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The psychological type of Virgo is characteristic for the Alpids. They represent the remains of the ancient natives of the Ice Age Europe, who still in a great deal populate those areas which were once covered in ice.

The Finno-Ugric who populate the Baltic and north-eastern Europe (ex-USSR region) are called the Baltids by anthropologists, and those who populate the Alps in Central Europe – the Alpids. By mixing with the Nordids, the Baltids got light hair.

Unlike the Baltids who to a certain degree preserved the awareness of their Finno-Ugric origin (the Estonians, Finns, Laponians, Hungarians, etc.), the Alpids forgot their roots, firstly under the invasion of the Celtic Nordids, and then also under German and Slavic conquerors. The analysis of Y chromosome, which can be inherited only by men, reveals that the Baltids, from the father’s side, preserved haplogroup N, which is by its genetic structure closest to the haplogroup O typical for Yellow race in East Asia. HG-O is also characteristic of Koreans whose language belongs to the same Uralic language group in which the European Finno-Ugric also belong.

However, unlike the Baltids, the Alpids, from the father’s side, lost their haplogroup N and got the Nordic HG-R1b, which corresponds to their Celtic conquerors. Actually, genetics convinces us that the hypothesis which states that the Nordic proto-Celts killed the entire male population of Alpids in Central Europe and took their women is true.

Both branches of the Finno-Ugric (Alpids and Baltids) have common genetic markers (HLA-A3, B7, etc.) and very slight anthropological differences. The Finno-Ugric antigen HLA-B7 in Europe is most represented among the Laponians (over 37%), in Ireland (33.6%) Austrians (29.1%), Finns (26.7%), Belgians (25.5%) and north-western Russians (25.2%). HLA-B7 is the most represented HLA-B antigen in Switzerland (23.6%), Slovenia (23.6%) and Germany (20.2%). Within the area of former Yugoslavia this antigen is present in 10.65% of the population, whereof 7.84% in Serbia, and 18.1% in Croatia.

Mixing with different European people (mostly with the Nordids) made the Alpids similar to the White race by their appearance at first sight. Nevertheless, the skeletons disclose that they originated from the Yellow race:

"It seems they have lived in Europe since the end of the Paleolithic age, but where they came from or whether they originated in Europe by mixing of some short-headed Asian group with the Proto-Europeans – we do not know. These people, at least according to their skeletons, have some similarities with the Turanids and we do not notice the features of the Tungids on the living man." (Božo Škerlj, Man, pg 328).

However, both the Alpids and the Baltids maintained many adaptive psychophysical attributes which allow them to live in a polar climate zone. They are characterized by narrow and small eyes, strong blood circulation of the face, protective layers of fat, a genetic proneness to obesity, short extremities, a broad brachycephal skull, a round and broad face without any expressive trait. There are often circles under the eyes and the layers of fat. Cheekbones are somewhat prominent. The nose is short, flattened, pug or straight. The mouth is wide. The teeth gaps are not entirely close as they are with the other anthropological types in Europe. The beard is weak. The hairiness is barely noticeable. They are also characterized by an instinctive need of making supplies, a fear of water, easily disgusted, etc.

Astrologers Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel depict the physical appearance of Virgo: "The complexion sallow ... The feet are small, the toes turn inwards and give these people a peculiar labored walk." (Max Heindel & Augusta Foss Heindel, The Message of the Stars, pg 60). And the anthropologist Božo Škerlj writes about the representatives of the Yellow race: "Hands and feet are very small." (Dr Božo Škerlj, A Man, pg 315-317). According to astrologer Mile Dupor: "Virgo is characterized by a round bony head, a smooth face..." (Do not believe it, check it, pg 78). According to astrologer Charles Carter, their " complexion is sallow and often muddy; " (Charles E.O. Carter, The Principles of Astrology, pg 161).

According to astrologer Linda Goodman, "The Virgo is normally a small person" (pg 219). The astrologer Hana Hart says about Virgo: "You can recognize him by his height because he is usually the shortest man in a group." (Hana Hart, A man in the palm, pg 64)

Also, as anthropologist Božo Škerlj stated, "The Alpids are men of a rather small stature (163-164 cm). ... We can find them in Central France, all over the Alps, in Czechoslovakia, and also partly in the western and northern regions of Yugoslavia" (General Anthropology, pg 69).

The Alpids are mostly represented in the area of the County of Savoy in France, in Southern Germany (Bavaria), in the areas of Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatian Zagorje, and here in the region of Vojvodina (the natives), and partly in north-western part of Sumadia District. Psychological characteristics of the Alpids are the result of perversion of their adaptive attributes for a cold climate – the gathering instinct which, under inner discontent, is transformed to stinginess. That is why in the entire area of representative of the Alpine type, from Banat to Bavaria and Savoy, we meet people who correspond to the psychological type of Virgo by their excessive stinginess.

Astrologer Maja Lončarić wrote as follows:

"Virgo jealously keeps their integrity and their apothecary peace in which they live alone or with their family. Virgo’s motto is: We do not let anybody in. ...Stingy. They spend their money cautiously because they are afraid of poverty. They posses an old-fashioned mentality, impose economic restrictions in the family, the sense of practical living is realized to the disadvantage of aesthetics, they are stingy and their relationship with their parents is conventional." (Maja Lončarić, Astrology – Stars Talk, pg 40, 54-55)

It is thought that North Germany is more developed than South Germany because its residents would rather invest the capital they earned into further production, while Bavarians would rather put the money aside. Germans from the North still tell jokes that mock the selfish character of their compatriots from the South, as well as their racism and rigidity* (Fusnota: What happens when a blonde moves from Berlin to Bavaria? – There’s a collective rise in IQs in both areas!) of thinking. Bavarian boy and girl save money in order to go to seaside together, but since she did not earn enough money, he spends his summer holiday without her. They have dozens of recipes on how to use bread which is hard as a stone because it is ten days old. They are prone to stinginess on unimportant things to disadvantage of their bodily comfort, and even their health. They take care of their health, but not so much out of love for health itself, as much as out of fear of disease. Awareness of personal property is extremely developed, and there are some recorded cases of murders committed because of picking fruit from the branches hanging over the fences, as well as court cases that lasted for decades (like, for example, one case about a rooster in Macva, which lasted for three decades). The selfish envy towards rich people was a basis for their efforts to carry out social reforms through Nazism in Central Europe and communism in the East.

The next attribute of the Alpids comes as a result of their reduced hormonal activity which makes them enjoy the feeling of "virgin” purity before their own conscience more than weakly expressed emotional and sensual pleasures. Their tendency to enjoy purity of conscience leads them to a hypocritical suppression of their weaknesses into the subconsciousness (which is already a temptation that most elderly people find hard to resist), and such a suppression creates specific authoritarian and "Gestapo-like" symptoms in their psyche.

The whole region of Central Europe is characterized by a natural product of hypocrisy originating under the influence of guilt – proneness to racism. The greatest percentage of Nazi war criminals came exactly from that area. In the same geographical area today we still meet false moralizing and contempt towards dirty, morally unfit and uncivil people, which is a result of projection and transfer of own unacknowledged moral impurity to others.

There is a well-known example from Slovenia, when the people of Ambrus (near Ljubljana), out of "ecological and safety" reasons, exiled 35 Gypsies to the woods in 2006 and prohibited them from returning. The result of the poll designed by local TV station POP soon after the affair, showed that 42% of respondents supported the decision of the Slovenian government not to allow Gypsies’ return to the town of Ambrus after their placement into the Center for Foreigners. Gypsies were looked down upon for being filthy, uncivilized and incapable of respecting the legal system. Through this act of exile, the Alpid type revealed its true Nazi nature. Let us observe the similarity with an astrological description of Virgo’s temptation. According to an advice of the astrologer Johanna Weinbaum, where she explains how to break up a relationship with Virgo, we find a list of temptations that the Alpid type is not able to resist, which clearly demonstrates why they have a scornful attitude towards Gypsies themselves:

"Avoid taking baths. Dress sloppy. Put down your cigarettes in a coffee cup. Let your home look like you actually live there. Be late for meetings as often as you can. Use vulgar words as much as possible. Take Virgo to a topless club or treat them for a porno movie. Be compassionate. Question every decision of theirs or make a decision without consulting them. Share your obscene jokes with them in front of others. Gamble ruthlessly." (Johanna Weinbaum, The Secret of Sexual Astrology, pg 34)

The character of the Alpids corresponds to the astrological description of Virgo’s character:

"The sign is a very discriminative and critical one that is not at all easily satisfied. It is fastidious, dislikes being touched, and has a deep-rooted fear of infection." (Vivian E. Robson, Astrology and Sex, pg 35)

Astrologer Mile Dupor talks of Virgo’s character in the same manner as if he talks of a representative of the Alpids:

"Virgos reason coldly, they are skeptical about issues with no solid proofs. Reserved, cold feelings, unwilling to express them, they suffer and keep quiet, they put up with injustice, accept the worst jobs without protesting. Their appearance: restrained posture, cold diplomatic charm, cold probing glance, resigned facial expression, thin voice that sounds clerkly malicious. Private. Distrustful. They work hard like dogs, they are clean, tidy, scanty, practical. ... They are unjust towards themselves, they live to work, to them, a method is more important than a result, they make a job harder to themselves, complicate things to satisfy regulations, do not fully enjoy all their rights, but accept all their duties. ...They hate dirt, vulgarity, inconsiderate behavior, unconventional clothing and pose, and even a careless way of speaking.” (Do not believe it, check it, pg 78-79)

"They may be chronic fault-finders, cantankerous, prejudiced, and narrow in their views, with the result that they are unpopular with those who misunderstand their natures." (Charles E. O. Carter, The Principles of Astrology, pg 73)

Astrologers also notice this authoritarian, subordinate mentality in Virgos:

"They make excellent secretaries, or subordinates of any kind, but do not often assume control, dislike responsibility on a large scale, and shrink from the limelight and self-advertisement; in fact, they are often shy and retiring, making few friends, being particular about whom they meet socially." (Charles E. O. Carter, The Principles of Astrology, pg 73)

Anthropologist Branimir Maleš discloses such a character as the feature of the Alpids:

"They do not like to lead, and besides, they are not able to, but they are satisfied when they can subjugate themselves to a leader." (Branimir Maleš, On Human Races, pg 38)

Astrologer Mile Dupor believes that “the Croatian among all nations is the most similar” to Virgo by the character traits (Mile Dupor, Do not believe it, check it, pg 81). And, speaking of the Alpids of Croatian Zagorje, Jovan Cvijić says:

“They are very diligent, sober and persistent as workers. ... But these peasants have a repulsive spirit, a spirit of division and subordination. ... They are often suspicious. ... Highlanders think that only the authorities and aristocracy should be dealing with public affairs: they are more competent than peasants, they say; the nobility should give orders, husbands should obey; there would be no discipline without aristocracy. ... This population is obedient, disciplined and fully submissive to its superiors.” (Jovan Cvijić, The Balkan Peninsula and the Yugoslav Countries, pg 165)

Virgo’s personality is also depicted by Vacher de Lapouge through his description of the Alpids in France:

“Homo Alpinus. This type is shorter in stature, medium to dark in skin-, eye-, and hair-color, and has round head and round face. It is typified by the Turk and the Auvergnat, predominates in France, Switzerland, North Italy, Southern Germany, Poland, Austria, the Balkans, and farther east. ... Psychologically it is frugal, cautious and industrious; gifted with common sense (le bon sens), and attached to tradition. It absorbs rather than creates ideas ; though industrious, it works slowly and without intensity. ... Homo Alpinus knows only the timid defensive solidarity of the flock of sheep where each seeks to hide himself behind his neighbor. The Alpine has for generations been "the perfect slave, the ideal serf, the model subject, and, in republics such as ours, the citizen most highly praised because he tolerates every abuse." It varies little and hence produces few geniuses. It is Catholic in religion, dependent on state action in politics, opposed to individual excellence and superiority, worships mediocrity, and is fearful of progress. Its foresight does not extend beyond the immediate needs of self and family, while problems of statecraft are beyond its powers. It was Homo Europceus which accounted for the civilizations of the Greeks, Romans, and Western Europe. It has for many centuries been the dominating race, and even to-day, when pure types are very rare because of the mixture of blond and brunet, those individuals who play the most mportant roles in society greatly resemble the master race of other days.” (Frank H. Hankins, The Racial Basis of Civilization, pg 107-108)

Old Romans originally represented a mixture of the Nordids of Proto-Celtic origin and the Alpids who came down the Alps to the Apennine Peninsula and mixed with the Mediterranean and Dinarid natives. While the Romans were politically dominant, besides a certain Nordic soberness that corresponds to Gemini, they also had authoritarian spirit of the Alpids, which corresponds to the psychological type of Virgo. The practical Roman ethical philosophy imbued with stoicism, then the military spirit of rigid discipline, and, in the beginning, very conservative and formalistic nature of the Roman law, reveal distinctive elements of the Alpid psychological type. Latin, which of all the Indo-European languages is the most similar to Celtic, had a totally different quality, melody and rhythm in comparison to the modern-day Italian.

In the meantime, the Alpids were suppressed by the influence of other nations, although even today they are present to a certain extent in the area of Central Italy. The anthropologist Bertil Lundman in his book The Races and Peoples of Europe writes: "Centralna Italija je mešavina mediteranaca i alpida sa nordidima i drugim strujama" (Bertil Lundman). The Celts of Central Europe took the Alpids with them to many other regions of their expansion. One of the mixtures between Nordid and Alpids, under the entity of the Gauls in the classical period, settled the central area of Asia Minor. One epistle of Apostle Paul in the New Testament refers to them. If we take a closer look, we will recognize that it refers exactly to the Alpids. Apostle Paul criticizes their temptation – a typical Alpid’s tendency to , under the burden of guilt, atone before their conscience by holding certain principles and religious traditions.

Perhaps it seems incomprehensible to us that the Virgo type which corresponds to Alpids is prone to religion, because astrologers say for Virgos that they are skeptical towards everything that cannot be proved by science. Like most members of the Yellow race, the Alpids also have more dominant left side of the brain, which is responsible for noticing details, determination, analytical thinking, etc. The right side of the brain is less active, probably due to their adaptation to a cold climate in order not to endanger their own survival, taking interest in activities that are not useful in severe living conditions. Namely, while the left side of the brain is more responsible for mere survival, the right one is responsible for imagination, integrity, universality and different creative abilities which are best expressed in reaching a higher meaning of life, which also includes religion.

There from the Alpids are confused and frightened by everything that overcomes their sensual experience and demands a philosophical thinking about the general meaning and background of what they see. They are capable of exact verification, understanding and practical application of a scientific discovery, but are not capable of arriving to the discovery itself, because that would mean that they would need to activate their power of imagination. Alpids are confused when they read biographies of those scientists who made large contributions to science, for they expect to read about them diligently collecting information and making analyses, processes and calculations, so that they can finally get to the discovery they so much sought. Nevertheless, they surprisingly read how the discoveries came to them ’out of the blue’, how they prayed to God in the lab (Louis Pasteur), how the discoveries came to them in form of visions (Nikola Tesla), and they needed their left hemisphere of the brain only to scientifically verify, define and practically apply the discoveries. For this very reason an Alpid has difficulty distinguishing between a scientific truth – verifiable by experiment, and a scientific hypothesis – verifiable by an analysis of its meaning. Existence of several different scientific hypothesis drives them mad because such a stress forces them to take the responsibility of thinking about each one and making a judgment about their correctness or incorrectness based on the analysis of their meanings. They would be very happy to declare one hypothesis a dogma, to forbid all others and to break off all further discussions. So, instead of reason, the Alpids like to use dogmas, because they free them from the need to think. It is all the same if these dogmas are religious or scientific. If they are not the people who blindly believe in the dogma of infallibility of the Pope, they will probably blindly believe in the dogma of evolution, equating a hypothesis and empirically verifiable scientific truths. The cause of their rigid thinking does not lie in mere domination of the left hemisphere of the brain itself, but in lack of healthy driving motives.

If we are stimulated by love, love itself will be our inspiration to set in motion all those areas of brain activities which we need to successfully answer demands of life and its higher nonexistential purpose. But, if one is moved by bad motives (guiltiness, pride, selfishness, sensuality), the one will become a victim of either formalism and nitpicking of the left side of the brain, or a victim of imagination and abstraction of the right side. While the ’imaginary’ types tend to escape reality and enter their own imaginary world, the ’exact’ types of Virgo tend to confine themselves by immediate sensual experiences and respond with a paranoid fear when confronting circumstances which require them to take over the responsibility to think for themselves and to understand the background and deeper meaning of what they see. Instead of thinking for themselves, they tend to embrace rules and authorities which will think for them instead.

Since they are troubled by guilt, Alpids are prevented from seriously reconsidering the meaning of their behavior, and using the freedom of mind and reason to elevate themselves above restrictions of their senses and into the world of imagination, philosophy and religion.

The Alpids are known for a mechanistic understanding of religion which becomes obvious in their interpretation of Catholicism, where God is represented as some kind of a machine that after a sufficient number of regurgitated or read out prayers, answers by giving His blessings automatically. The Alpid turns their extremely pragmatic spirit into trade with God, either through Papal indulgences, good deeds, or through some personal sacrifice, for which they are convinced it can make God less angry and unmerciful. Actually, the Alpids attribute the pressure of their own unclean conscience to God, turning His justice into cruelty, and their hypocritical contempt towards the spiritually incapable and filthy into God’s animosity towards heretics and sinners. Guilt results in a hypocritical repentance. Human weakness is only inhibited in its expressing instead of being defeated. They might truly believe in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as Catholics, but since the real atonement does not happen, the unclean conscience remains, so they try to redeem themselves alone, endlessly making up new rules and duties. They do not understand God’s Law as an elevated criterion, a definition of essential motives, a model which destroys human self-complacency in order to make a sinner feel disappointment with themselves and therefore raise their voice towards the Heavens, but they comprehend it as formal rules whose fulfillment ensures their redemption and satisfaction. They keep God’s Law formally and blindly, without understanding that love is the fulfillment of the Law and that God’s Commandments exist for people’s sake, not vice versa. Apostle Paul condemned such incorrect function of God’s Law in his epistle to the Alpids from Asia Minor – i. e. to the Gauls: "But that in the law no man is justified with God, it is manifest: because the just man liveth by faith. ... For if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law: you are fallen from grace." (Galatians 3:11; 2:21; 5:4). Living in accordance with God's Law is the consequence of belief in Christ’s justification and liberation, not the cause of justification. The purpose of God’s Law is not our redemption through its fulfillment, but raising awareness of our need for God’s redemption and absolution from sin. Apostle Paul says that the Law was given "that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful" (Romans 7:13). When a person is motivated by unselfish love, that person acts spontaneously in accordance with God’s Law. "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Galatians 5:14)

This criticism which was directed at the Gauls by Apostle Paul will become the fundamental criticism of Catholicism by the Protestant Reformation. In fact, throughout the entire Middle Ages the Alpine type of Italy and Central Europe was revealing its religious formalism and authoritarianism through Catholicism.

The spirit of Catholic religion can be clearly recognized in the astrological description of Virgo:

"Virgo: a sense of order and neatness, a sense of practical life, critical spirit, sadomasochism... pays to much attention to form, easily gets angry and severely criticizes everyone and everything, boring, dogmatic. Because of its dullness and sarcasm, this sign does not enjoy the best reputation. It sticks its nose into everything, looks for a needle in the haystack, ... criticizes everyone and everything, has narrow-minded views. Virgo’s temper is pessimistic, receptive to destructive impulses, but prone to perfectionism. Virgos never let emotions take them over, everything has to be based on logic, and they want to keep their lives in order. There from all the coldness, pedantry, conservatism, moralism..., an old-fashioned mentality. Human warmth is lacking. They are pedantic, tidy, accurate, cynical, overly sensitive. Virgos underestimate everyone, including themselves” (Maja Lončarić, Astrology – Stars Talk, pg 16, 24, 26, 40).

Talking of the Alpids, anthropologist Branimir Maleš discloses their conservatism:

"They leave foolhardiness and enterprise to others. They are sensitive, diligent and they do not like to change their environment and habits" (Branimir Maleš, On Human Races, pg 38).

In his book The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism, German philosopher Max Weber outlined an example of such a conservative spirit, which is especially pronounced in Catholic female workers:

"The type of backward traditional form of labour is to-day very often exemplified by women workers, especially unmarried ones. An almost universal complaint of employers of girls, for instance German girls, is that they are almost entirely unable and unwilling to give up methods of work inherited or once learned in favour of more efficient ones, to adapt themselves to new methods, to learn and to concentrate their intelligence, or even to use it at all. Explanations of the possibility of making work easier, above all more profitable to themselves, generally encounter a complete lack of understanding. Increases of piece-rates are without avail against the stone wall of habit." (pg 62)

Further in his work, Max Weber explained how a spirit of pietism (puritan Protestantism) helped overcome such a rigid and conservative spirit:

"In general it is otherwise, and that is a point of no little importance from our view-point, only with girls having a specifically religious, especially a Pietistic, background." (Max Weber, The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism, pg 62).

Catholicism provoked the feeling of endangerment in people, it burdened them with guilt and a fear of doom in eternal suffering, and alongside the paranoid fear of heretics which formed strong authoritarian mechanisms of thought and behavior, especially in the Alpids of Central Europe and the Semits in Spain.. In that way, Catholicism kept entire nations in submissiveness. The Protestant Reformation freed human psyche from the feelings of endangerment and fear. It liberated peoples’ conscience from guilt and therefore from the hypocritical suppression of character weaknesses. It liberated their minds from the restraints of uniform thinking and led them to think responsibly with their own head, and to on their own evaluate the meaning and righteousness of theirs and others’ faith. This kind of spirit sobered up those Alpids who adopted the principles of Protestantism, which led to a dramatic increase in their productivity.

According to anthropologist Charleston Coon, the German town Baden is located in the north-west boundary of the Alpine world. At the end of the 19th century, its population was mainly Catholic - 61,3%, while the Protestants constituted about one-third - 31%. However, schoolchildren who attended classes above primary school in which attendance was not compulsory, were mainly protestant - 69%, while the Catholics constituted only 37%. Also, in 1895 in Baden the collection of capital value tax showed the following figures: tax amounted to 589,000 DEM per every thousand of the Catholics, while it amounted to 954,060 DEM per every thousand of the Protestants.

"Catholics and Protestants differed from each other in their polemical approach to Islam. Whereas Protestants believed that the translation of the Qur'an was the best way for discrediting Islam, since, according to their opinion, it would inevitably lead toward the conclusion that this holy book was unlogical and untruthful, Catholics were more prone to a repressive approach and they were forbidding the printing of the Qur'an or its fragments even for the polemical purposes." (Frantiek Sistek, The Czech Notions and the Stereotypes of the Turks, The Almanac 21-22, Podgorica, 2003, pg 295)

After World War I, the economic crisis initiated the feeling of endangerment among the Alpids in Central Europe, which led to a repeated escalation of their authoritarianism, this time in the form of Nazism, and in an analogous form of Stalinism among the people of USSR, which was a manifestation of the authoritarianism of Baltids and Mongols. Nazi motto "Order, Work and Discipline" actually represents the most concise definition of the psyche of the Virgo sign and therefore a definition of the anthropological type of Alpids. Speaking of authoritarian personality principles, psychologist Žarko Trebješanin seemed to have described the Virgo psychological type, i.e. the Alpid type:

“This type of personality, which equally well manages to survive both under the dictatorships of Fascism and Bolshevism, besides other mentioned traits, is also characterized by the following qualities, attitudes, and character features: adornment of their leader, slavish loyalty to authorities and a simultaneous hatred towards everything that is cast out, helpless and unsuitable (class enemies, domestic traitors, and all marginal social groups), then a strong inhibition of sexuality and spontaneity, suppressed pathological aggression and hatred, ... sadism towards those who are lower in the hierarchy, rigid thinking, fostering the cult of order, martial hierarchy and strict discipline, supporting a rigorous penal policy." (Žarko Trebješanin, Soul and Policy, pg 121-122)” (Lazar Marićević, Self-respect and Authoritarianism, pg 55)

Inhibited sexual desire among the Alpids is a consequence of their lack of sex hormones, which makes them receptive for burdening with guilt and easy suppression of their sex drives. The ancient skeletons of Alpids reveal reduced sexual characteristics. Astrologer Mile Dupor says that Virgo is a frigid and sterile sign. Linda Goodman writes: "The basic Virginian instinct is chastity, and he's turned from it only for a good cause." (Sun Signs, pg 229). In the book The Secret of Sexual Astrology by Johanna Weinbaum we read: "Most singles were born under this sign. Virgo male is too much of a perfectionist in his job to have time to deal with love... He is loyal, so you should not worry that he will cheat on you. For him fidelity is not just a word. However, as it is with many who brag about their high morality, his morality simply comes from an absence of lust." (Johanna Weinbaum, The Secret of Sexual Astrology, pg 32)

The lack of male sex hormone among the Alpids is manifested through their temptation of indifference towards philosophical and political questions, as well as through the authoritarian proneness to shifting their own responsibility relating to these issues to someone else. Astrologer Linda Goodman brings out the absence of abstract intelligence in Virgo: "The typical Virgo is at his best as the power behind the throne, the one who dependably carries through the original ideas of others" (Ibid, pg 247). The lack of female sex hormones is shown through the absence of hospitality and Alpid’s temptation of indifference towards children. As such, their relation towards them is mostly cold and superficial, quite formal and deprived of closeness; it is founded on rules of behavior, not on the recognition of children’s true spiritual and physical needs. Astrologer Linda Goodman acknowledges weakly-expressed maternity in Virgo with the following words: "Virgo women seldom have more than one or two children, and don't seem to need motherhood to satisfy their femininity." (pg 241). Linda Goodman confirms the emotional deficiency of a mother-Virgo towards her child as follows: "She may not supply his emotional needs as easily, but if she's sure of your love and knows she's appreciated, she'll relax and give her offspring plenty of warm affection." (pg 241). Astrologer Vivian Robson openly states: "As a parent Virgo is not specially successful. The dry, matter-of-fact, critical and faddy or fussy manner is not calculated to win the heart of a child very readily, and as a rule there is no very deep love of children." (Vivian E. Robson, Astrology and Sex, pg 36) The lack of both sex hormones results in barely pronounced emotional and abstract intelligence in Alpids, which in everyday life can be recognized in their diligent workman mentality and the capability for paying attention to details in a job to an extent which no other anthropological type does (they can be very good watchmakers, etc.), but without any creativity that leads to new inventions and solutions. Astrologers say: "Virgos like practical and productive jobs, they are excellent craftsmen/manufacturers, especially in food, they are medical workers, hygienists..." (The Society of Astrologers of Yugoslavia, Meet Astrology and Yourselves, pg 77) "Its keynote may be said to be practical mentality, or the brain applied to concrete matters. ... The abilities are great for all work requiring good mental powers, conscientiousness, and attention to detail; ... They usually possess skill in manual craftsmanship, and either for a livelihood or a hobby cultivate such things as carving, metal-work, clock-making, or engineering. ... Gardening also generally attracts them, and another characteristic is the marked interest in matters pertaining to health, diet, and hygiene. They may be doctors or physical culturists, and at times degenerate into valetudinarians." (Charles E.O. Carter, The Principles of Astrology, pg 73)

Contrary to the Semites* (Fusnota: Their unwillingness to stand for the needs of those they are close to, and their lack of interest in general issues make a certain number of Semites quite close to Alpids. The abuse of sensual experiences to satisfy inner discontent naturally leads to degeneration of both male and female types of intelligence, especially if a person gives in to these sensual temptations during incomplete psychophysical development. The people who abuse male and female types of intelligence will develop their intelligence despite the abuse, but the sensual type will weaken it due to neglect.), whose uncontrollable character turns their richness of interests and broadness of intelligence into damnation of unrestrained and often destructive impulses that rule upon their will, Alpids make very high quality products due to their modesty and simplicity:

"The general efficiency of the sign leads its native to assume that no one else can do anything so well, so neatly, and so methodically as himself, and he is therefore reluctant to deputize work to others, and if forced to do so insists on interfering with detailed instructions as to the exact methods to be employed." (Vivian E. Robson, Astrology and Sex, pg 36-37)

But, their good and pedantic work, "unburdened” with abstract male thinking about a higher meaning of the work itself, and also “unburdened” with the emotional empathy of those who need the results of that work very much, leads the Alpids into temptation to take work as the end in itself and to completely neglect its products, making them useless. If their hearts were motivated by a true unselfish love, then Alpids would understand that there is a need in life to activate both male and female types of intelligence, but without love they are not stimulated to recognize such a need and to put their abilities in motion.

The absence of female emotional and male abstract intelligence became most obvious in Nazi and even in communist architecture, both of which are considered to be cold and sterile (Adolf Hitler took ancient Roman architecture as a model for nazi architecture). Astrologer Maja Lončarić writes about Virgo:

"Virgo’s practical nature is being realized to the disadvantage of aesthetics." (AstrologyStars Talk, pg 56)

Astrologer Charles Carter says about Virgo’s handwriting: "Virgo often affects archaic formations and abbreviations, and is sometimes crabbed." (Charles, E.O. Carter, Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology, pg 91)

An expressive use of coinage is exactly the characteristic of the German language, and a tendency for using abbreviations was revealed as a special characteristic of Alpids during nazism, as well as a special characteristic of their Baltic brothers during Stalinism. Professor Victor Klemperer, a Jew who successfully avoided deportation in nazi Germany due to his marriage with an Aryan women, in his diary published under the title ”LTI – The Language of the Third Reich: A Philologist’s Notebook”, described a degradation of German language under the influence of Nazi ideology. He said the following about the use of abbreviations:

"If I now ask myself, whether and why an abbreviation has to be classified among pronounced attributes of LTI, the answer is obvious. None of the previous language styles used these forms so tirelessly as the German language of Hitler's time did. Modern abbreviations occur in places where technology and organization are highly developed. And Nazism, according to its pretensions towards totality, imbues absolutely everything with technology and organization. Therefrom come huge quantities of its abbreviations. This is so because it also tries to conquer the whole inner life, led by the very same pretensions to totality." (Victor Klemperer, The Truth About Nazi Language, pg 116-117)

In George Orwell’s novel 1984 we find an explanation of the phenomenon of abbreviations in terms of the psychology that undoubtedly corresponds to the Alpids:

"Countless other words such as honour, justice, morality, internationalism, democracy, science, and religion had simply ceased to exist. A few blanket words covered them, and, in covering them, abolished them. ...

The name of every organization, or body of people, or doctrine, or country, or institution, or public building, was invariably cut down into the familiar shape; that is, a single easily pronounced word with the smallest number of syllables that would preserve the original derivation. In the Ministry of Truth, for example, the Records Department, in which Winston Smith worked, was called Recdep, the Fiction Department was called Ficdep, the Teleprogrammes Department was called Teledep, and so on. This was not done solely with the object of saving time. Even in the early decades of the twentieth century, telescoped words and phrases had been one of the characteristic features of political language; and it had been noticed that the tendency to use abbreviations of this kind was most marked in totalitarian countries and totalitarian organizations. Examples were such words as Nazi, Gestapo, Comintern, Inprecorr, Agitprop. In the beginning the practice had been adopted as it were instinctively, but in Newspeak it was used with a conscious purpose. It was perceived that in thus abbreviating a name one narrowed and subtly altered its meaning, by cutting out most of the associations that would otherwise cling to it. The words Communist International, for instance, call up a composite picture of universal human brotherhood, red flags, barricades, Karl Marx, and the Paris Commune. The word Comintern, on the other hand, suggests merely a tightly-knit organization and a well-defined body of doctrine. It refers to something almost as easily recognized, and as limited in purpose, as a chair or a table. Comintern is a word that can be uttered almost without taking thought, whereas Communist International is a phrase over which one is obliged to linger at least momentarily. ...

And this was exactly what was aimed at. The intention was to make speech, and especially speech on any subject not ideologically neutral, as nearly as possible independent of consciousness. For the purposes of everyday life it was no doubt necessary, or sometimes necessary, to reflect before speaking, but a Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgement should be able to spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets. ...

Each reduction was a gain, since the smaller the area of choice, the smaller the temptation to take thought. Ultimately it was hoped to make articulate speech issue from the larynx without involving the higher brain centres at all. This aim was frankly admitted in the Newspeak word duckspeak, meaning ’to quack like a duck’." (George Orwell, Nineteen eighty-four, pg 308, 310-311)

The tendency towards coinage and abbreviations in speech implies degradation of speech to an utterly pragmatic purpose of clear and simple communication, to the disadvantage of the artistic beauty of a language, which reveals lack of contents to be conveyed in communication by the beauty of words.

Such a mentality, void of sentimentality and abstraction, shows a perfect mentality of a soldier, who without question or second thought obeys the commands of his superiors. The secret of the great success of the Roman legions and Nazi soldiers in World War II probably has some common causes.

Due to reduced level of sex hormones, the Alpids are characterized by the temptation of melancholic temper, which – if not defeated by a mature reaction of will, forms the character of Virgo, unlike their close brothers, Mongols, who due to the enhanced level of female hormones are characterized by their temptation of phlegmatic temper, which forms the character of Cancer if it is not defeated. A sanguine character corresponds to a relatively balanced temper of Gemini (Nordids), while a choleric temper matches enhanced male hormones in Aries (Dinarids), Leo (Atlanto-Mediterranids) and Sagittarius (Cro-Magnon and Nilo-Saharians).

Regardless of natural temptations which come from our hormonal balance or imbalance, if we are driven by unselfish kindness, we will recognize the real needs of life and because of our abilities which definitely exceed our bare existential needs, we will be able to contribute to their fulfillment. The problem of absence of healthy motivation is greater than a natural psychophysical lack of talent for a certain occupation.

Although by nature deprived of pronounced emotional and abstract intelligence, an Alpid can be a successful parent and a politically responsible citizen, if he/she is driven by the motive of unselfish kindness. High emotional and abstract intelligence in other populations only gives a minor practical contribution to family and society, for they become abused for personal satisfaction in most \ cases, to the detriment of the real needs of family and society.

The very nations which are known to possess the liveliest temperament, quickest metabolism and the greatest physical abilities for work show the greatest laziness, not living up to their potential, while those who are slowest and physically least developed show the most diligent, conscientious and meticulous working character.

Due to lack of high emotional and abstract intelligence, the Alpid type is free of many temptations which are typical of other populations, but they have a temptation to enjoy the feeling of their own self-righteousness instead, alongside its “Gestapo-like” side effects.

It is very easy for Alpids to be “virginally” moral when they barely have other sources of satisfaction at their disposal, except their own moral correctness. Still, what they do not have in their own nature, they can find in their surroundings. Even a naturally cold person can enjoy their feelings if they are provoked by external triggers, by alcohol or by the abuse of music. Consumption of tasty food (especially sweets), besides sensual pleasure, induces pleasant sensations which can also be abused in order to suffocate the awareness of inner emptiness. It means that external factors can play a significant role in suppression or arousal of different mechanisms in the same people. A peaceful life in economic welfare and great stress, created by imperilment of Alpids’ awareness of personal property, can cause various reactions of the one and the same human nature, and activate its different mechanisms. While the Great Depression after World War I represented a temptation for the Alpid type in Germany and Austria to escalate authoritarianism through Nazism, the economic revival after World War II brought a partial transformation of the Alpid character towards their close genetic brothers who will be the subject of our next chapter. If those who are emotionally cold try to compensate for their absence of love by provoking feelings instead of changing the motives and the character traits that are hidden behind these feelings, they fall into temptation which is typical for a description of Cancer.

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