World War 2 Terminology Matching

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World War 2 – Terminology Matching


__8__ Occupation of the Rhineland

  1. Famously said, we shall have “Peace for our Time” following his arrangement with Hitler in 1938.

__5__ Anchluss

  1. Region of Czechoslovakia with a large German population that is annexed by Hitler in 1938.

__4__ re-armament

  1. After being fooled by Hitler in Czechoslovakia, the French and British promised to not allow any further acts of aggression by Nazi Germany

__2__ Sudetenland

  1. First step in Hitler’s plan to destroy the Treaty of Versailles

_1___ Neville Chamberlain

  1. Term referring to the Nazi takeover of Austria

__7__ Manchurian Incident

  1. Policy of the United State prior to World War 2 to stay out of European affairs

__10__ Munich Pact

  1. Failure of the League of Nations to act over this situation led to its downfall. Japan created situation that allowed them to invade China.

__9__ Treaty of Versailles

  1. If the French or British had stood up with force against Hitler during this early act of aggression, Hitler likely would have backed down

__12__ Nazi-Soviet Pact

  1. Blamed Germany for WW1 and placed restrictions on its ability to rebuild following the war

__11__ Axis Powers

  1. Agreement reached to give Hitler the German speaking region of Czechoslovakia in order to maintain peace in Europe in 1938

_6___ isolationism

  1. Term referring to the German, Italians and Japanese in World War 2

_13___Third Reich

  1. Arrangement between Hitler and Stalin that was to prevent Hitler from entering in to a 2 front war in 1939. It allowed Germany and ‘Russia’ to split Poland between them


  1. Hitler’s term for his ‘1000 year’ German Empire that he was creating

__3__ Polish Guarantee

  1. Organized violence against Jewish shop owners and synagogues in October of 1938.

Beginning of the War

_8___ Blitzkrieg

  1. German term referring to tank divisions.

_4___ Sitzkrieg

  1. Region where Allied convoys could not be protected from the air by Allied planes

__14__ Battle of the Atlantic

  1. Vast system of concrete bunkers built by the French after WW1 to prevent a German invasion along their shared border

__15__ Battle of Britain

  1. Another term for the “phoney war” of late 1939 and 1940 where war had been declared but did not actively fight

__13__ Luftwaffe

  1. The very fast planes used by the German air force in the Battle of Britain

_ 3___ Maginot Line

  1. Famous prime minister of England during most of World War 2. Gave inspirational speeches to motivate the British to preserve against German attacks in 1940

__1__ Panzer

  1. Area of France that was not occupied by the Germans in WW2 and remained somewhat independent as its leaders cooperated with the Nazi troops

__11__ Dunkirk

  1. War tactic that combined air and ground attack with an emphasized the use of speed

__7__ Vichy France

  1. Code name for the German planned invasion of England that was never carried out

_12___ RAF

  1. Term for the groups of U-boats that would go out and hunt Allied convoys

__9__ Operation Sealion

  1. Also called Operation Dynamo, this evacuation saved over 330,000 Allied soldiers from being captured by German at the start of the war

__6__ Winston Churchill

  1. The air force of Britain made up of pilots from more than 10 nations; many of them trained in Saskatchewan during WW2

__10__wolf packs

  1. Name of the German air force

__5__ Messerschmitt

  1. German U-boats tried to prevent American merchant ships from reaching England

__2__ The Atlantic Gap

  1. Fought entirely by the RAF and German air forces, this conflict nearly knocked the British out of the war, but in the end, the RAF was able to hold off the German attack

The War in Europe

__3__ Battle of Kursk

  1. Code name for the re-taking of mainland Europe (d-day and onward into France) by the Allied troops

__10__ Normandy

  1. Secretive term used by the Germans about their decision of how to eliminate the Jewish population from Europe.

_8___Erwin Rommell

  1. Largest tank battle in history. Although both sides suffered huge losses, it was a victory for the Russians as the Germans could no longer keep their men supplied with the weapons they needed to continue the fight.

__22__El Alamein

  1. Name of the British-American invasion of North Africa in 1942

__9__Battle of Stalingrad

  1. Location taken during the D-Day invasions by Canadian forces


  1. The idea of having different regions being influenced by different ideologies after world war 2 (democratic vs communist) The idea was that each side would not interfere in the others regions.


  1. Soviet city that was the target of the middle division of Nazi soldiers. They outran their supply line and could not take the city before winter set in in 1941-42.

__24__von Paulus

  1. Also known as the Desert Fox, this German general was eventually defeated in Northern Africa.

__11__ Montgomery

  1. Violent street to street fighting took place over an industrial city along the Volga River. The Germans lost as many as 1.5 million men were killed, injured or taken prisoner. This battle was the beginning of the end of Hitler’s Russian campaign.

_16___ Operation Barbarossa

  1. Region of France that was selected for the D-Day invasions

__14__ Battle of the Bulge

  1. British commander

__5__ Juno Beach

  1. Soviet city that remained under siege for over 30 months. As many as one million citizens died from freezing or starvation.

__1__ Operation Overlord

  1. First Allied offensive in the Pacific. It lasted 6 months and showed the hellish tropical fighting conditions and amount of loses to be expected in fighting the Japanese

_20___ Nuremburg Trials

  1. The final German offensive of the war, tried to break through at the Ardennes with the goal of splitting the British and American lines in half and taking the town of Antwerp. Germany suffered 100,000 casualties, and lost 600 tanks and 1600 aircraft. From this point on the Germans are retreating.

__2__ Final Solution

  1. First major meeting of the Allied leaders in 1943 to discuss post-war Europe. The British and Americans pledge to open a 2nd front in Europe in June of 1944. Spheres of influence start to emerge.

__4__ Operation Torch

  1. Code name for the invasion of Russia by the Nazis in June of 1941, breaking the Soviet-German non-aggression pact

__17__ Potsdam Conference

  1. Meeting that took place in late July and early August 1945 after Germany had been defeat. The Allied powers began to openly disagree about a post-war world. The Soviets would control central Europe.

__21__ Yalta Conference

  1. Code-breaker that allowed the Allies to know many of the Germans moves and plans.

__6__ Spheres of Influence

  1. Major naval battle that took place just north of Australia. It stopped the Japanese advancement towards Australia. Even though it was a naval battle, no ships fired at each other as the battle took place from the air.


  1. Set forth the idea that `men` are responsible for their actions in war

__15__ Teheran Conference

  1. Meeting of the big three leaders where it was agreed upon to divide Germany and Berlin into occupation zones following the war. Stalin will also agree to enter the war against the Japanese within 90 days of victory in Europe

__19___ Battle of Coral Sea

  1. Battle where the British are able to take back control in Northern Africa by driving the Germans back into Tunisia and caused the Germans in Africa to lose most of their tanks.

__25___ Iwo Jima

  1. Naval battle that took place west of Hawaii. The Japanese attack was defeated as the US had broken Japanese codes and were prepared for them

__23___ Midway

  1. General that surrendered his troops at the Battle of Stalingrad

_13____ Guadalcanal

  1. Battle for a volcanic island 1500 km from Japan. Famously portrayed in photograph of soldiers raising an American flag

The Pacific Theatre

__6__ Battle of Midway

  1. Following the Japanese taking control over the Philippines, they forced their prisoners to walk over 60 miles to their prisoner camp. Many died from abuse, malnutrition and disease.

__8__ Admiral Yamamoto

  1. Nuclear bomb that was the first one to be dropped – hit the city of Hiroshima

__15__ Arizona

  1. Heavily armed and well entrenched Japanese soldiers waited for the US Marines to arrive at this island battle.

___9_ Battle of the Coral Sea

  1. Grand vision of the Japanese to remove non-Asians from the South Pacific and use these territories to fuel the Japanese Empire

__3__ Iwo Jima

  1. US plan to move closer and closer to Japan to take the war to the Japanese home lands.

__12__ Manhattan Project

  1. Last major offensive of the Japanese Navy in WW2. Despite an attempt to lure the US navy towards the Aleutian Islands, the US won a decisive victory over the Japanese Navy.

__18__ bushido

  1. This action by the US is one of the reasons that the Japanese launched their attack on Pearl Harbor

__16__ kamikaze

  1. Head of the combined Japanese forces. He was leery about attacking the US in the Pacific

__17__Battle of Guadalcanal

  1. Attempt by the Japanese to take Port Moresby in Papua. Stopped Japanese expansion in the South Pacific.


  1. Plutonium bomb dropped over Nagasaki

__5__ Island Hopping

  1. Island in Manila Bay, Philippines were the US had a fortress that was taken by the Japanese in 1942

__13__ Douglas MacArthur

  1. Name given to the US attempts to build a nuclear weapon

__1__ Bataan Death March

  1. US military leader in the Pacific – accepted the surrender of Japan

__10__ Fat Boy

  1. American scientist in charge of developing the nuclear bomb. Famously quoted Hindu scripture afterwards 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”

_2___ Little Boy

  1. US ship famously sunk at the raid on Pearl Harbor

__19__ Operation Olympic

  1. Method of Japanese fighting that involved using young pilots and their planes as flying suicide missiles against American targets.

__7__ Oil Embargo

  1. First US led offensive against the Japanese in WW2. A bitter battle through the jungle in with much hand to hand combat

__4__ Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

  1. Japanese warrior code that would provide a spiritual shield to let soldiers fight to the end

__11__ Corregidor

  1. Code name for the planned land invasion of Japan that never took place

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