Academic Program Review


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Summary: Strengths and Weaknesses of the University Library Collection and Services

Currently, the University Library’s hospitality administration holdings adequately support the research areas of the faculty and undergraduate and graduate degree candidates in that discipline. Strengths of the hospitality monographs collection include: Hotel management; Food service and Restaurant management; and Hospitality marketing.

In addition to monographs, the University Library maintains a strong collection of online databases and journals to support the teaching and research needs of hospitality administration faculty and students. The online databases used by the department are made available via Georgia State University Library subscription and GALILEO, a state-wide initiative to provide access to electronic resources. The journals are available in both print and electronic formats, with an increasing emphasis on electronic access as many databases increase their full-text content.

Weaknesses in the hospitality monographs collection are in the areas of: Conventions; Meeting and event planning; and Club management. These can be addressed with increased purchasing in these areas. The University Library lacks a current index for hospitality journal literature. Previously, the University Library subscribed to a print index, the Lodging, Restaurant and Tourism Index (LRTI), published by Purdue University, which ceased in 1995, and to the electronic CD-ROM version of that index, which ceased in 2001. The current version of the index is EBSCO’s Hospitality and Tourism Index (HTI)1, which costs $2,400 per year. It includes just over 400 journals, approximately half of which are indexed in their entirety. Of the six peer and aspirational schools surveyed, two have access to HTI.

With regard to library service to the department in the form of instruction and individual consultations, there has been limited usage of services provided by the librarian for Hospitality Administration. As the liaison continues in her position, there should be increased usage of these services.

Relevant Library Statistics





Number of journal titles supporting program


Number of related journal titles added in last three fiscal years


Number of related journal titles cancelled in last three fiscal years


These were industry manuals and publications with full-text publications available electronically.

Number of related databases added in last three years


Number of related databases cancelled in last three years


Number of monograph titles supporting program


Number of monograph titles in key call number ranges added in last two years (01/2004-01/2006)





Percentage of available universe of related monograph titles purchased through approval plan during previous fiscal year.



Number of library instruction courses taught for department during previous fiscal year.


Number of library consultations held with students from department during previous fiscal year.


Electronic Resources

Students and faculty in the Department of Hospitality Administration rely heavily on journals, major reference works and databases to conduct research and complete assignments. The following section provides an overview of some of the major electronic resources available for hospitality administration research.

GSU Library Subscription Databases




Provides access to articles from business journals, as well as newspapers and magazines.

Business and Company Resource Center (at GALE)

Provides access to company profiles, industry overviews and news articles.


Provides access to articles from major news sources and industry and trade publications.

Market Insight

Provides access to industry surveys, such as Restaurants, Casinos, etc.


Provides access to industry and market data and statistics.

GALILEO Databases



Academic Search Premier

Provides access to journal, newspaper and magazine articles.

Business Source Premier

Provides access to journal, newspaper and magazine articles, as well as company profiles, industry overviews and country reports.

Lexis Nexis Academic

Provides access to newspaper and magazine articles, as well as company information and some law publications.

Research Library

Provides access to journal, newspaper and magazine articles.

Appendix H

  • Table H-1: Goals and Objectives

Table H-1: Strategic Initiatives for 2007 - 2008



1. By 2008, have over 300 hospitality majors.

  • Continue on-campus recruiting through Panther Previews, Change of Major fairs and marketing to incoming freshman, undeclared majors and majors with potential to double-major

  • Build new aviation area of emphasis by increased external awareness of these courses, career options, internship opportunities

  • Reach out to industry to inform existing hospitality employees of degrees offered

2. Add two new tenure-track positions to start by Fall 2008

  • Document increased credit hours and number of majors

  • Request new positions with strong documentation provided to Dean’s Office

  • Continue to monitor increase in class sizes and use of PTIs to cover courses

3. Locate external funding for the School

  • Optimize naming opportunities – of Centers, symposiums/lecture series, etc.

  • Work with University’s and College’s Development Officers on large contributions to support endowed chairs

4. Successfully open new facilities and work with University to open an on-campus hotel and conference center

  • In December 2006, develop a “punch list” for two openings; Faculty committee to handle protocol agreements, opening ceremony details;

Discussions have just started (11/06) with University officials about the possibility of converting an existing on-campus building into a boutique hotel with the possibility of a conference center near the new science complex; A potential hotel developer has been identified and a proposal from the developer is underway.

1 Hospitality and Tourism Index combines the records of Cornell University's former Hospitality database, Articles in Hospitality and Tourism (AHT), formerly co-produced by the Universities of Surrey and Oxford Brookes and Lodging, Restaurant & Tourism Index (LRTI), formerly produced by Purdue University.

2 Beginning in 2005, the monographs budgets of the College of Business departments have contributed to the funding for the annual subscription to ABI/Inform.

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