Winter of Terror

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1950 “Winter of Terror” killer avalanches in the Alps, Korean War, Civil Rights campaign increases in US, Ultrasound first used on pregnant women, Hantavirus in S Korea, earthquakes and landslides in India, world population estimated at 2.4 billion

January thaw in PA reaches temps of 75 to 80 degrees, GER population density approx 280/sq mile

Puerto Ricans gain power to write their own constitution, Tibet quake kills 1526 8.6, end of third plague pandemic killing 300 million since 1850, African-American Ralph Bunche wins Nobel Peace Prize, India gains independence, Partition creates Pakistan, Korean War begins, Neruda's "Canto General", death of Anglo-Irish writer and winner of 1925 Nobel Prize George Bernard Shaw, Hazel Bishop manufactures kiss-proof lipstick, death of Scottish music-hall star Harry Lauder, death of Jan Smuts the S African soldier and statesman, death of German novelist Heinrich Mann, death of French statesman leon Blum, death of German composer Kurt Weill, Britain recognizes Communist China – USSR and Communist China sign 30-year pact – Chiang Kai-shek resumes presidency of Nationalist China – Communist China’s forces occupy Tibet – Tibet appeals to the UN but China rejects appeal to cease fire, Senator Joseph McCarthy advises Truman that State Department is riddled with Communists and Communist sympathizers, Alger Hiss the US State Department official sentenced for perjury, Riots in Johannesburg against apartheid, Truman instructs US Atomic Energy Commission to develop hydrogen bomb, Klaus Fuchs found guilty of betraying British atomic secrets to USSR and imprisoned – Harry Gold his American confederate sentenced to 30 years, London dock strike, Britain recognizes Israel, West Germany joins council of Europe, N Korean forces invade S Korea and capture Seoul – Douglas MacArthur appointed commander of UN forces in Korea – UN forces land in S Korea and recapture Seoul – S Korean troops cross 38th parallel – UN troops forced to withdraw – state of emergency declared in US following Korean reversals – Chinese forces cross 38th parallel, US recognizes Vietnam – capital at Saigon – supplies arms and sends mission to instruct in their use – signs military assistance pact with France Cambodia Laos and Vietnam, King Leopold III returns to Belgium after six years’ exile – Socialists demonstrate against him – he abdicated in favor of his son Baudouin, Indonesia admitted to UN, King Gustavus V of Sweden dies and son Gustavus VI reigns, Poland and E Germany proclaim Oder-Neisse line as frontier, Attlee visits Washington, Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Ralph J Bunchee, death of US politician Henry L Stimson, Congress passes McCarran Act over presidential veto – severe restrictions against Communists especially in sensitive positions during emergencies and for registration of communists and forbids entry of aliens who have belonged to totalitarian organizations, Assassination attempt against Truman made by two Puerto Rican nationals – one killed the other sentenced to death – commuted to life, death of Leon Blum, WRITERS: Ray Bradbury, Ernest Hemingway, Budd Schulberg, Francis Parkinson Keyes, Thor Heyerdahl, Ezra Pound, CP Snow, Anouilh, Henry Morton Robinson, William Cooper, Bertrand Russell (Nobel Prize), Nigel Balchin, Christopher Fry, John Hersey, Sidney Kingsley, Evelyn Waugh, Robert Penn Warren, Nevil Shute, Tennessee Williams, Gwendolyn Brooks, AB Guthrie Jr. Clifford Odets, AL Rose, Boswell, Nikolai Berdyaev, RA Knox, Margaret Mead, Gilbert Ryle, Sartre, DEATHS: George Bernard Shaw, Hedwig Courts-Mahler, Heinrich Mann, Emil Jennings (GER), Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan), Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edgar Lee Masters (USA), Al Jolson, Carl Van Doren, Pope Pius XII proclaims dogma of bodily assumption of the Virgin Mary, Internation Exhibition of Ecclesiastical Art in Rome, 25 Protestant and four Eastern Orthodox Church groups organize National Council of the Churches of Christ in the US, ART: Chagall, Bernard Berenson, Giacometti, Kokoschka, Death s of Max Beckman (GER) Eliel Saarinen (USA), Matisse begins work on Vence Chapel, Films “La Beaute du Diable” “Orphee” “La Ronde” “Sunset Boulevard” “Rashomon” “All About Eve”, MUSIC: GIan Carlo Menotti, International Bach Year celebrate 200 years since death, death of Kurt Weill, Howard Swanson, Benny Goodman and NBC Symphony Orchestry premier Copland music, Cool Jazz develops from bebop, Frank Loesser and Abe Burrows (Guys and Dolls), UN Building completed, Eugenio Montiori designs Rome railroad station, Pani and del Moral design University City MEX, Popular songs: “If I Knew You Were Comin’ I’d’ve Baked a Cake” “Ragg Mopp” “Sam’s Story” “A Bushel and a Peck” “C’est Si Bon” “Good Night Irene” “Tzena Tzena Tzena Tzena” “Music! Music! Music!” “Mona Lisa” “The Fat Man” “Please Send Me Someone To Love” “Teardrops From My Eyes” “Tennessee Waltz”, SCIENCE: Plutonium separated from pitchblende concentrated, GT Seaborg discovers californium, berkelium discovered, Einstein attempts to expand Theory of Relativity, Miltown a meprobamate comes into wide use in the US as a tranquilizer, Nobel Prizes for use in hormones, Antihistamines become popular remedies for colds and allergies, Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel opens in New York, ** World population 2.3 billion, death of jan Smuts, 30,000th rose variety catalogued, 1.5 million televisions, Heavy earthquake damages Assam, European Broadcasting Union formed, death of “Hap” Arnold General of the US Air Force, Saturday morning children’s programming begins, Phonevision (pay per view) becomes available, Top television includes “The Texaco Star Theater” “Fireside Theater” “Your Show of Shows” “Philco Television Playhouse” “The Colgate Comedy Hour” artists: Mills Brothers, Nat King Cole, Teresa Brewer, Ruth Brown, Perry Como and Betty Hutton, Rate of divorce in US doubles since 1940, Czechoslovakian and Eastern Europe missions close, Early Morning Seminaries in schools in Pacific, 60,000th ward created, in Africa only Egypt South Africa and Liberia independent with Ethiopia gaining independence during WWII, this decade Mao made peasants melt down tools for ship steel and famine results in at least 30 million dead, Korean War, Joseph McCarthy inquires into “un-American activities”, E Germany and Poland settles boundaries

1951 Lamington eruption, killer avalanches in the Alps, flooding in Manchuria, Churchill forms peacetime government in \England, End of Marshal Plan for post-war recovery, Cyclone hits Jamaica, Epidemic in Brazil, Eruption in Philippines, Eruption in New Guinea * President McKay attends White House conference and have brief visit with Truman, LDS woman appointed treasurer – Ivy Baker Priest, Jan - Major storm hits Nashville, TN, May - bean found embedded in unbroken chicken egg in NEB following tornado, "The King and I" and "West Side Story" debut on Broadway, Charles Manson arrested in Beaver UT for theft, Quakes in Hawaii and Turkey, Papua New Guinea Mt Lamington erupts killing nearly 3000, Woman survives body temp of 64.4 degrees, but with amputations, Comoro tornado kills 500 (near Madagascar? Or E Timor? Indonesia), B.B. King releases first hit, Gregory Pincus develops oral contraceptive, first computer developed/enhanced, Hiroshima survivor Shigeki Tanaka wins Boston Marathon, Dacron suits introduced, death of American news publisher William Randolph Hearst, death of French author Andre Gide, death of German composer Arnold Schonberg, death of British socialist politician Ernest Bevin, death of American novelist and 1930 Nobel Prize winner Sinclair Lewis, Mary Hardy Reeser spontaneously combusts, televisions in US number 15 million, N Korean forces break through at 38th parallel – take Seoul and reject American truce offers – Seoul retaken – Gerneral MacArthur relieved of Far East command – new N Korean offensive – UN forces capture “Heartbreak Ridge” north of Yangoo, Ben Gurion’s new government dissolvedi in Israel – new coalition formed, Czechoslovak Communist Party purged, Mossadegh becomes Prime Minister of Iran, De Valera returns to power in Eire, British diplomats and spies for USSR Burgess and Maclean escape to USSR, King Abdullah of Jordan assassinated in Jerusalem, Peace treaty with Japan signed in San Francisco, British conservatives win and Churchill forms government, Peron reelected in Argentina, Adenauer visits Paris Rome and London, death of former USSR Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov, 22nd amendment limits term of presidency, death of Henri Petain, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death of espionage against the US – confederate Morton Sobell sentenced to 30 years imprisonment, WRITE: Robert Frost, Conrad Richter, Carl Sancburg, Nicholas Monsarrat, JD Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”, Herman Wouk (The Caine Mutiny), Anouilh, Christopher Fry, Sartre, Louis Bromfield, Camus, John Von Druten, William Faulkner, Graham Greene, James Jones (From Here to Eternity), Nikos Kazantzakis, Thomas Mann, Francois Mauriac, Annemarie Selinko, Tennessee Williams, William Styron, Catherine Marshall, Rachel Carson, Theodor W Adorno, Georg Katona, Ludwig von Mises, Ortega y Gasset, Death: Andre Gide, Louis Jouvet (FRA), John Erskine (USA), Bernhard Kellermann (GER), Fanny Brice, Sinclair Lewis, Harold Ross (New Yorker editor), Foundation stone of British National Theater laid in London, death of Ludwig Wittgenstein (AUS), ART: Salvador Dali, Graham Sutherland, Picasso, Otto Dix, Gerald Barry and Hugh Casson create Festival of Britain, Basil Spence designs new Coventry Cathedral, Matisse completed Vence Chapel, British Film Censors introduce “X Certificate” classification, Fred Waller invents Cinerama, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designs Lake Shore Drive apartment building in Chicago, Frank Lloyd Wright designs Friedman House in NY, Marcel Breuer designs dormitory at Vassar in NY, death of John Sloan, Films: “The African Queen” “Le Plaisir” “Miracle in Milan” “An American in Paris” (Gene Kelly) “Viva Zapata” “Strangers on a Train” (Hitchcock) “A Streetcar Named Desire” (Brando), MUSIC: Britten, Stravinsky, R Vaughan Williams, Rodgers and Hammerstein (The King and I), Arthur Honegger, Douglas Moore, Gian Carlo Menotti, Deaths: Arnold Schonberg, Constant Lambert (ENG), Fritz Busch (GER), Sergei Koussevitzky (RUS-USA), William Mengelberg (DUT), Arthur Schnabel (AUS), Huddie Ledbetter (folk singer and composer), Popular songs: “Hello Young Lovers” “Getting to Know You” “Shrimp Boats” “Come On-a My House” “Cry” “In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening” “Kisses Sweeter then Wine” “Sixty Minute Man” “Rocket 88” “Dust My Broom” “Too Young”, Robert Matthew builds Royal Festival Hall in London, SCIENCE: Krilium developed from acrylonitrile for use in fertilization, Electric power produced from atomic energy at Arcon ID, J Andre Thomas devises heart-lung machine for operations, Charles F Blair flies solo over North Pole, death of German surgeon Ferdinand Sauerbruch, Nobel Prize for medicine Max Theiler for work on yellow fever vaccine, McMillan and Seaborg wind Nobel Prize for discovery of plutonium, Hank Marino elected American Bowler of the Half Century, death of JS Coxey US businessman who led “army” to Washington to protest unemployment, death of William Randolph Hearst, Color television first introduced in US, Gordion the Phrygian capital from 4000 to 3000 BC excavated, death of Crown Prince William of Prussia – son of Wilhelm, Color tv debuts, Nationwide TV first started with Edward R Murrow “See it Now” series – shows both coasts simultaneously, Top television includes “Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts” “I Love Lucy” “The Red Skelton Show”, artists include Nat King Cole, Billy Ward and His Dominoes, Johnny Ray, Patti Page, Weavers, McClintoc described “jumping” genes, David O McKay sustained, Libya gains independence starting three decades of new independence trends, Pacific Security Treaty signed, W Germany admitted to Council of Europe, Egypt withdraws from agreement on Suez Canal – British troops occupy, forerunner of European Market with Schuman Plan, Chinese communists occupy Tibet, Colombo plan for defelopment of south Asia

1952 Bad year for tornadoes in US, Mau-Mau guerrilla war against British in Kenya until 1959, Death of George VI of England, Elizabeth II rules, Smog storm kills thousands, Tsunami in USSR, Lynmouth Devon GBR flood * Former president Hoover meets with Ezra Taft Benson – start of 12 year friendship, Truman speaks at BYU, Neal A Maxwell serves in President’s economics department, Eisenhower visits with President McKay, Eisenhower appoints Elder Ezra Taft Benson to be secretary of agriculture, Kennedy elected U.S. Senator, Nixon visits Utah as Eisenhower’s running mate – Elder Marion G. Romney is not impressed with Nixon, Puerto Rico becomes self-governing commonwealth, CA quake kills 12 7.3, Kamchatka quake E Siberia/Aleut est 9, London great smog + inversion kills ~12,000, Einstein turns down chance to be president of Israel, Pentagon psychic projects underway, First year without reported racial lynchings in US, Ralph Ellison wins award for “Invisible man”, Salk discovers polio vaccine, first artificial diamond made, Michael DeBakey performs first coronary bypass, US overthrows Prime Minister Mossadeq of Iran and installs Shah, Raytheon Corp. produces microwave oven, Watson and Crick propose structure of DNA, H Bomb detonated, first passenger jet in Britain, Fanon's "Black Skin, White Masks", death of American philosopher John Dewey, death of Swedish novelist and 1920 Nobel Prize winner Knut Hamsun, death of Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce, death of first president of Israel Chaim Weizmann, death of Swiss physicist Auguste Piccard, death of King George VI of Britain, first sighting of Igopogo the monster of Lake Simcoe in CAN, Anati-British riots erupt in Egypt = Aly Maher Pasha appointed premier but resigns – General Mohammed Naguib seizes power and forms government – King Farouk abdicated in favor of infant son Fuad – constitution of 1923 abolished, Franco-German crisis over Saar administration, death of King George VI of England – daughter Queen Elizabeth rules, Churchill announces the Britain has produced and atomic bomb – Truman announces H-bomb tests in Pacific, Dwight D Eisenhower resigns + elected president, European Defence Community Treaty signed in Paris, Hydroelectric plants in N Korea bombed by US planes – UN General Assembly adopts Indian proposal for Korean armistice – China rejects plan, Ruiz Cortines elected President of Mexico, Honolulu Conference of three-power Pacific Council (Australia US and New Zealand), 16k people escape from E to W Berlin in August, Prince Hussein Ibn Talal grandson of King Abdullah proclaimed King of Jordan, Chou En-lai visits Moscow, China and Mongolia sign 10-year agreement, USSR Communist Party Congress meets in Moscow, State of emergency proclaimed in Kenya following Mau Mau disturbances, Rudolph Slansky and Vladimar Clementis accused of high treason and executed (CZE), death of Chiam Weizmann and Yizhak Ben-Zvi elected President of Israel, Israel and Germany agree on restitution for damages done to Jews by the Nazis, Nobel Peace Prize to Albert Schweitzer, death of US labor leaders Philip Murray and William Green, WRITE: Truman Capote, Ralph Ellison (The Invisible Man), Ernest Hemingway (The Old Man and the Sea), Joseph Kramm, RF Leavis, Doris Lessing, Marianne Moore, Paul Osborn, Dylan Thomas, Evelyn Waugh, Angus Wilson, Agatha Christie, Clifford Odets, Francois Mauriac, Anouilh, Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot), Jan de Hartog, Leonhard Frank, Cesare Pavese, John Steinbeck (East of Eden), Edna Ferber, Thomas B Costain, GB Shaw, Alan Moorehead, Harold Nicholson, Reinhold Niebuhr, Martin Buber, CG Jung, Norman Vincent Peale, Deaths: Albert Bassermann (GER), Norman Douglas (ENG), Knut Hamsun (NOR), Ferenc Molnar (HUN), Louis Berneuil (FRA), John Dewey (USA), George Santayana (ESP-USA), Benedetto Croce (ITA), St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna reopened, Revised Standard Version of the Bible published for Protestants, ART: Chagall, Raoul Dufy, Barbara Hepworth, Jackson Pollock, Georges Rouault, August John, Jacob Epstein, Art nouveau expo in Zurich, Lionel Brett designs Hatfield New Town ENG, Lever House of New York designed by Skidmore Owings and Merril, Films: “This is Cinerama” “Limelight” (Chaplin) “Othello” (Orson Welles), “Umberto D.” “Moulin Rouge” (Jose Ferrer) “Don Camillo et Peppone” “The Greatest Show on Earth” “High Noon” (Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly), MUSIC: Boris Blacher, Hans Werner Henze, Hindemith, Rolf Liebermann, Gail Kubik, Paul Creston, Alexi Haieff, Roy Harris, Gardner Read, Leonard Bernstein, Arthru Kreutz, Alexandre Tcherepnin, Deaths: Adolf Busch (GER), Alfred Einstein (GER), Heinrich Schlusnus (GER), Elisabeth Schumann (GER), Popular Songs: “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” “Jambalaya” “It Takes Two to Tango” “Your Cheatin’ Heart” “Wheel of Fortune” “lawdy Miss Clawdy” “Have Mercy Baby” “One Mint Julep” “Night Train” SCIENCE: Isotopes in use in medicine and industry, contraceptive pill of phosphoroated hesperidin produced, British first atomic tests in Monte Bello Islands W Australia, First hydrogen bomb exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in Pacific, Cyram and Becker statistically demonstrate connection between death frequency and weather, death of Swedish explorer Sven Hedin, Nobel prize for physics for work in atomic magnetic fields, Nobel prize for discovery of streptomycin, Last London trams retired, Jericho excavated, death of Eva Peron, Rocky Marciano wins world heavyweight boxing, Germany becomes member of world band, Christian Dior gains influence on Paris haute couture, Helsinki Olympics, John Cobb killed while establishing water-speed record on Loch Ness, Leonard Nimoy appears as Martian on science fiction tv show Zombies of the Stratosphere, TV’s magazine format “Today” show debuts, Jackie Gleason Show (The Honeymooners) debuts, Top shows include “Dragnet” and two Arthur Godfrey shows, Popular artists Nat King Cole, Rosemary Clooney, Frankie Lane, Jo Stafford, Buddy Morrow, Sokolov establishes term Vendian for latest Precambrian, President McKay visits Europe, Missions adopt first church-wide proselytizing plan, Elder Benson asked to serve as Secretary of Agriculture, First national election in India, Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya, Death of George VI of Britain Elizabeth II Queen of Britain, Bonn Convention – end of occupation of West Germany, Greece and Turkey join Nato, European Coal and Steel meeting, China accuses US of waging Germ Warfare in Korea, Mau Mau begins terrorist activities against British in Kenya, first national election in India – Nehru elected

1953 Bich invents Bic pens, Korean War ends, death of Stalin, Khrushchev in power, DNA discovered, North Sea floods, Flint MI tornadoes, Worcester MA tornado, Storm and flood on North Sea, Cyclone hits Vietnam, Eruption in New Zealand, Waco TX tornado, Nov - 10 days of smog kill 200+ in New York, Nov - Severe Nov Cold wave as MY temps reach -53, Greece quake kills 476 main 7.2 – 113 tremors over 5 days, New Zealand’s Mt Ruapehu erupts killing 152, American dramatist O'Neill dies, End of Korean War, Stalin dies, Khruschev takes power, Eisenhower president is US, §USSR Hydrogen bomb, Watson and Crick model DNA, Germany invents high-density plastics, Fashion models in San Francisco organize union, death of Princess Mary of Teck the queen consort of George V of Great Britain, death of US physicist and 1923 Nobel Prize winner Robert A Millikan, death of Russian poet and 1933 Nobel Prize winner Ivan Bunin, death of French painter Raoul Dufy, death of Russian Communist dictator Joseph Stalin, death of American dramatist Eugene O’Neill, death of Jim Thorpe the athlete, death of American astronomer EP Hubble, death of Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, Jockey Frank Hayes dies during race but horse wins, London Conference of N and S Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Churchill visits Eisenhower, New constitution proclaimed in Yugoslavia - Marshal Tito elected president, Eisenhower inaugurated, General Naguib voted dictatorial powers in Egypt for three years and republic proclaimed, USSR severs relations with Israel but resumes, death of Stalin and GM Malenkov rules USSR – LP Beria dismissed and executed – Khrushchev appointed first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party, Toto visits London, Dag Hammarskjold (SWE) elected Secretary-General of the UN, US Congress creates new cabnet post of Secretary of Health Education and Welfare, Adenauer visits NY and London, Jomo Kenyatta and five other Kikuyu convicted of managing Mau Mau, Vietnamese rebels attack Laos, Queen Elizabeth II crowned, London Conference of Commonwealth prime ministers, Rosenbergs (atomic spies) executed, Joseph Laniel elected Premier of France, Korean armistice signed at Panmunjom – S Korea and US sogn mutual defense treaty, Royalist coup in Persia – Premier Mosaddegh arrested and sentenced for three years, Austrians stage protest strike against occupation, Churchill Eisenhower and Laniel meet in Bermuda, Ben-Gurion resigns – Moshe Sharett elected Prime Minister of Israel, Rene Coty elected president of France, Churchill named Knight of the Order of the Garter, Nobel Peace Prize General George C Marshall, death of Robert A Taft US Senator, WRITE: Ian Fleming (Casino Royale), C Day Lewis, TS Eliot, NC Hunter, Arthur Miller (The Crucible), Winston S Churchill, Julian Green, Gerald Hanley, Graham Greene, George Axelrod, Robert Anderson, Archibald MacLeish, John Steinbeck, Tennessee Williams, Saul bellow, Leon Uris, Peter Ustinov, karl Jaspers, JB Rhine, BF Skinner, Allan Bullock, Martin Heidegger, Gunther Weisenborn, Simone de Beauvoir, Deaths: Jilaire Belloc (ENG), Ivan A Bunin (RUS), Eugene O’Neill, Dylan Thomas (39), Lee Shubert (USA), Richard von Mises (AUS), ART: Jean Bazin, Georges Braque, Chagall, Picasso exhibition in Rome, BW Tomlin, Henry Moore, Eero Saarinen wins award for design of General Motors tech Center in MI, Deaths: Raoul Dufy (FRA), John Marin, Eric Mendelsohn (GER-ENG), Francis Picabia (FRA), Uasuo Kuniyoshi, Films: “I Vitelloni” (Fellini) “Roman Holiday” (Audrey Hepburn), From Here to Eternity” “The Robe” “the Living Desert” “Julius Caesar” Most US movie theaters adapted for Cinemascope film, MUSIC: Britten, Baughan Williams, Gottfried von Einem, Hindemith, Bohuslav Martinu, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Leonard Bernstein, Ernest Bloch, george Antheil, Bohuslav Martinu, William Schuman, Deaths: Emmerich Kalman (HUN-AUS), Eduard Kunnecke (GER), Sergei Prokofiev (RUS), Arnold Bax (ENG), “Kismet” musical based on Borodin’s music for “Prince Igor”, Popular songs: “Doggie in the WInsow” “I Believe” “Baubles Bangles and Beads” “Ebb Tide” “Stranger in Paradise” “I Love Paris”, “Money Honey” “Your Cheatin’ Heart” “Crying in the Chapel” “Gee” “Shake A Hand”, SCIENCE: Nobel prize for medicine to Lipman and Krebs for work on living cells, Mazel discovers Cave Cougnac near Gourdon containing prehistoric paintings, death of Americanphysicist RA Millikan, Fourth International Astronautic Congress in Zurich, Cosmic ray observatory erected on mount Wrangell AK, USSR explodes hydrogen bomb, W Le Gross Clark proves Piltdown Man a hoax, Hillary and tensing become first to climb Mount Everest, Austro-German ecpedition climbs Nanga Parbat in Himalayas, Alfred C Kinsey publishes regarding sex and human females, death of EP Hubble US astronomer, rocket-powered plane flies at 1600 mph (nearly mach 2), Lung cancer attributed to cigarette smoking, death of Queen Mary of England, London Stock Exchange opens public galleries, Murder of British Drummond family at Provence France by farmer Gaston Dominici, death of US athlete Jim Thorpe, Tornadoes in TX MI and MA kill 350, price controls lifted in US, Lucille Ball’s pregnancy shown on “I Love Lucy” Loretta Young abandons film for television, top shows include “You Bet Your Life” and “The Bob Hope Show” artists include “Ray Anthony and his Orchestra” “Dean Martin” “Hank Williams” “Patti Page” “Tony Bennett” – Julius LaRosa fired on Arthur Godfrey show live on air and Godfrey’s popularity drops, Creation of amino acide by Miller and Urey in electrical tube, Piltdown man determined to be a hoax, Watson and Crick publish, Rosalind Franklin publishes, Houtermans and Patterson publish on age of earth estimating over 4.5 billion years, Ruapelu volcano in NZ kills 151 when bridge washes out as lake overflows, Church Education System formalized, death of Stalin, Everest climbed by Hillary and Tenzing, Coup in Egypt, Swede Dag Hammarskjold becomes second secretary-general of UN, death of Stalin – Malenkov becomes Soviet premier, Bermuda conference of British American France, Treaty of Panmunjon ends Korean War, Military coup in Egypt ends monarchy and establishes republic, French occupy Dien Bien Phu in N Vietnam and Viet Minh invade Laos, Kenjan politician Kenyatta imprisoned because of Mau Mau involvement, Yugoslav Communist Tito rules

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