Academic Program Review

Attended College’s Executive Retreat, August 5, 2004

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Attended College’s Executive Retreat, August 5, 2004

Corporate Outreach Sub-Committee of the RCB Strategic Planning Committee - January 2004 – Present; This committee interviewed several candidates for the Graduate Career Service Director position throughout 2004.

Coordinated program of study, internships and outings for the four Ghanaian Fellows here through the USAID grant from August 2003 – July 2004; All four Fellows received the Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE) designation
Served on Search Committee for position of Assistant Dean of Development, November 2004 - January 2005
Search Committee for Undergraduate Career Services Director, March 2005
Search Committee Chair for position of Real Estate Department Chair’s position, September 2005 – October 2005.
Search Committee Member, Graduate Career Services Director, August – November 2005
Contributed to “State of Business” article on quality customer service, Summer 2005
Service to the University
Member of Georgia State University’s Speakers Bureau, 1994 - Present
Committee for the Institute for Teaching and Learning, Georgia State University, 1994
University Career Services Committee, Georgia State University,

November 1995 - Present

President Patton’s Breakfast Meeting, group of eight faculty members that met with President to discuss the University, December 6, 1995
Participated in Olympic Job Fair, sponsored by Career and Job Services, Georgia State University, May 17, 1996

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Service to the University (continued)
Participated as a Workshop Leader in the Leadership Conclave for the Student

Government Association, Georgia State University, September 13, 1997.

Attended President Patton’s Breakfast Meeting, May 30, 2001
Served on the program review committee for the human resources undergraduate and graduate programs in the School of Social Policy Studies, February 2004 – March 2004
Attended INCEPT Marketplace sessions, June & July 2004
Attended Spring Semester, Summer Semester and Fall Semester Commencement Ceremonies in 2004, Spring Commencement in 2005

Professional/Community Service
Career Opportunities in the Hospitality Industry. Participated in an Insight Session

at the homeless shelter of Covenant Community, October 1991.

Reviewer for Refereed Papers for the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) Annual Conference, 1992, 1993, 1997, 1998
Participated in an electronic brainstorming session sponsored by the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games on hotel reservation processes and guest services during the Olympics, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1992.
Accreditation team member, Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration, Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education. Site visit to Pennsylvania State University, April 5 - 8, 1992
Worked with Atlanta Athletic Club in developing a job description for position of Director of Human Resources, developed screening process and interviewed candidates for the position, March - April, 1994
Innkeeper Liability for Guest Property. Channel 5 television interview with Virginia Ellis, August 22, 1994.
Facilitated meeting with local Directors of Human Resources on topic of staffing needs, recruiting and retention strategies, September 1994

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Professional/Community Service (Continued)
Facilitator for a four-hour strategic planning session, Sales and Marketing Department, Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel, December 4, 1994
Coordinated and participated in a focus group session on Hospitality Training Needs - Preparing for the Olympics. Georgia State University, March 1, 1995
Liaison to Eastman Kodak Corporation in planning their Olympic Internship Program,

March - December 1995

Volunteer, Helping Hands Community Project in conjunction with the

American Hotel and Motel Association’s Annual Convention, April 1995

Pre-accreditation review of the Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Administration program at Georgia Southern University, September 1995
Service audit and development of training process format for the Northriver Yacht Club, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, September 1995
Assisted Senior Living Association of Georgia in planning their continuing education seminar held October 6, 1995, Atlanta, Georgia
Research Committee, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, March 1996 - 1997
Liaison to Randstad Staffing Services in planning banquet service Olympic training,

March 1996 - June 1996

Participant in interim tenure review of Bruce Tracey, Assistant Professor, Cornell School of Hotel Administration, June 1996
Interviewed and quoted in the Atlanta Business Chronicle (October 25-31, 1996); Article by

E. Vaeth, “Hotels Shift Several General Managers After Games,” p. 6B.

Contributed research analyses for press conference conducted by Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, November 13, 1996
Interviewed and quoted in the Atlanta Journal/Constitution (November 14, 1996); Article

by S.M. Poole, “Atlanta Hotels: Well Ahead in Total 96 Revenue,” p. B3.

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Professional/Community Service (Continued)
CHRIE (Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) liaison to CMAA (Club Managers Association of America), 1997 - 1999
Completed wage survey of hotels in the metro Atlanta area for the Hospitality Human Resources Council, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1997

Interviewed and quoted in the Atlanta Journal/Constitution (April 13, 1997); Article by

S.V. Ruscher, “Hotel industry battles to keep its workers,” p. R7.
Interviewed for article in the Georgia Hospitality Newsletter (Winter 1997); Article by

M. Judge, “The Future of Hospitality Labor,” pp. 20-21.

Planned and coordinated the Spring SECHRIE meeting, Atlanta, GA, February 27, 1998
Worked with Hyatt Regency Atlanta in conducting three separate opinion surveys of

employees; Conducted 4/98 - 9/98. Statistical analysis provided for each survey.

Contributed written documentation as part of the promotion and tenure process for Dr. Cathy Enz, for promotion to full professor, School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University, June 1998.
Club Supervisors University (Developed by D. Cannon for the Georgia Chapter of CMAA) won first place in the Idea Fair, CMAA World Conference, 1998.
On-going research with GHTA involving a survey of participants in the School to

Career program throughout Georgia, 10/98 - Present

Contributed written documentation as part of the promotion and tenure process for Dr. Bruce Tracey, for promotion to Associate Professor, School of Hotel Administration,

Cornell University, November 1998.

Reviewed papers submitted for presentation at the Conference on Graduate Hospitality Education held in Las Vegas, NV, January 1999.
Participant in interim tenure review of Melanie Lankau, Assistant Professor, Cornell School of Hotel Administration, April 1999
General Session Speaker and Round Table Session Leader for The Georgia Hospitality Education Project’s First Annual Hospitality 101 Student Conference, April 30, 1999, Atlanta
Meeting Professionals International Regional Meeting, 2/26/01, Atlanta
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Professional/Community Service (Continued)
Georgia Hospitality & Travel Association, Spring Meeting, March 24, 2001, Rabun Gap, GA.
Planning Meeting for revising CCM Review Course sponsored by CMAA, Atlanta, Friday,

August 17 & August 18, 2001.

Attended Herman Cain presentation and book signing, Atlanta, October 25, 2001.
SECHRIE Meeting, Charleston, SC - November 2 & 3, 2001
Two presentations made to School to Hospitality Career students, Benjamin Mays High School, December 4, 2001, Atlanta GA
Represented School of Hospitality at the Travel Industry Association of Georgia Meeting, December 4, 2001; Atlanta, GA
Master Club Manager Academic Council, Club Managers Association of America,

January 2000 - Present

Accreditation Commission of Programs in Hospitality Administration – Commissioner, 2000 - Present
Board of Directors, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau – 2001 - Present
Board of Governance Task Force, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau – 2001 - Present
Board of Trustees, Hospitality & Travel Foundation of Georgia - 2001 - Present
Southeast Chapter of the Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (SECHRIE),

Secretary/Treasurer - October 2000 – Summer 2001

Vice President - Summer 2001 – Summer 2002

President - Summer 2002 - Summer 2003

Awards Committee, International CHRIE for 2002 International CHRIE Conference –

June & July 2002

Board of Trustees Meeting, Hospitality & Travel Foundation of Georgia, Atlanta,

December 16, 2002

Advisory Board Meeting, Culinary Program of Chattahoochee Tech, Atlanta, December 16, 2002

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Professional/Community Service (Continued)
External Reviewer for faculty member, Texas Tech University, 2003
External Reviewer for Dr. Carl Pfaffenberg, University of Tennessee, October 2003-12-05
Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education,

1994 – Present; Reviewed approximately 6 papers in 2004

Board Member for the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau – 2001 – Present:; Attended quarterly meetings in 2004 and participated in an ACVB Focus Group - May 19,
Held an ACVB focus group with students in the summer semester hospitality strategic management course on the branding of Atlanta - July 2004
ACVB Planning Meeting, September 9, 2004,
Board Member for the Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association, Georgia Hospitality & Travel Association (GHTA), 2002 – Present
Member of the Georgia Hospitality Travel & Foundation Board – 2001 – Present;

Member of the International Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) - 1991- Present

Paper Reviewer for the 2004 International CHRIE Conference

Elected National Director of Chapters - 2003 - 2005

CHRIE Board Meetings - January 9 – 11, 2004, Philadelphia;

July 27 & July 31, Palm Springs, CA

January 7 – January 9, 2005, Las Vegas, NV
Commissioner on the Accreditation Commission of Programs in Hospitality Administration, 2000 – Present; In 2004, coordinated funded research project on perceptions of accreditation in hospitality programs. Attended biannual ACPHA meetings: January 31, Daytona Beach, FL;

July 31 – August 1, Philadelphia;

Elected to Vice Chair of ACPHA, Summer of 2004
Member of the Academic MCM (Master Club Manager) Council, Club Managers Association of America, 2000 - Present
Board member of the International Society of Events Foundation; Participated in monthly conference calls in 2003; Coordinated the development of a fund-raising database

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Professional/Community Service (Continued)
Consulted with Jim Stiff, Executive Director of Goodwill, Macon, GA regarding conference center/kitchen plans; Toured facility and followed-up with recruiting ideas, January 21, 2005
Attended ACPHA Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 22 & January 23, 2005
Met with LongHorn Steakhouse recruiters to discuss continual improvement ideas for their college recruiting program, January 25, 2005.
Visited Western Carolina University to meet with Dean of College of Business and Management Chair to discuss hospitality program joining the COB, February 11, 2005
Attended Educational Foundation of Georgia Meeting, March 25, 2005; May 27, 2005. July 15, 2005
Attended Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association Meeting, May 26, 2005
ACVB Board Meeting, June 8, 2005.
Helped plan the Whitefoord Community 10th Anniversary Celebration, July 2005 – October 29, 2005 – the event date.
Attended the International CHRIE Board Meeting, July 26, 2005.
Attended the Summer ACPHA meeting, July 30 – July 31, 2005.
Professional Development
Seminars on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award - Application criteria and quality processes, December 1990 - April 1991
The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Hospitality Industry. Sponsored by Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association and the American Hotel and Motel Association, Atlanta, Georgia, February 10, 1992
Assessing Student Outcomes. Two-hour seminar sponsored by Georgia State University, May

May 14, 1992

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Professional Development (Continued)
Annual Council of Hotel, Education and Institutional Education (CHRIE)

Conference, July 29 - August 2, 1992, Orlando, Florida

SECHRIE (Southeast Chapter of the Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 9 - 10, 1992
Assessment Workshop. Six-hour session on assessing learning outcomes, Clayton State College, Atlanta, Georgia, October 16, 1992
Hotel/Motel Investors Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 28, 1993 - March 2, 1993
Controlling Labor Costs and Liability in Hospitality and Tourism Businesses.

Conducted by Stokes and Murphy law firm, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2, 1993

Annual Council of Hotel, Education and Institutional Education (CHRIE) Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 4 - 7, 1993
Governmental Forum, Georgia Hospitality and Food Show sponsored by the Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2, 1993
SECHRIE Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 4, 1994
Annual Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) Conference,

July 26 - July 31, 1994, Palm Springs, California

Eight-hour workshop on grant-writing, CHRIE Conference, July 27, 1994,

Palm Springs, California

SECHRIE Meeting, February 24, 1995, Atlanta, Georgia
Certified Hospitality Educator Workshop, Georgia State University,

March 19 - March 22, 1995. Completed course, passed certifying examination and successfully completed a one-hour teaching session on video resulting in the CHE designation.

Teleconference of the White House Conference on Travel and Tourism,

Georgia State University, April 5, 1995

American Hotel and Motel Association Annual Conference,

April 26 - April 28, 1995, Atlanta, Georgia

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Professional Development (Continued)
Annual Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE)

Conference, August 1 - August 5, 1995, Nashville, Tennessee

SECHRIE Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1, 1996
Avoiding Legal Liabilities. One-day seminar conducted by Stokes and Stokes law firm, Atlanta, Georgia, April 30, 1996
Promotion and Tenure Seminar, College of Business Administration, Georgia State University, May 3, 1996
Industry Forum, sponsored by the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, Georgia World Congress Center, September 11, 1996
International Hotel Show, New York City, November 9 - 12, 1996
Club Managers Association of America Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida,

January 20 - 22, 1997

SECHRIE (Southeast Chapter of the Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 28, 1997
Hotel/Motel Investors Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 17, 1997
Annual International Conference for CHRIE, Providence Rhode Island, July 30 - August 2, 1997
World Conference for Club Managers Association of America, Las Vegas, Nevada,

January 16 - January 21, 1998; Special Interest Session on Club Management Education Meeting attended on 1/20/98 at UNLV

Eight-hour seminar with Tom Peters, sponsored by Georgia State University, February 13, 1998, Atlanta, Georgia
SECHRIE Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 27, 1998
Annual International Conference for CHRIE, the Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, Miami, Florida, July 29 - July 31, 1998
Chancellor’s Visit to Georgia State University, September 16, 1998

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Professional Development (Continued)
World Conference for Club Managers Association of America, San Francisco, CA,

February 27, 1999 - March 2, 1999

SECHRIE Business Meeting, March 5, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia

Six-hour seminar with Stephen Covey, Principles of Leadership, March 10, 1999, Atlanta, GA

SECHRIE Meeting, Spring Meeting, February 18, 2000, Atlanta, GA
SECHRIE Meeting, Fall Meeting, October 13 & 14, 2000, Hilton Head, SC
SECHRIE Meeting, Fall Meeting, November 2 & 3, 2001, Charleston, SC
SECHRIE Meeting, Spring Meeting, February 16, 2001, Atlanta, GA
Academic Administrators Workshop, The Georgia Center for Continuing Education, The University of Georgia, March 28, 2001.
Teaching & Learning Expo, Georgia State University, April 10, 2001
Provost’s Meetings - December 5, 2001;
Provost’s Sessions for Department Chairs in 2004: February 4, September 8,

October 6, November 3

Club Managers Association of America World Conference, February 15 – February 18, 2004, Anaheim, CA
Southeast CHRIE Meeting, February 21, 2003, Atlanta

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