(Weight Factor: 1)
Please refer to the "Guide for applicants" for information on evaluation criteria
3.1 Quality and effectiveness of the S&T methodology and associated work plan
A detailed work plan should be presented, broken down into work packages1 (WPs) which should follow the logical phases of the implementation of the project, and include consortium management and assessment of progress and results.
Please present your plans as follows:
i) Describe the overall strategy of the work plan (Maximum length – one page)
ii) Show the timing of the different WPs and their components (Gantt chart or similar).
iii) Provide a detailed work description broken down into work packages:
Work package list (please use table 3a);
Deliverables list (please use table 3b);
List of milestones (please use table 3c)
Description of each work package (please use table 3d)
Summary effort table (3e)
iv) Provide a graphical presentation of the components showing their interdependencies (Pert diagram or similar)
v) Describe any significant risks, and associated contingency plans
Note: The number of work packages used must be appropriate to the complexity of the work and the overall value of the proposed project. The planning should be sufficiently detailed to justify the proposed effort and allow progress monitoring.
(Recommended length for the whole of Section 3 –15 pages not including the Gantt chart, Pert diagram or tables 3a-e)
The objective of the project is to develop a methodology and tool support for model‐based evolutionary development of complex embedded systems, ensuring comprehensibility of models by human designers and decision makers. This objective defines the decomposition of the project into seven work packages shown in Figure 1 completed by a project management package (WP0, not shown).
Figure : Overall project workflow (interactions between technology packages are omitted)
The work packages can be separated in three groups: organizational work packages (WP0, WP7), business case work packages (WP1, WP6), and technology work packages (WP2–5). The project organization has been set up in such a way as to maximize modularity among the work packages, whilst allowing a clear definition of the individual contributions and the collaboration among partners.
The interfaces between the different models and tools will be clearly defined in the beginning of the project. Compliance will be monitored throughout the project duration at biannual board meetings. In order to measure the achievements of the DECISIVE approach, metrics and evaluation techniques will be defined. The DECISIVE approach will be validated in terms of usability of the solution, efficiency in resource usage, and benefits for the developed products. Finally, it should be noted that the validation use-case development in the business case packages will be guided by a selection of themes relevant to the societal and industrial priorities. These themes allow the consortium to better structure the validation tasks, relate them with corresponding activities in the technology work packages and define a coherent industrial exploitation strategy. The selection of themes is presented in the detailed WP6 description below.
/Simon Bliudze: Is this correct? Do we present themes in WP6, or should we rather write a separate sub-section for this?/
WP summaries and interconnections
Figure , above, explicits the work package organisation as related to the project work-flow. In this section, we provide short summaries of work packages and explain the functional interconnections among them, reflecting the intended DECISIVE product design work-flow. Detailed presentation of individual work packages is provided below.
Organizational work packages
The role of the organizational work packages is to ensure that the project correctly follows its course; establish and maintain communication links with relevant administration, standardization, industrial and academic bodies.
WP0 Project management: This work-package will contain all tasks related to the management of the project, i.e. monitoring and reporting. Central to the success of the project will be the establishment of a good quality plan, risk management plan and communication plans to ensure good information flow between the partners. Moreover this work-package will also include knowledge and IPR management in the project.
WP7 Dissemination & exploitation: Among the tasks of this work package will be setting up a project web site and publishing the latest project news and results there, publishing newsletters, conference and journal papers, organization of workshops, etc. An important component will also be to work towards a new European standard reference technology and interact with existing standardization organizations.
Business case work packages
The business case packages encompass the functional link between real-life industrial requirements and the technology to be developed in the project.
WP1 Requirements: WP1 covers the work on the specification of the business requirements and needs that the project is looking to answer. Commercial existing tools and European Patents will be analyzed in order to evaluate the needs about: learning from previous versions of the product, hand-over of models to new engineering teams, supporting product-management in steering the product requirements. Precise and testable requirements will be identified in order to cover these main areas: DECISIVE application monitoring, interfaces between DECISIVE models, DECISIVE human-centric tools interfaces, and decision-support to product management during the decision phase. A appropriated test methodology will be defined in order to verify the requirements fulfilling during the verification and validation phases.
WP6 Industrial validation: This package covers the definition, development and evaluation of use cases for the validation of the DECISIVE approach in terms of usability of the solution, efficiency, and benefits for the developed products. Metrics and evaluation techniques will be defined allowing one to quantify the benefit of the DECISIVE approach. Feedback to technology packages will be provided.
Technology work packages
Technology packages will work on the models and techniques to be used at all stages of the DECISIVE design work-flow in order to produce a coherent approach for evolutionary design and understandability of models by human designers and decision makers.
WP2 Modelling and design frameworks: This work package will realize extensions to the current modelling and design frameworks to back-annotate the information learned and gathered during earlier system evolutions; it will provide model-transformations that use this information to improve the quality of decisions, increase reuse, reduce the development time, increase the quality of the final implementation, improve the overall engineering process and support the creation of safety-cases.
WP3 Monitoring and analysis infrastructure: Within this work package the necessary evaluation, simulation and profiling techniques will be developed to generate data for the characterization of software/hardware components in respect to their runtime behaviour, memory footprint, power consumption, etc. Non-intrusive hardware- and low-impact software-monitoring techniques will be aimed at. The obtained information will be back-annotated to the high-level model description for reuse during the evolution of components.
WP4 Model management and visualization: This work package will develop methods and tools for model management automation and improved comprehension during the system evolution or handovers between teams, in particular, by automating the generation of standardized model-views and preventing errors from being introduced into the model. In addition, we will improve model management capabilities, e.g., editing, layout, and model comprehension, for analysis and maintenance.
WP5 Design for evolvability: This work package will develop decision support methods and tools for the synthesis of system architectures that are extensible, thus greatly reducing time and engineering effort required for evolutions and product line variations. We will provide trade-off analysis tools that will allow a systems architect to decide the right amount of extensibility, without compromising other objectives such as performance, cost, energy consumption and safety.
Functional Interconnections among the work packages
One of the DECISIVE objectives is to cover the entire design workflow according to the current state of the practice. Beyond the classical V-cycle, such a workflow involves several iterations of the loop consisting of a design phase, followed by the analysis phase and an adaptation of the model based on the analysis results. This workflow is illustrated in Figure below.
Figure : Target DECISIVE workflow (blue ovals represent artefacts, blue rectangles represent tools, dashed contours define the DECISIVE work package boundaries).
The workflow shown in Figure , provides also the functional dependencies between the work packages of the project (shown in dashed grey contours). Indeed, WP2 and WP3 are devoted to collection and storage of the information about the system under development, whereas WP4 and WP5 – as their names suggest – concern mainly visualisation, editing and decision support for the process. As such WP4 and WP5 are rather independent one from another and from WP2 and WP3. Hence these two packages benefit from increased modularity, thus reducing the associated risk for the project.
Work packages 2 and 3 are connected stronger due to their shared influence over the execution platform. Furthermore, clear interfaces have to be established between the modelling formalisms and monitoring and analysis techniques (that is between WP2 and WP3) in order to build flexible back-annotation mechanisms.
Project time-line
The chart below (Figure ) shows the proposed time-line for the project. In order to enable the coherent industrial validation of the models and tools developed in the project, the technology packages and validation are split in two phases. First prototypes of the industrial validators based on the results of Phase 1 of the technology packages will provide the feedback necessary for the refinement of the models and tools in Phase 2. The work in the technology packages does not start immediately but only after the specifications of the business requirements have been completed. This will ensure that the business requirements effectively influence the technology to be developed in the project. Furthermore, the work in the technology packages must be completed in advance with respect to the overall project termination in order to allow for the final validation to be effectuated on the obtained results.
Figure : Time‐line for the DECISIVE project.
Table 3 a: Template - Work package list
Work package list
Work package
Work package title
Lead partic. short name
Project management
Modelling and design frameworks
Monitoring and analysis infrastructure
Model management and visualization
Design for evolvability
Industrial validation
Dissemination & exploitation
Table 3 b: Template - Deliverables List
List of Deliverables
Del. no. 6
Deliverable name
WP no.
Delivery date9
Table 3c Template - List of milestones
Milestones are control points where decisions are needed with regard to the next stage of the project. For example, a milestone may occur when a major result has been achieved, if its successful attainment is a required for the next phase of work. Another example would be a point when the consortium must decide which of several technologies to adopt for further development.
Milestone number
Milestone name
Work package(s) involved
Expected date 10
Means of verification11
Table 3 d: Template - Work package description
Work package description
Work package number
Start date or starting event:
Work package title
Project management
Participant number
Participant short name
Person-months per participant
Project management of DECISIVE will leverage on the vast experience in management structures and procedures of Philips in former EU-funded projects of similar size and impact. Due attention will be given in anticipating issues and maximizing the exploitation of foreground Intellectual Property rights originating from the project.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks) and role of partners
Task 0.1. Project management
Timing: M1-M36
Lead: Philips
Contributors: all partners
In this task, the project coordinator and all the partners will perform the due project management activities, as described in Section 5 of this proposal. Such activities are comprehensive of technical, strategic, administrative and financial actions, all devoted to an efficient, on-time execution of the project work and the responsible delivery of the corresponding results. Key tool for project management will be the Internal Project Website. It will be used to manage the contact and distribution lists, as well as a repository for communication and documentation exchange among the partners. If possible it will be linked to or integrated in the external project website.
Task 0.2. Communication with the JU and PAs
Timing: M1-M36
Lead: Philips
Contributors: country coordinators
The project coordinator will be the primary contact point to the JU-Artemis and the reviewers for all matters, technical and administrative, concerning the execution, progress and management of all project activities. Any action concerning communication to the JU and the reviewers, as well as the exchange of technical, administrative and legal documents occurs in the context of this task. A specific section of the Internal Project Web Site will be dedicated to the interaction with the JU and the Project Officers, through secure connections and password protected folders and directories.
Deliverables (brief description) and month of delivery
Internal Project Website
First Periodic Project Report
Philips, All
Second Periodic Project Report
Philips, All
Third Periodic Project Report
Philips, All
Final Publishable Summary Report
Philips, All
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