the fractures widened until their garage dropped away from their house. The rest of their property shifted and eventually sank 10 feet below street level. Then eight of their neighbors endured the same gradual catastrophe, linked to underground leakage from a county water system.

When relationships collapse, it’s often due to a slow progression of problems. For example, Joseph’s brothers didn’t sell him into slavery on a whim—they did so because of the bad history between them (Genesis 37:1-20).

The problems may have started with what Joseph’s tattling had done. As a teen, he worked for his brothers and reported their misdemeanors to his father (v.2). Jacob also openly loved Joseph more than his other sons and gave him a multicolored coat to prove it. This stoked his brothers’ hatred (vv.3-4).

Joseph put more dents in his relationship with his brothers when he blurted out dreams he’d had in which he was superior to his siblings (v.8). His brothers’ jealousy escalated even more. Finally, they conspired to kill him, but ended up selling him into slavery instead (vv.18,26-28). This final betrayal occurred at the end of a long line of offenses.

When we see similar patterns in our own relationships, it’s important to patch the cracks that threaten our closest ties. God’s Word directs us to resolve problems as they occur. Ephesians 4:26 says, “Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Saying “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you” today might save you from some major repair work in the years to come (Matthew 5:23-25). —Jennifer Benson Schuldt

Read Genesis 37:1-20

Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children (v.3).


Read Proverbs 17:9 to see how to keep relationships in good shape.


What is one step you could take this week to help a relationship to flourish? How does our relationship with God benefit from regular confession of sin and regular study of His word? 

May God Bless you, your family, our church, and our country during this wonderful season of Summer!

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