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The zodiacal types of Taurus, Aquarius and Capricorn do not have their corresponding types in anthropology, but instead represent mixtures of other anthropological types. The planet Saturn, which is, according to antique astrologers, the ruler over Capricorn and Aquarius, affects the mentality of the Dinarids (Aries) and the Cro-Magnons (Sagittarius) in such a way that it cools them down and turns them into Capricorn and Aquarius types. In fact, all of the three mentioned zodiacal signs (Taurus, Aquarius and Capricorn) originate as the result of intermixing of three fiery masculine signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries) with cold astrological signs that correspond to the anthropological types with the lower level of male hormones (the Alpids and Mongols).


The Taurus type represents the blend of one parent who is an Atlanto-Mediterranid (Leo) and other parent who is an Alpid (Virgo). It is most common in the Poles and in the Baltic countries. In our region it is most present in the mixture between the colonized inhabitants of Vojvodina and its natives. In the description of Taurus’ physical attributes, given by the astrologer Mile Dupor, we identify a combination of Atlanto-Mediterranids (Leo) and Alpids (Virgo): “Massive body, strong legs and back of the head, bulky, heavy movements, harsh, firm walk, a rather thick neck, broad face, prominently bigger teeth. Women are not as beautiful as rounded and fatty” (Do not believe it, check it, pg 61).


The Aquarius type represents the mixture of the nordized Cro-Magnon (Sagittarius with the elements of Gemini) and the Alpid (Virgo). The appearance of Aquarius reveals the combination of a Cro-Magnon and an Alpid. According to this, astrologers ascribe either a tall or a short stature to them. “The head is usually large and square.“ (Charles Carter, The Principles of Astrology, pg 157). Depending on climate, they emphasize their different attributes and it seems that in some astrologers, the element of Alpids (Virgo) is replaced with the element of Semits (Scorpio). “The stature is rather lower, usually plumper, solid body build, fine complexion, including colors from white to pearly-pink and red. Their hair, fair in the childhood, later becomes darker. They often have a very beautiful face, magnetic eyes, attractive and penetrative look.” (The Assosiation of the Astrologers of Yugoslavia, Meet Astrology and Yourselves, pg 138)


The Capricorn type comprises those people whose one parent is of the Mongolian origin (that corresponds to Cancer), and the other parent is of the Dinaric origin (that corresponds to Aries). According to this, astrologers ascribe different anthropological characteristics to Capricorn. Some describe their high stature (that corresponds to the Dinaric type), while others describe their low stature (that corresponds to the Mongols).

For one type of Capricorn, eyes are close together (which corresponds to the Dinaric type, while in the other, “the eyes are wide-set as in Cancer” (which corresponds to the Mongolian type). Linda Goodman’s description of the anthropological attributes of Capricorn clearly shows their double (Dinaric-Mongolian) origin:

“Capricorns can be stocky and muscular, thin and wiry or plump and soft.“ (pg 406)

Astrologer Mile Dupor accurately notices Dinaric elements among Capricorn’s attributes, so he says:

„An epic man, a highlander. ... A national type – our Dinarian.“ (Do not believe it, check it out, pg 94-95)

Naturally, the Mongol’s (Cancer) patriotic spirit should be distinguished from the Dinaride (Aries) patriotic spirit.

Whereas the first one is grounded on selfishness and possessiveness, which means on a national territory (i.e. land), the latter one is based upon loftiness and pride, which means upon national values. Both kinds of patriotisms are irrational because they lead people to sacrifice their lives, either for the sake of preserving national values or for the sake of their land, as if people exist for national values and their land, and not vice versa.


As we just saw, the psychophysical types ascribed to the various zodiacal signs do not have its source in the moment of person’s birth, but in his heritage. It is only the matter of accident whether someone will be born under the adequate to himself zodiacal sign or ascendant, and then, recognizing himself in the zodiacal description of his sign, to have temptation to believe that the stars are responsible for his character tendencies.

Just like there is strong correlation among physical attributes of different dog breeds and their corresponding characters, there also is a correlation among human populations of diverse origins and their specific psychological types. This correlation was inadvertently noticed and documented by astrologers alone, who gave every reasonable person the proof that the source of his temptations should not be sought in the stars or anywhere else, than in himself and his own nature.

However, if we do not understand the crucial difference between humans and animals, we might have a temptation to excuse our irresponsibility for our motives and behavior by calling upon our sinful nature, in the same way astrologers excuse it by calling upon the position of celestial bodies.

Don’t we often hear such excuses nowadays: „I cannot be who I’m not! This is my nature!“, or „Do what your heart tells you! It will never wish for something bad!“.

These days, it is forgotten that there is one essential difference between humans and animals. An animal is determined by its genetics, which determines its behavior through its instincts. A human being has a will to act freely and disregard its heritage, according to common sense and its conscience. Unlike an animal which is determined by genetics and environment, a man has the power and responsibility to rule himself and the world around him.

The neglect of this truth about man´s personal responsibility, which was a crucial element of Enlightenment on the Western civilization, led to the underestimation of man´s personality to the level of an irresponsible animal. The Theory of Evolution tried to justify man´s hedonistic motives as motives which are purposeful for his existence, even though it became obvious – especially today, that they endanger survival of humanity and lead to disintegration of family and civilization, since instead of survival of an individual and the species, became more important to them the experience of pleasure.

The next step was made by ideology of Nazism or racism, which did not want to see the crucial difference between animals and humans contained in our ability to conduct ourselves responsibly, and for that reason searched the source of the blessings of Western civilization in human nature, not in the idea of enlightenment. Analyzing various racial types, it identified the Aryans as a human super race that surpassed all other races of the Earth by their psychophysical attributes. But it seems quite enough just to look at the history of the Aryan race before Reformation and Enlightenment, to see that the Aryans were primitive wild tribes who, for thousands of years, could not stand out from other nations of the world by any of their characteristics. Moreover, all historical sources from the ancient times to the XVI century, represent those tribes as aggressive, cruel, lazy and primitive.

In times of their spiritual reformation and Enlightenment, the people of Northern Europe were deeply aware that the source of their great blessing was in their fight against the weaknesses of their own character, in reconsidering the motives of their hearts and repentance, and in living in harmony with the Ten Commandments of God. An excuse for sin did not exist, since the faith in the Almighty God does not offer a justification for weakness and frailty of character, because if God exists, He can change human nature.

In relation to the newly-arisen reformation of character, reformator Zwingli wrote:

"´Peace has her habitation in our town,´ ‘no quarrel, no hypocrisy, no envy, no strife. Whence can such union come but from the Lord, and our doctrine, which fills us with the fruits of peace and piety?’” (James A. Wylie, The History of Protestantism, Published by Hartland Publications, 2003, pg 496)

Italian reformer Bernardino Ochino who escaped to Geneva, described the spirit of reformation the saw there:

"Benevolence is so great that the poor need not beg. The people admonish each other in brotherly fashion, as Christ prescribes. Lawsuits are banished from the city; nor is there any simony, murder, or party spirit, but only peace and charity. On the other hand, there are no organs here, no noise of bells, no showy songs, no burning candles and lamps, no relics, pictures, statues, canopies, or splendid robes, no farces, or cold ceremonies. The churches are quite free from all idolatry." (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, pg 645)

In similar words Ljubomir Nenadović, during the middle of the XIX century, describes the character of the reformatted Germans:

“Everywhere you can see happy and content people. There is no malice or envy. Everyone rejoices in welfare of others, and feels pity for their misfortunes. German societies are organized in such a way, that it seems to you that everybody lives just for the benefit and satisfaction of their neighbors. This is the country where people care for cattle in such a manner to make it feel the benefits of this tame civilization as well. Everyone is obligated to treat their cattle with humanity. ...

There is no nation which criticizes its own faults and mistakes so severely as Germans do. For every misfortune which happens to them or to their country, the Germans blame only themselves. The French always shift the blame to someone else. The English never blame anyone, they are silent, and as a nation which reads the Bible a great deal, they find that all the ways are God’s ways that need to be passed through, whether they are easy or hard. The Germans are religious, diligent and moderate. They live in accordance with their motto: work as if you will live forever and give your prayers to God as if you will die tomorrow. ...

In several short centuries, the Germans accomplished miracles, turned their land into a true paradise, the land that Romans consider for some kind of Siberia; they developed their industry, reformed the Roman faith, built schools, improved sciences, laws, freedom, and enlightened Middle Europe with the real education. ... In the areas where the apostles came from, the cradle of Jesus Christ, darkness and superstition reign, and in the North a German pastor justifies the Christian love to a gathered crowd, and interprets the evangelistic words exactly in the way that they should be heard and understood by those who appreciate the real truth and who gravitate towards further prosperity and enlightenment of their reason.“ (Ljubomir Nenadović, The Entire Opus, pg 576, 589, 616).

However, when the Western civilization began to give in to the temptation of hedonism, there emerged a need to transfer the responsibility for our acts, honor and disgrace for the achievements and failures to someone else, and thus excuse the irresponsible attitude towards our weaknesses. Both astrology and Nazism experienced their resurrection in times of the great spiritual depression of humankind, immediately after the First World War. However, unlike astrology that shifts the responsibility for human destiny to the stars, Nazism transfered the causes of the great cultural, scientific and industrial expansion of Western civilization from the Enlightened human will to human genetics.

Instead of reconsidering the motives of our heart and seeking the perpetrator for our problems in those motives, modern philosophy led us to seek the perpetrators outside ourselves. Nazism offered us sacrificial lambs in people of different anthropological origin. The same rigorousness Germans showed towards their own character weaknesses during the Reformation, they started to show towards the Jews and the Gypsies during Nazism, searching for psychological satisfaction for their own irresponsibility towards themselves. Under the influence of Darwinism, we forgot that our humanity was not based upon our biological nature, but upon the conscious and responsible action of our will. In global terms, nothing could humiliate human dignity more, and even the representatives of the Aryan race, than Nazism with its concept which underestimated everything that made us human.

Indeed, we are human beings as much as we consciously control ourselves, and our surroundings, and throwing away the ideas of Enlightenment and spirituality, Nazism sought Aryan values in the biological nature, thus bringing a human being down to the level of an animal, which only value is in the random quality of its inherited pedigree. As we could see in the analysis of the psychological types, human beings by their nature do not have healthy motives that rule them normally. A human is not a human if they do not control themselves responsibly. A human being has to win the struggle against their temptations in order to become human. No one comes to this world as a human, but becomes a human if they want it willingly.



With the help of scientific analysis, we are able to unmask a great deal of mistaken notions and explain why some superstitions are functioning. Nevertheless, there is a certain level of the astrological phenomenon, which cannot be explained by applying the scientific methodology and hence requires the clarification from the philosophical and religious perspectives.

Astrologers believe that the position of celestial bodies determines not only human character, but also various events on Earth, and because of that, among other things, they practice evaluations and prognosis of future events.

This domain of the astrological phenomenon cannot be explained by anthropological or any other scientific discipline. Moreover, the use of scientific methods – measurement and experiment, can lead us to fall under the influence of astrological superstition.

For instance, if we come to a scientifically verifiable knowledge that people within the psychological type of Cancer – which we showed to be of Mongolian origin – are indeed being born more oftenly under the zodiac sign of Cancer (from June 21 to July 20) than under any other zodiac signs over a year, we will fall into temptation to believe that the position of the stars does influence the events on Earth, and thus our character as well. If an astrologer reads the realistic description of events in our lives by looking at the stars, or if a chiromancer tells us the same by looking at our hands, or if a radiesthesist accurately guesses which one of our organs is ill by using a pendulum, or if a black cat crosses our path and afterwards we have an accident, then we can fall into temptation to believe in the supernatural principle of superstition, in spite of the senselessness of the offered explanation.

Those who have never experienced supernatural phenomena and who therefore deny them irresponsibly and fanatically will support them in such a way if they experience them personally. We just need to remember the French psychologist Michèle Goklen who had gathered 24,000 individual data of famous people and their occupations, in order to disprove the astrological phenomenon and then, due to the strong correlation of sportspeople with the planet Mars, eventually became a fanatic representative of astrology.

Application of scientific methodology – experiment and measurement, in our efforts to explain the characteristics of supernatural phenomena, can deceive us and lead us into delusions of superstition, because it makes us interpret them only on the basis of partial information – those which are available to us through our scientific methods.

Let us pay attention to a magician who skillfully deceives our senses in order to make us believe in his supernatural powers. How does he do this? He hides the important truth about the background of his magic tricks from us, letting us deceive ourselves on the basis of the half-truth which was shown to us.

Superstition is often founded on the detected correlation between two different symptoms of one and the same cause, whereby the common cause has not been known yet (or we do not want to find it out). The correlation between two symptoms could be deduced by a correct scientific methodology, but without knowledge about the common cause that correlation would lead us to a mistaken notion, regarding the explanation of the phenomenon of superstition. For example, a scientist who explores the correlation between the softness of the asphalt in London and the number of policemen who faint while standing guard in front of Buckingham Palace, might come to interesting hypotheses about a mystical influence of the softness of the asphalt on the policemen, but he will be deceived if he does not comprehend the common cause – in this case the warmth of the Sun, which melts the asphalt and increases the possibility of policemen’s fainting. However, the common cause can be hiden, “uncatchable” and unverifiable by scientific methods, so that its clarification can only stay within the frames of philosophy and religion.

It means that even if we are witnesses to certain events that happen in accordance with zodiac predictions, it does not necessarily prove that these events were caused by the astrological factor, but perhaps by some other cause that is hidden behind the astrological phenomenon, and which is unknown to us at the moment. So, in order to explain the supernatural element of the astrological phenomenon, we need to rise above the astrological experience itself, and take a critical analysis of its meaning.

Replying to rebukes of commonsense critiques, an astrologer will be prone to give an answer which comprises elements of scientific methodology:

I do not feel the need to reconsider whether something I experienced is possible or impossible! Why should I doubt something I see with my own eyes?”

Nevertheless, we can be misled by our experience. Let us remember the magic trick. If we believe in everything we see, we can be deceived by the first cartoon we watch and think that its characters are real only because we do see and hear them on TV, following their actions. Relying on our senses and feelings, we can be conned by the parapsychological phenomena, for instance – by astral projection, or by emergence of “a spirit of a deceased”, or by contact with “an extraterrestrial visitor from a flying saucer”, or by any other supernatural experience, not because we do not have an authentic experience, but because we do not understand its explanation.

What protects us against our mental limitations, and delusions caused by our own experiences?

The responsible use of reason!

Reason analyzes the meaning of the knowledge which we attain from our senses, as well as the meaning of the knowledge which we obtained by application of scientific methods – measurement and experiment.

Yet, haven’t we just heard the stories about the limitations of our reason?

Yes, we have! But these stories did not talk about the limitations of reason itself, but rather about the limitations of human senses. We need the help of reason, exactly to avoid getting conned due to limitations of our sensual perceptions. Our reason makes us capable of exceeding the constraints created by our own experiences, keeps us from being deceived by them, and enables our belief in the truth which is beyond our experience.

The main obstacle to discovery of truth does not lie in our limitation of reason, or even in the constraints of our senses, but in the bad quality of our motives. We do not want to reveal the truth which will make us aware of our unfulfilled responsibilities in life. Just as spiritually discontent people have a need to seek for pleasures, in the same way people with unclean conscience have a need for misconceptions to justify their motives and actions which cannot stand the commonsense critiques in front of their conscience.

When on the basis of the same scientific knowledge, in one’s mind is able to create a multitude of diverse and mutually contradicting hypotheses, the only way to find the most acceptable answer to the question of what the truth is does not lie in hands of scientific methodology any more, but in hands of the motives which control logical thinking. Bad motives will lead us to an unfair and subjective function of reason and we will choose that hypothetical interpretation that flatters our undefeated character weaknesses and our unclean conscience, instead of the one that corresponds to reality. However, we are moved by our sincere and elevated will, reason will empower us to conquer the limitations that are imposed by our experience. It will give us the freedom not to be deceived by what we do see, and believe in what we do not see.

Even if our astrological experience is authentic and astonishingly real, reasonable analysis of its meaning will save us from being tricked by its deception in the same way reasonable analysis will save us from being deceived by a magic trick.

Why is it senseless to believe that there really is the influence of the celestial bodies hiding behind the astrological phenomenon?

Because it doesn’t make sense that the astrological factor, depending upon when people are born, forms the differences among them that do not correspond to the real needs of their lives and are thus not useful at all. It is meaningless to believe that we, in spite of our conscience, reason and will that naturally give us the power to rise above our determination, are determined by a certain astrological factor. It is senseless to think that reasonable human beings have no ability to rule over themselves and their environment more that, according to astrologers, can be controlled by the celestial bodies. In fact, if astrologers would really believe in absolute determination, their evil would be less, but by falsely representing the stars as things which are responsible for what happens to us, they lead us to wrongly use our will in attempts to confront that determination. It is meaningless and unjust to believe that our blessing and happiness lie in tactics of evading astrological influences (for example, in accepting the advice to avoid working on a certain day in order to prevent a predicted failure), and not in the choice between good and evil, i.e. in victories over everyday temptations. It is righteous that our success in life be proportional to the chastity of the motives that stimulate us, instead of depending on the magic power of some ritual or on any other action of our will.

By reasonable analysis of the meaning of astrological experiences, we comprehend that it is not possible for astrological factors to determines the events in our lives because that would neither be logical, or just. But now, when we realize what the truth is not, there arises a need to understand what the truth about the astrological phenomenon actually is!

In our mind, we are able to create innumerable mutually contradictory hypotheses on some phenomenon and every one of them can be logically correct, but we still cannot know which one is true. By our senses, we can check if these hypotheses are based upon scientifically true knowledge. Our reason can tell us if they are logical and thus determine whether they could possibly be true. However, neither science nor philosophy can declare that some hypothesis is accurate. We must decide that for ourselves and then believe that it is the truth. There is no need to make decisions on some questions in life and in those cases; we will keep the scientific and philosophical distance. However, the most important questions in life request from us not to stay on the level of hypotheses, because life demands from us to make decisions on them, and to act as we find acceptable. There are certain needs in life that demand answers from us and they force us to react, setting in motion our motives and actions, and require us to take on a firm attitude and choose our belief. That is why every person is a believer, no matter if they admit it or not. If they would not believe, then they would do nothing at all. They would stop breathing because they would not have the scientific proof that the air, which surrounds them, is not poisoned, and overall, they would not be able to do anything else in their life with absolute certainty that they are not deluded. Everyone is a believer, and only the quality of our motives, which drive us and control our reason, determine which hypothesis we will believe in – the one that corresponds to reality, or the one that corresponds to our subjective impulses and defense mechanisms.


















The difference between philosophy and religion is that philosophy asks hypothetical questions and allows all hypothetical answers to be possible if they satisfied the criteria of logic, whereas religion claims that the revelation of truth already exists, and that it came from the Creator Himself. By referring to sensual limitations of human knowledge and to the poor quality of the motives that naturally drive us through life, religion asks from us to abandon our belief in ourselves and in our own limitations, and to believe in God and His might instead. In the gift of God’s love, it wants us to find a healthy strength of veracity and the main moving motive of our lives. Hence, we will now deal with a religious analysis of the astrological phenomenon, but in such a way to expose the notion of religion itself to the same criticism and examination we applied towards astrology itself.



The religious idea is that God created us out of love and for love. God did not create us as unhappy beings who are condemned to search for happiness during the entire life, but made us as happy beings who should express their happiness through love for others and creativity. But, alienating from God, we lost unselfish love, and became filled with deep discontent, and took on a burden of unclean conscience due to our impurity. By losing unselfish goodness, we also lost the predisposed purpose of life – to love, to live for others and our Creator. Filled with unquenchable inner discontent, now we try to achieve happiness of our souls independently of God, misusing our sensual, mental and emotional experiences. The burden of corrupted conscience made us loaded with various defense mechanisms, fears, phobias and insecurities, and also made us prone to religious fanaticism through which we attempt to calm our conscience apart of God and His plan of salvation for the fallen humanity. Throughout the history of our degradation, we undergo different temptations and suffer the consequences of our sins. Pre-Deluge civilization was punished for its sinful ways by God who sent the Great Flood to destroy all life, but He saved righteous Noah, his wife, and their three sons with their families. During the flood, a large number of plant and animal species disappeared, and today we only find their fossil remains, whereas Noah preserved the most important species in his ark. After the Flood, due to the disappearance of Earth’s water canopy (“an expanse between the waters to separate water from water”, Genesis 1:6), the greenhouse effect stopped, and consequently, great climate changes occurred on Earth. So God performed the miracle of adaptation of humankind to various Post-Deluge climate conditions. The Black race is adapted to a warm equatorial climate, the White race to a moderate climate, and the Yellow race to a polar climate. Within races, God established some additional adaptive abilities needed for survival in their specific life conditions. Different creative abilities that humanity inherited at the time of creation, and different adaptive attributes that we received after the Flood, became the source of satisfaction for the fallen human nature and turned into our doom. Those who were by their nature gifted for music, showed the tendency to search for the satisfaction of their soul in music, while those who were gifted with psychophysical powers, became inclined towards violence, etc. Although these gifts should have the function of giving love, they became the purpose in themselves, i.e. the source of our satisfaction. Soon, God split one language into many, in order to destroy the totalitarian regime of the Tower of Babylon, and thus helped various families develop their spirit and lives, freely and independently from each other. The period of a mutual lingual and physical isolation and the independent development of various human families and tribes, as well as the period of their adaptation to the specific living conditions, resulted in the formation of anthropological characteristics of several dozens of various anthropological types. To each anthropological type, in that period, belonged unique language family.

When the population on Earth increased, their intermixing began. Many diverse branches of Noah’s descendants inherited different sinful tendencies and temptations, which manifested in many ways under a range of circumstances. That is why throughout the history of humankind’s downfall, God kept calling the humankind to repentance, which was an appropriate answer to human temptations. When people had fallen into temptation of formalism and hypocrisy, they got the message that criticized formalism and hypocrisy. When they had fallen into temptation of undisguised anarchy and barbarism, they got the message which revealed the emphasized demands of God’s Law. However, people were rather rushing towards delusions that represented their favorite sins as virtues, than they were prone to listening and accepting the reprimands against their sins. The need for justifying and excusing sins made them prone to superstition and pseudo-religiousness. When people were not willing to listen to the reasonable rebukes sent to them through words of His spiritual teachers and prophets, God exposed them, for their own good, to those circumstances that should help them become aware of their temptations, and provoke people to overcome them. When people would show the spirit of pride, God would send misfortunes and injustice to them in order to humiliate their pride and to demonstrate His disapproval. When they had manifested cowardly character, they were tempted to commit injustice to others under the pressure of unjust authorities, which was the opportunity for them to become aware of their weaknesses and to conquer them through the temptation itself. Those who fall into hard temptations are being encouraged by God to persevere until the day of final victory by the following words: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” (James 1:12) “He that shall overcome shall possess these things. And I will be his God: and he shall be my son.“ (Revelation 21:7) God has no reason at all, to eternalize the principle of sinful living. A person who does not serve to anybody and anything has no reason to live. The Holy Scriptures explain that after the un-repented sinners are judged, there will be neither sinners nor sin any more. To those who choose the principle of unselfish kindness in spite of their sinful nature, God promises that He will change their hearts by His supernatural healing power, set them free from sin and demons, and fulfill their hearts with love: „And I will pour upon you clean water, and you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness, and I will cleanse you from all your idols. And I will give you a new heart, and put a new spirit within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit in the midst of you: and I will cause you to walk in my commandments, and to keep my judgments, and do them.“ (Ezekiel 36:25-27) Since such people should be eternalized, God will raise them to immortality at the Second Coming. In the Kingdom of God, their abilities will reach their full brilliance without the temptation of any misuse or return of sin, because they have already conquered the temptations while being heavily tempted during their earthly lives. Their hearts will be filled with eternal love and gratitude for the Lord since He was convincing them in so many ways of their need for Him during their earthly life, for bringing them remorse for their sins through the disclosure of His love, mercy and patience, and for redeeming them from guilti and eternal death by His sacrifice on the cross.


We have seen that different human abilities in their perversion (since they became the sources of satisfaction and the purpose in themselves) resulted in various psychological types, which astrologers ascribed to the certain zodiac signs. In an attempt to explain the origin of diverse human abilities, their genuine uncorrupted meaning and the causes of inner discontent that brings to the degeneration of their functions, we can notice that one and the same anthropological knowledge about humans, is interpreted in different ways by evolutionists (the supporters of the Theory of Evolution), and creationists (the supporters of Creationism).



The evolutionistic hypothesis on the origin of inner discontent says that this discontent is a driving force necessary for our struggle for survival. Those who were not motivated by discontent to satisfy their existential needs, clearly had no other motives to fulfill them, so they simply disappeared. The same opinion pervades various interpretations of libido. According to Sigmund Freud, libido represents a form of “sexual energy” which needs to be satisfied, and if this need cannot be quenched, it becomes the source of destruction. "The measure of unsatisfied libido which the average human being can stand is limited." (Sigmund Freud, A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, pg 300). Freud believes that libido can be sublimated into different motives that incite people to take many diverse activities. "Sublimation is, as a matter of fact, only a special case of the relation of sexual to non-sexual desires." (Ibid). Carl Gustav Jung denotes a general mental energy as libido. The hypothesis that springs from different theories on libido says that discontent is a driving force, which makes people struggle for survival. However, by all things considered, not only does that energy not contribute to our existence, but directly imperils it. To take care of our existence, it is enough that we are discontent with our mental notions, sensations and feelings when they represent an expression of the objective representation of reality (for example, pain, danger, fear). There is no need to be driven by inner discontent on the level of motivation (selfishness, concern, anger, depression, cowardice), as we should be driven by the motive of love. When stimulated with inner discontent, we do not think about the bare necessities. Instead, we think about how to suffocate the awareness of our discontent using different ways of satisfaction, even when it imperils our own existential needs. The origin of every type of pathological behavior, of every kind of excessiveness and perversity, lies in discontent that is woven into one’s motivation.

The motives of behavior that spring from our inner discontent, disclaim the theory of evolution because they do not bring us any evolutional advantage in our struggle for survival. Instead they make our survival harder. Under the pressure of inner discontent, we neither have the time nor will to behave in accordance with our real existential needs. If the mechanism of natural selection and evolution did form the characteristics of humankind, then we would have never become sinful in the first place.


French scientist Blaise Pascal defined the religious hypothesis on the origin of our inner discontent in simple words: "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus." (Clarence H. Benson, Robert J. Morgan, Exploring Theology, pg 320) The Holy Scriptures explain a person’s discontent by their arrogance towards God, i.e. by their attempt to achieve happiness and to fulfill the purpose of life independent of God: „For my people have done two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and have digged to themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.“ (Jeremiah 2:13) The most one can achieve independently of God is the feeling of happiness, a sensual experience of happiness and a mental notion about happiness, all of which can only suppress the awareness of their inner discontent, while the inner discontent itself remains within them, proving its existence in unchanged motivation. The wise King Solomon says: „The just eateth and filleth his soul: but the belly of the wicked is never to be filled.“ (Proverbs 13:25) Apostle John explains that sensual, emotional and mental satisfactions are not the way to satisfy the yearnings of our souls: „For all that is in the world is the concupiscence of the flesh and the concupiscence of the eyes and the pride of life, which is not of the Father but is of the world.“ (1 John 2:16) Jesus Christ says: „Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but he that shall drink of the water that I will give him shall not thirst for ever. But the water that I will give him shall become in him a fountain of water, springing up into life everlasting.“ (John 4:13-14)


We are beings gifted with prominent psychophysical abilities, which far exceed the needs of our bare existence. We are capable of playing the violin, of inventing and creating, and of changing our surrounding in accordance to our will. What is the purpose of these particularly developed abilities? According to the theory of evolution, the intellectual capabilities by which human beings exceed all other living beings are the fruit of their uppermost evolutionary development in their struggle for survival. Those who were less intelligent and gifted with different intellectual abilities did not survive.

Yet, is it true? Are the microorganisms indeed less capable for survival, as they are on the lowest level of evolutionary development, than the highly intelligent being who is on the very top of this scale, and who is called „a human being“?

In the case of some global catastrophe, it is most likely that the simplest organisms would survive, in spite of the fact that they are the least developed living beings in the evolutionary scale. The organisms that are in the so-called upper degree of evolutionary development, would demonstrate least ability of survival under unfavorable circumstances.

Besides, when we take a better look, in real life a man does not use his special intellectual abilities for more successful struggle for survival at the first place. Let us see what a man is thinking about during the day or what he is dreaming about during the night. Is he thinking how to provide the existence or how to achieve pleasure? Do his intellectual abilities help him lead a healthy and long life, or they imperil his existence?

Then, what is the purpose of man´s abilities that make him more advanced than other living beings, if it is not a more successful existence, which the lower organisms achieve without the need for some great wisdom or physical power?!

We are not created only to survive, but to fulfill the meaning of our existence and life, and that meaning is to love, to create and to respond to the needs of other living beings out of love. That is why, beside existential needs, we are characterized by much larger non-existential ones, with which we are endowed in order to fulfill the meaning of life successfully.

However, the sense of our existential and non-existential abilities is in the hands of our free will. No matter if that sense is love or sin, the meaning of life itself is more important to us than bare living. A generous person will show the willingness to endanger their own life for the welfare of others in the same way as a depraved, proud or evil person will show willingness to endanger their own life for the accomplishment of their hedonistic, self-conceited or vindictive goals. If the meaning of our life is unselfish love, then we will take care of our existence out of love, but we will also, out of that same love, show readiness to endanger our existential needs for the welfare of other people.


Whereas the evolutionists believe that our abilities arose from the processes of natural selection and evolution, the creationists think that God endowed us with those abilities which were necessary for us to fulfill the purpose of our existence, and to be capable of survival under various climate conditions in the Post-Deluge world.

According to the logic of the Theory of Evolution – in African Blacks, out of spatial intelligence necessary for hunting, all the other abilities that manifest as a talent for music, imagination, etc, were also developed. By the logic of the Theory of Creation, God adapted our creative abilities, which originally did not have an existential function, to our existential needs, which meant that African Blacks used the capabilities of spatial and kinesthetic intelligence for their hunting skills, which would otherwise serve for reaching a higher meaning of life, and their creative and artistic expressions. The adaptation to living under the conditions of African wilderness implies the capacity for intensive running. In order to catch a wild animal or to run away from it if they are in danger, African Blacks have various anatomical attributes that enable them to endure the everyday stress of strenuous and fast running, without any health consequences. They are capable of this due to specific characteristics of their muscle tissue (the particular enzymes which only they have), longer heel bone, prominent length of legs, bigger slant of pelvis, the characteristic branches of all four arteries that come out of aortic arch for head the upper extremities, etc. Living under the conditions of African climate demands the adaptation to a warm climate through the increased number of sweat glands, through greater bodily surface accomplished by its extension, while the protection of inner tissues from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation is achieved by the prominent dark pigmentation.

As the African Blacks are suited for the warm African climate by plenty of their psychophysical attributes, the Mediterranids are suited for the Mediterranean climate, the Dinarids are enabled for a mountain climate with its sharp temperature extremes (cold nights, warm days; cold winters, warm summers), and the representatives of the Yellow race are enabled for the constantly cold polar climate.

Now we shall mention only some of the adaptive abilities for the polar climate, such as stocky roundness and decreased number of sweat glands, which have the purpose to reduce the loss of warmth and moisture in conditions that are characterized by cold and dry air. In order to have eyes protected from the high reflection of sunlight off the snow- covered surfaces, and from cold winds and snow particles, they are small, narrow and deep-set. Beside a psychological tendency to make food supplies, the representatives of the Yellow race are also gifted with genetic inclination to obesity, because the fat layers keep them from freezing and it represents the energy reserve needed in times of food scarcity.

According to the Theory of Evolution, all these adaptive abilities for different climate conditions arose from random mutations and natural selection, whereas according to the Theory of Creation, they originated due to God’s direct intervention, making a man capable of survival under conditions for which he naturally, otherwise, is not suited.

The evolutionists claim that modern men originated in Africa, wherefrom they expanded to Asia and afterwards to other continents. According to the Theory of Evolution, during this process of scattering to all parts of the world, they were enabled for survival in all climate conditions. However, such an opinion faces several serious problems. Adaptive differences among the Blacks, White and Yellow populations require a large number of selected mutations, which were to cause the change of a significant number of human genes. Let us assume that one and the only gene of 1000 nucleotides should change only a hundred of its nucleotides into corresponding new nucleotides, in order to create one new gene, which was to help us adapt to the new unfavorable living conditions.

Naturally, a miracle of creating a new race would need a synchronous changing of hundreds of genes, but let us assume that only 10% of one gene’s structure needed to be changed. Furthermore, of course, let us keep on our minds the fact that a cell always resists mutations in many ways, since they are usually harmful. Therefore, how many mutations need to happen to the gene in order to get one useful mutation that would bring a new adaptive ability for an organism, needed for its survival in bad climate conditions? The probability of replacing those hundred of nucleotides with any other certain nucleotide is: (1000 x 999 x … x 901) x (100 x 99 x 98 x 97 x 96 x … x 3x 2 x 1) = 63850.511926305.130236690.511142022.274281262.900693853.331776286.816221524.376994750.901948920.974351797.699894319.420811933.446191797.592213357.065053890 (140 numbers). So, the number of possibilities for a random replacement of a 100 certain nucleotides is 10140. If one single nucleotide can mutate into three residual variants of the nucleotide, the number of possibilities is 10615, which means that the probability to get the right gene with a hundred nukleotide’s replacements is 10615. It is assumed that there are 1070 elementary particles in space, so that it is illusory to expect that the reproduction of humans on Earth could create 10615 bearers of the result of the change needed in order to get at least one appropriate gene’s mutation.

Since mutations are random and mostly inappropriate or harmful, there would be many more unnecessary and bad mutations while waiting for the ones that would be useful for creating the races adapted to the specific living conditions. If we waited such a long time for a random change of only 10% of one gene to happen in a desirable direction, what could we expect to remain of the primary structure of any other (neutral, for example) gene of the same organism? Nothing! The enormous number of dysfunctional mutations would erase every similarity between neutral genes of primary and newly-evolved population. The process of evolution, which supposedly endured for a long time, would have had to leave the marks (mutations) in the neutral genes of different populations, but it did not. Populations all over the world reveal very small or even no differences in their neutral genes.

There was no enough time for the appropriate mutations to occur. If random mutations left only negligible marks, then how can we believe that there was time and opportunity for the appropriate mutations to take place, which possibility of emergence was basically infinitely times less?

Today’s living Cro-Magnons in Europe have the same anthropological characteristics as the Cro-Magnon type whose skeletons were discovered in Europe, and for which it was said that they were 30 000 years old. How is it possible that this type preserved its anthropological and psychological identity, in spite of continuous mixing with populations of different genetic origins? If the Cro-Magnons are our ancestors, how is it possible that they stopped evolving in some regions of the world, where they preserved their archaic genetic markers and conserved the structures of their neutral genes, while other populations continued to mutate and to evolve? If we evolved from an African ancestor who was a hunter, how can it be that only the bearers of the Nilo-Saharic antigen HLA-A28 in Europe kept the elements of African physical appearance and African psychology? It is possible because the modern humankind did not originate from the African people, but it developed simultaneously and independently of them. There is no linguist evidence that other languages arose from the languages of the African people, but there certainly are proofs that all those languages developed independently, in parallel. Nowadays, in the world there are several dozens of language families, which affirms the Biblical account on the miracle of distribution of languages to various families of humankind. Every language family originated from its own ancient language and that is why it preserved its original word-roots and the grammar principles that are characteristic only for that language family. The fact that there is a correlation between the distribution of language families and genetic markers, affirms the Biblical account we mentioned above. Later on, a separate anthropological type was formed from every human family, gifted with special abilities, which helped its survival in certain climate conditions.


According to the Holy Scriptures, the entire Post-Deluge humankind originated from Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham and Japhethh. Noah’s son Ham had four sons: Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan. In SDA Biblical commentary, we read: “Cush, or Kush, is ancient Ethiopia, which was in classical times called Nubia. ... In Egyptian inscriptions this land is called Kash, in Assyrian cuneiform texts, Kusu." In the Biblical Genesis, we read about Cush’s descendants: „These are the generations of the sons of Noe: Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and unto them sons were born after the flood. ... And the sons of Chus: Saba, and Hevila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sons of Regma: Saba, and Dadan.“ (Genesis 10:1,6-7) The famous Ethiopian queen of Sheba’s name reveals her ancient origin from Cush’s son Saba, whose descendants live in an area of Africa. The African tribe Sabaot, also known as Elgon Maasai, preserved that ancient name in its own name. Talking about the descendants of Cush’s son Saba, the Holy Scriptures says that they have a tall stature: “Thus saith the Lord: The labour of Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia, and of Sabaim, men of stature shall come over to thee, and shall be thine...” (Isaiah 45:14) Moses uses the name of the land of Cush for the region of Mesopotamia (Genesis 2:13). Unlike Cush’s son Seba who was the ancestor of many African people, Cush’s son Nimrod was the ruler of Mesopotamia. The Holy Scriptures disclose his pronounced gift for hunting, which is also the characteristic of other Cush’s descendants: „Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty on the earth. And he was a stout hunter before the Lord. Hence came a proverb: Even as Nemrod the stout hunter before the Lord.” (Genesis 10:8-9) Nimrod was known for building the Tower of Babel: “And the beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, and Arach, and Achad, and Chalanne in the land of Sennaar. Out of that land came forth Assur, and built Ninive, and the streets of the city, and Chale. Resen also between Ninive and Chale: this is the great city.“ (Genesis 10:10-12)

According to Sumerian legend found in clay tables, the first Post-Deluge dynasty was called the Kish dynasty. It started its reign at the capitol Kish. The city with the same name exists today in Iraq. It is interesting that, according to the Bible, in both areas where Cush’s descendants live - the areas of Nilo-Saharan Africa and in Western Iran, there is a high presence of antigen HLA-A28, parallel with a great presence of tall people. In the area of Western Iran, among other tribes, population of Luri tribe is tallest. They are considered to be descedants of ancient Kassites (descendants from Cush) and Elamites (descendants from Elam):

"One of the major Iranian ethnic groups is Lur population, inhabiting along the central and southern parts of Zagros Chain Mountain. Their origin might come back to the time before the migration of Indo-Europeans to Iran when other groups called Kassites and Elamites have been living there. The Kassites are said to be the native people of Luristan. Their language was a non-Semitic non-Indo-European language and it differed from the Elamite. The Kassites overthrew the Babylon in 1595 BC and extended their lands to the borders of Egypt and Anatolia. Their last king was defeated by the Elamites in 1180. The remaining of the Kassites subpopulation, who had managed to keep their own identity, retreated back to the high mountains of Luristan, where they became part of the Elamites and eventually the Persian Empire." (Shirin Farjadiana and Abbas Ghaderi, Iranian Lurs Genetic Diversity: An Anthropological View Based on HLA Class II Profiles)

As mentioned earlier, HLA-A28 and greater height is more common on South American continent.

In Patagonian legends, is there any trace of their origin from Noah’s grandson, Ham’s son Cush? The Patagonian tribe Tehuelche preserved a legend about a deity – creator called „Kooch“, which might be a result of worshiping their real genetic forefather, Cush. By their genetic structure, the closest antigens to antigen HLA-A28, which corresponds to the Cushits, are A2, A10, A19 (A29, 31, 32, 33) that should correspond to other Ham’s sons: Mizraim, Phut and Canaan, according to The Book of Genesis. Mizraim is the name of the ancient Egypt. The skeletons of ancient Egyptians show the features of the Mediterranean and dinarized Mediterranean anthropological types. Ancient sources represent Phutites as the Pygmies. Genetics reveals their kinship with the Australian Aborigines and with some populations of West Asia. The Canaanites are known by the names of Canaan’s sons Chetteus, Amorreus and Sineus. The Hattians inhabited Asia Minor and the Middle East, the Amorrei settled in Middle East and Sumer, and the Sinites are related to the Chinese, according to the Hebrew teachings. They correspond to the Atlanto-Mediterranean anthropological type in Europe and to the Sinid type in China.


Genetic analysis of the closeness of different anthropological types does not affirm the evolutional hypothesis that from one human population originate some other human population, and then from it the third, etc. Furthermore, genetic closeness afirms parallel existence of various branches of human family, in accordance with the Biblical genealogy of people, which comes from Noah’s three sons and their families.

Every anthropological type represents a certain branch of Noah’s descendants or their mixture, dating from the period before their migrations.

From Noah´s son Shem originated various Semitic peoples, mostly in the Middle East, Mediterranean, North Africa and South Asia (India). From Noah´s son Ham originated various Mediterranean peoples, Dinarians, and the majority of the African and Australian Blacks. From Noah’s son Japheth sprung up mainly the representatives of the Yellow race, but also the Nordids in Europe and some anthropological types of Western and Southern Africa.

Some branches of Noah’s descendants interbred even before the formation of the anthropological types, and today they are mixed to the greatest extent, so that in every geographical place in the world we can notice they various mixture.

Hence, the astrological types correspond to the temptations of various branches of Noah’s descendants. Scorpio corresponds to the descendants of Noah’s son Shem. Masculine fiery signs – Sagittarius, Leo and Aries, along with Libra, correspond to Ham’s descendants. Sagittarius corresponds to the Kushits, Leo to the Canaanites, and Aries and Libra to Mizraim’s descendants. Gemini, Cancer and Virgo correspond to the descendants of Japheth. Gemini corresponds to the descendants of Japheth’s son Madai. Pisces represents the compound of one branch of Mizraim’s descendants and one branch of Japheth’s descendants. When the fiery signs, which correspond by their character to Ham’s descendants, mix with Japheth’s descendants, Sagittarius gets the features of Aquarius, Leo gets the features of Taurus, and Aries gets the features of Capricorn. We should not forget that every person is characterized by the elements and tendencies of every zodiacal sign to a certain extent, under the influence of life age, stressful situations and different temptations.


Astrology is in the conflict with religion because it represents the repressive influence of the astrological factor over human’s free will. If God is love, then it is blasphemous and senseless to claim that He would create a reasonable being that would not be able to rule over itself, and that the unreasonable celestial bodies – which are light-minutes, light-hours, light-days and light-years away, would control its behavior. Our will must be free in order to enable us to conquer temptations, i.e. to willingly choose or reject God’s love.

Therefore, the belief in the astrological phenomenon is in conflict with the religious principles of love, freedom and responsibility. God’s character trait is love. God created us out of love. And in love, there is no “must”. Love necessarily leads to freedom, and freedom itself implies responsibility. Frightened of facing life responsibilities, because we chose to reject love and accept sin, we try to justify our choice by saying that a basic condition of our responsibility – the freedom of choice, has not been fulfilled. So, in order to excuse ourselves, we consciously or unconsciously, rush to believe in destiny, or in less drastic cases, we want to justify our choice of sin, by calling upon the pressure of some external factor over our will. Since the astrological factor is not the source of our sins, trusting in astrology leads us to use our will wrongly, even if we consciously have the intention of overcoming the temptation.


What would happen if we suffered various accidents and misfortunes without having any superstition which could justify them? Conscience and reason would easily raise awareness of responsibility for our own motives and actions. However, we have the right to reject that awareness if it interferes with our freedom of choice.

The need for superstition represents our wish to get rid of the responsibility for our actions. It reveals that we were not created to simply accept misfortunes, but that our nature is to constantly re-examine ourselves and to try our best to remove the causes of our trouble. Only when we try to silence the voice of conscience, which calls upon re-examination character reform, do we try to seek for excuses for our character weaknesses, or for troubles that are the consequences of these weaknesses, in some outer cause we often explain in a superstitious way. When solving a problem, conscious and mature people proceed from themselves, reviewing the character of their motives, intentions and actions, whereas immature people are prone to search for the causes of their troubles outside of themselves.

It doesn’t matter whether we shift responsibility for our weaknesses and misfortunes in life to outer enemies, influence of negative energy of others, negative „underground emissions”, our genetics, or whether we simply call upon excuses we get from different superstitions: „Everything goes wrong for me because my horoscope is bad!“, „Someone put a spell on me. I must provide a protective talisman or a rosary, so that I can count enough prayers“, „I got up on the wrong side of bed, that is why I’m having a bad day!“, etc. An atheist will maybe try to justify their troubles by the phenomenon of Murphy’s law, which, among other things, states that „if anything can go wrong, it will”.

Of course, Murphy’s law states that such a principle won’t function if we deliberately provoke events in order to scientifically prove that it really is a principle. Even only a conditional generalization of a phenomenon, or the attempt to derive a law from it cannot explain the phenomenon itself. If something happens (almost) every time, thus make us declare it as principle or law, then it is clear that behind the events there is a reasonable being. As it is unreasonable to believe that a dropped stone accidentally falls every time to the ground, i.e. that the natural laws function only accidentally, it is also unreasonable to believe that bad luck or Murphy’s law exists by accident. Reason tells us that there is a purpose behind every principle, and that there is a creator behind every purpose. In the same way the „law of gravitation“ notion does not clarify the phenomenon but only names it, so the notion „Murphy’s law“ does not explain the phenomenon but just gives it its name. Reasonable people will conclude that there is an intelligent being – God, behind natural laws, and by the same token, they will conclude that there is Satan behind various troubles and temptations which happen to them .

But, whereas God instills trust and security in us by solid norms of natural laws, Satan, hiding behind Murphy’s law, tries to provoke our nature – in the segments which show our sinful weakness, and fall into an even deeper sin. Satan disguises his actions by ideas of Murphy’s law and other forms of superstition, in order to avoid the expose of his actions, and to prevent us from awakening and repenting for the weaknesses that enabled him to rule over us. Of course, we are able to react in a mature way to various troubles we encounter in life, if we regularly re-examine our reactions to stress and if we repent for the weaknesses we become aware of, which are provoked in times of trouble. Yet, even the awareness that victory over life temptations depends on us is not resistant on more subtle superstitions, which lead us to use our will in a wrong way, repenting for the wrong thing. We mostly think about repentance when we are in trouble. Religion claims that troubles are most commonly the consequence of an un-repented sin that makes Satan gain the hold of our souls, and thus induce us to fall into an even greater sin or discouragement through difficult temptations (tragedies). In order to prevent us from comprehending the true nature of our temptations and misfortunes, Satan attacks us with temptations and troubles at the right time and in the right way which will make us struggle in the wrong field. Superstitious people will believe that a black cat that crossed their path is guilty for their troubles. Those who practice meditation will think that the source of their misfortune lies in telling the name of their own mantra to another person in spite of that prohibition, and instead of re-inspecting the motives for practicing meditation (and these are the attempts to remove unpleasant consequences of sinful feelings by magic), they blame themselves for the act that has nothing to do with the cause of their problems. Religious people will blame themselves for their troubles, because they were working on a red letter day (i.e. day when one is not meant to work) in the church calendar or because they did not repeat their prayer enough, but not because they are otherwise driven by bad motives in life. An astrologer will think that the stars are responsible for their problems, and so on.


Is Martin Luther right when he says that „those who watch the stars denote these God’s creations as if they are dangerous things, as if they overshadow the Earth and cause all the troubles“?

Astrologers believe that crime rates increase around the time of the full moon. There is a widespread belief among many nations that the full moon is the source of mental disorders. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary we read that the meaning of English word „lunatic“, besides the meaning of „a person who is insane or of unsound mind”, also has the meaning of „intermittent insanity once believed to be related to phases of the moon“. Analogical to the meaning of the English word „lunatic“, Greek word „seleniazomai“ means „to be moon-struck or lunatic”. That word was used in the New Testament as the denotation of a sick young man whom his father brought to Christ and his disciples to cure him:

“And when he was come to the multitude, there came to him a man falling down on his knees before him saying: Lord, have pity on my son, for he is a lunatic, and suffereth much: for he falleth often into the fire, and often into the water.“ (Matthew 17:14-15)

Can we explain such a phenomenon in a scientific way, and not be deluded by scientific methodology? If we did not know any other factor, we would naturally conclude that the full moon was guilty for the young man’s illness that it made him jump into fire or water. Reliance on the scientific methods of measurement and experiment would lead us straight to the mistake of blaming the stars in the sky for evil on Earth. Such an approach can even make religious people naturally conclude that God Himself is guilty for evil, since He allowed unjust influences over our psyche.

Let us observe Christ’s explanation of the astrological phenomenon. Answering to the comment which insinuated that God made a mistake in creation of this world when he let celestial bodies rule over our will, instead to making us responsible for our actions, Christ offered no repentance or apology. The Holy Scriptures have a very simple explanation of this aspect of the astrological phenomenon, so we read:

„And Jesus rebuked him, and the devil went out of him, and the child was cured from that hour.“ (Matthew 17:18)

Now we understand that a demon led the young man to try to commit a suicide exactly in the time which could be connected with the corresponding phases of the moon, so that responsibility for evil could be shifted from us to an astrological element. It also becomes clear why the belief that the moon is guilty for series of criminal acts, various mental disorders and psychological phenomena, is widespread among the nations of the world, and how it got so widespread. Satan himself has the power to induce people to committing certain actions in accordance with positions of celestial bodies, in order to his hold over his victims, and to provoke them into thinking that the cause of their problems is in the influence of celestial bodies, rather than themselves.

If this is true, then Satan also has the power to adjust someone’s birth with a corresponding zodiacal sign, and then to slow down or to speed up one’s moment of birth in order to arrange a certain ascendant! Finally, if this is the truth, it could be checked by scientific methodology.

Every anthropological type has the same chance to be born on any date during the year. There is no natural reason for individuals belonging to one and the same human population with the specific genes corresponding to their anthropological origin, to show greater tendency to be born on a certain date, in relation to individuals of different anthropological origins. If we would recognize the principle that all people of a certain origin are really born under the corresponding sign and ascendant, then we would have proof of an effect of some new, unknown to us, natural laws, which explain the astrological phenomenon. Nevertheless, if we notice that a certain anthropological type is more commonly born under the zodiacal sign that correspond to it than under others zodiacal signs, then that would be the argument that some reasonable being (not an accident nor a natural law) really has the power to influence the time of our birth in a definite number of cases, in order to lead us into belief that our life is determined by the position of celestial bodies. We still do not know in which chromosome, or in which place of the chromosome, are the main genes located – those which mostly exert the influence on development of our abilities we will be prone to misuse during our life, the attributes that are the pure essence of anthropological types, as indicated in our context. That restrains us from accurately establishing the rate of representation of the most important genes in different zodiacal signs, but we still can establish the presence of those genes whose phenotype data is available to us, and in our case these are the blood groups ABO (chromosome 9) and RH factor (chromosome 1).

Data from the Institute of Blood Transfusion in Belgrade are obtained on the basis of analysis of 324026 (238800 male and 85226 female) examinees. The curve that shows a percentage of representation of different blood types during the whole year should be straight as blood type does not depend upon the time of conception, or vice versa. If only a few hundred people were analyzed, then there would be a strong possibility to get an incorrect curve due to the factor of accident, but a huge number of examinees – over three hundred thousand people, should have been enough to eliminate this factor and the curve should have been absolutely flat. However, the research demonstrated that the curve was not flat and that there was a discrepancy against the expected average. People with one blood type were born in percentage which was different from month to month, in relation to people of some other blood type.

It is interesting that the curve had the same shape even when the examined population was divided into two groups, of which the first one consisted of the persons who were born in uneven years, and the second one consisted of the persons born in even years. Yet, when the comparative analysis of differences between the sexes was done, the shape of the curve changed.

When we know which blood type corresponds to which anthropological type, then this discrepancy from the flat line reveals its deeper meaning. The blood type A is the oldest blood type, and this is why it characterizes populations of different and mutually distant genetic origin (the Nordids, the Finno-Ugric and the original Semites). The blood type O is typical for the nations of closer genetic origin, with an increased level of male hormones (Dinarids, all branches of Mediterranids and Cro-Magnons), but also the mediterranized Semites (Arabs, Jews and Dravids). Those populations which originated by interbreeding of various anthropological types in ancient history, today can be characterized by predomination of any blood type, due to genetic drift (for example, American Indians are mostly characterized by the blood type O due to their mixing with the Dinaride-Mediterranean population and to genetic drift which resulted in an accidental loss of other blood groups).

Unlike the blood types of which every one is typical for several different populations, the blood type B exclusively comes from the Mongols. Thus, that blood type is best used when determining the relationship between someone’s zodiacal sign and their genetic origin. Astrologers believe that a zodiacal sign is often inherited from one of the parents, and a ascendant from the other. If that experience really is the consequence of Satan’s interference by adjusting the corresponding zodiacal sign and ascendant, in order to make us search for excuses of our character weaknesses in the stars and give up of responsible governance over ourselves, we will be able to define the correlation. As blood type B corresponds to Mongols who have the psychophysical attributes of Cancer, and if Satan does have the power to affect the time of their birth, we expect persons with the blood type B to be born more often under the sign of Cancer than under any other zodiacal signs.

Let us notice the obvious percentage increase of the number of persons born with the blood type B during the period which corresponds to the zodiacal sign of Cancer (the second part of June and the first part of July, the fourth sign of Zodiac). Since Capricorn represents the mixture of Aries (Dinarids) and Cancer (Mongols), it is clear why the persons born under the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, right after Cancer, are characterized by the greatest representation of the blood type B. The analysis of the differences between the sexes showed that men with blood type B were more frequently born under the zodiacal sign of Capricorn than under the sign of Cancer, which was logical since Cancer is a feminine sign and Capricorn represents the characteristics of Cancer with emphasized masculine attributes, due to its mixing with Aries (Dinarids). The least number of persons with blood type B were born under the signs of Virgo and Gemini, which was understandable if we kept in mind that Virgo (Alpids) are emotionally cold, and that Gemini (Nordids) relied more on reason than on feelings.

Such correlations affirms the religious explanation of the astrological phenomenon, which means that the functioning of so-called astrological factor is not caused by the influence of celestial bodies on humanity, but by Satan who has the power to match the moment of birth of a person with a corresponding genetic origin, with the corresponding zodiacal sign. Satan knows that the temptations of character are inherited from parents and by his intervention he tries to make the impression that they depend on the stars instead of heritage. He leads people to sin at the moment and in the way which will help them justify their actions by calling upon the astrological element.

Sometimes Satan adjusts our birth with the zodiacal sign which does not correspond to our inherited character features and then leads us to fall into its sins. Eventually, he shows the stars of that zodiacal sign’s constellation to the person, as if they are responsible for their collapse and troubles. Satan is capable of influencing events on Earth; he also has the ways of exposing his plans through the mouths of various mediums (prophets, visionaries, fortune tellers, radiesthesists). He convinces people that there exists destiny which cannot be avoided, except if they take some meaningless actions which will distract them from their real spiritual fight and cause them struggle on the wrong fields: most commonly, to perform some magic or religious rituals which have nothing to do with repentance for those sins that made them the victims of Satan’s authority and power. Like the most skilful magician, he deceives millions of people and misleads them from the right path.

Now we understand why astrologers even today interpret the influence of the astrological factor in the same way as in ancient times, when they believed that the planets were divine beings. Irrespective of whether their acts have a form of science, modern astrologers – on the basis of their calculations, predict such events in our destiny which cannot be the fruit of some natural law’s influences, but only the result of the influence of reasonable and powerful beings, as Satan and his demons are.

To immoral human hearts it does not seem strange to believe that unreasonable celestial constellations have the power to create events on Earth as if they are conscious beings, but it is strange to them to think that such a power can be possessed by one conscious and powerful being – Lucifer, whom Christ called the ruler of this world. They do not feel odd when they believe in human’s telepathic, bio-energetic and psychokinetic powers, but they feel odd to think that such a power of influence on our thoughts and actions, along with the healing abilities and the power to affect the events on Earth, Satan possesses.


It is not rare to meet people who reasonably refuse to trust in astrology, but who admit that it largely works in their lives and that the events predicted by their natal chart are really happening. We have similar experience with people who encountered different forms of clairvoyance and prophecy. For instance, a young man claims: “I principally do not believe in coffee cup reading, because it does not make sense that someone can tell my past and future in this way, but I cannot lie and say that this woman had not guessed my past exactly and foretold future events, which really took place after we had met!” Regardless of whether the experience of clairvoyance and prophecy takes the form of pagan superstition, spiritualism, science or religion, any sensible and truth-loving person has to wonder about their origin.

Parapsychological explanation of clairvoyance flatters human vanity and desire for power, because in it they see hidden forces of human mind, which have the power to know what is happening in some other place where the individual is not present. While the pendulum is swinging back and forth, or the person is reading from a coffee cup interpreting the bottom, their attention, the same as with a magic trick, is diverted from the true source of supernatural ability – from satanic inspiration, which is swinging the arm or interpreting coffee stains. Nevertheless, in some cases a true origin of such a phenomenon can be obvious. One reader published a letter titled “Someone inside of me” in Secrets magazine:

“It happened about two years ago. I was in the third year of high school. That day the classes were held in the afternoon. During one of the breaks between classes, I remained at my desk in order to make arrangements about an outing with a few friends. Our planning was normal and quiet until it happened to me. In that moment I had a feeling as if someone stepped into my body and merged with me. Then I got so cold and was not aware of what was happening. Wherever I looked I felt as if someone was looking through my eyes too… I told my friends that something was wrong with me, that something odd was happening to my body, as if there was another being inside of me. They started laughing because they thought I was joking. Nevertheless, I got up and started walking across the classroom. I felt as if I did not touch the ground. As if I was floating. The feeling was both nice and ugly. Ugly – because the whole thing bothered me. I had buzzing in my ears and felt uncomfortable and nice at the same time. I felt like I was dreaming, but I was completely awake. I started talking to myself: “Get out of me!”, “This is so disturbing!” until I found myself yelling and jumping all over the classroom. My friends just stood there watching me. They were completely confused, but I was even more so. I went to the window and looked down the street. Since the street was known for frequent car accidents, for a moment I thought (I did not know why) that it had been a while since the last accident. It was at that moment that the accident happened. I sat back at my desk and explained to my best friend what was going on, that I did not know what was happening to me, that I felt as if I was dreaming. Then, without thinking, I started saying things that I could not comprehend why I was saying them. Everything I thought of came true at the very moment I thought of it. The being inside of me made me think those thoughts and utter those meaningless words. I wanted it out of me as soon as possible… It (finally) left me after about two hours. I felt a little dizzy and then it was gone. I could not believe it happened to me, and then, in that single moment, it just – ‘vanished’.”

Manifestation of the same demonic force was revealed in the Gospel, in the description of the encounter of Apostle Paul and a clairvoyant person:

“And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain girl having a pythonical spirit met us, who brought to her masters much gain by divining. A pythonical spirit... That is, a spirit pretending to divine, and tell fortunes. This same following Paul and us, cried out, saying: These men are the servants of the Most High God, who preach unto you the way of salvation. And this she did many days. But Paul being grieved, turned and said to the spirit: I command thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to go from her. And he went out the same hour.“ (Acts 16:16-18)

Let us observe how this slave possessed by demonic spirit told the truth about the servants of the God almighty before her, but in doing so she wrongly presented the truth about herself and her psychic spirit, giving a wrong impression that her inspiration had the same spiritual origin as Apostle Paul’s. Today we can meet characters who present themselves as Christians, but they feed off of the Gospel in order to influence pious people, but the spirit and character they promote is quite the opposite from the spirit and character of the Gospel. For those who successfully foretell future, but advocate the principles contrary to truth and justice, the Holy Testament reveals that the truthfulness of their predictions is no proof of their being inspiration by God’s Spirit:

“If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder. And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams.” (Deuteronomy 13:1-4)

In foretelling of future events, as well as astrological experiences, Satan as “the god of this world”, as Apostle Paul referred to him, has a great power to realize his plans previously conveyed through his mediums in the form of prophecies, and thus create an illusion of knowing the future. Of course, if there is a God, it is realistic to think that He himself will reveal his warnings and plans to humankind, and endow his servants with the gift of prophecy when there are real needs of other people which cannot be revealed otherwise (in order to help them), but we should bear in mind that Satan himself has the power to imitate this gift, with entirely different function, of course – with the intention to respond to our sinful and self-righteous needs. Unlike divine revelations which most often represent warnings of a kind, or calls for repentance in order to avoid an imminent disaster, satanic mediums mostly speak of the future as unchangeable destiny in order to achieve the opposite goal and so discourage us in our spiritual struggle and victory, or they present us with future in light of false optimism to make us careless and liberate us from the awareness of our personal responsibility.


Many people who were predicted to have an evil fate by astrologers and fortunetellers tried to avoid it by striking attempts of their own will, but with no success. Does it still mean that there is a destiny? No, but the problem lies in the fact that they used their will in the wrong way, without questioning the motives of their hearts and truly repenting for their sins. They tried to avoid their fate technically, not spiritually. They wanted to solve their problems just so they could continue to lead their sinful and useless lives which serve neither for the glory of God, nor the benefit of other people. In this state of un-repentance, God could not help them without them abusing this help. Yet, there are quite the opposite examples, when people responded with repentance to the prophecies of evil fate and were saved from the evil fate itself by God’s intervention.

A young man was invited to ‘the summoning of ghosts’. At first he was reluctant to accept the invitation because he had heard that demons appeared during such sessions and imitated the spirits of the dead. But after being called a ‘coward’ by his friends, it fueled vanity in him, so he decided to attend. He intended to observe the session from the corner, without direct participation. During the session, ‘communication’ with ‘the soul of the dead’ was established. And then, to the surprise of all the present, ‘the ghost’ spoke to the young man standing aside. Moving over the table, the glass wrote: “Dejan will die in a car accident!” There was dead silence. Everybody looked towards Dejan. A girl burst into histerical laughter. Dejan was horrified because he felt the shadow of death coming over him. Scenes of his life, sins that made him lose God’s approval and protection came before his eyes. He thought that there still might be a hope that God would forgive him his sins and save him from death. Under the heavy pressure of discouragement telling him that he was too late with his repentance, he went home, got on his knees and confessed his sins before God, begging for mercy and liberation from imminent death. When he opened the Holy Testament, his eyes were fixed to the following words: "Behold, the eye of the Lord is on them that fear him, on them that hope in his mercy; to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine." (Psalm 33:18-19)

After a few days Dejan went to the swimming pool near Smederevo, town where he lived, with his friends. That evening, after a pleasant afternoon, he and his friends hitchhiked in order to go back to town. Soon a car pulled over. There was enough room for him and his friends in the car, but not so for his friend whom he had met just before the car stopped. Dejan decided to stay and continue hitchhiking with his friend, and his friends took the drive to Smederevo. Soon Dejan and his friend decided to walk to the town. After twenty or thirty minutes they witnessed the sight which took their breath away. The smashed car with Dejan’s friends and the driver all dead laid just off the road. One seat in the car remained empty. It was Dejan’s seat.


It is just for people to find their way out of destiny, that is, to be liberated from the rule of the satanic force over their own self, in the case they truly repent for the sins that made them fall as Satan’s prey, not when they make a gesture with their hand, utters some words, or performs some other magic ritual which does not involve the inner reform of their spirit. Whenever one intends to perform a magic ritual, that is, an action they expect will help them achieve a goal in a supernatural way, their own conscience makes them aware of their injustice, and their common sense makes them aware of the meaninglessness of such an action. Such an action may take the form of meditation. In Meditation by Sri Chinmoy we read about a remark of a student compelled by their conscience and a reply of the spiritual teacher who suffocates the voice of conscience:


When I try to meditate, there is something that holds me back.


The thing that holds you back is fear. If you want the wealth which is deep inside you, then you have to dive within bravely. Only if you have inner courage can you receive the inner wealth. Fear of the unknown and the unknowable prevents you from diving deep within. ... The vastness of truth will never harm you. It will only embrace and fulfil you." (Sri Chinmoy, Meditation, pg 126)

Magic rituals, rites and actions may take different forms.

In case of educated people, they have a scientific form – for instance, by sitting in the center of an ‘energy’ source which will give them supernatural strength, or while holding hands under gushing water, when the negative energy seemingly leaves their body. Such phenomena may take the form of breathing exercises, which are not bad in themselves, but may become a trap when one starts seeking their spiritual satisfaction in them, as much as eating tasty food is not bad in itself, until one starts seeking satisfaction in this act. With people who lack conscience but are honest, the act of will which serves to achieve a goal may take a conscious and open satanistic form – for instance, through the summoning of Satan in order to give one knowledge, power or healing. Those with sensitive and hypocritical conscience cannot do so and ask for evil such a conscious and open way, so their deception often takes the form of religion. They seek satisfaction in religious sacraments they attribute mystical and superstitious meaning to. When such religiousness takes its tragic toll, the believer will tend to blame their spiritual downfall on their own incautiousness, for letting the communion bread accidentally drop out of their mouth by chewing gum or by using a toothbrush, believing that in this way they dropped a part of God out of their body:


After taking Holy Communion teeth should not be brushed out of practical reason for the whole day, so that a particle of Holy Secrets, which might get stuck in a tooth or between teeth, is not washed and spat out with toothpaste.


Taking off the cross is not recommended, since one may die after doing so, and may also be spellbound (since they are not protected).” (Advise me, father! – Replies of the priests and spiritualists to common doubts in everyday Christian and church life, Svetigora, pg 20-21)

One must deny commonsense analyses of their motives and actions to agree to such unjust and meaningless techniques to solve their problems. The neglected use of common sense is then compensated by irrational reference to authorities, experience, emotions, miracles, supernatural events whose purpose is to deceive and calm one’s guilty conscience. And miracles (strong elevated emotions, manifestations of supernatural power and healing, etc.), which will be used by Satan himself to bless meaningless actions, will by no means be lacking.


Although one would naturally think that miracles in religion function as proofs of righteousness of a certain belief, according to the Holy Testament, this is not their true function, because Satan himself has the power to make them. For those who have done miracles in the name of Jesus Christ, but violated demands of God’s law, Christ said that he had never known them: “Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.“ (Matthew 7:22-23) Let us pay attention to Christ’s concept of lawlessness which is typical of those who did miracles in the name of Christ, and for whom Christ said he had never known them. One’s attitude towards God’s law is very important, for God’s law is the only criterion for discerning good from evil: “Love therefore is the fulfilling of the law.” (Romans 13:10), and “Sin is iniquity.” (1 John 3:4). As a criterion of good and evil – God’s law is revealed to every person through their common sense and conscience, regardless of whether they are religious or not, because every person when tempted makes the choice between good and evil. “For there is no respect of persons with God. For not the hearers of the law are just before God: but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature those things that are of the law; these, having not the law, are a law to themselves. Who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them: and their thoughts between themselves accusing or also defending one another. In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.“ (Romans 2:11-16) The Holy Testament reveals that God’s law will be particularly disregarded in the period preceeding Christ’s Second Coming: "Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people, and because lawlessness will increase, the love of many people will grow cold." (Matthew 24:11-12) If the temptation of the world is breaking of God’s law (the Ten Commandments), then the answer to the temptation of such world is the truth about God’s law. However, the false spiritual prophesies of the modern age, submissive to human hedonism, actually advocate the illusion that by dying on the cross of Golgotha Christ cancelled God’s law. Such a false spiritual reformation of the modern age preaches God’s love in the spirit of the Eastern concept of love. Love is taken as a pleasant emotion which satisfies human selfishness, not a behavioral motive which forces one to act in accordance with God’s Ten Commandments. As behind these pleasant emotions un-devoted hearts lie, the conscience of such people is not clear, so they fear God’s law and God’s justice, because they are subject to their damnation. Due to their guilty conscience they are afraid of using the concept of sin and guilt, and deprive the notion of God in their minds of the attribute of righteousness. Since their conscience is not clear they have a strong need to use their emotions and various miracles which follow them throughout their lives to prove to themselves that they are in peace with God. Unlike them, those who really lead their lives with pure conscience have no need for any proofs and other means to reassure themselves they are on the right path and in peace with God. They are pleased with simple faith in God, His mercy and His salvation from sin.

If we deal with astrological calculations in order to check the extent of our rise above their influence, and thus find the proof of the successful and mature use of our will, we can lead ourselves into temptation of self-delusion, because Satan himself has the power to inspire us to commit actions which differ from astrological predictions, in order to assure us that we have taken the right path and seemingly left our destiny, that is, his plan for us. One who is truly on the right path will not need to prove that they are on the right path, just like a healthy person does not need to yell “Oh, how well are my kidneys and other internal organs performing!” They will not be aware of their internal organs if they are healthy. If they are not satisfied with simple trust in God and His promises of mercy with pure conscience, it means that they are still unrepentant in their hearts. Only the guilty ones have the need to feel their own righteousness.

The whole system of pseudo-religion has the purpose to provide people with a feeling of certainty in salvation which calms their guilty conscience. However, if they truly repented for their sins, they would have pure conscience and there would be no need for a pseudo-religious system. False religious experience releases people not of their sin, but the responsibility for their sins, so that is the reason why the research done in our country and throughout the world reveals that on average, religious people are worse (more prone to conflicts, etc.) than those who openly declare themselves as atheists.

Beside the function of self-justification, miracles may also be an answer to the needs of people with a strong desire for power. Satan has the power to make healing miracles, mostly by removing the symptoms of the disease he himself caused to happen. His supernatural miracles of healing may take the form of religion for those who are believers, then the form of science (bioenergy) for those who are atheists, and may take no form when done by those who openly admit they are satanists and that Satan himself gives them the power to heal, knowledge, influence, power, etc. The only way to verify the origin of the supernatural experience itself lies in the sensible analysis of its meaning, not by referring to own experiences and emotions. “Counsel shall keep thee, and prudence shall preserve thee that thou mayst be delivered from the evil way.“ (Proverbs 2:11-12) Relying on one’s own impressions and emotions is not recommended in the Holy Testament: “He that boasteth and puffeth up himself, stirreth up quarrels: but he that trusteth in the Lord, shall be healed.“ “A fool receiveth not the words of prudence: unless thou say those things which are in his heart.“ (Proverbs 28:26;18:2) When we realize, by rational analysis, that a miracle strives to compensate our need for a responsible re-examination of the righteousness of our own spiritual experience, or the righteousness of a certain belief, then we can be sure the miracle does not come from God.

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