West Point, New York 10996-5000 15 December 2004 Effective 9 March 2005

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Headquarters *USMA Regulation 10-1
United States Military Academy

West Point, New York 10996-5000

15 December 2004
Effective 9 March 2005

Organization and Functions






Chief of Staff

//original signed//



Adjutant General


A, B1, C1, C2, C3, C4, C9 and D

Summary. This regulation covers detailed information on the mission, organization and functions of the mission-related elements of the US Military Academy. It excludes the mission and functions of organizations which have been transferred to the US Army Garrison, West Point, Northeast Region, Installation Management Agency, but includes references to the continuing requirement to conduct coordinated actions.
Applicability. This regulation applies to all mission-related organizations in the US Military Academy.
Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Director of Resource Management, Manpower Management Division. The Chief of Staff has authority to approve exceptions to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulation.
Army management control process. This regulation contains management control provisions. It details the functions of each organization on the USMA Table of Distribution and Allowances, and thereby constitutes a formal system to assist management in steering the Academy toward the achievement of its mission by bringing unity out of the diverse efforts of subunits and of individuals. It is one of the control activities that enforce management directives. This regulation is an integral part of USMA’s planning, implementing, reviewing and accountability for resource stewardship.
Suggested improvements. Users of this regulation are invited to send comments and suggested improvements directly to Director of Resource Management, ATTN: DRM-MD, Building 626, West Point, NY 10996.

*This regulation supersedes USMA Regulation No. 10-1, dated 7 August 2000.


Chapter 1

Introduction, page 4

Chapter 2

USMA Mission/Supervision/Control, page 7

USMA organization chart, page 8

Tenant support organizations, page 9

Chapter 3

Command Group, page 11

Office of the Superintendent, page 10

Command Sergeant Major, page 10

Executive Officer , page 10

Aide-de-Camp, page 11

Chief of Staff, page 11

Office of Policy, Planning and Analysis (OPA), page 11

Chapter 4

Headquarters, USMA Staff Major Activity Directorate, page 14

4-1. Director of the USMA Staff MAD, page 14

4-2. Secretary of the General Staff (SGS), page 14

4-3. Chief Information Officer (CIO), page 18

4-4. Chaplain, USMA (CHAP), page18

4-5. Inspector General (IG), page 22

4-6. Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), page 23

4-7. Directorate of Resource Management (DRM), page 26

4-8. Directorate of Operations, Plans and Security (DOPS), page 34

4-9. Directorate of Academy Advancement (DAA), page 37

4-10. Adjutant General (AG), page 39

4-11. Public Affairs Office (PAO), page 41

4-12. Military Equal Opportunity Office, page 45

4-13. Resource Advisor for Chief of Staff, page 46
Chapter 5

Directorate of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), page 47
Chapter 6

Office of the Dean of the Academic Board (ODEAN), page 52
Chapter 7

US Corps of Cadets (USCC), page 76
Chapter 8

Directorate of Admissions (DAD), page 90
Chapter 9

USMA Preparatory School (USMAPS), page 92
Chapter 10

Other Organizations

10-1 USMA Band, page 99

10-2 2d Aviation Detachment, page 101
Chapter 1

1-1. Purpose

This regulation documents the approved mission, organization, and functions of all mission-related elements of the United States Military Academy (USMA). There is a chapter in this manual dedicated to each of the six Major Activity Directorates (MAD), i.e., USMA Staff, USCC, Dean, USMAPS, Directorate of Intercollegiate Athletics, and Directorate of Admissions. ). In addition, this regulation indicates the functions for which each mission-related organization shall conduct coordination with the US Army Garrison, West Point, based upon the garrison mission, i.e., The U.S. Army Garrison, West Point, conducts base operations in support of the United States Military Academy and tenant activities with a commitment to integrity, customer oriented selfless service, and enforcement of high standards, to facilitate the Cadet developmental experience and provide stewardship, services, property, and material for the overall well being of those who live, work, and play at West Point.

1-2. References

a. AR 210-3, Nonstandard Activities of the United States Military Academy and West Point Military Reservation

b. AR 210-26, United States Military Academy
c. AR 71-32, Force Development and Documentation—Consolidated Policies
d. AR 570-4, Manpower Management
e. AR 570-5, Manpower Staffing Standards System
f. AR 570-7, Equipment Survey Program
g. DA Pamphlet 570-500 Series, Staffing Guides
h. FM 100-5, Staff Procedures
i. FM 100-22, Installation Management.
j. USMA Table of Distribution and Allowances.
1-3. Policies

a. Activities will not deviate from the organizational structure, nor cause realignment of functions prescribed herein, without first obtaining approval in accordance with the procedures in paragraph 1-8 of this regulation.

b. The Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA), Modification Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE), Civilian Position Descriptions, evaluation support forms, USMA Staff Directory and all other published media of the USMA will conform to the organizational alignment and titles published in this manual.
c. Organizational changes, which establish or discontinue academic departments, or transfer functions between academic departments must be considered by the Academic Board and forwarded to the Department of the Army for approval.
1-4. Responsibilities

a. USMA MAD Directors will:

(1) Analyze, on a continuing basis, their organizational element to ensure effective structure and staffing for accomplishing the assigned mission.
(2) Maintain the accuracy of the portion of the O&F Manual that pertains to their organization by submitting change requests. Changes will be submitted in accordance with the procedures outlined in paragraph 1-8 below.
(3) Ensure that Position Descriptions and evaluation support forms conform to the mission and functions of the corresponding section of this manual.
b. Director of Resource Management (DRM) will:

(1) Review, coordinate, and obtain approval of all changes to this regulation.

(2) Review proposed TDA and MTOE changes to ensure they are consistent with the approved organizational mission and functions.
(3) Advise and assist in all matters concerned with organizational and functional alignment of all organizational elements.
(4) Maintain, edit, and publish the O&F Manual.
1-5. Principles for organizing

The following guidance is provided to assist Major Activities and their subordinate managers in determining the most suitable organizational structure for mission accomplishment.

a. Each activity must effectively contribute to the overall USMA mission.
b. Organizations must be flexible enough to permit growth and expansion, as well as contraction, without disrupting operations.
c. HQDA guidance specifies that there shall be no more that three structured management levels below the Superintendent. Therefore, MADs may consist of divisions and branches. There is an exception allowing the establishment of sections. Branches are sub elements of divisions; sections are sub elements of branches. Organizational structures should promote individual cooperation, minimize sub-optimization of personnel, and be responsive to changing conditions.
d. Division. A division is the largest structure within a MAD or USMA staff activity; it may or may not be subdivided into branches. Divisions with less than 20 personnel requirements are normally unstructured. Branches may be directly subordinate to a MAD or USMA staff activity if they do not have at least seven manpower spaces.
e. Branch. Divisions may be organized into branches
f. Section. IAW AR 570-4, Manpower Management, “Branches will not be formally subdivided. This eliminates supervisory layering and fragmentation of organizations, while permitting flexibility in organizational design. Exceptions to this may be in organizations where work is functionally diverse or geographically separated.” Therefore, only as an exception shall branches be further divided into sections.
1-6. Organization Mission Statements

A one paragraph statement of the assigned basic purpose or objective for each MAD, academic department or USMA staff activity will precede function statements in this manual. Organizational elements below these levels will not submit mission statements for publication. An organization’s mission statement will include a sentence listing the USMA Regulations and USMA Circulars for which it serves as proponent.

1-7. Organization Function Statements

a. Function statements for each organization shall disclose the distribution of major responsibilities to and within the organization. They will be brief, express functions in general terms and exclude procedures and quantitative information. Failure to observe this limiting feature may lead to the inclusion of sub functions and individual tasks, which should be reserved for standard operating procedures, work distribution charts, job sheets, position descriptions and evaluation support forms.

b. Administrative responsibilities inherent to all activities (i.e., mail distribution; maintenance of files, publications and reference libraries; control of classified material; messenger service; procurement; storage and issue of office supplies and equipment; etc.) will not be included in individual function statements. A function statement, such as, "provides internal administrative services for the office," describes administrative responsibilities common to most offices. Exceptions will be made where a central administrative unit has been established to perform these functions for an entire division, or larger element.
c. In addition to its own function statements, a division will include a summary of the functions of its subordinate branches. Divisions will include a mission statement.
1-8. Procedures for Processing Changes

a. Submit changes for organizational structure or function statements to the Director of Resource Management.

b. Submissions will include the following applicable elements of justification:
(1) Revised organization chart.
(2) Revised mission statement.
(3) Revised function statements.
(4) Revised TDA. A revised TDA is required when the title of an organization is being changed or the number of organizational elements is being increased or decreased.
(5) Revised position description(s).
(6) Justification for change. It shall include the change objective, advantage(s) for making the change, and the resource impact. If the change is required to comply with an Army directive, attach a copy of the appropriate directive.
c. Text changes should be submitted either on diskette, using MS-WORD software, or electronically via USMA e-mail. Revised organization charts should be submitted similarly using MS PowerPoint.
Chapter 2

Mission/Supervision and Control/Organization



2-1. Mission of the United States Military Academy

To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country; professional growth throughout a career as an officer in the United States Army; and a lifetime of selfless service to the nation.

2-2. Supervision and Control

The Chief of Staff, United States Army (CSA), exercises direct supervision and control of the United States Military Academy through the Superintendent. The USMA is a Field Operating Agency (FOA) of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G1. The G1 serves as the Army Staff point of contact for administrative actions concerning the USMA and the West Point Military Reservation (WPMR); to accomplish that the G1 assigns an officer to serve as the principal ARSTAF POC for the USMA. The Superintendent, USMA exercises military command, control, and governance over the USMA and the WPMR; and, fulfills other responsibilities outlined in AR 210-26, United States Military Academy, paragraphs b-g. The Academy’s Chief of Staff functions as both the Academy’s Chief of Staff and as the Major Activity Director for the USMA Staff Major Activities Directorate (MAD). The USMA is organized into six MADs: USMA Headquarters Staff Directorate (USMA Staff), US Corps of Cadets (USCC), Office of Dean of the Academic Board (ODEAN), USMA Preparatory School (USMAPS), Directorate of Admissions DAD), and the Directorate of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA).

2-3. Tenant support organizations

The following organizations are not part of the USMA, nor of the US Army Garrison, West Point, but are located on the West Point Military Reservation (WPMR). They provide services to the USMA work force, community and assigned geographical area.

American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)

American Red Cross

Directorate of Contracting, Army Contracting Agency

Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, HRC

Defense Commissary Agency Store

Defense Military Pay Office

Defense Security Service

Dental Activity (DENTAC)

Document Automation and Production Service (DAPS)

Medical Department Activity (MEDDAC)

Post Exchange Activity

NY District Engineer Office

US Post Office, West Point

West Point Resident Agency (USACIDC)

West Point Schools (WPS)

WP Resident Agency, US Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC)

Chapter 3

Command Group

3-1. Superintendent

a. Exercises command and control of the USMA.

b. Formulates and executes policies, procedures, and programs required to accomplish the mission assigned to USMA.

c. The Superintendent reports to the Chief of Staff, United States Army (CSA).

d. Rates the Garrison Commander. Ensures that USMA policy is coordinated with the Northeast Region, IMA through guidance to the Garrison Commander.

e. The Superintendent’s duties are derived from 10 U.S.C., §4334 which states: “The immediate government of the Academy is under the Superintendent, who is also the commanding officer of the Academy and of the military post at West Point.”

3-2. Command Sergeant Major (CSM)

a. The USMA CSM reports directly to the Superintendent.

b. Advises the Superintendent and staff on matters pertinent to soldier morale and welfare in terms of assignment, reassignment, utilization, promotion, awards, privileges, and discipline.

c. Acts for the Superintendent in conveying policies, procedures, instructions, and information through non-commissioned officer (NCO) channels.

d. Provides counsel and guidance to all NCOs and enlisted Soldiers in the command.

e. Accompanies the Superintendent or C/S on inspections and visits to units and organizations, as required, and recommends action to correct deficiencies.

f. Serves as the President of the USMA Soldier/NCO of the Quarter and Year Boards and Promotion Boards.

g. Serves on the PX/Commissary Council.

h. Coordinates actions with all USMA and tenant units, as required.
3-3. Superintendent’s Executive Officer

a. Prepares the Superintendent’s special correspondence.

b. Prepares the Superintendent’s Daybook.

c. Manages the Superintendent’s e-mail message traffic.

d. Manages the Superintendent’s Outreach communication.

e. Manages “take home” bag to ensure it is prioritized.

f. Manages the Superintendent’s long range schedule.

g. Coordinates the Superintendent’s home page with the USMA Webmaster.

h. Coordinates office work with the Superintendent’s secretary.

i. Coordinates the Superintendent’s participation in Founders Day events with DAA.

j. Coordinates the Superintendent’s schedule with the Aide-de-Camp.

k. Controls correspondence into and out of the Superintendent’s office.

l. Coordinates official correspondence with the SGS.

m. Coordinates speeches and presentations for the Superintendent with OPA.

n. Coordinates information requests for the Superintendent.

3-4. Aide-de-Camp

a. Manages the execution of the Superintendent’s daily schedule – ensuring complete list of meeting attendees with first names.

b. Manages Superintendent’s coins.

c. Manages and coordinates use of Q100 Fund and the Connor Fund for Q100.

d Supervises enlisted aides and driver (Admin. Asst.)

e. Checks for completeness of “take home” bag.

f. Ensures information management technology in office and Q100 is up-to-date and functional.

g. Provides special support at Q100, as necessary.

h. Prepares and publishes the Superintendent’s travel itineraries.

i. Coordinates the Superintendent’s transportation needs.

j. Coordinates flags and audiovisual support for the Superintendent’s visits and briefings.

k. Coordinates Protocol support needs for Q100.

l. Coordinates the Superintendent’s role at social and special events.

m. Coordinates the Superintendent’s participation in Founders Day events with event sponsor.

3-5. Chief of Staff

a. Functions as both the USMA Field Operating Agency’s Chief of Staff and as the Major Activity Director for the USMA Staff Major Activity Directorate (MAD). Coordinates the activities of the Major Activity Directors, the USMA Staff Activity Chiefs, and the US Army Garrison, West Point, IAW the USMA mission and the Superintendent’s guidance.

b. Directs and coordinates the USMA staff.

c. Coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes tasks in accordance with Academy policy and the Superintendent’s direction.

d. Integrates the efforts to plan and program resources for the future, and to execute the mission today.

e. Coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes USMA actions and communications with DA, other services, and other external agencies.

f. Represents the Superintendent as authorized or directed.

g. Ensures the USMA staff and Major Activity Directorates coordinate new policies and programs with US Army Garrison, West Point.

Chapter 3-6

Office of Policy Planning and Analysis

3-6.1. Mission To support the Superintendent and the command group in formulating and articulating USMA policies and programs; to assess the effectiveness of the Military Academy in accomplishing its mission; to provide analysis in support of the decision making process; to conduct strategic planning; and to document command decisions and major events for the historical record.


a. Supports the Superintendent and the command group in formulating and articulating Academy policies and programs.

b. Directs institutional research, analysis, and evaluation in support of decision-making and outcomes assessment.

c. Assists the Superintendent and command group in formulating strategic concepts (e.g., mission, vision, leader development, communications), managing a strategic planning process, and conducting strategic assessments.

d. Serves as the proponent for the Cadet Leader Development System (CLDS); provides oversight and assessment of CLDS and leader development issues/actions; coordinates directly with program directors.

e. Ensures historical documentation of key decisions and major events at the Military Academy.

f. Monitors institutional decisions concerning recommendations offered by external oversight agencies (e.g., Middle States Accreditation); monitors implementation of approved recommendations.

g. Directs and coordinates the activities of the committees on CLDS (CLDSC) and Institutional Assessment (IAC).

h. Coordinates the formulation of policy with the US Army Garrison, West Point, as required.
3-6.2. Institutional Research and Analysis Branch


a. Assesses the effectiveness of the Academy in accomplishing its mission and its institutional policies, programs and operations.

b. Conducts analysis in support of the institutional decision-making process.

c. Conducts or monitors institutional research on candidates, cadets, graduates and post organizations and operations.

d. Provides technical advice and assistance to USMA activities on any research project.

e. Maintains and employs data bases on candidates, cadets, and graduates for inquiries, research, analysis, etc.

f. Serves as the point of contact for external agency requests for institutional research information, data, or reports.

g. Participates in cooperative research studies with other research organizations (e.g., American Council on Education, Educational Testing Service, and Army Research Institute).

h. Supports the IAC.
3-6.3. Policy and Planning Branch


a. Assists with development and articulation of Academy policy and programs.

b. Develops articles, speeches, letters, and other correspondence for the Superintendent and command group to articulate policies and programs for internal and external audiences.

c. Develops and manages an integrated institutional strategic and long-range planning process.

d. Provides a strategic analysis of the internal and external environments for the Superintendent.

e. Observes and reports on Academy governance.

f. Monitors, analyzes, and reports on the impact of external and oversight agencies’ policies, activities, and products.

g. Plans, coordinates, and executes the meetings of the USMA Policy Board.

h. Supports the CLDSC.
3-6.4. USMA Historian


a. Documents command decisions and major events for the historical record.

b. Prepares the Superintendent’s Annual Historical Review, USMA's Annual Report, and the Quarterly Activities Report.

c. Manages the Oral History Program.

d. Conducts historical studies and prepares reports for inclusion in the historical record.

e. Maintains the historical record of the integration of women.

f. Provides presentations on the history of the Military Academy and on related topics as requested by the command group.
Chapter 4

Headquarters, USMA Staff Major Activity Directorate

4-1. Director of the USMA Staff MAD

a. The Director of the USMA Staff Major Activity Directorate (MAD) directs and coordinates the USMA staff which consists of the following activities:

Adjutant General (AG) Chaplain (Chap)

Chief Information Officer (CIO) Directorate of Academy Advancement (DAA)

Directorate of Operations (DOPS) Dir. of Resource Mgt (DRM)

Inspector General (IG) Military Equal Opportunity (MEO)

Public Affairs Office (PAO) Resource Advisor (RA)

Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) Secretary of the General Staff (SGS)

b. The Director of the USMA Staff coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes the USMA staff activities in accordance with Academy policy and the Superintendent’s direction.

c. Ensures that USMA Staff MAD actions and communications are coordinated with other MADs, when necessary.

Chapter 4-2

Secretary of the General Staff (SGS)

4.2.1. Mission. Supports the Superintendent and the Command Group in staff procedures and administrative policies related to preparing, coordinating, and controlling staff actions and other material prepared for the Superintendent and the Chief of Staff in order to effectively communicate the Superintendent’s vision, guidance, and directions.
4.2.2. Functions

a. Functions as the office manager and principal executive officer for the Chief of Staff. Assigns responsibility for and monitors the preparation and staffing of correspondence and other official publications, documents, and staff actions for the Chief of Staff and the Superintendent.

b. Serves as the principal point of contact with Officer Division, Directorate of Military Personnel Management, Office of the G1, and Department of the Army (DA).

c. Assigns to the appropriate departments or agencies action responsibility for visitors of official interest to USMA.

d. Designated by the Superintendent to serve as the Executive Secretary of the USMA Board of Visitors and provide all necessary administrative and logistical support needed by the Board.

e. Coordinates scheduling of the Executive Steering Group with the Executive Correspondence and Control (ECC) Office, SecArmy’s office.

f. Exercises tasking authority for the Command Group relating to administrative requirements outlined in USMA Regulation 25-2.

g. Develops and controls the execution of the Command Group’s budget and controls official hosting funds.

h. Makes input to the Modern Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (MDCPDS) in support of SGS and command group general schedule employees.

i. Coordinates responses to congressional inquiries.

j. Ensures that Superintendent Taskings to the US Army Garrison, West Point are coordinated with the Northeast Region, IMA.

k. Works with the International Activities Committee to support and host international visits to USMA.

l. Responsible for all aspects of support to the USMA Command Group to include Protocol events and visits, Congressional liaison, administration, property accountability, automation, and travel.

m. Supports the Superintendent and Chief of Staff in staff actions and correspondence with the Executive Office, Congress, Department of Defense, and Department of the Army.

4-2.3. Administrative Section


a. Responsible for suspense and document management and control. Maintains files for the Command Group.

b. Takes the initiative to correct staffing and document mistakes so that all actions are completely and properly staffed before they reach the Chief of Staff for decision or recommendation. Ensures that all documents for Command Group signature are prepared in accordance with AR 25-50 and USMA Regulation 25-2.

c. Provides assistance to the USMA staff in preparing correspondence as required. Maintains and coordinates use of Superintendent’s autopen machine.

d. Serves as USMA central POC regarding Congressional/Legislative inquiries (written and telephonic).

e. Receives and routes SGS 8 account email; post office mail; Superintendent’s webmail; and telephonic inquiries. Maintains FedEx account for activity.

f. Responsible for coordinating logistical functions of SGS, Command Group and Protocol to include personnel management; IMO support, property accountability; purchase of supplies, equipment and services, and civilian time validation; travel to include TDYs, ITOs and spouse travel. Manages supply and travel budgets.

g. Assures Command Group adherence to security, safety, training and Privacy Act/FOIA programs.

h. Responsible for preparation of annual holiday card and mailing list.

i. Acts as POC for reserving Superintendent’s Conference Room and Thayer Award Room.

4-2.4. Protocol Section


a. Responsible for developing policies and procedures for the effective support of distinguished visitors. Advises the command group and all other USMA offices on the proper application of these policies.

b. Maintains a record and calendar of all visitors of official interest to the USMA. Informs the Superintendent of scheduled visits, and implements applicable arrangements.

c. Arranges for visits of guests of the Superintendent to include preparation and acknowledgment of correspondence to DA, Department of Defense (DOD), Congress, and foreign liaison; allocation and distribution of invitations, tickets, and parking cards; coordination of visit itineraries; coordination of administrative support and escorts; preparation of seating diagrams and arrangement; and completion of required follow-up action.

d. Reserves and arranges dining facilities and accommodations at locations other than the Superintendent’s quarters for functions hosted by the Superintendent or his designated representative.

e. Advises all Post agencies inviting guests to the USMA of the proper procedures and amenities for visits to include advising them of the Superintendent’s participation as a guest.

f. Designates, in coordination with the department or agency concerned, USMA personnel to serve as escorts, hosts, or aides for guests of the Superintendent.

g. Coordinates and writes Superintendent’s Read Aheads and leads the pre-execution briefings for all Army football games.

h. Serves as proponent for and coordinates Superintendent’s Review Box and Stand seating with USMA Staff and Faculty, AOG, DIA, and all other guests.

i. Coordinates the arrangements for the official guests of the Superintendent and the Secretary of the Army at the annual Army-Navy football game.

j. Provides administrative and protocol support to the Executive Secretary to the USMA Board of Visitors (BOV); plans, coordinates, and executes the meetings of the USMA BOV. Arranges travel, lodging and visit itineraries for members of the BoV.

k. Manages the Academy’s hosting funds. Acts as the Funds Officer for the Official Representational Fund. Serves as the Disbursing Official for the Superintendent/Commandant Fund and the Cadet Hosting Fund in support of USMA official hosting.

l. As required, coordinates with US Army Garrison, West Point , on visitors of official interest to the Academy.

m. Attends weekly staff meetings and DOPS meetings to inform and ensure necessary coordination is made to support visits

n Coordinates with DA Protocol to host DA level conferences or seminars at West Point in accordance with the Superintendent’s guidance.

Chapter 4-3

Chief Information Office

4-3.1. Mission

Responsible for Information Technology (IT) project planning, coordination and tracking, maintaining Information Systems Architecture Plan, formulating IT policies, monitoring the IT industry, and providing recommendations to senior leadership to advance the USMA IT program.

4-3.2. Functions

a. Develops and maintains USMA information architectures (baseline, target, objective) and Information Mission Area long-range plans in conjunction with Information Mission Area technical experts.

b. Prepares the USMA Information Mission Area Modernization Plan for submission to HQDA.

c. Validates all Information Mission Area requirements and reviews, investigates, and prepares all responses to capability request submissions.

d. Coordinates the USMA information security inspection.

e. Project manager for Information Mission Area portion of USMA MCA projects and plans and coordinates Information Mission Area support as required for significant changes in space utilization, mission, and technology.

f. Prepares and maintains Information Mission Area standards and policies, and all internal directorate policies.

g. Develops and maintains the USMA Information Technology Metrics input to the Installation Status Report.

h. Administers, manages, and performs oversight of the USMA Smart Card program.

i. Conducts coordination with USAG, West Point, as required.

Chapter 4-4

Office of the Chaplain, USMA

4-4.1. Mission

To conduct religious support operations in support of the United States Military Academy (USMA) and USAG, West Point with a commitment to excellence. To plan and execute a comprehensive religious program that provides for the spiritual nurture of all members of the West Point community and provide for the free exercise of religion for all staff, faculty, family members, cadets and supporting personnel assigned to USMA.

4-4.2. Functions

a. The USMA Chaplain is responsible to the Superintendent, United States Military Academy for all religious services, programs and activities that take place on the USMA and USAG, West Point. As the senior staff chaplain responsible for religious support, the USMA Chaplain oversees all religious activities at West Point. Serves as the Superintendent's personal staff officer in matters concerning religion, morals, ethics, welfare and morale and advises the Garrison Commander in all matters pertaining to religious support to USAG, West Point.

b. Develops, coordinates and implements a comprehensive religious program for all members of the command. Ensures that all persons at USMA and USAG, West Point are afforded the opportunity to exercise freely their religious practices consistent with the mission of both.

c. Coordinates with USAG, West Point for all garrison religious support requirements and operations.

d. Provides counsel and guidance on religious and morale matters when needed or sought by all USMA and USAG, West Point personnel.

e. Supervises all religious activities at USMA and USAG, West Point in areas of worship; religious education; sacraments; life-cycle functions; marital preparation and counseling; family, troop, staff and faculty visitations; and related ministrations. Ensure all religious activities are conducted IAW AR 165-1 and USMA Reg 165-1.

f. Develops and implements a hospital coverage plan.

g. Responsible for the maintenance and utilization of the Cadet Chapel, Old Cadet Chapel, Jewish Chapel, Community Chapel and Annex, and the Catholic Chapel.

h. Assigns all chaplains to USMA and USAG, West Point.

i. Responsible for the training and professional development of all Religious Support Team personnel assigned to USMA and USAG, West Point.

j. Represents the Superintendent to the Army Chief of Chaplains.

k. Together with the USCC Chaplain, represents the USMA in matters concerning religion to other colleges, universities and institutions.

l. Serves USMA Alumni in providing support for weddings, funerals, memorial services, and other alumni functions.

m. Serves as Chairperson of West Point Chapel Tithes and Offerings Fund (WPCTOF)

n. Responsible for the development and implementation of the USMA Command Master Religious Program.

o. Provides technical guidance to the USCC Chaplain and Community Chaplains.

p. Responsible for the implementation of the Superintendent’s Religious Plan for USMA and USAG, West Point.
4-4.4. Community Chaplain (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish)


a. Provides ministry to all persons assigned to USMA and USAG, West Point, their family members, and DA civilians.

b. Provides counseling services, visitation to the sick and injured, and administration of sacraments and ordinances such as baptisms, funerals, and marriages.

c. Develops, coordinates and implements the Command Master Religious program for assigned chapel.

d. Provides planning and financial support for adult and youth chapel programs.

e. Advises the Garrison Commander on matters pertaining to religion, morals, and morale.

f. Coordinates the community religious program with the Staff Chaplain, USMA.

g. Supervises the use and maintenance of the Community Chapels and other buildings assigned to the Community Chaplains.

4-4.5. Chaplain Executive Officer/Resource Manager


a. Serves as the office manager and principal executive officer for the USMA Chaplain, responsible for the areas of administrative management, force structure and resource management.

b. Responsible for all administrative management for USMA Chaplain’s Office. Coordinates USMA Chaplain Staff meetings – develops agenda and monitors meeting flow. Monitors external and internal taskings and assigns taskings to the appropriate chapel office / chaplain. Carries out administrative tasks and duties as directed by the USMA Chaplain.

c. Serves as the principal point of contact with other USMA organizations and directorates as well as chaplain offices.

d. Coordinates the development of the CPLAN with DRM. Ensures that the CPLAN accurately reflects the directives of the USMA Chaplain.

e. Coordinates all duties and tasks relating to chaplain assistants with the NCOIC.

f. Coordinates office work with the USMA chaplain’s secretary. Coordinates OPORDS and taskings as required.

g. Coordinates official correspondence with the SGS.

h. Plans, budgets, and executes the USMA Command Master Religious Program, directing the funding for both Appropriated and Non-appropriated budgets as reflected in the Superintendent’s Religious Plan.

i. Serves as the WPCTOF Fund manager.

j. Coordinates with Director of Resource Management for the proper utilization and funding of the entire USMA and USAG, West Point religious program.

k. Serves as the USMA Chaplain’s Human Resource Manager by maintaining chaplain duty rosters and scheduling various commitments.

l. Supervises the Non-appropriated Fund Clerk.
4-4.6. Protestant Pastoral Coordinator


a. Serves as the primary resource person for Protestant religious education under the supervision of the USMA Chaplain.

b. Supervises the Protestant religious education program for the USMA.

c. Assists the USMA Chaplain in providing ministry, as required.

d. Serves as the special event coordinator for retreats, conferences, outreach events, and so forth.

e. Assists the USCC Chaplain in providing ministry to the Corps of Cadets, as needed.

Chapter 4-5

Office of the Inspector General

4-5.1. Mission

To inquire into and periodically report on matters affecting mission performance and the state of discipline, efficiency, morale, economy, readiness, and esprit-de-corps of the West Point community (includes USMA mission and garrison activities, as well as tenant units) and to perform other duties as may be required by law and regulation or as directed by the Superintendent.

4-5.2. Functions

a. The Inspector General works for, is responsible to, and has direct access to, the Superintendent on directed investigations and appropriate matters affecting mission performance.

b. Conducts general, special and follow-up inspections of West Point activities, to include appropriated, non-appropriated and private organizations, as required or directed. Prepares and coordinates reports.

c. Evaluates corrective action taken on inspection findings, observations and recommendations.

d. Conducts investigations authorized by the Superintendent or initiated by the IG, into allegations of violation of law, policy, regulation, or other areas of concern to the directing authority.

e. Receives, inquires into and reports on allegations, complaints, and requests for assistance from the public, soldiers, family members and civilian employees assigned to USMA mission related organizations, the USMA Garrison, or USMA tenant units. Provides guidance to complainants on appropriate procedures to be followed pertaining to matters outside IG jurisdiction.

f. Teaches and trains individuals at all levels by explaining the Army's policies, systems, processes and functions and how they interrelate.

g. Formulates and disseminates plans and policies pertaining to IG activities throughout the West Point community.

h. Receives, reviews and processes reports from the Department of Army Inspector General (DAIG) for coordination with, and corrective action by, appropriate USMA activities. Evaluates the adequacy of corrective action taken on findings and observations and coordinates the USMA response to such reports.

i. As office of record for all IG records originating at USMA, receives, reviews and processes requests to access the copies of IG records.

j. Records and reports information on IG activities as required by AR 20-1 and other applicable regulations.

k. Monitors and reports trends of complaints, issues, and other matters affecting mission accomplishment and the general state of morale.

l. Coordinates with US Army Garrison, West Point, as required.

m. Serves as the liaison office for Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) inspections, when tasked by the Superintendent. Coordinates briefings, meetings and responses to reports. Evaluates adequacy of corrective action taken on findings and observations.

Chapter 4-6

Office of the Staff Judge Advocate

4-6.1. Mission

To provide proactive, timely and accurate legal advice and support to the United States Military Academy Superintendent, the West Point Garrison Commander, and all subordinate commanders, staffs and post activities. To provide general legal services to the command, tenant organizations, military personnel and their eligible family members, and retirees in the West Point military community.

4-6.2. Functions

a. The SJA will at all times communicate directly with convening authorities in matters relating to the administration of military justice (Article 6b, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)) and is responsible to the Chief of Staff in matters other than military justice.

b. Provides legal opinions and advice concerning the USMA and West Point Military Installation operations, plans, programs and the authority of the Superintendent and the Garrison Commander.

c. Directs and supervises the accurate and timely delivery of all legal services provided by the Office, including administrative and civil law, criminal law/special actions, legal assistance and claims.

d. The SJA acts as the Command Ethics Counselor UP the Joint Ethics Regulation and appoints Assistant Ethics Counselors from the office to assist in this function.

e. Advises on pre-trial confinement and recommends policies relating to confinement of military personnel.

f. Examines all records of trial by general, special and summary courts-martial and administrative board actions for legal sufficiency.

g. Responsible for establishing mutual support agreements with the U.S. Army Legal Services Agency (USALSA) activities supporting the USMA and the US Army Garrison, West Point.

h. Conducts coordination with US Army Garrison, West Point, as required. Specifically, provides all attorneys who advise the Garrison Commander and his staff on matters such as labor and employment issues; environmental law issues; administrative law issues; contract and fiscal law issues; claims; legal assistance; tax issues; and criminal law matters.
4-6.3. Administrative Section

a. Provides all administrative, logistical, resource and personnel management necessary to run a fully automated legal office and law library.

b. Provides internal administrative, logistical and personnel management.

c. Provides fiscal and resource management.

d. Manages the SJA Army Law Library.

e. Provides automation planning, training, configuration/troubleshooting and network administration.

4-6.4. Claims Section


a Performs all claims’ functions for the West Point Military Reservation as outlined in Army Regulation 27-20 and implementing guidance from the U.S. Army Claims Service, Fort Meade, Maryland.

b. Investigates, adjudicates, settles, forwards for action, or denies claims against the Government.

c. Evaluates and prepares medical care and insurance recovery claims on behalf of the Government.

d. Evaluates and prepares other affirmative claims on behalf of the U.S. Government.

e. Prepares investigative reports and litigation briefs, answers discovery and interrogatory inquiries and makes recommendations to the U.S. Army Litigation Division and servicing U.S. Attorney Office in support of all claims litigation.

f. Provides legal review, opinions and advice on quality assurance/risk management programs of MEDDAC and Keller Army Community Hospital.

g. Publicizes U.S. Army claims programs and policies as part of the Office Preventive Law Program.

h. Reports operational statistics and budget data.
4-6.5. Military Justice Section


a. Provides all aspects of criminal law and military justice advice, instruction and support to commanders and law enforcement personnel at USMA, the West Point Military Reservation, and the U.S. Magistrate Court, including support for cadet cases arising under the honor code and cadet disciplinary system.

b. Prepares written opinions, advice and recommendations to the chain of command on all criminal law and military justice matters, including administrative elimination proceedings on officers, cadets and enlisted soldiers.

c. Prosecutes cases at courts-martial. Prepares and reviews records of courts-martial.

d. Instructs and educates law enforcement personnel, commanders, staff and faculty, cadets and soldiers on Army command policy, law and regulations in the area of military justice.

e. Provides Law of War and Code of Conduct instruction when requested.

f. Provides formal and informal legal advice to the chain of command at all stages of cadet conduct, misconduct, and honor cases. Advises on propriety of referral of cadet cases to criminal or administrative action and the legal sufficiency of proposed actions to be taken by the Commandant of Cadets or Superintendent.

g. Interprets and implements appropriate regulatory guidance and procedures.

h. Transcribes records of misconduct and honor hearings and prepares all implementing action documents for cadet conduct, misconduct, and honor cases.

i. Prosecutes cases arising in the jurisdiction of the U.S. Magistrate Court as Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys.

j. Processes and tracks cadet recoupment actions.

k. Coordinates and tracks cadet separations with HQDA and OTJAG.

l. Heads Sexual Assault Response Team. Provides quarterly report to Chief of Staff on ongoing cases.

m. Provides Victim-Witness Liaison to support individuals involved with sexual assault or court-martial level offenses.

4-6.6. Legal Assistance Section


a. Provides personal legal advice and prepares legal documents for eligible clients as outlined in Army Regulation 27-3, Legal Assistance, and implementing guidance from HQDA. In addition, responsible for the Installation Preventive Law Program, the Installation Tax Assistance Program, and the coordination of trial defense services as necessary.

b. Provides personal legal advice and prepares legal correspondence and documents in matters of family law, estates, real property (including landlord/tenant matters), personal property (including consumer rights and affairs), civilian and military administrative matters, torts, taxes and certain civilian criminal cases to eligible clients.

c. Prepares wills, advance medical directives, and powers of attorney through in-office consultation and Soldier Readiness Processing programs.

d. Provides notarial services.

e. Maintains liaison with local courts, civilian attorneys, and professional associations.

f. Conducts the Installation Preventive Law Program and the Installation Tax Assistance Program.

g. Serves as counsel for consultation to cadets appearing before Misconduct Boards, Conduct Investigations or Honor Investigative Hearings, all of which could result in separation from USMA.

h. Conducts initial interviews of soldiers pending nonjudicial punishment under Article 15 or administrative elimination and coordinates consultation with the Fort Drum Trial Defense Service Office.
4-6.7. Administrative Law Section


a. Provides legal opinions and advice to the Superintendent, Commandant of Cadets, Dean of the Academic Board, Chief of Staff, Garrison Commander, Heads of Major Directorates and other activities concerning all USMA and West Point Military Reservation operations, plans and programs and the authority of the Superintendent.

b. Provides legal review of administrative actions and policy issues affecting the Academy and the West Point Military Reservation. Interprets laws, regulations and directives affecting the duties, functions and authority of the command.

c. Provides an attorney to serve as the installation environmental law expert.

d. Provides advice concerning the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act to the USMA Freedom of Information Act Officer.

e. Provides a procurement counsel to give expert legal advice on all aspects of government contracting strategic sourcing, privatization and fiscal law.

f. Provides administrative support and coordination with the Department of Justice on matters affecting federal prosecutions under the U.S. Magistrate Court program.

g. Provides the primary labor counselor for the installation who advises on all aspects of providing labor law and civilian personnel law matters.

h. Provides hearing officer for Cadet Honor Investigative Hearings.

i. Serves as Assistant Command Ethics Counselors. Provides advice concerning ethics matters and the standards of conduct under the Joint Ethics Regulation and provides annual ethics training to installation OGE 450 filers and all other DA employees.

j. Provides legal advice to investigating officers appointed pursuant to Article 32, UCMJ, AR 15-6, and Regulations for the US Military Academy.

k. Provides an intellectual property law attorney who advises on copyright, trademark, and patent law issues.

l. Provides advice concerning intercollegiate athletic and cadet activity nonappropriated fund instrumentality programs.

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