LEE MORRIS, CHAIR ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING (CONT’D) 98-O-1518 ( 5) Consequently, Councilmember Bond so Moved to Amend to
(Cont’d) change the age requirement to 65 and it was properly Seconded by Councilmember Starnes. Discussion ensued but concluded with Councilmember Boazman’s Motion to Call the Question. Properly Seconded, the Call CARRIED by voice vote. A subsequent Motion to Adopt as Amended then CARRIED by a roll call vote of 10 yeas; 4 nays. ADOPTED AS AMENDED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 10 YEAS; 4 NAYS 98-O-1923 ( 6) An Ordinance by Councilmember C. T. Martin to allow Water Department employees affected by privatization to vest early and to keep their health care benefits upon leaving City employment; and for other purposes. (No Recommendation - 3-Yeas; 2-Nays)
Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item and noted that it came forth without Recommendation from the Committee. As prerogative of the Chair, Mr. Morris then Made a Motion to File. Properly Seconded, the Motion CARRIED by a roll call vote of 11 yeas; 3 nays. However, later in the meeting, Councilmember Bond provided clarification and Made a Motion to Reconsider which was properly Seconded and CARRIED by a roll call vote of 8 yeas; 5 nays. Thereafter, Councilmember Bond Made a Motion to Refer which was properly Seconded and CARRIED by a roll call vote of 11 yeas; 3 nays. REFERRED TO FINANCE/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 11 YEAS; 3 NAYS
Council President Robb Pitts Presided
LEE MORRIS, CHAIR ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING (CONT’D) 98-O-0901 ( 7) An Ordinance by Councilmembers Vern McCarty and Michael Bond authorizing that vested employees whose jobs are to be affected by the privatization process be given the right of first refusal for vacant jobs in City Government for which they are qualified; to authorize the Department of Personnel and Human Resources to work with these employees; and for other purposes. (No Recommendation - 3-Yeas; 2-Nays)
Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item, stated that it came forth without Recommendation from the Committee and noted that the Law Department found the wording of the legislation to be problematic. As prerogative of the Chair, Mr. Morris Made a Motion to File. Councilmember Moore requested clarification from City Attorney Susan Langford who responded accordingly. Discussion ensued between the two wherein Ms. Moore asked if the Law Department had any suggestive language to offer that would improve the legislation. However, Ms Langford stated that she did not have any suggestions at that time. Consequently, Ms. Moore wanted the item held until later in the meeting; however, Councilmember Bond Made a Substitute Motion to Refer 98-O-0901 Back to Committee. That Motion was properly Seconded and following a brief discussion CARRIED by a roll call vote of 9 yeas; 4 nays. REFERRED TO FINANCE/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 9 YEAS; 4 NAYS
Council President Robb Pitts Presided
LEE MORRIS, CHAIR ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING (CONT’D) 98-O-2132 ( 8) An Ordinance by Councilmembers Michael Bond, Cleta Winslow, Vern McCarty and Jim Maddoxas substituted providing for (1) the sale of $8,000,000.00 City of Atlanta Various Purpose General Obligation Bonds, Dated December 1, 1998; (2) the undertaking of a continuing disclosure commitment in compliance with S .E. C. Rule 15c 2-12(b)(5); (3) the adoption of a form for the Bonds; (4) the execution of the Bonds; (5) the naming of a paying agent and a Bond Registrar; (6) the levy of a continuing direct annual tax without limit as to rate or amount on all taxable property within the territorial limits of the City sufficient to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any and interest on the Bonds; and (7) other purposes. (Substitute will be presented at Council; No Recommendation by Committee) Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item and noted that it came forth without Recommendation from the Committee. As prerogative of the Chair, he Made a Motion to Bring Forth a Substitute. Properly Seconded, the Motion CARRIED without objection and Mr. Morris sounded the Substitute. Council President Pitts requested clarification from Mr. Morris and Chief Financial Officer Judith Blackwell. Both responded accordingly and in due course, Mr. Morris Made a Motion to Adopt on Substitute. Properly Seconded, the Motion CARRIED by a roll call vote of 11 yeas; 1 nay. ADOPTED ON SUBSTITUTE BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 11 YEAS; 1 NAY
Council President Robb Pitts Presided
LEE MORRIS, CHAIR RESOLUTIONS 98-R-1713 ( 1) A Resolution by Councilmembers Lee Morris, Derrick Boazman, Jim Maddox, Felicia Moore, Clair Muller, Doug Alexander, Julia Emmons and Cathy Woolard to add to the 1999 Legislative Package the abolishment of the Atlanta-Fulton County Recreation Authority and the transference of its contractual relationships and functions to the Finance Department and other appropriate departments of City Government; and for other purposes. (Favorable - 6-Yeas; 1-Nay) Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item and on behalf of the Committee, Made a Motion to Adopt. Discussion ensued but ended with Councilmember Woolard’s Motion to Call the Question, which was properly Seconded and CARRIED by voice vote. Subsequently, the Motion to Adopt CARRIED by a roll call vote of 8 yeas; 7 nays, including Council President Pitts’ tie breaking vote.
Councilmember Maddox Served Notice to Reconsider 98-R-1713 at the next Full Council meeting. However, President Pitts Ruled that action Out of Order based on the criteria for Notices to Reconsider that is authorized in the City’s Charter. A Motion to Override the President’s Ruling was Made by Councilmember Maddox and a lengthy discussion ensued wherein City Attorney Susan Langford was asked to opine. Ms. Langford opined accordingly and subsequently the Motion to Override FAILED by a roll call vote of 6 yeas; 7 nays. Therefore, the previous Adoption of 98-R-1713 stood. ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 8 YEAS; 7 NAYS