Josiah V. Thompson Uniontown, Pa Family Record Book No 16

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Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book

No 16
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At Rose Hill Cemetery, Robinson, Brown Co, Kansas, Feby 23, 1926 4:30 PM

Mr Fiechter told me of several of the relatives being buried here & we drove right up & found the following inscriptions:

1. Fiechter (monument)

John, Aug 7, 1844   [blank box]

Eleanor, his wife born in Morrow Co, O Nov 11, 1844, Aug 21, 1882

Charty [sic] Finley (her sister) Mar 12, 1828, Mar 20, 1904

2. Willis M. Nellans 1850 1902

Rachel Nellans 1826 1910

Sarah N. Nov 7, 1857, July 17, 1895

3. Hughes

Sacred to the memory of Lavens Mathewson Hughes w.d.t.l. [who departed this life] Sept 5, 1901 aged 69 yrs 2nd son of the late Rev Wm Hughes Rector of Killymaid, Donegal, Ireland etc.

Rachel wife of L.M. Hughes Born Aug 5, 1836, died July 2, 1899

4. Hannah, wife of A. Nellans ob Dec 12, 1893 aged 62 yrs 6 mos 8 days.
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Alexander Nellans ob Nov 15, 1896 aged 67 yrs 8 mos 14 days

Mattie, dau of A & Hannah Nellens B Aug 9, 1867, ob Jany 16, 1894

James R. Childs (in N.W. corner of lot) B Sept 21, 1866 ob Apr 2, 1896 This is Lillie Nellans' first husband

Lydia Dora Nellans wife of B. Parker born in Morrow Co, O June 29, 1862 ob Sept 10, 1914 in Wetumka, Okla aged 52 yrs 2 mos 12 days.

Leaving 5 PM

We then drove back to Hiawatha & drove in:

The Old Cemetery, Hiawatha, Kansas Feby 23, 1926 5:54 PM & found right along the driveway:

5. Cary Finley Sept 1846, May 1901

Lucinda, Aug 1848, July 1905

Left 5:55 PM

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Hotel Moreland, Room No 11 Hiawatha, Kansas, Feby 23, 1926 9:55 PM

I called Prof R.C. Finley's residence abt 8 PM Tel 102 & his wife said he was at a com. meeting at the Church & she called him up & arranged for him to call in here which he did & we went up to my room & he said he was a brother of Prof Howard Finley of Grand Island, Neb who I phoned in Jany, 1923.

He says his name is Reuel Clark Finley, son of Robert Clark Finley & grandson of John Alexander? Finley who died near Claysville, Pa aged 97 yrs & 6 mos & that he was born at or near Cameron, Neb, Apr 6, 1895 & graduated from Grand Island, Neb College in 1917.

He married July 3, 1919 at Chanute, Kansas, Eva Wood born Sept 23, 1895 in the State of Oregon at Oregon City, daughter of William Wood & his wife Ella Winchester. They have two children, the oldest born at Ottawa, Kan & the youngest, born here in Hiawatha, Kan, viz:

1. Vivian Louise Finley born Jany 16, 1921

2. Margaret Elaine Finley born Dec 9, 1923

Mr F. is a member of the Meth Epis
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Church & is teacher of manual training in the High School here. He is a Republican, but says his father was a Democrat. He says there is a Finley at Chanute, Kan, a lawyer & thinks his name is John, but will get his name from his wife & write me. Their home is at No 106 Kickapoo St here.

He left at 10:42 PM

This morning at 7:22 when I stepped out the door, I met a short heavy set grey whiskered man who had come to take Crawford's 7:30 bus to Horton. He was well preserved & virile & said his name was Gottleib B. Youssi, born Nov 9, 1853 near Berne, Switzerland & came from there direct to this place 57 yrs ago when 15 yrs old & lived on a farm until five yrs ago when he turned it over to his children & came in town to live. Says he lives opposite Rachel Shadel, daughter of Col Everard Bierer. He says her husband, Mr Shadel, coming in town, turned a corner too quickly & the car overturned on him killing him instantly.

Prof R.C. Finley is a tall wiry slender virile muscular young man with a heavy shock of red hair.

Quitting 11:22 PM
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At residence of William Paul King 1670 Central Ave, Horton, Kansas Feby 24, 1926 9:20 AM

Mrs Kate Elizabeth Powell is here from Powhatan, Kansas at her son in law's where her daughter has just been recently confined. She says her brother, John Lewis Nellans, living at Jennings, Kansas, but on a visit until Spring with his wife in Calif has the bible of her parents. She thinks her Aunt Charity (not Charlotte) Finley got the bible of her father, Barclay Finley & that she lived 3 yrs or more with her niece, Almira Hull 2d wife of Martin V. Christy & the bible may have been left there & if so, her daughter, Zoa Christy, who married Roy Kiger, both living at Washington, Kansas would have gotten it. Barclay Finley's oldest child was Lydia.

Nellie Finley, dau of Cary, married Chas Medaris & live now in Richmond, Ills. Has one little girl. Her sisters Maud Streeter & Grace Finley live at Huron, South Dakota.

Leaving 10:26 AM

Mrs Powell & her daughter gave me the data for tables on pages 7, 8, & 9.
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Mrs Powell didn't know who her grandfather Barclay Finley was named for.

I had 27 questions to ask Mrs Powell but by reason of the half hour lost in putting on a new tire, the following ones were not asked as the bus couldn't wait & I will have to write her to Powhatan, Kan & ask her:

1. What point in Illinois did Eli Finley go to?

2. What about Hugh Finley?

3. Did she have a sister Rhoda or was it just Rose?

4. Did she have an Aunt Louisa Finley who was twice married?

5. Name of Hannah Finley Irwin's daughter who married Sid Breece & her two sons where are they?

6. Name of husband of Mary Finley, sister of Barclay

7. What about Judy?

8. What about Headleys p 623

9. What about Alexander's 3 daughters p 623

10. Where are 3 Lane boys, sons of Mary Elizabeth Finley

11. Address of Lewis Finley's son & daughter p 628

12. Record of her mother's children

13. Record of her brother John L. Nellans

14. "Mont" Parker's correct name

15. Name & address of Mary's son in Montana

16. Lillie's record

17. Rachel's child by McBride, name & address.
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[descendant chart]
Kate E. Nellans was born 1 1/2 miles fr Mt Gilead in Morrow Co, O Feby 16, 1860, married Dec 22, 1881 at Robinson, Kan to John Henry Powell born Nov 22, 1856 near Savannah, Mo & died Oct 1, 1897 & is buried at Powhatan, Ks. He was son of James Martin Powell & wife Mary Melcher. Have had two children born at Powhatan, Kan. Came west when she was but six yrs old.
Harold Kenneth Powell, B Apr 22, 1889 married Mch 27, 1918 at Butte, Montana to Flora Getchell born July 8, 1893 at Helena Montana, daughter of Andrew M. Getchell & wife Emma M. Sweet. Both living at Missoula, Montana where he is a carpenter & has 2 children born there. No 535 Adams St.

Kenneth Andy, B June 14, 1920

Raymond Gene, B Aug 26, 1923

Helen Grace Powell, B Mch 30, 1897 married May 12, 1920 at Powhatan, Ks to Wm Paul King born Aug 24, 1893 at Powhatan, Ks son of George Francis King & wife Julia Gaynor. Live here where he is a pipe fitter in the Rock Island shops Have one child born here.

Donald George King, B Jany 24, 1926 weighs now 9 lbs one month old
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[descendant chart]
Barclay Finley married Eleanor (called Nellie) Eckley. She died of diptheria 5 or 6 miles from Mt Gilead, O aged 62 yrs abt the year 1862 on May 28. He died at the same place 11 yrs later at same place of old fashioned consumption & she was taken up & buried beside him in Bryn Zion Cemetery near his old home at a Baptists Church of which he was a member. She said they had 11 children all born on the home farm there. Mrs Powell is naming them in the order of their ages as near as she can.
Lydia, ob. married James Thompson. Both died in Williamsport, O & thinks wd have markers as they were "well fixed". Had 3 boys & 1 girl.

George, ob, married. No issue. Died at Williamsport, O

William, ob. married Mary Mettler died at Williamsport, O 5 children, 2 girls & 3 boys

Dora, married

Lois, married

3 boys, all married

Mary Elizabeth, ob, married died shortly after marriage. No issue. Died at Williamsport, O

Smith, ob, unmarried

John Lewis, married Eliza ____ & died Chillicothe, MO. Has a daughter married, living near Williamsport, O

Mary Finley, ob, married Isaac Hull. Both died on his farm on which he built a 17 room brick house & cooking for the builders did her up. He owned 11 farms & had six children born on farm near Mt Gilead. Buried in Mt Gilead, O.

Elmira, B June 24, 1843 ob Mch 12, 1925 he died Feby 20, 1904. Married M.V. Christy B Jany 19, 1836.

Zoa Christy

Mattie Christy, B Sept 18, 1878 ob Mch 3, 1882

Harry Christy, see page 13 & 14

Ellen Hull, ob, married Geo Goorley

Tolley Goorley

Zoa Hull, ob married Clay Vanatta. 4 children abt Mt Gilead.

Ray, married

Roy, married

Charles, married

Laura, married

John Marshall Hull, ob married

Thomas Hull,

Mary Hull

[Both above] live abt Mt Gilead

Clara Hull, ob, married Lou Winget, ob at Edison, O of pneumonia when on a visit. Children live abt Mt Gilead.

Mamie, married

Mattie, married

Anna, married

Edna, married

Lydia, married

Burr, unmarried

Romie, gassed in Frn, unmarried.

Charles Hull, married & she is dead & he lives at Mt Gilead, O. No issue.

Blanche Hull, by Mr Hull's 2d wife & not in our line, but might have gotten his bible.

Hannah Finley, [dau of Barclay] ob, married

Lewis Finley

Esther Finley

Charity Finley

Rachel Finley

Mattie Finley, ob married M.V. Christy

Eleanor Finley, ob

Cary Finley, youngest

William Finley, ob aged abt 8 came in abt the middle.
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Hotel Moreland office writing room Feby 24, 1926 12:37 PM

Going to Horton, Kansas this morning at 7:45 with Hugh Crawford through the rain, to 9:15 AM & back 10:30 to 11:55 AM, I asked him about his Crawford ancestors & he said to write to his first cousin Joe Crawford see page 14 aged abt 80, an auctioneer, living at the edge of Sullivan, Indiana, son of his uncle Hugh Crawford and also to William Humphrey aged abt 76 at Cumberland, O, who is son of Mary Crawford, one of the older daughters of John Crawford. John Crawford died at Cumberland, O & his wife died within three miles of Cumberland, Ind, near Marion Ind. They had 11 sons & 3 daughters & Abraham, father of my informant, was the youngest or next to the youngest of the family.

My informant said he had lived in Kansas 44 yrs & in Hiawatha 36 yrs. He said Will Humphreys above named, his first cousin, would know who got their grandfather, John Crawford's bible or might have it himself. His mother was Mary Crawford, Aunt of my informant.
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His Uncle Wm Crawford lived at Burlington, Iowa where he died 40 yrs ago I think he said. His son had an implement store at the first town west of Burlington, Iowa on the Burlington Road, & a married daughter lives in Burlington, Iowa. Some sons went to Calif.

Another of my informant's Aunts was Mrs Allison.

The other one, Susie Crawford, married a Huggins & lived at the edge of Cambridge, O.

My informant, Hugh Crawford was born at Jonesboro, Grant Co, Indiana six miles from Marion, the Co seat on Oct 3, 1864 & has three brothers (two living & one dead) & one sister. He lives here in Hiawatha, Kansas at 404 Shawnee St & runs the bus line between here & Horton, Kansas.

His grandfather, John Crawford's sons were:

William, mentioned above

Hugh, mentioned above



Abraham, mentioned above

Can't recall names of the other six sons. Says some of them died young. He says there is an elderly Mrs Crawford, widow of his first cousin, living at Violet, Neb, first town west
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of Pawnee City, Neb, who is well informed & can tell about the families. She had formerly lived at Sullivan, Ind. The roads were muddy & slippery & dangerous & we burst a tire going. Mr Crawford is a careful driver. It is now 1:33 PM about the time Mr C. is to come to take me to Mrs Prudence Christy's.
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At residence of Mrs Anna Prudence Christy, No 606 Kansas Ave, Hiawatha, Kansas Feby 24, 1926 2:20 PM

Mrs Christy says that her sister in law Zola Kiger living at Washington, Kansas got the bible of her parents, M.V. & Elmira Christy and as Elmira's Aunt Charity Finley lived with them & died at their home, they may have gotten the Barclay Finley bible if Charity had it.

The youngest of the three children of Martin V. Christy & his second wife was:

Harry Hull Christy born Apr 23, 1880 & died Mch 9, 1904 aged 26 or 27. He was born near Robinson, Kansas. He was crushed between cars & killed at Sabetha, Kansas. He married Dec 31, 1902 at Hiawatha, Kansas by Rev David H. Stewart, Pres. to Anna Prudence Voneida born Feby 12, 1878 in Lycoming Co, Penna, daughter of Samuel Voneida & his wife Catharine Shadel, (a sister of James Shadel who married Retta daughter of Col Everard Bierer) had one child born in St Joseph, Mo Ralph Voneida Christy born Jany 5, 1904. He is at home with his mother, unmarried & clerking for his Uncle Zimman in grocery.

Leaving 2:40 PM
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Back at Old Hiawatha Cemetery, Hiawatha, Kansas Feby 24, 1926 3 PM 6. Christy (monument)

Father, Martin V. Jany 19, 1836, Feby 20, 1904

Mother, Elmira, June 24, 1843, Mch 12, 1925

Mattie, Sept 18, 1878, Mch 3, 1882

Harry Hull (Christy) Apr 23, 1880, Mch 9, 1904

Leaving 3:07 PM

Mr Crawford sent me word by Oliver Brown, his driver, that it is Joe Crawford who is living at Sullivan, Ind & not Robert as he told me this forenoon. He now says that Robert lives somewhere in Illinois.

I then stopped at the Hotel Moreland & got my satchel & then stopped at Bierer, Shadel & Co store & saw Samuel Bierer who said he came to Hiawatha in 1856 when 8 yrs old. Met his daughter, Margaret & his son John & a Mr Graham. He showed me through the store which is clean & in order. He said I hadn't changed any & said troubles like mine would have killed him.

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Hotel Weaver, office writing desk, Falls City, Nebraska, Feby 24, 1926 9:05 PM

We reached here at 5:30 PM & I had a taxi drive me to the P.O. as there were no Jacks in the Tel directory. They said there were no Jacks who got mail there, but that there was a Jack family at Humboldt, Neb 28 miles west of here in Nemaha Co. He gave us a couple of names & the house was locked up & closed. The chauffeur stopped at Spragins Given Auto Repair shop 1321 Stone St Tel 273 A & Mr Geo W. Spragins came out & said there were no Jacks here, but there were some at Humboldt, Neb. He said his wife who died a year ago was Grace Jack daughter of John F. Jack of Keokuk, Iowa who moved to Downing, Mo or some of the family did & where he said many Jacks now live. He said John F. Jack's widow, Mrs Nannie F. Jack now lives at Greeley, Colorado aged about 80. He sd to write to her that she could give valuable information. He said John had a brother Neri Jack who never married & John F's children are:

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1. William Jack, living in Greeley, Colo where he has a garage.

2. Laura

3. Grace, Mr Spragins wife

4. Sadie who had been married twice & lives at Greeley, Colorado. He spoke of a Jack family at Humboldt, Neb 28 miles west of here.

Mr Spragins residence is 1515 McLean ST Tel 273 B. I found also in telephone book:

Finley, Jessie, groceries 823 Morton St

Finley, Mrs Mary, res 822 Morton St
I then called Humboldt, Neb on the long distance phone & talked to:

John Jack, Humboldt, Neb who says he will gladly answer my letter if I write him. He says his father was Manning Jack & there are two of his brothers living, Wilbur & Robert, in Calif & Texas & their father, John Jack came from Ireland & settled in Indiana. He was not, however, able to tell when he came nor from what point in Ireland. He said the David Jack family lived at Peru, Neb in the next Co north of here.

Rang off 7:45 PM
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At 8 PM drove to residence of Mrs Mary Finley 822 Morton St, a small one story frame house on a muddy street & saw her at the door. She is a small Irish faced woman, in her 60s I should judge. She said Finley had been gone several years (evidently separated) & that his name was Frank Finley & his home was Leon, Iowa where his sister, Mrs Kate Arnold aged near 70 now lived & she said to write her. Their father's name was John Finley. The store across the street on the corner is also in a small one story frame building, is her daughters, & should have been listed Jessie instead of Jesse.

Finished 10:44 Pm

12:15 AM 25th

At 10:54 PM, I found Chas M. Jack writing at this desk where I had been writing. He came up on the same train from Hiawatha, that I came on. He says I missed my chance by not seeing his sister, Mrs Elizabeth Armstrong of Omaha, Neb, who died last spring & who was well versed in the family history. He said I wrote him & he answered

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my letter & referred me to her. He says Mrs Hall, daughter of John T. Jack of Harlan, Iowa is interested in tracing the family & has a man named Patterson, a relative working it up for her. Says to ask his brother, John B. Jack at Omaha for his address.

He said that Mrs Winkleman's father, David Jack aged abt 65 is living at Peru, Neb & he has a son John B. Jack who is surgeon of the Burlington road at Chicago. I wonder if this is the man I met at Oak Park, Ills in Apr 1924. Look up & see May 31/26 yes, see book 11 p 449.

Giving me his own record, he says his name is:

Charles McFarlane Jack born at Boalsburg, Pa Center Co son of George Boal Jack who was a brother of John Thompson Jack of Harlan, Iowa. His sister, Mrs Elizabeth Armstrong, who died last spring at Omaha, Neb leaving two sons. She was a very small woman weighing less than 100 lbs. She was abt 66 yrs old.

He said his mother was Priscilla Martin Johnston & her sister Elizabeth Johnston who married John I. Thompson & their children are living at Lemont, Pa in Center Co between Boalsburg & Bellefonte, Pa.
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The family is very rich & some are now sojourning at Miami, Florida. He thinks John I. Thompson's 2d wife is still living in Centre Co, a very old lady. Mr J's father, Geo Boal Jack had lost one eye which caused him to be rejected from entrance to the Civil War, but he finally got them to accept him as a drummer. He was V.Pt of the Exchange Bank at Rushville, Neb in which for awhile, Chas M. was cashier. Geo B. died at Rushville, Neb in 1904 aged 65 & had 4 children, viz:

1. Elizabeth, married Armstrong

2. John Boal Jack now can be found at Keplings Cigar Store No 2037 Harney St, Omaha, Neb which is his office.

3. George Hutchinson Jack 10 yrs older than C.M. is single & lives at Martin South Dakota. His grandfather Jack wanted them to call him Patrick & was very much incensed about it when they did not.

4. Chas M. Jack born May 15, 1880 married Aug 19, 1916 at Nebraska City, Neb to Lulu Markel who had been married to Leon Penn & divorced, having one daughter who is living with them. She was born Feby 28, 1887 at Nebraska City, Neb, daughter of Henry G. Markel
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He does not have any issue. Came to Nebraska to Rushville when he was 7 yrs old.

He thinks John B. has the old bible.

Chas M. now lives at 1303 H. St, Lincoln, Neb.

His wife's brother, Fred G. Markel is county commissioner at Nebraska City, Neb & is the one to write to for the Markel family line.

Ask John B. abt the James Patterson living at Milford, Neb.

He thinks some of them went to Miss & that he was working the line up for Mrs Hall. Ask where they went & abt Mrs Patterson particularly who is a live wire & a hot one. It is now 1:40 AM & I am waiting up to take the 3:30 AM train for Omaha. I talked to Chas M. at this desk from 11 PM to 11:55 PM.

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At office of John B. Jack Kiplingers Cigar Store, 2037 Harney St, Omaha, Neb Feby 25, 1926 12 o'clock noon

Mr Jack does not have their old bible record, but says his nephew, George Jack Armstrong who works for the Bradstreets & lives at No 3307 Dewey Ave, Tel Harney 6789 has it & he thinks it includes his grandfather's as well as his father's. Phone & make date. Evening is probably the best date to get him.

John Boal Jack was born at Boalsburg, Pa Mch 28, 1867 married June 10, 1892 at Rushville, Neb to Margaret Tully who died May 30, 1912 aged abt 45 yrs in Omaha & is buried at Rushville, Neb. She was daughter of John Tully & his wife. Had one child born in Rushville, Neb. John B. Jack born 1893 & died in 1893 aged abt 10 days. He says his cousin, Mrs Hall has records he thinks tracing the family back. He says James Patterson who married Elizabeth Jack sister of his father, both living in Oklahoma somewhere can give best information as he has been tracing.
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At residence of Brower Elliott McCague No 347 N. 41st St Omaha, Neb Feby 25, 1926 4:50 PM

Mr McCague kindly called at the hotel Fontenelle & brought me out. He has here the old bible of his grandfather, William McCague which was printed at Phila by M. Carey & son 1818 & which has the date of his birth & that of his children & also the dates of birth of all of the Bartlett children except Russell & the dates of death of several of his own children, the Bartlett children & the date of death of his wife, Ann Finley which stated that she was in her 39th or 40th year. These exact dates I have entered today in book 15 pages 520 & 521 in the table made up from the information Mr McCague had sent me.

In addition, the bible shows that William McCague married second on Sept 4, 1828 to Amanda Foster, maiden name Dunlap & he died 5 yrs later in 1833.

Mrs McCague has telephoned to Mary, widow of John L. McCague & she & Brower E. says that the Rev

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Thomas McCague bible is with his unmarried daughter Lydia McCague, teacher in the Omaha Technical High School of Commercial Art who lives at No 426 S. 40th St Tel Harney 2651.

Left 8 PM

[descendant chart]


See page 55
Bertha Climera Waterman, married May 10, 1908 at Bottineau, N.D. to John Calvin Smith B Mch 2, 1878 in Boone Co, Iowa son of S.A. Smith & wife Paulina Hardman. No issue. He died July 24, 1918 at Colorado Springs, Col, was a bookkeeper & accountant.

Ethel Amelia Waterman [twin] married Aug 10, 1914 at Dallas, Texas, Walter Vivian Reid born July 19, 1887 at Gonzales, Tex, son of C.L. Heid & wife Nancy Knowles. Have 3 children born at Dallas, Texas. He is Asst. Genl Freight Sgt of Gulf Coast I & G.N. RR Lives 4419 Woodside, Houston, Texas.

Estelle Vivian Reid, B Feby 4, 1916

Albert Richard Reid, B Nov 12, 1917

Ruth Ladelle Reid, B Feby 7, 1924

Elsie Adelia Waterman [twin] married June 1, 1916 at Dallas, Texas Robert Edwin Thorn born at New Orleans, La Mch 17, 1883 son of Thomas Thorn & wife Katherine Graner. Have had 3 children born at Dallas Texas. Is in Frt office of M.K.T. RR. Lives at 1620 Colonial Place, Dallas Tex.

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